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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6350612 No.6350612 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.6350616

>In America, people get into college because their parents are alumni, or because the college knows their family is rich. How is this not cheating? We in China are simply trying to level the playing field with our own versions of this sort of thing."
because everyone is university in America comes from a rich family.

>> No.6350638

Why not link the actual research?

>> No.6350644

Because it 404'd due to being from 3 years ago


>> No.6350647


Only 90%? Not bad.

>> No.6350650

Cheating is common in all developing nations with large populations competing for limited spots in higher education.

This is what happens when you force huge numbers of applicants to apply for a limited number of spaces, and afford those that fail few opportunities in the way of social security / career options that allow some social mobility.

When peoples' livelihoods depend upon getting in, then if one person cheats, everyone follows suit.

It not only becomes normal, but the obvious thing to do. You'd have to be dumb not to cheat.

>> No.6350654

As a grad school applicant, the fact that such a high amount of them are still admitted grinds my gears.

>20 Chinese applicants with 990 GRE? Damn, they are so much better than Americans, lets admit as many as possible without being too suspicious...

Fuck you guys. You know it happens and you don't even care.

>> No.6350674

>Chinese students in Poland universities
>They either cheat as hell or fail miserably
>Dumb as bricks
You know, there is some truth to it.

>> No.6350675

>Chinese dude cheats himself into pure mathematics grad program.
>Performs well in the program and starts producing research papers.

>> No.6350690

If they're good, I have no problems with it. But so far, all the Chinese students I met were pure shit, and I doubt they could even produce toilet paper.

>> No.6350696

new chinese grad student started working in the lab. i ask, "can you make me 100mL of 3M NaAc? her reply, "ok how much do I add?", mentally bitch slaps her...

>> No.6350704


asian girl has very high GRE GCSE scores. Apparently she should know English very well.

Still makes babbys first grammar mistakes, does not know how to conjugate irregular verbs for past tense

all of my what

>> No.6350708

>Cram study for a test on something like crazy.
>Pass the test.
>Have to perform it irl later on without having studied it.
>Fuck it up.

This <span class="math">never %always[/spoiler] happens.

>> No.6350714

>The Chinese students may cheat or embellish their recommendations on their applications, but the fact of the matter is that in the US education system the Chinese nationals still outperform fellow American students especially in areas of science and math.

It's okay to cheat as long as you're smart!

>> No.6351857

does anyone know how they do it? friend of mine who was applying for physics graduate schools was looking to try and find some chinese people to ask them and i don't know what ever came of that or how things ended up for them.

>> No.6351868

It is true though.

Chinese Americans now dominate American Olympiad teams.

>> No.6351871

>be me
>be in a german university
>rarely see chinese people
>they never get good grades and fail
Sometimes, they do speak good English, but they seem to be dumb as hell

>> No.6351884

god damn I fucking HATE the Chinese university students. I was sitting in a corner of the computer lab when a freshman Chinese student walked in with one of his friends and was asking about classes and if they were easy or not and "how many Americans were in them" then he went on to berate Americans for how stupid they were and then asked about curving and how the Americans did on that. This was at a major university in the US that consistently shows up in the top 20 for graduate studies and the undergrad programs are pretty good as well. What pisses me off is that if the Chinese think they are hot shit and don't like Americans, why the fuck do they need to come to the US to study if they think they're better than Americans? China should have all that stuff over there for them and there shouldn't be a need to leave their own country to study. I was in the corner so they didn't see or know I was in the room but when I get up to pick up my paper from the printer and they notice me, they start talking to each other in Chinese so I can't understand what they were saying but I kept hearing references to 'American' and occasional laughing.

>> No.6351910

Have you ever cheated /sci/?

>> No.6351916

At least in Korea, most people see European universities as inferior to the domestic ones while American ones (especially ivy league) are put on a weird pedestal. You're probably not getting the best asian students or anything close.

>> No.6351946


>foreigners come to American community and spent tons of time complaining about America

reminds me of 4chan

>> No.6351991


It probably just about makes up for the Asian Americans who get screwed over in favour of Tyrone.

>> No.6351995


>implying chinese don't milk affirmative action

>> No.6352001


no I mean actual people with asian parents but were born in the USA

>> No.6352159
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>Communist have no moral fiber


What do you expect from 3rd world godless dictatorships like China and South Korean?

>> No.6352185

>As soon as the exams finished, a mob swarmed into the school in protest. By late afternoon, more than 2,000 students and their parents had gathered to vent their rage, smashing cars and chanting: "We want fairness. There is no fairness if you do not let us cheat."

We have a lot of asian students at my school. They're ok I guess, if a bit insular.

>> No.6352193

>It not only becomes normal, but the obvious thing to do. You'd have to be dumb not to cheat.

Spoken like a true failure.

>> No.6352202

Answer keys they only share with other Chinese kids. No one knows how they get a hold of them.

>> No.6352237
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>yfw you realize everyone knows what's going on, we're freely letting rich Chinese come subsidize Americans' education, the degrees are worth less than the paper they're printed on since every employer knows what the deal is

>> No.6352335

and having worked on similar problems before you can catch up, unless you've bullshitted your way into the program.

>> No.6352349

China is religiously pluralist however only state mandated worship is allowed.
Usually involves a healthy dose of paying homage to / praying for their commie overlords.

>> No.6352418

>chinese picture is of a murderer being executed
guess whoever made that shoulda done more research

>> No.6352427

I cheated my writing a bullshit application essay and got into an Ivy. No such thing as a fair playing field, folks.

>> No.6352443

teach me your ways 4chan magician

>> No.6352524

Many people cheat to get a leg up, especially in competitive fields.

>> No.6352530

>Chinese are cheaters who can barely speak Engrish
>Nigerians are the most educated group in America

Brace yourselves for a world where blacks are smarter than Asians.

>> No.6352529

>China is religiously pluralist however only state mandated worship is allowed.
I'm going to let you think about that sentence for a while. When you think you know why it is wrong let me know.

>> No.6352532

You'd have to be fucking retarded to have to cheat to get in.

>> No.6352534

>undergrad at state school
>every single chemistry TA is Chinese

I don't get it

>> No.6352555

One of my math TA is chinese, and damn does he know his stuff.

>> No.6352569


This was the hardest lesson I've ever learned. I spent my life working at my own pace and showing off my own skills. Then I realized that if someone as smart as me cheated and did better then they would be selected over me. Cheaters can/should win because winning is all that matters. Fuck. My life is a lie.

>> No.6352574

doesnt matter if they cheat, they probably cheat for that 4.0 GPA instead of staying with a 3.8

they still know al ot and asians are superhuman when it comes to math

>> No.6352575

Coming up next: Can radiation exposure increase your risk of cancer? Find out tonight on an all new "Shit Everyone Fucking Knew Already"

>> No.6352579


>> No.6352595

There only hurting themselves and their country.

Many of the degrees that Chinese students are coming to the US for aren't degrees that you can cheat your way through, and the ones who are managing to cheat their way through you can thank for the utterly shitty state of affairs in China right now - crumbling infrastructure, shoddy engineering, etc.

Freshman year my physics class of ~50 had fourteen international students. One from Nigeria, one from England, and twelve from China. By the end of our first year, eleven of the Chinese students had switched over to engineering.

>> No.6352601

Once, on a quiz in Junior High. We got it back the next day and I got an A on it (I was averaging a C in the class) but I felt shitty about it. I talked to the teacher after class, told them I cheated and that I didn't deserve the grade I got. I asked if I could retake the quiz. They let me retake it during their lunch break. I got a D.

I spent the rest of the semester getting my shit together and pulled myself up to a B+. Every grade I've earned since has been legit.

>> No.6352716
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>fourier analysis
>exam 2
>1 note sheet allowed
>like 3 chinese students with entire notebook in lap
>one is looking shit up on phone
>professor isnt lookin up from his work
>BASED AMERICAN student yells
>chinese kids not phased or flustered one bit
>professor give warning and they polite nod and put their shit away

fuck those guys