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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6396000 No.6396000[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you do if you want to study STEM, but don't think you're smart enough?

>> No.6396003

Get rich and support the field instead

>> No.6396009

Work harder.

>> No.6396010

Pretty much this, OP. I'm doing the same thing at the moment.

I always wanted to be a physicist, but I dropped it cause I suck at high-level math. I'm graduating in Finance & Accountancy, I wanna found my own VC/Start-up Investment Fund and support STEM research with the big money.

>> No.6396011

do it anyway, you want do do it therefore you are motivated and you will get there in time

>> No.6396012

I ain't gonna be rich.

>> No.6396014

You don't have to be smart to study STEM.

>> No.6396017
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I recently realized, at least to some extent, that I'll be no good in mathematical research, and therefore, because I don't want to risk getting a useless degree(unless for teaching in high school, ew) if I fail, I'm going to specialize in applied mathematics, more precisely in economy and finance, where the big money is.
I can keep studying in my free time.

We can't all be scientists after all.

>> No.6396035

You simply work harder than anyone else.

>> No.6396037

If you feel like a dumb little shit while studying STEM, don't worry. 9 out of 10 STEM people are dumb little shits anyway, and they all get their degrees. Of course, don't go to grad school if you actually are a dumb little shit, but if you're aiming for an undergrad degree I'd say just go for it. No reason to be afraid.

>> No.6396049

study it anyway. you just might not become a professor at an ivy league but that doesn't matter.

>> No.6396052

No one is really too dumb, just too lazy.

If it's your dream, just power through and work hard. You'll make it. And of not, just get dilla dollas and contribute to the stem fields.

>> No.6396062

I study economics instead.

>> No.6396835

Study biology.

>> No.6396852

read the book Mastery op, if your heart is truly in it you can compensate for your short commings.

>> No.6396855

>If you feel like a dumb little shit while studying STEM, don't worry. 9 out of 10 STEM people are dumb little shits anyway, and they all get their degrees. Of course, don't go to grad school if you actually are a dumb little shit, but if you're aiming for an undergrad degree I'd say just go for it. No reason to be afraid.

Dumb little shit reporting in. Recent college grad. This is true. You'll meet incredibly bright people, and a ton of fucking retards. You're probably more average than you think, all things considered. You might have to work harder than most, but you'll probably be able to do it if you find the right major. I was able to graduate with an average GPA, and only had to retake three classes throughout my entire undergrad studies (only one I actually failed. My school required a C in major courses.)

If you major in anything else, have fun dealing with feminists and retarded liberals.

>> No.6396868


>> No.6397406

The path for everything

>> No.6398130

something in the Chemistry field or Biology. Based much more on memory than intelligence

>> No.6398135

Yep. You can major in anything and be successful in undergrad if you're not lazy and/or you are passionate about the subject. That's undergrad.

In graduate school, you'll either hit a brick wall where you are clearly not able to compete with the bright ones or you'll find out if you truly love the subject. This is particularly true in Math and Physics. Not so much in other grad programs. If you truly are obsessed with the subject and you're truly love it more than anything and believe it is your calling than you'll be fine.

>> No.6398164


They're co-dependent. Can't have one without the other.

>> No.6398170

Being smart has nothing to do with it. It is all about studying. In fact, if you're smart you might fail.



>> No.6398175

This. STEM is 80% about working hard and 20% about intelligence.

>> No.6398214
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I didn't think I was smart enough for a whole load of things and currently I am procrastinating from studying noncommutative geometry so get your fucking act together like I did and push forward.

>> No.6398218 [DELETED] 
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Alright everyone.

I graduated university here in the UK with an IT degree, and I'm looking at getting a postgrad in med in Aus.

4 year doctor of medicine, and I need the GAMSAT to get in. I've been studying for the past 3 months, as all the sciences are a first to me.

Not sure if my GAMSAT score will be high enough to get in anywhere this time, as the test is in two weeks. That aside, my reason for posting is I'm having an age crisis.

I graduated at 20, and I'm turning 21 this year. I feel like I'm too old for medicine. If I get in this year and thus start next year I'll graduate at 25, otherwise if I resit the entrance exam I'll be 26. Then 27. Etc.

I feel like that's way too old. Someone convince me I'm retarded.

..G...GAMSAT /general/?

>> No.6398222

im interested in studying something to do with astronomy/ the universe

do i need to be smart for that?

>> No.6398233

>smartest man in america
>a fat fuck

>> No.6398245
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>smart enough
I think you mean:

>What do you do if you want to study STEM, but don't want to put in thousands of hours into your studies?

>> No.6398247

That's when you go engineering or computer science. Very respectable fields.

>> No.6398250

Pretty sure you are at least smart enough for the T, E and some S.

>> No.6398252


I'm thinking you don't know much about chemistry.

>> No.6398271

stop being a little bitch

if you stop worrying about silly shit, take the time to study, stay organized and persist you will succeed

I mean like, turn it into part of your daily routine, before ipads I used to read text books on the bus to college, all the wannabe gangstas would think I was a nerd and I was like "haha, wait a minute, I'm white, I don't give a fuck what you think"

now look at me, I'm sitting in a $600 chair and I get more pussy than your dad

>> No.6398290
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Best post that I've seen tonight. o/

>> No.6398304

I also take the bus and do the same thing in front of the nignogs, don't give a fuck.

>> No.6398305

> get more pussy than your dad
I am thankfully agnostic on the amount of pussy that is

>> No.6398322

Lol what the hell. I agree but lol. Not even white.

>> No.6398354
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"Work harder" they said.

>> No.6398357


>"haha, wait a minute, I'm white, I don't give a fuck what you think"

Inspirational, in a strange way.

>> No.6399329

some people imply that it's even harder than math

>> No.6399337

Study. If you study an hour a day on top of taking note in lectures you should be fine.
Obviously you still need to study a bit more before tests but you can just study the weekend before them and still do fine so long as you studied throughout the semester.

>> No.6399340

There is no math gene, only hard work.
