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File: 666 KB, 2079x3056, Wolfgang-amadeus-mozart_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6337143 No.6337143 [Reply] [Original]

What music genre is most beneficial for intelligence and why. Some studies about music and effects on the brain would be nice too.

>> No.6337169

Wu Tang Clan

>> No.6337172
File: 212 KB, 1998x4240, MusicthatmakesyoudumbHuge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6337201

The Wu Tang Clan, once you listen to this no one in academia will fuck with you.

>> No.6337209
File: 74 KB, 720x477, wutang09112013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wu Tang

>> No.6337221

Wu Tang Clan fa sho. But in all seriousness, Trance is fucking great. If it's working, it's like a rhythmic white noise that doubles as a mood-lifter.

Silence is odd, hip-hop (great for doing shit you dislike) is too suggestive, and classical is too 'busy' imo.

>> No.6337240

Listen to counterpoint. The crossing lines force you to listen harder and thus stimulates brain activity.

>> No.6337255

I like Sufjan Stevens and Radiohead quite a bit. Guess I'm fairly smart

>> No.6337299

are those those math+reading SAT scores?

Devoted Phish Phanatic here. Math 790 / reading 760

>> No.6337313

I think actively listening to music instead of just having it as a background noise, treating it as an art form and analysing it can have beneficial effects on your intelligence. So any music you enjoy, I'd say.

>> No.6337389

I imagine longer but slightly dull songs would increase your attention span.

Songs with interesting beginnings and slower duller ends would allow for time to analyze things like theme; this could improve pattern recognition.

excuse my lack of knowing musical terms

>> No.6337396

does listening to the same song straight on repeat all the time have any influence on my intelligence / attention span?

>> No.6337405

I imagine it would, but at the cost of creativity

>> No.6337406

Really? This had better be bait (which I am in the process of taking) otherwise this is the singular stupidest post I have seen in my life.

>> No.6337415


>> No.6337427

you can compose your own music in your head, it's magic

>> No.6337428

if i listened only to the same song whenever i was doing mathematical work, do you think my brain would recognize that and use the song to immediately go full-concentration mode?
Just thought of that and might try, could be an easy way to reach full workforce quickly, asuming listening to the song while working doesn't dampen said workforce.
Has someone ever done scientific work on this? would really like some sources cuz i'm interested now.

>> No.6337431

This had better be a fucking joke.

>> No.6337461

what what what the the the fuck fuck fuck?

>> No.6337482
File: 43 KB, 500x455, 136wu tang list logo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6337492

what music people listen to primarily depends on their social environment.
everything else is pseudo science.

>> No.6337501

Most beneficial for intelligence?
What does that even mean. Are you trying to listen to music to make you smarter? Or do you just want music that is good to study/learn to? Or that requires the most mental effort?

I'm sure everyone is different, but for me:

best music to study to (math, science) - electronic/instrumental

best music to write/do art to (lib. arts, creative) - psychedelic/acoustic/instrumental

best music to feel to - acoustic/punk/metal/scremo/etc

requires the most active thought/participation, but is arguably the best - hip hop/rap, jazz

Classy as fuck music - classical/???

best music to groove out to - classic rock/reggae/funk/soul/blues/etc

>> No.6337503
File: 24 KB, 447x600, Albert_Einstein_violin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Albert Einstein is the greatest scientist. Albert Einstein loves violin. So violin is the most beneficial for intelligence.

>> No.6337510

there is definitely music that makes you feel smarter and more sophisticated.

Music that makes you actually smarter? Unlikely, probably some dumb correlations though

>> No.6337519

Well any instrument is beneficial for intelligence but violin is really good yeah.

>> No.6337562


I usually put on some Xzibit if it's shit I don't wanna do.


>> No.6337575

Albert Einstein played violin.
Albert Einstein was intelligent.
Therefore if you play violin, then you can be intelligent.
Am i doin it right?

>> No.6337596

I've done something sort of like this.

While playing Minecraft, I do a lot of thinking regarding efficiency of the fuels/weapons/armor/materials I'm using, as well as how efficiently I use time in the game. I also am very aware of the spaces in which I do various things, such as tunneling, or building.

The game gets my mind going in a very mathematical way, as many things do (efficiency/symmetry/uniformity OCD fag). However, I find that when I play the OST of Minecraft (background music that normally plays in-game) while doing homework or trying to solve a problem, it's much easier to get into the flow of working.

>> No.6337602

>best music to study to (math, science) - The Dillinger Escape Plan
>best music to write/do art to (lib. arts, creative) - The Dillinger Escape Plan
>best music to feel to - The Dillinger Escape Plan
>requires the most active thought/participation, but is arguably the best - The Dillinger Escape Plan
>Classy as fuck music - The Dillinger Escape Plan
>best music to groove out to - The Dillinger Escape Plan

>> No.6337604

i was thinking something like this. If there was some statistical data on this. We should do a study.

>> No.6337612

I don't think music actually makes you smart, but smart people tend to be eclectic.

You should try classical or maybe neofolk if you wanna listen to cultured and sophisticated music.

>> No.6337619

Your logic is undeniable.