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6300314 No.6300314 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that some people really don't know things like; the sun is bigger than earth, the sun is a star etc?

>> No.6300329

some people dont even know that we live in an inverted earth, and the sun and the stars are nothing more than optical delusions

>> No.6300331


>> No.6300334


>> No.6300346

That's really stupid.

>> No.6300353

Oh lawdy.
Inb4 someone posts the "Earth is flat because gravity blah blah water is to heavy blah blah oceans would fall off the earth" video.

>> No.6300354

thats really ignorant

>> No.6300359
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> oceans would fall off the earth

>> No.6300371

this reminds me of the earth s flat because if you take a level meter (done know what its called, the thing with the water and a bauble that shows if something is level) on a plane, it shows you are always flying level, byt if the earth was round that would meen you're flying off into space instead of curfing around the earth vid.

>> No.6300384

a couple of questions fucktard
if the earth is a cell and we live inside it, why dont we fall upwards towards the center?
why have we managed to dig into the earth?
why does gravity get weaker as we move further below the ground?
why do you suck african-american dicks?
how do satellites "melt" through the glass?

>> No.6300391


>> No.6300395

>mfw round-earth fags can't accept that they've been indoctrinated into a lie that they now refuse to question

>> No.6300396

1. choose fact confirmed a million ways
2. fuck it up
3.post video on youtube
4. watch as the entirety of the scientific community goes apeshit
5. profit

>> No.6300398

not /sci/

>> No.6300403

there is flat earth society

>> No.6300405

There's more to it tho
6. Be told a million times that you are wrong
7. Be given a million simple, concrete pieces of evidence that you are wrong
8. Change up the theory to account for the evidence in some completely nonsensical way
9. Accuse everyone of being part of the conspiracy

>> No.6300416

i meant the money you get from youtube if your vid hits that many likes

>> No.6300423

brain fart

>> No.6300432

>the money you get from youtube

>> No.6300555

The sun is hatrid.
The sun is anti-life.

>> No.6300595

>why does gravity get weaker as we move further below the ground?

u wot m8

>> No.6300605

Some people still believe that the Earth is 6000 years old and was created by an invisible old man in the sky.

>> No.6300609

This would happen if you got deep enough.

>be at center of earth
>be weightless due to gravity pulling equally in every direction
>somehow not be smashed by the earths core

I'm sure this is NOT what he was referring to

>> No.6300628

It's not just he centre of the Earth. If you go into a very deep mine you can measure a difference in gravity.

>> No.6300686
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Yes, I was always paired with one during high school. The teacher's response was the smartest kid should be paired with the dumbest.
That one biology partner was terrible, we had to sort a list into alive, dead and inanimate. She thought a rock was alive and it took several hours before she could sort them correctly without help.

But now that I am in the world of "adults" I still see it every so often and wonder why they have a job and I don't.
When I want some comedy I flip on C-span.
Here are some summarized comedy gold I have seen there.

Can we save money be running the web severs without electricity?
Why don't we have a program so females can get prostate exams as well?
Aren't you worried the island will capsize with that many soldiers on it?
I know for a fact there is air at very high altitudes, so way would the pilot have trouble breathing it like we do down here on the floor every day?
Why don't we just run the electricity through the glass fiber optic lines like we do with the old copper ones?
Is this future bill which has not yet been drafted causing problems in the past?

>> No.6300697
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>Why don't we just run the electricity through the glass fiber optic lines like we do with the old copper ones?

>> No.6300751


>>6300595 here

You are actually correct. Didn't give that enough thought - I was thinking of differences in gravity on the surface.

When drilling a mine towards the center of the earth, more and more of the earths mass will be located above your head, pulling you upwards.

>> No.6300797

Yes, we can coat the fiber optics in gold or some other conductive material. Heck, we have conductive glass that could do double duty. However the context was referring to our nation infrastructure, which does not support that currently.

Trust me, under the context it was a stupid question. The question made it seem like there was some switch that would fix this and why such a switch was not thrown.

More specifically how the fiber optic relay systems run off the grid and not an independent power transmission network like old copper lines do. So when hurricane Sandy hit it was a single point of failure. Power went down taking fiber optics down which took cell phones down which turned off some controls for gas and water values shutting down some parts of those systems. The old copper setup had a separate power production and distribution so many of these problems could have been avoided if they were not replacing them with new optic lines that don't carry power.

We are very stupid at how we build stuff.

>> No.6300854


>Not smashed

Also, Gravity is not a constant 9.8m/s2. The closer you get to the center of mass, the more acceleration you experience.

>> No.6300982
File: 24 KB, 243x200, e6155bce46bc1048f09c6165f8e2e174.image.500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people can't locate their own state on a map of the US.
>mfw people can't even locate the US on a World Map.
>mfw people can't point out Earth on a map of the Solar system.
>mfw people don't realize the Sun has a name besides "The Sun."
>mfw people say you'll just pass right through Jupiter out the other side becasue it's only gas.
>mfw people get historical facts so badly wrong it makes you worry for the future of our species.
>mfw people think Japan is that large island of the coast of Florida
>mfw people say Hawaii is the large islands off the coast of Florida
>mfw people say they want be like all the black Presidents before Obama.
>mfw people can't find Mexico or Canada on the map of North America!
>mfw people say Jupiter is the size of Earth
>mfw people say Mars is the closest planet to the sun
>mfw people say the Asteroid belt doesn't exist anymore because Jupiter sucked then all in in 1994.
>mfw people say comets are a type of slow moving solar flare.

Yes These are all things I have hard PERSONALLY from other people.

>> No.6301001


>>mfw people don't realize the Sun has a name besides "The Sun."
What else would you call it? Sol? Our Star?

>>mfw people say you'll just pass right through Jupiter out the other side becasue it's only gas.

To be fair, the fact that they know Jupiter is mostly gas is a feat of knowledge by itself

>>mfw people say they want be like all the black Presidents before Obama.

No one says that

>>mfw people say the Asteroid belt doesn't exist anymore because Jupiter sucked then all in in 1994.
>>mfw people say comets are a type of slow moving solar flare.

You're just making up shit now.

>> No.6301003
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I got into a bit of a squabble with my mother once because I couldn't believe she didn't know the planets. I regret absolutely nothing.

>> No.6301009

Never underestimate some people's stupidity.

>> No.6301020


so? people tend to ignore stuff which isn't interesting or useful for them

you remind me how i visited a psychiatrist when i was getting one of my former jobs for which i had to get a paper that i was sane and never treated of any psychiatric disorder, so, i came into the room and she asked me what day is it now. i was like... oops i'm not sure. she asked then what day of the week it was, i couldn't answer again, i was sure it was either thursday or friday or something like that. she was a smart woman so she just smiled and said that i clearly hadn't worked for some time

>> No.6301021
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>To be fair, the fact that they know Jupiter is mostly gas is a feat of knowledge by itself
This cannot be true. That's as basic as knowing the earth is covered in water and soil.

>> No.6301023

>You're just making up shit now.
I can assure you I'm not. I have heard someone say this and just want to punch them for their sheer stupidity.

>No one says that
Ask any random person on the street (or any college) and ask for the name of any black Presidents before Obama. I can guarantee they'll start guessing names. If they start rattling off names, walk away.

>What else would you call it? Sol? Our Star?
I'm saying when you tell people that the Sun actually has a name I can bet you they'll be amazed or flabbergasted.

>> No.6301035

>people tend to ignore stuff which isn't interesting or useful for them
>ignoring the simple fact of GRAVITY.

>> No.6301037

So Kitty.

Since you arent anonymous... who are you? Whats your major/job/occupation? Age and demographic? Rrrraace? What makes you tick?

>> No.6301040


Stop. You learn about Earth long before you learn anything about the solar system. Jupiter looks like Venus, only larger. And it's called a planet. I don't know about you, but when I think of planets, I think of giant balls of rock.

I wouldn't call someone stupid if they thought Jupiter was a giant rock, I would just say they haven't really been taught much about other planets.

>> No.6301041

>so? people tend to ignore stuff which isn't interesting or useful for them

Half of the list is basic shit that's necessary if a person's going to have any context for things they see or hear about. We're not talking about actor trivia, here.

>mfw people can't locate their own state on a map of the US.
>mfw people can't even locate the US on a World Map.
>mfw people think Japan is that large island of the coast of Florida
>mfw people say Hawaii is the large islands off the coast of Florida
>mfw people say they want be like all the black Presidents before Obama.
>mfw people can't find Mexico or Canada on the map of North America!

>> No.6301053


>>mfw people say they want be like all the black Presidents before Obama.

This statement doesn't even make sense. It's too specific, especially when Obama is known everywhere as the first black president.

>Some mental ward patient said this so it's a problem with today's youth

>> No.6301059

Isn't that a basic thing to be taught, though?

>> No.6301065

>love doesn't exist, it's non-material chemical reactions
>can you live without a brain?

>> No.6301068

Astrology confuses some idiots when they constantly call the Sun and Moon "planets".

>> No.6301071

>Someone points to Canada and calls it Russia
>Someone points to Alaska and calls it Texas.

Oh and did you guys know The British won their Independence from the USA in 1945? And That we fought the Australians in WWII. France attacked Pearl Harbor. The 1st Atomic Bomb was dropped on Mexico. Oh and here the best one! Japan is a pot and pans making company.

>> No.6301072

Wait, Earth is not just made of earth? I know there is a small lake and some other water sources. But people talk like the Earth is made of water. If that truly is the case why don't we call our planet Water?

>> No.6301074

because people weren't aware the Earth was mostly water until the 1500s.

>> No.6301079

They are idiots in the first place if they read astrology.

>> No.6301080
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I like you.

>> No.6301086

you must be around a lot of stupid people if you have such low standards.

>> No.6301089

or he could be below 15 years old

>> No.6301090
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I could have mentioned all the other real black presidents.
Like Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, president from 1994 to 1999.
Or shown fictitious black presidents played by Chris Rock or Morgan Freeman or many others.

But given we are talking about stupidity here. U.S. President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho is the pic I pick.

>> No.6301092
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But the one look at the satellite photos says it all.

>> No.6301096

it's a satirical group

>> No.6301100

Mexican laborers told a friend of mine that a stroke is when someone's brain "falls into their neck".

>> No.6301524
File: 6 KB, 197x255, 1390205810061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gawd the stupidity!!!

>> No.6301533
