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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6320383 No.6320383 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post two academic fields that you most desire to learn. Get as specific as you'd like, nerds.

>Neuroscience/Quantum Mechanics

>> No.6320389

Neuroscience psychopharmacology

>> No.6320388

>penis enlargement/women's literature

>> No.6320400

Art, Genetics

>> No.6320403

Astrophysics/ Quantum Physics

I'm amazed with the incomprehensibly small and incomprehensibly large. Things my own size I don't find so interesting.

>> No.6320416

Dynamics and Control
which is the name of my specialization

>> No.6320422

Functional analysis and non linear dynamical systems

>> No.6320438

>Computer Science/Mathematics

already doing it. what's the point of this thread?

>> No.6320498

Same here.

>> No.6320516


For obvious reasons

>> No.6320524

Chaos is what i want to specialize in. Physics and Math major here.

>> No.6321092
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>> No.6321190


>> No.6321270


>> No.6321275

Computer Science
Mathematics (IDK what specific kind yet).

>> No.6321384

Mech E & AutoCAD - I'd love to get a 3-D printer and start building my own shit.
Petroleum engineering - I'd also love to be a roughneck for a little while. Not too long, just long enough to become grossly enormous and grossly rich in equal measure.

>> No.6321417
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Would really like to program my own consciousness, and really just 'get' consciousness, it's so fascinating. Sometimes I spent entire days thinking about it.

>> No.6321450

this. All about dat transhumanism.

>> No.6321455


Honestly, as of now, probably this.

Maybe throw in bioastronomy (is that even a real field?) as well because that's cool as shit.

>> No.6321550


This, astrophysics is pretty much the most interesting academic field IMO. But to actually be an astrophysicist would be extremely frustrating (look at the poor SETI guys, decades of searching and searching and nothing concrete yet).

>> No.6321568

After years of science, you get disillusioned with it and just want a well-paying job while avoiding most people.

>> No.6321597

Human Augmentation

>> No.6321621


Man, a lot of you guys sound like a child... putting your faith into science. It's always either science or religion for most people.

>> No.6321628

>a full mathematical discussion of quantum mechanics (because my degree only covers it's effects, not how to get there).
>M-theory/Quantum Loop gravity.

Woops I picked 3 :(

>> No.6321629


I don't really get your point and/or how it relates to that post...elaborate pls

>> No.6321639


Your post just rings with child-like enthusiasm for "human augmentation", like it will be a fascinating thing to research or contribute to a mankind - that doesn't give a fuck by you. You'll get sick of the data crunching, programming, and etc., and eventually, you'll want to just leave everything behind to go live in the woods or something away from over-controlling, judgmental people, which is what most people are in the work environment. You think it matters if you ultimately model the full dimensionality (i.e., degrees of freedom) of a finger that constantly taps on a desk, by utilizing differential equations and some linear algebra? No, it's a waste of time: especially when it's all just abstract bullshit while there's a beautiful life out there you can go enjoy as long as you have enough income.

You Americans sicken me with your quixotic like dreams and overly verbose-like approach to life.

>> No.6321644


>Maybe throw in bioastronomy (is that even a real field?)

You mean Astrobiology? It's pretty cool.

>> No.6321673

why do you think everyone should assimilate to your subjective outlook on life?

try not to lose your composure, we're just having a nice thread about what we'd like to study.

>> No.6321684


>implying I made that post
>implying I'm American
>implying all these implications

Sure do make a lot of assumptions.
I get what you're saying, but a lot of it is just as naive or ignorant as the strawman you're arguing against, and is not really specific to that field of study; the desire to drop everything is pretty much universal to shit jobs everywhere.

I mean, you can make an argument for whether human augmentation would be USEFUL (hint: it is), or if it's beneficial to our emotional wellbeing (arguably not), but it sure as shit is a fascinating thing to study.

And why the fuck are you on a science board if you think these things are verbose or just generally frivolous?

>> No.6321742

>And why the fuck are you on a science board if you think these things are verbose or just generally frivolous?

Good question.

>> No.6321750

chemistry and behavioural pharmacology/psychology

i already study chem anyway

>> No.6321769

QM isn't a major, fucktard.

>> No.6321792



>> No.6322640

>Neurosurgical techniques focusing in neurotrauma/cerebrovascular malformations


>> No.6322641

Biotechnology/Theoretical physics

>> No.6324161

Quantum foundations and functional analysis

I've learned a good amount of functional analysis, but I've heard quantum foundations can take you 20+ years to learn, so I'm probably never going to have time to learn it unless it becomes a popular area of research.

>> No.6324174

Philosophy and Neuroscience

(Both in terms of AI)

>> No.6324181

Biochemistry/Computer Science

I want to be able to code a genome

>> No.6324203

I actually have a competition tomorrow

>> No.6324210
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This. Already in neurosci and just getting the basics. Thinking about talking a programming course over the summer.

Just thinking about it makes me giddy

>> No.6324233


Jesus man, a lot of neuroscience hopefuls. Looks like it's your season. I did my undergrad in neuroscience, then did 3 years of clinical research in the field, decided I didn't like it and switched to molecular genetics.

Neuroscience is not what you think it is. Probably.

>code a genome


>> No.6324237


Get into quant trading

>> No.6324240

do neuroscientists study consciousness seriously? I hear a lot of people stay away from it in fear of being deemed a quack.

>> No.6324250

Do you study philosophy of approach like behaviorism etc?

Is computational Neuroscience far and apart from neuroscience?

>> No.6324255

It's not that it makes you a quack, it's that you can't do the experiments if you don't have any money. Government funds research that promises to cure disease and improve lives, not answer meaning of life type questions. Unless you are a big wig PI -and even then, it is unlikely you will get a serious grant to pursue such research.

That said, some neuropathologies require studying particular pathways that may shed some light on consciousness.

There's also the whole media spotlight this sort of stuff attracts. It can be a good thing or a bad thing.

>> No.6324261

Molecular psychopathology

>> No.6324265

I have had 0 exposure to computational neuroscience, by which I suppose you mean learning algorithms/AI and all that. That means if it was being done at the University I worked at, it wasn't done in the neuroscience building.

>Do you study philosophy of approach like behaviorism etc?

No, that's not really neuroscience. That's what used to be called psychology but is now called biopsychology/neuropsychology.

Neuroscience is broken down into essentially: imaging, cell bio/genetics, development, and biophysics. Sort of. You generate knockout mice, stick em in expensive cages to run experiments. Block channels/enzymes and do PET scans. Sit under a gigantic microscope probing neuron channels to study the electrochemical. A lot of slicing, staining.

The clinical side of it is basically statistics, retroanalyses of large databases of patient data.

>> No.6324313

>Computer science
>Computational Neuroscience
I am just trying to get ready for the moment "neuro technician" becomes a career path.

>> No.6324321

I became disillusioned with psychology. It really is a useless field. Alders really sealed the coffin in my opinion.

>> No.6324326

Which I'm already doing

>> No.6324330

When I said CompNeuro what I meant was modeling rate-based NNs, spike NNs, ion channels and other neuro computational models.

>> No.6324333

Genetics and Biomed

To stop all you mechanical transhumanist bastards.

>> No.6324334

Do you realize how little sense that makes?

>> No.6324336


>> No.6324347

Those are the neuro biophysics people. The only ones allowed to put integration symbols in their papers. It's dull work, but then again practically speaking all of science is dull work.

>> No.6324353

Psychology != Neuroscience.

Huge difference.

>> No.6324357

That sure is a funny way of spelling engineering.

>> No.6324360

I'm a chemist.

Chemical Engineering
Computer Science

>> No.6324366

>Chemical Engineering
should have majored in it
>Computer Science
Do it already. There's very little actual meat to digest and it's all very tenderized