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6381692 No.6381692[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the most painful way to die?

>> No.6381693


>> No.6381694

definitely that ancient river shit on your ass method, dunno what was it called

>> No.6381707


I learned what that was when I was readingabout the anabasis

>> No.6381724

holy fuck that's gruesome...i mean can you even do something, like biting your tongue and suffocating or something else? thats just fucked up if you have to endure

>> No.6381728

Obviously this is the worst one, but let's do the top 5 runners up.

1. Brazen Bull
2. Necklacing
3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boyd_and_Parker_ambush#Ambush
4. Keelhauling
5. Judas Chair

Honorable Mention from an earlier /sci/ thread: Pouring a gram or two of molten lava onto the victim's exposed anus.

>> No.6381731


Blood Eagle was meant to be pretty fucking horrific.

Having your lungs torn out of your back and then sprinkled with salt? Not good.

>> No.6381733

seriously though, humans are amazing at developing creative methods for killing each other for personal gain, but i can't fathom somebody taking the time to think of such a twisted ways of tormenting another person...it's just inhumane

>> No.6381742

Phalaris commanded that the bull be designed in such a way that its smoke rose in spicy clouds of incense.[citation needed] The head of the bull was designed with a complex system of tubes and stops so that the prisoner's screams were converted into sounds like the bellowing of an infuriated bull. According to legend, when the bull was reopened, the victim's scorched bones "shone like jewels and were made into bracelets."[3]
Perillos said to Phalaris: "[His screams] will come to you through the pipes as the tenderest, most pathetic, most melodious of bellowings." Disgusted by these words, Phalaris ordered its horn sound system to be tested on Perillos himself. When Perillos entered, he was immediately locked in, and the fire was set, so that Phalaris could hear the sound of his screams. Before Perillos could die, Phalaris opened the door and took him away. Perillos believed he would receive a reward for his invention; instead, after freeing him from the bull, Phalaris threw him from the top of a hill, killing him. Phalaris himself is said to have been killed in the brazen bull when he was overthrown by Telemachus, the ancestor of Theron.[citation needed]

Greece sure seemed like an interesting place

>> No.6381747

pitchcapping seems good.
when they pour hot pitch onto your scalp and then let you beat your head against a wall until you die just to escape the agony.

pouring molten gold into the mouth would be pretty awesome too.

>> No.6381757

The gold thing reminds me of Game of Thrones, I'd assume that would fucking suck. Would you pass out and die from sensory overload or something like that though?

>> No.6381772
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>> No.6382235

This thread is 2edgy4me. Why do you fags only talk about torture? Can't you think of any naturally occurring diseases associated with lots of pain?

>> No.6382246

Torture induced by man is much more interesting because it complies with the primal urge to exercise power.

>> No.6382287

>primal urge to exercise power
Fuck off to /pol/.

>> No.6382303

Nice biotruth

Now go back to >>>/pol/

Your IQ is too low for this board.

>> No.6382326

Don't people generally just pass out from too much pain? So, I guess anything slightly less than that.

>> No.6382380

This guy here.

Bone cancer.

>> No.6382430

paracetamol overdose

>> No.6382501
File: 83 KB, 241x228, please be in london.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>highlight necklacing
>right click
>"search google for necklacing"
>this is the second link


>> No.6382548

a shit i can't remember the name of that disease that (i think) primarily affect your skin. Something like your skin shrivels up on parts of your body, leaving other parts exposed. Most of affected people die of infection and related stuff.
Maybe not most painful but the pictures of infected people are gruesomely fucked up.

>> No.6382567
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what did he do to deserve that

>> No.6382580

He claimed that 0.999... and 1 are the same number.

>> No.6382587

acid bath

>> No.6382582
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Water poisoning
Strychnine poisoning
Vacuum exposure
Pancreatic cancer
Acute radiation syndrome

Oh... and I hear tell, as funny as it seemed in the cartoons, that tar-and-feathering was a particularly painful way to go.

>> No.6382604

I read burning and drowning are the most painful ways to die, so I combined them - naturally.

You're tied upside down, hanging from a rope (imagine a pinata), and directly below your head is a tank of water. You are lowered into the tank (just your head) for 30 seconds at a time. You are lit on fire, tied with barbed wire, while people stab you with mechanical pencils. Eventually you are lowered into the tank until you die.

>> No.6382611
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>> No.6382624
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>> No.6382628

Are you literally 12 years old? I cannot imagine any other reason for saving, let alone reposting that edgy comic.

>> No.6382632


Agreed though.

>> No.6382634

>people don't rename files when saving

>> No.6382639

He is edgy.

>> No.6382637
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What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.6382640

Not true

Drowning is actually relatively painless, and 99% of fire death's are caused by smoke inhalation (which is why they teach you in firefighting skool that if your ever trapped in a fire just lift up your mask and breath in as hard as you can - no shit)

Though, I wounder what would happen to someone drowning in a pool of burning kerosine...

>> No.6382648

Probably a gay man or smt.

>> No.6382652

create a 'maximum pain' machine.

transform all the matter and energy in the universe into a nervous system, geared for maximum pain potential.

apply maximum pain to all neurons.

continue until energy in our universe is exhausted.

>> No.6382660

>Drowning is actually relatively painless
says someone who has clearly never drowned. When I was on the swim team I got trapped under a pool cover (we were doing breathing exercises and my coach was pissed at us for something). I panicked and inhaled water and it was the absolute most painful experience of my life. Also as a lifeguard I have seen the pained looks on the faces of other drowning victims as I pulled them out of the water. Drowning is absolutely NOT "relatively painless" by any means at all.

>> No.6382662
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>Honorable Mention from an earlier /sci/ thread: Pouring a gram or two of molten lava onto the victim's exposed anus.
I remember this.

>> No.6382667

clearly an akali bath is the most painful way to die.

>> No.6382668

*alkali bath*

>> No.6382669

maybe your just a pussy

>> No.6382672

maybe you're just talking out of your ass, assuming you're this anon >>6382640. I can't compare drowning to other forms of death, but it is not at all painless or relatively painless.

>> No.6382685

thought it was relevant

>> No.6382688
File: 13 KB, 365x300, Alkali-Bath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alkali bath: You get the sensation of being burned alive, but your brain will continue working longer so you will feel every single burning pain that happens to your body. When you enter the Alkali bath, and your flesh begins to dissolve the pain will be intense, like being skinned alive, but then the inner layer of the skin starts to dissolve and that's where the real pain begins. Add to that the alkalosis overexciting your nerves, causing them to become inflamed and the convulsions that will soon follow, and then you will die. Your entire insides are burning and dissolving, yet your brain is functioning.

>> No.6382698
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Well that's why we don't ASS_U_ME

I'll give you that drowning is psychologically about as bad as a way to go, almost as bad as this
But, as some who has not only drowned, but has been fucked up 6 ways to Sunday, it is a RELATIVELY painless way to die.

>> No.6382717

I don't doubt that there are more painful ways to die, but I do doubt that you have ever drowned. I have endured bone marrow biopsies that were less painful than drowning. Full inhalation of water (not just choking a little down that you can cough up later) feels like sucking down ice cold fiberglass and causes all your muscles to cramp up at once. Saying it's "relatively painless" sounds like you're quoting some movie and you don't really know what you're talking about. Less painful than being necklaced, maybe so, but a relatively painless way to die it is not.

>> No.6382746
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>Less painful than being necklaced
Lrn2reading comprehension

>doubt that you have ever drowned
Because I have nothing better to do then lie on the interwebs

>> No.6382750

>I read burning and drowning are the most painful ways to die

>Not true
>Drowning is actually relatively painless [notice no comparison to other forms of death here]
>emphasizing relatively as if you were making a comparison

This is what we call equivocation and moving the goal post. ur a faget.

>> No.6382763
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>[notice no comparison to other forms of death here]

"relatively" implies a comparison, and as such, there is no need elaborate you fucking autist.

>> No.6382767

Then please explain, relative to what?

Because relative to other non-murderous ways to die, drowning is among the most painful, you fucking retard. If you want to avoid these sort of situations again, be more specific and don't try to equivocate your way out of it when you get called out on it, or better yet just don't talk out of your ass.

>> No.6382778
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Geez, idk OTHER FORMS OF DEATH maybe...

And no your still wrong see >>6382582

Oh and nice strawman

>> No.6382783

ha, no.

>> No.6382805

Death by a thousand cuts seems like a particularly nasty way to go if you have ever seen any of the photos.

>> No.6382817

>stripped naked
>drug behind a horse
>limbs stretched
>hung by neck until almost dead
>set on table
>genitals cut off and thrown into fire
>abdomen sliced open
>intestines pulled out and placed on table
>intestines lit on fire while still attached
>split open chest cavity
>they dick around in your chest until you finally die
>everyone watches and cheers

England sure knew how to ruin someone's day.

>> No.6382824
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Self-diagnosed sociopath here. I'm enjoying this thread.

>> No.6382836

>Self-diagnosed sociopath

>> No.6382838

sociopath or psychopath?

Very different, but easily confused.

>> No.6382843

and if you were a woman, they publicly burnt you at the stake instead--because of public decency.