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6317138 No.6317138 [Reply] [Original]

This is a 2nd year of high-school (11th grade) math test in Morocco, is it considered hard for your country's average high-schooler?

>> No.6317142

I don't speak muslim sorry

>> No.6317152
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>> No.6317151

You don't need to, all what it says is "prove that..."

>> No.6317156 [DELETED] 

From the equations, I definitely didn't learn that in high school (aside from the extensions of quadratic formula), neither did most of my school. Observing it now as a physics student, it doesn't seem difficult (some of it seems trivial), but could've been tough for kids in my school. I'd hope not.

>> No.6317164

9-10th grade here. Romania

>> No.6317166

It's not thought to all students, though; only to maths students. I think France has a similar curriculum.

>> No.6317169

I'm jelly. They could have thought us this earlier.

>> No.6317178

Naw, Proofs started in 9th grade here in Texas, 8th grade with advanced placement.

>> No.6317194

Mainstream media shows American students as retarded fucks that can't even do calculus. I hope it isn't true.

>> No.6317192

In eleventh grade you start calculus and some linear algebra (matrices, determinants, solving equations using determinants and shit). Calculus it's actually called "Analysis" and you learn about limits, functions, derivates, etc.
In physics you study waves, AC, etc. Chemistry is Orgo, basically what you guys learn at uni (I assume you are from western Europe/NA).

>> No.6317197

Ah mais vous mélangez l'arabe et le français dans vos DS?

Quand j'étais en 1ère S, on a eu un échange avec une classe du Maroc de 1ere S également, ils se foutaient bien de nos gueules.

Et le niveau en France est (ne crois pas une seconde tous les amerifats) déjà largement supérieur à celui des USA.

Donc ouis, vous gérez.
Pas de mystère si on retrouve pas mal d'entre vous en prépa en France après ;)

>> No.6317207

No, I'm not in Western Europe. Here, students learn: Logic, Sets, Applications, Z arithmetic, Scalar multiplication, Spacial scalars multiplication, 3D geometry... And analysis: limits, derivation and sequences...

>> No.6317208

i kinda got fucked by growing up in a state that's 48th in the union for student funding
i was at the apex of my school system and i learned calculus my 11th grade year. I didn't have the knowledge that I was behind compared to the rest of the world or the tools to fix it until I got to uni

>> No.6317209

it looks pretty straight forward

>> No.6317220

No , that looks pretty standard. American high schools don't teach mathematical proof notation, so an 11th grader would be confused, but the actual math and logic would be at about that level.

>> No.6317221


the absolute value of a plus b is less than c?

yea man, even the amerifats learn that in 8th grade

>> No.6317222

Oui, tout à fait. Nos leçons sont presque similaires. Et je pense que l'utilisation de L'arabe dans les matières scientifique a beaucoup baissait le niveau des élèves Marocains.

>> No.6317227

Of course, only the upper tail of the distribution makes it to high school in Morocco.

>> No.6317230

This is considered to be relatively easy....

>> No.6317234

Probably, yes. And Americans saying no are lying. Because I know shit students from this country who went to "great" private school in the U.S and they were absolutely shit (2 grades lower, basically).

>> No.6317236

And most of those who do, don't qualify to become uni students.

>> No.6317260

It's the story that sells.

>> No.6317283

>Prof A. Belkhatir
>1er Bac Sc MAT
if maroccans are as smart as their immigrants then they cant even solve 1 + x = 2

>> No.6317387


It would be impossible in my country average high-school, since they don't know sandspeak squiggles, thus would be unable to read anything

>> No.6317388

>big bad quadratic formula

this is middle school material, OP. like 6th grade.

>> No.6317531

Looks like 5-6th grade here in Russia.

>> No.6317547

By the lower tier stream kids, grade 11 (out of 12) here (Canada) is generally spent learning how functions work. Its been 5 years not but if I recall they cover quadratics, sinusoidal and radians, log/ln/e, exponentials, and some financial applications grade 11.

Grade 12 is when vectors and matrix operations are introduced, with optional classes which cover derivatives.

Oddly enough integral calculus is not covered in highschool here (most places), which I think is crazy.

One think I like is the proper use of notation on this test, most students would be able to to the math here but only is the problem was written in words. Alot would have a problem with set notation.

>> No.6317552

9oued a sahbi
you can't even succeed in prepa.

>> No.6317595

North Korean children know how to do this by the time they start kindergarten.

>> No.6317597

of course there are some people who are unwilling to learn. The vast majority of students get to calculus one at the very LEAST though.

>> No.6317613

I went to public school in America and I took first year calculus as a sophmore.
Of course there were only about 6 or 7 of us in that class as sophmores in a school of a little over a thousand, so we were obviously the exceptions.
And then of course, there are people that are so shitty (or really, apathetic) they're still in Pre-algebra as Juniors. But I find it hard to believe you don't have braindead morons in your country either.

>> No.6317618

Derivatives optional? No integrals? That's madness.

I'm a private tutor for high school kids in Sweden and here the course material and pace is in three different levels depending on your orientation. Most kids will at least do some differentiation while integrals are optional except for the highest level, which additionally differs from the others in that vectors, complex numbers and trigonometry is introduced fairly early and then revisited throughout. No matrix operations though.

They would be very put off by OPs test though because they won't learn to use that kind of formal language and do very many formal proofs until uni. Technically though I think advanced second year students will be able to solve those kinds of problems.

>> No.6317620

holy crap... what kind of math is this????

ive never seen half of those symbols...

>> No.6317624

It's arabic.

You're welcome.

>> No.6317629

Is that calculus or algebra??

>> No.6317630

very hard, no one here reads arabic.

>> No.6317633

I know it's crazy, the only thing that saved me was my grade 12 teacher gave me 2 of her old calculus textbooks at the end of grade 12 before I started engineering at uni and told me to learn integrals.

On the plus side the chemistry and physics programs are very good (mostly because they are completely optional, but this is mostly done to filter out the kids who do not take STEM courses seriously) and programming courses teach kids the fundamentals of if/or/while/for logic in grade 10.

>> No.6317634

Why don't they write the equations from right to left?

>> No.6317638

Because it's math; not arabic

>> No.6318373

but I do

>> No.6318397


canada here too, alberta specifically..
By the end of highschool, if you take the first calculus course, you learn pretty much calculus 1 in university. Obviously university math is taught much differently with more rigor, but they were mostly the same concepts.

Never learned matrices/vectors in highschool (used vectors in physics, but not math), also they don't teach set notation at all. I knew what answers to pick for the tests, but I never fucking knew set notation until I studied it on my own. I'm fucking shocked that they never taught it, also never learned any mathematical logic either.

Also never learned anything about complex numbers, I learned in college. I guess it makes sense, since a lot of results depend on your having a multivariable calc/vector calc background.

Calculus based probability is obviously not taught..etc

I really wish they would teach stuff like naive set theory, mathematical logic and other basic things people should know. Fuck, they just want to make engineers.

>> No.6318465


French is a language that makes all male speakers sound like homosexuals

>> No.6318470

Being this retarded makes you sound like a feminist

>> No.6318473


interesting non sequitur fruity french gayboy

>> No.6318481


whats with all the squiggles and shit?

>> No.6318513

I don't remember any of this shit. My greatest regret is not paying attention in match.

>> No.6318522

The standard STEM kids at my school were finishing up multivariable calc, diffeqs, and linear algebra their senior year. This was a public high school in california btw. I was a year behind that cuz I moved to california in middle school which means I couldn't get in the classes you needed to be in to get that high up in math. The great thing about that program though was you were pretty much done with math by the time you went to a university unless you actually planned on majoring or minoring in it.

>> No.6318533

>Because it's math; not arabic
But the numerals are.

>> No.6318535


You will in about 20 years

>> No.6318601

>having no humor at all
go die, asspie

>> No.6318630

It's hard to tell as I don't read Arabic though I can say I was in Algebra II in Junior year of HS in the US and to my knowledge we never used sigma notation nor any of the other formal notation (R, Q, ∌, ∀, etc.) As a matter of fact I was never taught any formal notation... I guess I just picked it up when I hit professors who assumed I already knew it.

That aside the rest of the material presented seems similar to stuff that would be covered in a typical American Algebra II class.

>> No.6318640


And they were probably fucking shit at most of it. And no respectable world university would take highschool credit for anything higher than single variable calculus.

I fucking hate all of you pseudo intellectuals, especially high schoolers.

>> No.6319274

Wa baraka mn l3ya9a akkhay zzamel wach lma 3endek may ddar ???
>Tfw I used to think I'm the only morrocan on 4chan

>> No.6319373

go to /int/, you're not the only one.