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6363368 No.6363368 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, I'm not really a scientist or from /sci/, I'm just visiting now, and I realize this is a stupid question with no real answer. But I'm making a list like:

1=A 2=B 3=C 4=D 5=E 6=F 7=G 8=H 9=I.

But I'm including 0 and I don't know if I should make it "J" or some might confuse that for "10". So should I use another letter or? And out of morbid curiosity and autism I'd like to see what the scientists think. So I made a poll to let scientists decide. For fun. Because why not.


I apologize in advance.

>> No.6363516

The real answer is "It depends on why you are making this list."

>> No.6363677

It's nothing really.
It's just some things accept letters only.
So I want to replace numbers with letters in that case.

>> No.6363684

use A for zero instead

0-index master race

>> No.6363717


>> No.6363916

Z if you're dealing with legacy shit

>> No.6364063

Why use the Decimal system ?
Use the Dozenal system, it's way sexier.

>> No.6364411

well i was thinking that but wanted to get others opinions.
the poll says "z" so far.

i guess but thinking about it the alphabetical order would be a.

well shoot why not use the hex system?
i actually thought of that...
thing it it's kind of confusing
and like most people i don't know anything besides decimal so well.

i think "a = 0" would be best too,
since if you put it in alphabetical order and numerical order,
it would be 0 to 9 and A to J.
still considering it.

thanks for the help so far everyone

>> No.6364414

Samefag here. Part 2 of the post:

Well this is interesting.
When I order the folders in windows alphabetically they go:


So 0F comes before 01 so alphabetical order wouldn't
if you used a numbering system
that mixed traiditonal letter and number representations.

But if I open it in another program it gives me:


Then it does seem to put it in the wanted alphanumeric order.
The same program likes to screw up my number order
if i don't pad numbers with 0's as a prefix like "01", "001", etc.
I guess they and everything uses different ordering systems.
So there's no real definite order...
or windows has special rules to make them easier for normal people.
And I don't know if I can change windows to order it the way I want.
So it might have to still be either numbers or letters by themselves.

Thanks for the help so far everyone.

>> No.6364424

0 is a space, obviously.

Gawd, I thought you guys were supposed to be smart.

>> No.6364426

I said I don't know and I'm not from here!

And space's aren't allowed in pretty much all "account" names,
which may be what I'm using this for.

And thank you.

>> No.6364432

>And space's aren't allowed in pretty much all "account" names, which may be what I'm using this for.
underscore then?

and yw :-)

>> No.6364433

Underscore isn't allowed in a lot of screen names either.
Heck sometimes numbers aren't even allowed.
Explaining why I'm thinking about this stupid crap.
It's usually letters and numbers only or letters only period
nowadays unfortunately.

ty :-)

>> No.6364720


how about O

>> No.6365085

well o's on the poll so. it will be considered.


>> No.6365105

The only way to keep your code (or whatever you're doing) from being proprietary is to index from 0.

Let 0 be A, then increase a number and increase a letter. That's the simpliest way to do it, and causes the least amount of problems.

If you do it any other way, you need to introduce a proprietary exception for 0.

>> No.6365120

I understand. I'm pretty sure I'll go with A=0 at this point. Thank you.

>> No.6365124
File: 12 KB, 306x251, QB.jpg 1380385472064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a new poll here asking which number system to use.


Tho it's pretty pointless now since I'm pretty sure "A=0".

Still I wish I could edit the OP
or have the ability to delete my thread at any time like the good old days.

I don't this post is worthy of a new thread,
So I'll just include an image and hope the post gets a little more attention.

>> No.6365129

why do you need this, op?
maybe we can help decide if we knew what it was for.

>> No.6365136

Well, the original question was:


>which number to letter system should i use?
>keep in mind that what i had in mind for this were things like accounts
>that usually only accept letters and numbers and no other characters.
>and sometimes only accept letters and not numbers at all.

but i thought the question was too long so i changed it.

>> No.6365139

Then A-J is the easiest.

>> No.6365144

>if we knew what it was for.

>> No.6365157

Ok then. Thanks.

Also I was considering also maybe trying to use a letter number system
since those are less likely to be taken than a name followed by numbers.
But again I have my accounts separated into folders on my comp;
and when I try to organize it in alphabetical order or "by name"
then it orders like "01" comes after "0F" so it doesn't work.
And there doesn't seem to be an obvious way to get it to order correctly;
and I kind of need them to be in the right order
since I arrange folders by name.
I guess installing a gnu+linux distribution really would be the solution...

>> No.6365288 [DELETED] 

To tell you the truth this can be used for many things in the future I guess.

But immediately I'm making folders with different things in them.
I also need to make accounts and upload things from those folders.
I need to upload them to multiple sites and some names might be taken.
So I thought using letters instead of numbers would solve this problem.
So names are less likely to be taken; and I still have things in order.

I kind of don't like saying the reason
because then usually people think it's more stupid than the question
then focus more on the reason than the question.
Hopefully I don't regret this
since you can't delete posts after some time now.

I kind of don't like saying the reason
because then usually people think it's more stupid than the question
then focus more on the reason than the question.
Or focus too much on why it is being done, not how to do it.
Hopefully I don't regret this
since you can't delete posts after some time now.

>> No.6365291

To tell you the truth this can be used for many things in the future I guess.

But immediately I'm making folders with different things in them.
I also need to make accounts and upload things from those folders.
I need to upload them to multiple sites and some names might be taken.
So I thought using letters instead of numbers would solve this problem.
So names are less likely to be taken; and I still have things in order.

I kind of don't like saying the reason
because then usually people think it's more stupid than the question
then focus more on the reason than the question.
Or focus too much on why it is being done, not how to do it.
Hopefully I don't regret this
since you can't delete posts after some time now.

>> No.6365466
File: 109 KB, 476x600, jpg 1380377337299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crap i screwed that poll up
