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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 606 KB, 1200x896, scientific-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6377942 No.6377942 [Reply] [Original]

What software do you guys use for making a conference poster?

>pic is a random picture from google.

>> No.6377954

ms office package

>> No.6377958

I've seen some use Adobe Illustrator

>> No.6378180

powerpoint. don't fight it, it's not worth it.

>> No.6378184


i use photoshop 100% of the time all the time.

>> No.6378186

Oh look, the bio major is trying to be a scientist. How cute!

>> No.6378193

if you know what you're doing, i'd recommend using adobe indesign. the software was made for stuff like that.

if you don't know what you're doing, adobe photoshop is an acceptable alternative.

from what i've seen, the later versions of ms office are pretty powerful when it comes to stuff like designing a poster, but i'd personally hate working with office. whatever works for you, i guess.

>> No.6378196

>look everyone, i used "et al", that makes my poster more professional

>> No.6378200

there's way too much text on that poster

>> No.6378244

Powerpoint is surprisingly powerful as a poster layout tool. Use it well an it will serve you well.

use alignment tools
group that shit
use a common theme or a standard theme of sizes, colors and font
wrap text to fit every picture. now and forever
pdf export it

>> No.6378250

thats what a lot of people want on a poster. I remember my final project in uni also had too little according to my mentor and i had to add a lot of shit.

>> No.6378259

Powerpoint. Just make sure you adjust your page size to something like 36"x48" or whatever you need.

>> No.6378265

indesign or illustrator combined with photoshop

>> No.6378269


Yup, PP.

Also, paste as enhanced metafile (instead of normal paste) for graphs from software like origin, or it will run like shit.

>> No.6378372



get on my level, plebs

>> No.6380029



>> No.6380098

protip: for 6' wide posters, powerpoint won't work. illustrator is superior.

>> No.6380106

Why do you have a poster at the conference, not a talk? Are you still in high school?

>> No.6380118

Sometimes you can't help it. When I make my poster very visual with a lot of figures my supervisor usually tells me I 'also need to mention this' and 'definitely refer to this article' and that kind of thing. Before you know it you've got a poster full of useless info nobody will read.

Also OP, I use Powerpoint. Super easy, gets the job done and your prof will be able to open your files and steal your figures.

>> No.6380129

ms paint

>> No.6380143

Definately adobe indesign, way more powerful than any other program mentioned.