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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 104 KB, 783x503, 1390132191919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6299767 No.6299767[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck happened to you, /sci/?

Why was the most recent post >30mins old?
How did this board become so slow?

I remember back in 2010 when it took a minute for the threads on the front page to go to page 1
I haven't browsed this board for several years now but at least mid 2011 it was 10 times as active as today

What is the reason? Where did everyone go?

>> No.6299775

This is the correct speed for a board about math and science. Otherwise you can only get /b/ level discussion.

>> No.6299781

/sci/'s number of posts per day dropped from >6000 in late 2011 to <2000 in 2014.

Here are some reasons:
- Repetitive uninformative off-topic threads clogging up the board, e.g. school advice blogging, transhumanism escapist fantasy circlejerks, teenaged pseudo-philosophy
- Constant trolling and reposting of troll memes by a very small group of dedicated shitposters, e.g. 0.999..., troll math, free will, consciousness
- Inconsistent moderation, e.g. occasionally and unexpectedly banning on-topic posts while simultaneously letting trolling garbage survive for months despite reports
- Frequent occurrence of aggressive flaming and thread derailment instead of constructive discussion

>> No.6299783

Anarchism is incompatible with capitalism so anarcho-capitalism is actually a misnomer.
Corporatism would be a better name for it.

>> No.6299786

>implying its not /b/ level discussion

>> No.6299790

No its not

I'm here since 1-2 months after the creation of /sci/ and I can bet my balls that this shit is at least 5 times slower than it used to be once, and no, it wasn't "dominated" by /b/-tier discussion either
There were A LOT of on-topic discussions and they were all perfectly clean

The threads I currently see are exactly the same shit there used to be posted several years ago, some of them literally

>/sci/'s number of posts per day dropped from >6000 in late 2011 to <2000 in 2014.
What? Source?

>- Repetitive uninformative off-topic threads clogging up the board, e.g. school advice blogging, transhumanism escapist fantasy circlejerks, teenaged pseudo-philosophy
>- Constant trolling and reposting of troll memes by a very small group of dedicated shitposters, e.g. 0.999..., troll math, free will, consciousness
>- Frequent occurrence of aggressive flaming and thread derailment instead of constructive discussion
I agree, but those responsible for that were just a few people, max 100 (EK, 99% of the tripfags, etc)
What made the rest of the thousands of regular people leave?

>- Inconsistent moderation, e.g. occasionally and unexpectedly banning on-topic posts while simultaneously letting trolling garbage survive for months despite reports
Was it because of this? I remember that I myself left because I got a global ban for 3 days for posting an on-topic thread (black holes and stuff) with a costanza picture - "posting inane trolling garbage"

Anarchism is incompatible with anything else, but something will ALWAYS emerge after it, be it totalitarianism, military occupation from the neighboring countries, economic puppet following by forced democracy, etc
Anarchism is for the retarded kids

>> No.6299798


>> No.6299803


>> No.6299807
File: 168 KB, 1056x1292, 1390133843676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What? Source?


The diagram updates and rescales regularly. Pic related is all I saved. Don't have the data from 2011 anymore.

>> No.6299812

Holy fuck, this is a proof that increased moderation is bad

As for the 2011 stuff, this shit

Query select day, trips, names, anons from sci_daily where day > floor((1390115855-31536000)/86400)*86400 group by day order by day

>select day

I'm not really into those things, but doesn't that mean that you can add some kind of a command to the end of the url and get that date as a range?

>> No.6299815


>11:49:51 GMT
>06:49:51 EST

This is why no one is posting, it's Sunday morning in the two most populous time zones you fuck

>> No.6299813

>I'm here since 1-2 months after the creation of /sci/
When was sci created? I'm here since 2010 I think.
The board has definitely been going down, content quality wise. I don't recognize the board culture from 2010

>> No.6299816

Not sure but I remember that I first started browsing it somewhere around feb 2010 and it was pretty new


>> No.6299817

>Overall less tripfags.

This explains a lot.

>> No.6299825

>I'm not really into those things, but doesn't that mean that you can add some kind of a command to the end of the url and get that date as a range?

The guy who's running the installgentoo archive is an experienced /g/entooman. I don't think he would allow normal visitors to execute arbitrary SQL commands on his server. SQL injection is like babby's first hacking. Almost everyone who ever set up a server knows how and why to avoid it.

>> No.6299837

>I agree, but those responsible for that were just a few people, max 100 (EK, 99% of the tripfags, etc)
>What made the rest of the thousands of regular people leave?

/sci/ never had that many regular posters. Most of the posts here are made by the very few dedicated shitposters. Consider that a single troll derailing one or two threads will amount a few hundred posts to the overall post count. If I had to guess I'd say we're having less than 50 people regularly posting here, and this includes those who are reposting the same troll threads every day. The non-regular posters mainly consist of /b/tards coming here for homework help or school advice blogging without having read the sticky or the rules.