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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6322263 No.6322263 [Reply] [Original]

Would you rather be a human or a machine? Why?

>> No.6322266

Humans are machines.
what's your distinction?

>> No.6322311

You know what he meant. Stop trying to sound smart.

>> No.6322330

ask >>>/b/

>> No.6322331

I rather be human and integrate myself with technology. If you are asking if I wish I was created like a T-800 with free will in the first place That would imply I was completely different person thus making no gain from my perspective. If I could transfer my mind into a robot not just copy and paste then I would do it.

>> No.6322333

I want to be a spaceship and explore space while indulging in sollipsim during the travels.

>> No.6322334

With current or very near future tech I see it as a toss-up.
An artificial body would be easier to maintain. Parts could easily be replaced, repaired, or upgraded.
While inactive, an artificial body would essentially use zero energy, however, energy storage is still pretty crappy.
You could lie dormant almost indefinitely, but should you exert yourself, you'd run out of energy a lot faster than a biological person.

>> No.6322336

Yeah jackass, take that fedora attitude back to Reddit.

>> No.6322338

Not science or math.

>> No.6322339



I don't want to die and I'm already bored of sex so I'd rather just live forever and travel the universe

>> No.6322340

Molecular assemblies are going to improve energy storage quite a lot, and they are five hundreds years away.
A little nap and boom, you're free to go wherever you want as long as you want.

>> No.6322341

/sci/ - Science & Math

>> No.6322344

Would you rather make an underage shitposting fantasy thread on /sci/ or grow up and go to school? Why?

>> No.6322345

You say that like robot sex is not going to be incredible.

>> No.6322350

Neither. I want OP to be banned for being an underage retard with Down's syndrome shitting up the board.

>> No.6322364

I want to talk about science and math.

>> No.6322362


emotions are shit

>> No.6322366

The question stands, what is the distinction. Can I be a machine so complex that I'm biological?

>> No.6322370

I would rather be making a thread actually related to the contents of science and mathematics.

>> No.6322387

machines can't have orgasms...

>> No.6322390

Or instead of whining, you could easily steer this thread in direction you feel is more fit for /sci/.
Energy storage technology perhaps?
More efficient motors, servos, and similar systems?
Artificial muscles?

Or, of course, you could just complain, ridicule and generally add to the low quality posting already going on.

>> No.6322404

Why not just ignore the post and move on, if it's already shit? What's the point of adding to it, + or -? You both are autistic.

>> No.6322408

>steer this thread in direction you feel is more fit for /sci/.
That's impossible. The only people posting in this thread are uneducated underage fantasy circlejerkers, i.e. retards inherently incapable of understanding science and math.

>> No.6322411

Shitposting threads don't magically become high quality by derailing them. The OP already picked something completely inane and off-topic.

>> No.6322459

>>More efficient motors, servos, and similar systems?
Motors and servos are very efficient, with some even up to 98% efficient!

They also have high power densities too( 8.4 kW/kg!), BUT, this power comes at high-speed and very low torque! High speed and low torque is not what you want for robots or prosthetics. What we need is high torque and low speed!

So how do we get that out of an electric motor? One way to do this is with a series of gears with a bunch of small gears turning big gears connected to small gears turning big gears etc... as to get a high gear ratio.

However, this is not compact or efficient, so we need more exotic mechanisms. Some more exotic mechanisms like cycloidal drive in pic related can do this, but they aren't adjustable, so one can't operate the electric motor most efficiently.

Thus, one huge problem in robotics has do with making gears of the correct shape and arrangement!

Actuators are huge problem in robotics, computers have improved a lot, but actuators haven't improved much. From the journal Actuators Volume 1 issue 1:
"Actuators today (there are a few exceptions), are like the electronic tubes of the 1950s. We still
consider actuators to be too expensive, too specialized, of low performance, heavy, bulky, no
standardized interfaces,etc"

>> No.6322462
File: 41 KB, 450x459, Orbital-drive2Big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost forgot pic related

>> No.6322468

Cyclodial drives can't back drive.

>> No.6322475
File: 10 KB, 500x148, variable impedance actuators.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Cyclodial drives can't back drive.
all the more reason to find something better.

But, why do you need your actuator to be backdrivable when you can vary its impedance?

>> No.6322502

>susceptible to ionic compounds

This kills the terminator

>> No.6322507

If I was a machine I wouldn't have consciousness. Do you mean android?

>> No.6322511

I'm a roboticist.
The more I work on robots, the smaller the distinction is.

>> No.6322540

I think you mean 'cyborg'.
An android is just a robot that is made to look like a human.

>> No.6322610

> Not wanting to be both
> Cyborg mustardrace

>> No.6322612
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>keeping meat on purpose when not necessary

>> No.6323347

I'd rather be machine, since my sexual life is nonexisting, so there wouldn't be any need for it.

>> No.6323422
File: 256 KB, 900x675, LastPieceOfMe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather be a machine with continually improving tech, interchangeable sensors, ability to do backups, and indefinite lifespan. The only advantage to humans is subsistence, self-reproduction and the neocortex. The first two can be bootstrapped thanks to modern infrastructure, and we are hard at work on artificial intelligence and its substrates.

>> No.6323434

machine, live till the end of time, replace whats broken, incredibly physic, incredibly intelligence. No really downside unless your a faggot who thinks humanity comes from the spirit or some shit.

>> No.6323442

Why not both?

>> No.6323459

This board is "/sci/ - science & math" and not "/sci/ - preschool pseudo-intellectual random".

>> No.6323489
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>> No.6324604

i would rather be above the age of twelve

>> No.6324621

aww, too bad you probably never read mayakovsky, he wrote a poem about envy to machines

>> No.6324628

Aren't people just giant electrical circuits anyways

>> No.6324630

no, people are walking carbon stoves

>> No.6324631

But the electrical circuits help manage the carbon stove so it can sustain itself

>> No.6324636

We are mostly hydrogen really.

>> No.6324637

we burn carbon

>> No.6324664
File: 74 KB, 479x435, 1254802280460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>robot sex

>> No.6324890

A human, because my survival instinct applies to this and if I was a robot I would not be "alive". I treasure my humanity.

>> No.6324944


I shouldn't have to elaborate.

>> No.6326101
File: 17 KB, 250x254, 250px-Callisto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Human until literally falling apart from old age, replacing parts until fully cybernetic and functionally immortal with continuous replacements and upgrades; a nice gradual transition into endless mechanical existence after a nice, long human life.

>> No.6326113


>> No.6326120



Give me the strength of a hundred men, with the appropriate parts, and I'm good.

>> No.6326297
File: 125 KB, 500x418, tech prêtre uguu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>500 years tops

>> No.6327042

Can I be something strong like perhaps GTX Titan?

>> No.6327046

>11 hour shit bump