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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6355210 No.6355210 [Reply] [Original]

>Been thinking of accepting never getting a gf or friends or a normal life with a family.
>Looking at other things to give my life to, like science.
>Top tier University graduate in pure physics, is a hot chick!

Fuck this gay earth


>> No.6355215 [DELETED] 

you're a faggot

>> No.6355230


No, I am straight.

>> No.6355235

'Faggot' does not mean 'gay' anymore.
It usually just means that they do not like you.

>> No.6355240


Why don't you like me?

>> No.6355243
File: 35 KB, 475x452, cry harder bitch nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I have no skills"

Solution: prostitution. She has everything she needs to excel at it.

BTW, so she spent $100k on a degree from MIT in a fucking useless field and now she's spending her time making shitty youtube videos and making 3 cents for every play? LMAO!

See kids, next time some delusional shithead posts that "God Tier" ranking troll pic with physics at the top, remember this video.

Also, she should try what a PhD in UK did:


>> No.6355257

But then the Sun will die and all stars will die and everything will disintegrate so what's the point? Besides you might be living in a computer simulation, and/or all that you perceive might very well be an illusion. Maybe pure physics is not such a hot chick when you think about it.

>> No.6355258
File: 307 KB, 1200x798, 1391195511766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting qt murderer waifus ;_;

>> No.6355267
File: 94 KB, 590x720, cry harder bitch nigga2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


trust me, you don't wanna marry a crazy murderer who's a pathological liar... no matter how hot she is.

Watch & learn:

>> No.6355936 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 1600x700, 1392426850829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is heat capacity measured?

Say you heat some unknown substance by one degree, how do you tell how much energy you have imparted it?

>> No.6355943 [DELETED] 

Shit what am I doing here, how do I delete that post? Never understood how the fuck to do it, the Delete button on bottom right doesn't do anything

>> No.6355961

>>Been thinking of accepting never getting a gf or friends or a normal life with a family.
>>Looking at other things to give my life to, like science.
These two things aren't mutually exclusive.You just want to think they are as an excuse not to do both.

All the profs I've worked under have hobbies outside the lab and are family men. Every one of them has a picture of their children somewhere in the office, as is the normal thing for parents to do.

>>Top tier University graduate in pure physics, is a hot chick!
Why does this bother you? Physics isn't a secret club exclusive to mouthbreathers and guys who didn't go to their own prom.

>> No.6355977

>implying that he's implying that they're mutually exclusive
no you dumb twat he's obviously saying that HE can't get a GF so he'll stick to his studies and his studies only.

just because all of you and your normalfaggot professors can lead healthy and fulfilling relationships while simultaneously furthering your career in STEM doesn't mean everyone is as normal as you

>> No.6355980

>guys who didn't go to their own prom
wait, did you go to your prom? if you did, cudos. did you go to your prom with a date? then you need to leave 4chan. because you're way too normal.

>> No.6355985

>being intelligent with social situations is normalfaggotry
OP is just retarded.

>> No.6355989

>being intelligent with social situations is normalfaggotry
YES. yes that is exactly what normalfaggotry is dude.

>> No.6355995

No, that's being not socially retarded.
Not people that manage to talk to other people without having all their spaghetti fall of their pockets.

>> No.6356002

Grow up. Studying physics doesn't automatically mean being less sociable than someone in sociology. It only means having less time to be sociable.

Stop thinking that "resistance to women" is a superpower that results from extreme intelligence.

>> No.6356008

yea no shit. but you're on 4chan. and you're normal. so you need to go.

>> No.6356012

>le secret club home to 10 million unique visitors per month xD

>> No.6356013

obviously. but he's saying that he can't be one so he's going to be the other. do you not understand that you faggot?

>> No.6356014

yep. and "being not socially retarded" is called being normal. would you like to know why?

it's because "being not socially retarded" is what normal people are.

>> No.6356016

Being normal includes a lot of other things, not just that.
Just that sperglords took it to mean just that.

>> No.6356017

You'd have to be Perelman-tier intelligence and autism to justify this.

The majority of physicists and other scientists in the world treat science as their job and lead normal lives. What the OP is suggesting is like cutting off one healthy leg so you can make better use of the other.

>> No.6356020

>being on 4chan
>after having grown up in a normal household within a normal environment
>after having experienced a normal childlike existence
>after learning how to create healthy, meaningful relationships with people who aren't your family
>still on 4chan
lel. you can just leave now. thanks

>> No.6356021


I've seen hotter chicks in comp sci. Up your standards a little pls anon.

>> No.6356026

so maybe you should leave the website that's literally full of sperglords to the sperglords. and go lead your normal life. faggot.

>> No.6356027

aka gb2/reddit/

>> No.6356030

Why would I do that?
By the definition of "normal", my lifestyle is a bit far from it.

>> No.6356037

conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
"it's quite normal for puppies to bolt their food"

you are normal in that you lead a healthy normal social life full of normal healthy relationships with friends, family and love interests.

you are literally the fucking definition of normal. stop trying to act like you aren't after having admitted to being as such

>> No.6356045

Never said I had a life full healthy normal relationships.
I am just not completely retarded in social situations, which is what you seem to consider the definition of being normal, which it isn't.

Though I do have friends and family (no love interests, heh).

>> No.6356065

by the standards of this website "being not socially retarded" is considered normal. how long have you been lurking dude? 3 weeks?

>> No.6356082

Maybe those are your standards. Not mine.

And, no, I've been here for a while, albeit I just decided to start visiting /sci/ again a few months ago, since I stopped 4 years ago, when jacob barnett and order of operations threads were pretty much all over the place.

>> No.6356092

never EVEr ehard of her, never in the history of ever, never heard of her name either or any important contributions, in case you haven't noticed, academic GPA doesn't mean shit

>> No.6356094

>trust me, you don't wanna marry a crazy murderer who's a pathological liar... no matter how hot she is.

if she sucks my dick and has sex, she can kill me all she wants, that's how sexually