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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6381162 No.6381162[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: honest descriptions of our scientific roles

Hey anon, you sure do spend a lot of time on /sci/ calling other posters idiots and hating on Neil Degrasse Tyson. Care to back that shit up?

What are your credentials and what is your job? Are you contributing to the scientific field you claim to be an expert in?

Prove to me you aren't just a neckbearded loser. Pic related: if you were doing shit like these guys, you wouldnt have time to shit-post

>inb4 mathanyjob300k

>> No.6381177

I'm a PhD student working on LHCb.

My current project is a fully tagged time-dependent angular analysis of the Bs->phiphi decay using the 3 inverse-femtobarn dataset from run 1 of the LHC.

The standard model predicts there are CP-violating phases in mixing and decay, but that they should interfere destructively and pretty much cancel out completely.

We haven't published yet, but we basically see nothing. We did manage to make the first observation of Lambda_b to phi K p, though, so there's that.

>> No.6381179

BS in physics
MS in photonics and optoelectronics
Research background in fluorescence microscopy, camera imaging systems, and some fiber optics

Currently unemployed and desperately applying everywhere. Want to get into fiber-optic networking and every job has that "3+ years experience" bullet point. Personally I think it's a conspiracy among hr depts run by poorly educated asshats to extend the economic recession as long as possible.

>Sorry, we're looking for a 20+ year veteran in our immediate area with the exact skillset described here who wants to work for $20,000 a year on a 3 month rolling contract. We'll keep your resume on file

>> No.6381198

BS microbiology

I wash lab equipment for minimum wage.

>> No.6381209

>hating on Neil Degrasse Tyson
Only recently started browsing this board, and I have seen a bit of this.

I am personally indifferent towards him, and only know about him from the layman who is in the "science is awesome" phase.

Is thatthe main reason for the hate?

>> No.6381219

yeah the autists on /sci/ think that they have some sort of highground and hate the fact that STEM education and outreach has become so ubiquitous


>> No.6381234

His threads get spammed a lot by vsauce (really gay YouTuber). Dude thinks that if NDT is popular then his YouTube videos will follow. Look at the catalog, there's a ton of threads at all times.

>> No.6381235

I got a BS in mathematics and will go to graduate school in the fall. In the interim I am caring for other people's dogs at a kennel.

>> No.6381348

>thread dying quickly

Just as I suspected. You're all worthless

>> No.6381360

R&D. Semiconductor growth and characterization.

I have a PhD that's technically in chemistry.

>> No.6381434

Will be recieving my BS in mathematics. working as a personal trainer

>> No.6381443
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community college. Fucked up at uni and got kicked out. Probably not even worth staying, doomed to be a 3rd rate electrician or something.

>> No.6381444

B.S. Psychology, emphasis in neuroscience.

Currently working in an ivy league neuroscience research lab while I complete pre-med courses. Hope to apply to MD/PhD programs.

>> No.6381450

BS in EE.
RAN Engineer.

>> No.6381454

Should say - hope to be accepted to an MD/PhD program. Nothing stopping me from applying, heh


>> No.6381458
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>aerospace engineering at GT
>minor in physics
I'm going to be the first tranny in space, I've already decided.

>> No.6381461 [DELETED] 

check your respiration privilege and spacewalk without a suit. You can't refuse to acknowledge the biology of reproduction, why not cellular processes?

>> No.6381467
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>fellow lgbt STEM major

On my way to a math/bio interdisciplinary degree.

>> No.6381472

Kicked out of uni on the first year (not my fault - honest). Gonna apply to a better one next year. Thought about chemistry because of money, but reading how bullshit uni material is, I'm thinking fuck it.

>> No.6381473

BSc Biochem, MD, FRCPC in progress

>> No.6381477
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I finished my MSc and then became an electrician. Don't knock it. It's far more satisfying, and I make more money working fewer hours than do any of my friends who went on to academia. I do research in my (copious amounts of) spare time, and I actually enjoy it now because there's no pressure.

>> No.6381482

Research? How did you get a lab?

>> No.6381513

Built one with his retarded salary I would assume. Electricians make stupid amounts of money.

>> No.6381519

BS general biology
Few years off working in a university research lab
Med school now

Gonna be 34 before I ever get a decent pay check. fuck.

>> No.6381533

Masters in physics and astronomy.
Starting a PhD on the chemical evolution of galaxies largely based in integral field spectroscopy of high redshift galaxies.

>> No.6381567

senior in biochem, working in a lab on my thesis (we're required to do one in order to get a BS; no requirement for BA).

>Few years off working in a university research lab
i take it you regret doing this? i'm in biochem and told my current PI i might take a year off before going to grad school, and he said he'd let me work there as an RA in the meantime. right now i feel as aimless as i did when applying for college and choosing a major and maybe the year off would help me get back on track.