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6313180 No.6313180 [Reply] [Original]

Doing a project for school. Have to gather information about cultural space myths. Trying to find lesser know cultures to do so as to be more surprising to the teacher. Our group is already looking into Egyptians, Aztecs, Chinese, and Indian space myths and beliefs.
Im here to ask for suggestions on a fifth culture to find information for. All help is greatly appreciated.

>> No.6313182


>> No.6313190


So nothing about the ancient Iranians/Persians?

Hasn't anyone ever read the Shahnameh?

I mean, Manichaeism and Zoroastrianism practically influenced all major religions.

The Achaeminid and Sassanid Empires were like the super powers of that time period...

>> No.6313196

Ancient Greece?
They actually tried to prove their beliefs too, and if they were wrong adapted them. Pretty ahead of their time

>> No.6313206

Aliens was my first thought when the teacher was explaining the project, but it's very assumed that they not a good topic to be generalized. I need to focus on a specific group.

No, never herd much about their beliefs. Will they be a good topic for space related stuff? The course is a cosmology class, btw

>> No.6313210

Greece was on the suggestion list, but we felt it to be an overused choice. The teacher agreed.

>> No.6313212


The Zoroastrian magis were big astronomers.

>> No.6313214

>Doing a project for school

underage. go away kid.

>> No.6313221

Those cultures you listed probably have the most well documented information about their space myths. Adding more will probably just make things more difficult since not as much information is available.

But, I do have one suggestion.

Download Stellarium, it's a free, open-source planetarium software. With it you can set the night sky to display constellations from various cultures, including the ones you named. If you want pictures and background info on what they saw in the night sky, you can't do much better than stellarium.

>> No.6313224

Thank you. I'll look into it

College (granted, community college)
SFW board anyways

>> No.6313227

Huh, that sounds like a really cool idea idea actually.
Ill definitely bring that up to my group. Thank you

>> No.6313252
File: 188 KB, 500x333, 1390768906872.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancient aztecs believed that there are more galaxies in our solar system than there are more atoms inthe universe

>> No.6313274
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Newton thought that space didn't exist until around 4004 BC- that ='s space + myth.

>> No.6313563


acually this is true. see if you take away any atom from the solar system, you still have a galaxy. if you take away any billion atoms in the solar system, you still have a galaxy. But there are ~10^48434294477 ways to take 10^9 atoms from 10^57 atoms. So there are at least that many galaxies in the solar system, which is way more than the number of atoms in the universe.