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6378983 No.6378983[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>It is believed that Europa has an outer layer of water around 100 km (62 mi) thick


Damn space, you scary! A body of water that's 62 miles deep.

>> No.6378997
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>you will never explore Europes creepy ocean

>> No.6379035

Considering there used to be 3 to 4km of ice above me where i sit atm during the last iceage, that is not so special. And antarctica still has sheets that thick and our planet is red hot compared to europe thata sits out there in the wastes. It gives you perspective of the task at hand if we wanted to explore under there though.

>> No.6379056

62 miles is ca 100 km.

The deepest we can get on earth is right above 10 km. A couple of kilometres of ice is nothing, dude. 100 km is a lot.

>> No.6379065
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Well, since Jupiter is pretty much a failed star, try to imagine this...

>We detonate many Hydrogen bombs at the poles of Jupiter
>It might cause a chain reaction with it's atmosphere, causing it to ignite into a true star
>Europa melts
>Life flourishes on Europa
>Europa is Earth
>Jupiter is Sol
your face when it may be possible

>> No.6379068

What would be the energy that gets to the Earth be like?

>> No.6379072

>We detonate many Hydrogen bombs at the poles of Jupiter
>It might cause a chain reaction with it's atmosphere, causing it to ignite into a true star
Jupiter fails to have enough mass to become a sustainable star. Just heating it wouldn't be enough.

>> No.6379075


not sure if trolling or retarded...

>> No.6379077

So, how we gonna drill that?

>> No.6379080

That feel

>> No.6379082

wat i dont understand is why that dinky assed moon is the only celestial body in our solar system besides earf - with water.

>> No.6379086

not to mention the heat would vaporize all of its own moonz and probably fuckup life on earf

>> No.6379088


It's not, if you include ice. Water ice is all over the place.

>> No.6379097

but you need water for life and europa is our only real chance for finding et life our solar system. it also frightens me how fucked up venus and mars are. leads me to believe that we are lucky as hell to have life on earf and that something bad will happen to us too. glass-half-empty.jpg

>> No.6379104

"Observations with the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph of the Hubble Space Telescope, first described in 1995, revealed that Europa has a tenuous atmosphere composed mostly of molecular oxygen (O2)."

>> No.6379111

"One estimate suggests that, given the turnover rate inferred from the apparent ~0.5 Gyr maximum age of Europa's surface ice, subduction of radiolytically generated oxidizing species might well lead to oceanic free oxygen concentrations that are comparable to those in terrestrial deep oceans"
life confirmed

>> No.6379310
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>yfw we europa now

>> No.6379311

>Simply heating your Jupiters
>Not using your broiler

>> No.6379314

>Oxygen and water present
>Therefore life
Worse than creationists.

>> No.6379322

That's not literally what anon meant. He was somewhat exaggerating, as the requirements for life are surprisingly low. There can even be Silicon based life, or some other 2spooky shit

>> No.6379324

How high must the pressure be at the bottom?

>> No.6379327

Someone's been reading too much Arthur C Clarke.

>> No.6379335

Haven't you heard about liquid water on mars?

>> No.6379339

Enceladus. There are 3 bodies with liquid water. Possibly more. And PLENTY of ice.

>> No.6379357

ACC was better than that.
Give him a little credit

>> No.6379793

yfw life a/rose/ on earf very soon after it was possible.

>> No.6379813
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>every time a comet or extraterrestial object that could have ignited life on Europa got close Jupiter swallowed it up in it's gravitational field.

>> No.6379830

Holy shit, so Europa could have ice 10-30 kilometers thick. Just the ice thickness alone could be more than Challenger deep.

How the fuck are we going to drill through all that in a reasonable time period and get a signal to the surface?

>> No.6379838

Europa has more water than Earth

>> No.6379871

>A body of water that's 62 miles deep.

What's the PSI in Europa?

>> No.6379890

Si life is extremely unlikely do to Si physical size and the problems it creates with gas exchange
I guess if your incredibly simple but even then

>> No.6379899

Europa's ocean may be 100-200km deep with the pressure at the bottom being 130-260 MPa or 37700 Psi. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11541880

Another source says the floor pressure might be at 100 MPa or 14500 Psi.

Comparison: Mariana Trench 15,700 psi

>> No.6379903

<span class="math"> \Delta p = \int \rho_{H2O} g \mathrm{d} z [/spoiler]
<span class="math"> g= \frac{GM}{z^2} [/spoiler]
<span class="math"> M = 4/3 \pi z^3 \rho_{Europa} [/spoiler]
<span class="math"> \rho_{Europa} = \frac{3}{4} \frac{m_{Europa}}{\pi r_{Europa}^3} [/spoiler]

>> No.6379906

1. Send space probe to Europa with instruments to measure its physical and chemical characteristics.
2. Send another probe to Europa with designer organisms (such as GM bacteria) that are able to undergo rapid changes in genetic makeup in response to environmental pressures
3. ????
4. PROFIT!!!!??

>> No.6379908

I'm under the impression that Jupiter's electromagnetic field fucks up instruments sent to Europa.

The same reason why we think there is liquid water on Europa is the same reason we can't visit it.

>> No.6379910


>> No.6380451

Nuclear power and heat/diamond drill.
Can't we just shield the electronics?

>> No.6380581

Just saw the Europa Report (on Netflix) which plays off of that. Not the best acting or highest budget, but has a great lead into a neat ending. And none of that soap opera side story bullshit.

>> No.6380629


then where are all the europeans living?

>> No.6380630

Yeah good flick. Much less Hollywood science than typical. I like how they incorporated radioactive materials into the composition of the organisms to explain how they could operate at without many external sources of heat available.

>> No.6380636

read 2001 and 2010, a space odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke for the original take on it.

films too. much better than Europa Report

>> No.6380656

We live in texas mate :^)

>> No.6380683

Doesnt Europa get an assload of radiation from Jupiter?

>> No.6380689

Yea. I see no reason why life couldn't find a way to use it as a replacement for sunlight.

>> No.6380703

what the fuck are u talking about its got the whole mediterranian ocean

>> No.6380728

yuropoor here.
I can positively claim that no 100Km deep ocean is present at my location.

>> No.6381283

2010's ending was amazing. Not as good as the first movie, but the ending was incredible

>> No.6381290

water is actually good protection against radiation.

>> No.6381295

shielding is heavy.

>> No.6381318

True. In the movie the life is spotted near cracks in europa's ice where liquid water meets the surface from the contractions jupiters gravity causes. Kinda like refueling on on some radiation till the next fissure.

>> No.6381344
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I bet it is 2spooky...

>> No.6381510

jupiter isnt THAT massive