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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6369151 No.6369151[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why the FUCK do people who are somewhat above average intellegnfce feel the need to humiliat others?

>/b/ in college
>struggled with some calc concepts
>ask the TA for help
>treats me like I'm a 2nd grader
>tfw have to put up with his shit just because I want to learn

For fuck's sake, I hate those assburgers. They fucking know that the only reason I asked them for help is because I really need help, and yet they still feel the need to show their "superiority".
If you are a person who's smart, and yet you are a CUNT, I wish you die in a fire. You DON'T have to help others, but if you do, don't be cunty about it.
>inb4 butt hurt

>> No.6369157

>Needing above average intelligence for calculus
Quit whining and fix your problems.

>> No.6369158

Well, if you are too dumb to look for information yourself, why are you even in college to begin with?
It's not the TA's responsibility to teach you.

>> No.6369160


Yeah it is, actually.

>> No.6369161
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OP here.
Well, let's not pretend that calculus concepts are easy. I'm sorry that we're not all perfect like you are faggot. I can apply the concepts, the whole "plug'n chug" thing is pretty easy, but I sometimes struggle with the actual concept behind the process of plugging numbers.
This isn't the point. The point is ... fucking autistic TAs who feel the need to show their "superiority" to the students. Why the fuck would anyone do that? Especially when you know that the other person genuinely needs your help.

>> No.6369163

No it isn't. They are there just to grade papers and baby sit during labs.
You could ask them questions AFTER you've done your research and showed that you have actually tried to learn on your own. They aren't there to teach you from scratch.

>> No.6369170
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>Let's not pretend that calculus concepts are easy

>> No.6369175

Jacob Barnett pls go away.

>> No.6369176


What? There's far less calculation in calculus than there is in algebra.

>> No.6369179


>plugging numbers
>in calculus I

The problem isn't the TA talking down to you. The problem is the TA talking *at your level*.

>> No.6369180

OP dont listen to the fags in /sci/. All the high school seniors who floated through school and took calc in HS (which is way easier than college calc) on this board dont know shit. Success in life has very little to do with how smart you are. The people who really succeed in college and in their careers are the ones that work hard. The kids who never had to study for anything end up being mediocre because at some point life requires work and they wont do it.

>> No.6369183

I'm shitting on OP because it doesn't sound like he's working hard, it just sounds like he wants to be handheld through the process.

>> No.6369187

You're the only one who's making any sense in this thread.
That was exactly what I was trying to say. Those fuckers talk down to students because it gives them some kind of an ego boost, which is probably the only thing they have going for them.

>> No.6369188

>ITT OP realizes that math isn't just cut-and-paste answers and he has to actually think

>> No.6369192


Let's be honest here. You were probably asking questions everyone one else of *average* intelligence understood right away.

But, since you're being so prissy about it, I'm going to go ahead and ask you for examples of the questions you asked.

>inb4 you didn't ask questions because you're not really in calculus and you're just trolling

>> No.6369193

No you cunt. I didn't say that I wanted to be handheld through the process. I know how to solve the problems, but I sometimes struggle with the concept behind those problems. I can easily solve problems like a drone, but I don't want to do that. I want to UNDERSTAND the idea behind them.
Some people are gifted, they can understand the concepts very quickly, I on the other hand am not. That's why I didn't want to quit, and just focus on doing problems like a robot. I actually put a lot of effort into LEARNING the concepts.

>> No.6369197

What concepts are you finding difficult in early calculus?

>> No.6369200

>I know how to solve the problems... (implying there are universal solutions in calculus)
>I can easily solve problems like a drone... (implying you can do that in calculus)
>Some people are gifted... (implying calculus is difficult)
>...just focus on doing problems like a robot. (implying you can do that in calculus)

Son, I doubt you're really in college.


>> No.6369202

Are you kidding? When I took AP Calc in high school, it was all plug and chug. You can go a long way in Calc1 with plug and chug at most schools.

>> No.6369204


Okay, so what are you having trouble understanding?

>> No.6369205

It's Calc 3, I never said it was calc 1
I had problems understanding how to do triple integrals in spherical coordinates. I was able to follow the examples in the notes, but I was struggling with the concept of integrals in spherical coordinate.

>> No.6369206
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>> No.6369207

>implying calc problems aren't the same solution process but with different numbers
are you serious?

>> No.6369210

>be retarded
>taking calc 1 for the 3rd time now
>finally understanding shit

feels good man. If a person has a solid grasp on calc 1 does it make calc 2 and 3 piss easy classes? It's what I've heard form several people.

>> No.6369215

>triple integrals

Are we being trolled?

>> No.6369217



>> No.6369214

Absolutely not, if you failed calc 1 twice, you'll probably reaallyyy struggle with calc 2. Calc 3 isn't hard though.

>> No.6369219


I'm not that poster, but are you saying you think people don't actually do them in calc 3?

That's what calc 3 is all about... multivariate integration

>> No.6369222


No, it was just a very...convenient thing to have a problem with here.

Although I don't even know how double integrals are computed, so I'm not one to talk.

>> No.6369223

...setting up triple integrals is the hardest part of calc 3, I think most people would agree with that.

>> No.6369232

OP here, this nigga right here knows what I'm talking about.

>> No.6369235

>...high school seniors...took calc ...on this board...

I really wish, Anon, I wish.
/sci/ is lucky when it gets adolescent currently not failing algebra.

Most people like to put people down because they want to feel better about themselves.
TAs traditionally hate undergrads because they are being forced to deal with inexperienced students, most of whom care nothing about the subject, rather than on their own studies.
And, six years of living off ramen while doing all the grunt-work for an intellectually absent professor and hold the hand of batch after batch of completely uneducated students would put anyone in a bad mood.

>> No.6369245


It's not about ease, it's about how "triple integrals" are kind of joke on this board.

Or are they still? They were a few months ago. Then again, so were Grothendieck threads and I've since seen none of those.

>> No.6369243

OP here.
I'm going to be quite honest, I never looked at it from this point of view. But to be perfectly honest, I still think that they have a duty to help students, not putting them down.
The funny part? The most helpful TAs were girls, not guys. I don't know why, but they don't feel the need to put others down like guys do.

>> No.6369485

First person here that isn't a cunt.
TY for restoring faith in people

>> No.6369516

Typical undergrad:
>"Can I do X that is specifically prohibited in the syllabus?"
>"I missed lecture. What did we cover in class today?"
>"How is this class going to be curved?"
>"I got a bloopitty blop on the test. Is that good enough for a B?"
>"I can barely solve for x in a linear equation, but could you help me with this complicated calculus word problem?"
>"What's the test going to be on?"
>"I was given a 6.5 on this problem, but I think I deserved a 7."

>> No.6369517

I TAed, and it is part of the job. In our university a TA who was only grading was called a Grader and was paid less.

>> No.6369519

Cal 2 is kinda the deciding factor.
If you get it, you're set for the rest of your math career, assuming you don't go into stupidly vague territory.
If you struggle with Cal 1, which is a lot easier for most people, you'll really struggle with Cal 2.

>> No.6369565
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I guess I should divulge my situation since I am curious. I'm a 19yo HS drop-out in the process of getting my GED, and I basically did fuck all in math class for just about all of my time in public school.. and I really want to go into physics for astro and shit

Is it too late for me? Should I just not even attempt to learn the years worth of mathematical practices that I slept through?

I am going to apply to my community college soon and I just don't know if I should waste my effort if its too late for me

>> No.6369569

I found Calc 2 to be strangely easier than Calc 1 or especially Calc 3.

>> No.6369570

This is the truth.

I do my best not to be condescending. Unfortunately, I've made the mistake of asking trivial questions with a you-know-the-answer-to-this-one smirk on my face, only to find that no one knew the answer. That sort of comes off as condescending. Oh well, can't win them all.

>> No.6369571

I think most people find multivariable calculus easier than cal 1 or 2, since you're expanding on known concepts.

I found it about the same, but the people I tutor just can't grasp anti-derivatives even if they have no issue with derivatives.

>> No.6369572
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>/sci/ - Where Self-Esteem Goes to Die

>> No.6369574

Well, it was for me - series weren't exactly easy for me, as well as some tricky integrals. But then again, I'm just a mathematically retarded engineer.

>> No.6369577

Perhaps I am in the wrong thread..?

>> No.6369589

That's okay.
As long as you're not a shitty engineer.

>> No.6369603
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you mean if it didn't already die on /fa/?

>> No.6369608

>a duty to help
Why, because they are getting paid? Because it is in the best interest of whatever community? Because it is the morally right thing to do?

Sure. But you could also say all those things about me running off to join some infostructural building charity.
Yes, there are a host of reason why they "should" help you....there are also a lot of reasons that I'm sure you can sympathize with, OP, for them to be assholes. "Logic"(actually logic applied to feelings) or "goodness" (whatever the fuck that means) might clearly indicate a particular course of action...but we might still have sufficient "good reason" to do otherwise.
You were angry and asked, "why do they do this?"
I said the most common I hear from them, about you. I know it doesn't fix things, but I know for me, it makes me better able to deal/channel my anger/not take it personally/not blame them.

>not guys. I don't know why

Out of curiosity, why would that be funny or odd?
"Nurturing" is the female stereotype.
Alright, here is a guess, you are a guy, yes?
To another guy, you are one more competitor for resources. If you aren't an established ally it is always in the best interest to drive you off. It dosen't matter to insticts that you will probably never try to kill them for their crapy job.
To a female, however, you are a potential resource. Even in a male rich gang, female primates will attempt to aide and encourage survival of potential future mates. You might not actually have a shot with these girls, but they don't think you are so unattractive you should not be allowed further peripheral access to the local social structure, ie. you are cute enough that they don't want you to not be able to take math classes.
So there is that.

>> No.6369617

I'm practically begging for some semi serious input here

>> No.6369650


Just download textbooks and start devouring, the basics you learned at school will help you a lot.

captcha: sea takeopm

>> No.6369658

If you need help with calculus you should kill yourself.

>> No.6369661

thanks for the semi serious input.. anything a bit more on the topic of "this physics shit is hard yo" or is it the usual practice makes perfect

>> No.6369667

Gee wiz! 19! UR ovah the hill.
No point whatsoevah in studying something that interests you starting now. Especially when the c.c.s you are looking to start at will have never seen someone without a hs education who wants to go into heavy science. Not like that is what most c.c.s were created for, not like there aren't thousands of kids starting college in the US each year with out the basic grounding in the sciences/math that their field needs.
Sure give up.

No, wait. Maybe my sarcasm wasn't getting through, just in case: everything I said above is obviously wrong. Lots of people in your boat, explore your options; if you are serious, go for it.

>> No.6369677

It's totally doable, I go to a CC and there's a ton of HS dropouts in my Calc II class.
All it requires is diligent behavior on your part.

idk if you're still here, but I just thought i'd chime in anyway.

>> No.6369693

> Be me, a TA in math
> Jock who hasn't bothered to study comes in for help
> Expects instant answers
> Expects respect that is not earned
> Implies he is about to get violent
> Give him BS solutions just to get him out of the door.