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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6320712 No.6320712 [Reply] [Original]

OK /sci/

who did i miss?

>> No.6320726

You are missing a bunch of math fellas

>> No.6320734

Hilbert, Turing, and many many more. Once you go to university you will find that textbook references are full of people who have significantly contributed to the field, but nobody has ever heard of them.

>> No.6320739

You've got grace hopper but no Turing?
That's a little weird

>> No.6320741


>> No.6320767

u wot m8

>> No.6320788

>yuros dominating
absolutely disgusting

>> No.6320790

No sperglord Jacob Barnett?
He disproves Einstein in his sleep

>> No.6320793

R. A Fisher - this guys reputation is rather enormous.
>Anders Hald called him "a genius who almost single-handedly created the foundations for modern statistical science",[3] while Richard Dawkins named him "the greatest biologist since Darwin".[4]

And if Langrage is on there, perhaps W R Hamilton should be, too, for Hamiltonian Mechanics.

>> No.6320795


Oh and you may want Jenner on there, perhaps instead of Salk, given that Jenner invented the vaccine.

>> No.6320797

Neumann - Modern Mathematics

...well that is a little... no, actually I let this one pass

>> No.6320798

This is one of the great things about reading textbooks. They often go into the history of science and you hear all of these names of great people who have been since mostly forgotten.

>> No.6320839

Turing? Galois? Shanon?
You miss a lot of people. Seems like you almost only focus on physics and medicine discoveries.

>> No.6320845

Descartes. Pretty much everyone related to mathematics.

>> No.6320846

Where the fuck is Oppenheimer, you son of a bitch?

>> No.6320855


>> No.6320869

You could have some ancient scientists, namely Imhotep and Archimedes.


>Burners-Lee, but no Cerf
>Lorentz, but no Poincare


>> No.6320877


my negro

>> No.6320892

John Maynard Keynes and Milton Friedman

>> No.6320903

Keynesian economics:
Hey guise, double your bet every time you lose

>> No.6320945

You have electromagnetism for Gauss
For Hess, you have plate tectonics. You should have Germain Hess who formulated Hess´s law which led to the first law of thermodynamics.
Robert Boyle did not formulate Boyle´s law, or contribute anything to science. He stole it.
I say Rosalind Franklin and Fritz Haber should be in there as well. Alphabetizing i would be great or arranging it based on disciplines

>> No.6320971


Missing a lot of mathematicians, and some of those you put did bigger contributions to mathematics than to physics

>> No.6321877

I made a list, use what you want
Fleming - Penicillin
Alfred Russell Wallace?
No Crick for DNA
van Helmont/ Priestly/ Ingenhouz - Photosynthesis
Calvin - cycle
Krebs - cycle
Mendeleev - Periodic Table
Becquerel - radioactivity
Haber - process
Ramsay - Nobel gases
Rutherford - half life
Dirac - equation
J.J. Thompson - electron
Cayley - aeronautics
Archimedes - you have lots of choices here
Pythagoras - you have one choice here
Zeno - paradox
Godel - Incompleteness Theorem
Fibonacci - series

>> No.6321909

Alfred Wegener -- Idea of plate tectonics

James Hutton -- Father of modern geology

>> No.6321911

Al-Khwarizmi-Muhammad (The reason why computers exist)

Omar Khayyam

Avicenna (modern medicine)

>> No.6321919

how about all the guys who have units named after them
i could go on...


>> No.6321954
File: 198 KB, 407x559, 1391130772319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir Isaac Newton

>> No.6321960

He's already there

>> No.6321973

>Greenhouse effect

>> No.6321974


>> No.6322049


also you're missing Minkowski

>> No.6322094

>Mathematical notation

>> No.6322110

>>Not giving Crick any credit
Get your shit together OP

>> No.6322118

I may have missed it, but Theodore Von Karman had better be on there. Same with Ludwig Prandtl and Osborne Reynolds.

>> No.6322317

Lisp for AI? I am disappoint. Why delgado and neuroprosthetics?

Also, why Tesla for science? He contributed mainly to engineering?

>> No.6322351


Uh, this. How the fuck did you come up with that?

>> No.6322361 [DELETED] 

Schrodinger invented cats you assfag

>> No.6322369 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 265x386, tesla was first.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tesla invented radio you assblaster

>> No.6322374 [DELETED] 

hisenburg invented blue meth
also that picture dont look even close

>> No.6322382 [DELETED] 

the interenet al gore everbuddy knows that

actually Robert E. Kahn and Vint Cerf not whoever derpshit you ahve listed

>> No.6322384


Ptolemy goes before Copernicus. Just because geocentric was wrong doesn't mean his mechanics were insignificant. Plus I think you should define what kind of breakthroughs you're going for. It seems kind of arbitrary. Maybe break it up into fields or separate out math or do give technology its own image.

>> No.6322389 [DELETED] 

mach - aerodinamics and not naked four arm four leg guy

>> No.6322401 [DELETED] 

i always new bacon was awesome, just did not know it invented science