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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6310896 No.6310896 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't STEM get any respect?


Businessmen seem to think that their speculation and paperwork bullt and ran their factories

Liberal arts fags are under the impression that their buearocracy and subjective opinions elevated man to the level he is today.

Athletes don't think much at all

Why is being a nerd considered bad? Like you failed at something.
Why don't the non-rich nerds get any girls? Since apparently it's all based on primitive caveman logic, you'd think that the smarter mates will guarantee your survival, no?

Also, why are the so many ugly people in STEM(don't even try to deny it)?

>> No.6310901

Those all sound like your opinions.

>> No.6310904

They are questions and generalizations

>> No.6310918

>be STEM major sitting in a bar
>girl and her friend come talk to me
>they ask what I do for a living
>say I'm an electrical engineer
>I fucked them both that night

>> No.6310931

>electrical engineer
>contact with women
>not being eternally cursed to never be able to be around women for the rest of your life the day you got your diploma

Top laugh out loud

>> No.6310941
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Be a nerd because you want to be a fucking nerd, not because you want people to like you.

Nerds are god tier, and anyone who disagrees can suck a fat chode.

>> No.6310949

>luk at me guuyz
>I'm such a nurd, omg I like scmience and quirky peepeel
>heepsteer 5 lyfe

>> No.6310955

You didn't even read the post, did you?

>> No.6310962

wow, you seriously dont understand why that post is exactly what hipsters say?

>> No.6310963

You didn't even read my original post, did you?

Your post was irrelevant. I have no insecurities about liking math.

>> No.6310976
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This "nerd" thing seems to be lame trash pushed in the 90s US media.
Although not all scientists in cartoons/movies were nerds, some were cool.

Also Malcolm from Malcolm in the Middle was far closer to a "kid who likes science/math" in real life, I have a friend who won a lot of math/physics competitions (now he is studying physics) and acted a lot like him.

Always looking for dumb stuff to do etc.

>> No.6310977

Clearly you're jealous of the attention that businessmen, athletes, and "Liberal arts fags" get, taking passive aggressive cheap shots in your original post.

Maybe you don't get any girls because you're arrogant and think you deserve more respect than others.

Point is, stop being so needy. Just be a nerd and be satisfied with being a nerd regardless of the opinions of others.

No, because hipsters pretend to not care about the opinions of others while secretly foaming at the mouth to be accepted by other hipsters.

>> No.6310991

Look at this special snowflake.

The rest of society is a bunch of attention seeking whores. But not this goy, he's a rebel. He doesn't even need to talk to people. That's why he stays in his moms basement all day

>> No.6311017

Alrighty then.

Have fun on your high horse, almighty euphoric one.

>> No.6311023

Who's smarter. A typical economics student or a typical STEM student?

>> No.6311032

Doesn't matter. Fine arts students have much higher IQs

>> No.6311046

Literally no one I know thinks this, including me and I'm not a STEMfag

>> No.6311308

Because you're not a nerd but a dork. Take off the fedora and get a life

>> No.6311348

Because social skills and connections determine your status in the world. The world is run by Chad Thundercock and his fraternity bros, because people listen to them because they're the loudest in the room. And when they got to the top, they made it "cool" to not be intellectual, because everyone wants to emulate success. STEMs can't convince people of their ideas without sperging out. Reality is about convincing the lowest common denominator of people that your ideas are correct by using little soundbites, buzzwords, appealing to emotion, because math is like, totally uncool man (read: I don't understand it, therefore I hate it).

>> No.6311363

Everything you need to know about /sci/ in one thread.

>> No.6311398

youre lucky, whenver someone wask me what im doing and i tell them that im studying physics i get the weirdest looks and no further talks.
nowadays i tell people im a "quantummechanic" they recognize the word mechanic as something "normal" and nothing gets awkward. i hate it.

>> No.6311467

Why would you want to know people who react like that to such trivial shit?


Grad student != physicist

>> No.6311468

>Because you're not a nerd but a dork
what the fuck is the difference?

>> No.6311480

because im not one pretentious asshole that thinks hes above everyone because he studies some STEM.

>> No.6311688

People don't want to talk to you after they find out what your profession is and you're okay with that?

>> No.6311702

Perhaps ugly people are more prevalent in STEM because it's a field that isn't as political and impressions don't matter as much. For example, if you go to a business deal looking like a hobo, your client will be very suspicious about doing business with you. However in the sciences there isn't nearly as much face to face interaction, it's mostly done in papers/journals.

>> No.6311718

What you really seem to want to ask is:

"Why are STEM personnel viewed as less attractive and not as well received as businessmen ans artists (musicians, painters, writers, etc.) ?"

Women and men generally are attracted by two things, power and intrigue. Men seems to be attracted through respect and women through security. Businessmen generally end up in positions of authority, which leaves men respecting the power it shows and women feel secure being with someone who is in control.

Artists are interesting, they tend to be eccentric and obscure which leads women to be intrigued by their talent and understanding.

STEM personnel tend to work under others and can't produce intrigue without the receiver knowing about the subject at hand. In other words to the average person, STEM personnel are just boring.

I know these are generalizations but since OP generalized I figured I could too.

>> No.6311756

>Why is being a nerd considered bad?
For starters you're self-identifying as something that is considered and intended as an insult, so there's that.

Furthermore humans are just barely sentient, it's just a paper-thin layer of what we are, just slightly smarter animals than the rest of the animals on this planet, so what do you expect? The 99% who are average or below average can't understand what the 1% who are exceptional are thinking or doing, so rather than accept that they're dumb they leverage the fact that they are the majority and declare you to be the defective one.

>> No.6311777

>athletes don't think much at all
care to prove this?

Athlete and STEM fag here

>> No.6312030

It's too autistic for most people, trying to explain what you study anyone else is very hard. How the fuck do you explain vector calculus to someone who could barely pass algebra and high school. Your better off avoiding talking about these things so you don't get branded as that crazy autist that can only understand equations and knows nothing about being human.

Tl;dr - never talk about math related subjects that anyone not in those subjects

>> No.6312044


>actual "nerds"

kill yourself.

>> No.6312059

>implying that bureaucracy, the statecraft that ensures a government can perform day-to-day functions regardless of ruler and the associated stability, isn't of immediate importance to human/scientific progression

>> No.6312067

I'm a liberal arts fag and I'm perfectly conscious of the fact that what I like to do is just for fun and doesn't elevate man to any great heights at all. That's why I'm browsing this board. (Guilt)

>> No.6312072

I don't think he implied it isn't important. I think he implied that it is secondary.

>> No.6312184
File: 72 KB, 250x250, 87b31c51-5545-41a8-97d7-e20e55946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being /fit/ and /stem/
stay smelly nerds

>> No.6312213

If you ain't getting action, it's because you are socially awkward. There's more to the world than STEM. Go take a dancing class. Go to a concert. Get laid. You definitely ain't a load bearing pillar in your field--you can take a break.

As for cute girls in STEM, head to chem and bio building. I know most of them are mostly nursing and pre-med, but that's as close as you'll get. All the cute girls in engineering are socially awkward and always taken.

>> No.6312219

I'd like to also add that the engineering guys are socially awkward and overly protective of their gfs (helicopter status). Um, actually, all undergrad guys are helicopter status.

>> No.6312297

I don't know. You get respect when you tell those fuckers you have a high paying job though, OP. Gets'em every time.

And the girls in Chem Eng aren't bad looking.

>> No.6312652

Hah agreed. I like the wording "You can't have physics without physiqe".

>> No.6312682
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>back to the late 1880s
>medicine doctors barely make a living
>traveling country, doing veterinarian jobs, etc
>strict licensing becomes introduced
>they get monopoly for teaching/practicing
>become self governed, with all the hospital executives being mds as well
>fastforward today - mad dosh

the reason why STEMfags get no respect, is because they're terrible at politics. pretty much cattle with diplomas, being run in circles by the management.

>> No.6312688

chemE does have the best looking girls in engineering. but their personalities seem to be always shit.

mechE has the best girls overall.

EE girls are weird as fuck.

>> No.6312703
File: 673 KB, 2024x2814, 1390752137019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic sauce?
>mfw when mechE has 0 girls in my uni

>> No.6312721


>> No.6312756



lol this guy

>> No.6312897

what movie is it from

>> No.6313005

Life Aquatic Steve Zissou

>> No.6313119

>vector calculus

Confirmed for underaged banned

>> No.6313124

I'm not blaming my sex life on STEM. You misinterpreted.

I was making accurate generalizations.

>> No.6313130


He's lying out of his ass.

>> No.6313135

because STEM is an enormous good ol' boys club, and its offputting to outsiders.

>> No.6313145

wtf are you talking about OP? my family is full of successful buisnessmen and women and I am an undergraduate freshman physics student at a good-but-not-ivy uni and I'm considered a genius to most of them. they respect the shit out of me and I don't even ask for shit.

>> No.6313201

Mind and body are a unit brah

I'm ottermode, aryan, confident, def attractive (I have girls smile at me often, the other day one even dropped her jaw next to her bf lel) and I'm the smartest person I personally know

I firmly believe that the dedicated and superior mind will always succeed, no exceptions. For if it doesn't succeed, it was either not dedicated enough or not superior (recognizing the need for dedication) enough

on the other hand all my friends say I'm eccentric

>> No.6313226

>girl drops her jaw

Were you shirtless?

>> No.6313250

While true, the curse only has so much power. When the power of having a shit ton of cash outbalances being an EE, things turn out for the better.

>> No.6313259


>> No.6313275

Nerd = someone with technical or niche interests among others
Otaku = someone completely obsessed with a niche interest
Dork = someone with low to terrible social skills and appearance that hunts for some form of acceptance by seeking out niche interests
Hipsters = someone who hunts for acceptance by seeking out popular niche interests but has very shallow passion/knowledge for it

>> No.6313283

There you go. Euphoric.
Godfuckingdammit, stop it. Shit got old. Every time someone in this motherfucking board says something that a certain anon doesn't like they go HURRR DURRR EUPHORIC FEDORA XD
You are fucking cancer, you are in fucking 4chan,get raped faggot

>> No.6313291

Oh my god... the conversations in this thread... They're exact replicas of the first thread I viewed on /sci/ two years ago down to the exact responses!

>> No.6313299

pic or didn't happen

>> No.6313326

I see so many people with gf's in chemistry, scientists get the girls
Engineers are fucked though

Dun know why STEM is ugly though. Most don't care, and had to find another obsession.

>> No.6313331

many engineers double major in Eng/Econ. its the English/Psych combo of the science world.

>> No.6313341

I've never heard of the term helicopter status, do tell.

>> No.6313345

The shillbot reposts randomly selected threads from the archive in an effort to lower the overall quality of the board.

>> No.6313348
File: 65 KB, 600x600, 1390772002777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm the smartest person I personally know
>all my friends say i'm eccentric
>That word choice
Holy fuck I don't even know you and I hate you.

>> No.6313354

>Dun know why STEM is ugly though
i look around my classroom and i legitimately feel bad for some of these guys. i know that very few people ever get dealt a royal flush in the game of genetic poker, but goddamn.

>> No.6313372

haha that pic is so cute though

>> No.6313406

>Mind and body are a unit brah

No, they are a duality.

>> No.6313417

because I would never want to work with most of the people from this board or people like them

>> No.6313419

they are both matter

>> No.6313426

Mind is the opposite of matter.

>> No.6313429

The stupidity, it hurts.

>> No.6313430

Your stupidity hurts? Well, you can always educate yourself.

>> No.6313433

And now he thinks he's being clever by making an incredibly lame retort.

>> No.6313440

Oh, I see. You're pretending to be a robot without human consciousness. Aren't you a little bit too old for role playing?

>> No.6313441

A legit autist.

>> No.6313450

You think >>6313433 is an autist? I prefer to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he was just being childish.

>> No.6313451


I'll preface this with the following. Science is my life. I work 9-5 in a laboratory (previously in research, currently in classes for my Masters degree). I live and breath the subject. When I'm bored I read papers on my subject to build a deeper insight into the field and I own a room of textbooks.

And I get laid, fairly regularly. In fact, most girls love a guy who is well read and passionate about his field. This whole idea that nerds don't get any is a misnomer. I am a nerd. I find paper exciting, and boobs too. I also don't think I'm particularly good looking. I stoop so I'm shorter than I should be and I have a face like a bag of dented bells and I still get girls.

If you are passionate about something and you can convey this in a way that doesn't spray doritos over them, then you will get laid. Even if you are the dorkiest scientist in the world.


>> No.6313452
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Hey goyim, check it out.

>> No.6313455

what does verbal mean?

>> No.6313457

lol 8/10

I see what you did there.

>> No.6313458

No >>6313440
He's completely oblivious and obviously has some kind of impairment.

>> No.6313460


I think it's how much the idea is conveyed verbally as opposed to mathematically. At least that's the only way I can fathom that chart.

>> No.6313463

Not bad.

>> No.6313462

What makes you say that? Are you trying to "troll"?

>> No.6313468

This chart convinced me to study physical education.

>> No.6313473

>neither of you will try to prove each other wrong
I'll do it for you chums. If something has some sort of substance (it can be perceived, thought, or implied) it is matter, matter is all that exists, therefor mind is matter.

>> No.6313474

Why would you compare people with a mathematical education with people with no mathematical education?

Of course Mathematicians are better at math than social workers. Of course Language guys are verbally better.

What a surprise. (and why the fuck is math so low in math? Because we only learn to proof and not how to actually calculate?)

>> No.6313477

Mind cannot be observed.

>> No.6313481

>implying logic isnt math

>> No.6313482

Is the concept of infinity made of matter? According to you it is because it can be perceived / thought of.

>> No.6313484

What do you mean why is math so low in math? Can you read?

>> No.6313487

only if youre a solipsist

>> No.6313495

I don't think you've taken a close look at high tier university EE programs (its like a 50/50 split).

>> No.6313492

>implying philosotards understand logic

Most philosophy students fail to comprehend something as simple as a logical implication or the concept of subset inclusion. Literally all research on formal logic in philosophy is done by people who studied both math and philosophy. The majority of philosophers are mathematically retarded.

>> No.6313498

Not true. Look up "qualia" and "the hard problem of consciousness".

>> No.6313496

no you cant see all of it
>thought of
no we always have to round if were going to solve a problem

if infinity actually exists outside of theory it is beyond our comprehension.

>> No.6313502

I would be inclined to believe you would to link a survey

>> No.6313504

>no you cant see all of it
Of course I can. Just write down the infinity symbol.

>no we always have to round if were going to solve a problem
You don't round infinity.

>if infinity actually exists outside of theory it is beyond our comprehension.
Every kid with a normally developed brain understands it.

>> No.6313503

>the majority of philosophers are mathematically retarded

>> No.6313507

Math should be clearly above everything else in math, not just "among the top"

>> No.6313510

Have you never seen a philosophy student? Try to take a class together with them and make your own experiences.

That's why I'm saying the chart is bullshit. It is based on a standardized american high school test and what they mislabel as mathematical aptitude is in fact nothing more than elementary algebra.

>> No.6313526
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>toppest of keks

>> No.6313533

I don't understand your reply. Please speak English.

>> No.6313590

>European history higher in both math and verbal than American history


>> No.6313600

>fucking women

Sure you did m8

>> No.6313612

>creative wriging

Oddly appropriate

>> No.6313639

This. So much fucking this.
Philosophy is the biggest circle jerk of stupidity unless everyone arguing knows math and can follow logic.

Not to mention most are angsty faggots who can't move past the "you can't know anything!" entry level bull shit.

>> No.6313642

Also forgot to mention the 'meaning of life' bull shit. For fucks sake this argument is the most boring million time answered question.

>> No.6313668

so what is the meaning of life?

>> No.6313690
File: 6 KB, 207x186, 1390781813535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meaning of life is to wonder that very question.

It is as obvious as number 3 and as meaningful too.

>> No.6313830

Lol that picture was funny. I agree with you good sir.

>> No.6313959

Serve the Lord.

>> No.6313962

>why are so many ugly people in STEM(don't even try to deny it)?
Are you kidding? STEM is now mainstream and the # of good looking people flocking to these degrees is astounding.
Also, maybe this is my opinion but it seems that now more than ever its easy to become good looking. For girls all you need is proper make-up and for guys, confidence. And for both, to be fit.

>> No.6313969
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>dat autistic rage