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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6299734 No.6299734[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Take caffeine pill
>feel relaxed and focused for an hour or so
>tfw there are people whose brain chemistry allows them to feel this way all the time naturally.

Life ain't fair man.

>> No.6299754

>take caffeine pill +200mg
>feel nothing

>have headache because muh caffeine
>take caffeine pill +200mg
>headache gone in minutes

>> No.6299756

> Don't take anything
> Feel relaxed 7x24

>> No.6299765

>Never drink coffee intentionally, only alcohol
>First coffee in 5 years
>Two small cups and couldn't sleep for two days while working my ass off in the same time

Gotta love my virgin brain

>> No.6299811

>Get diagnosed for ADD.
>Get ADD meds.
>Feel like that all the time.

>> No.6299849

>feel relaxed (read: sleepy) all the time
>take caffeine
>feel more sleepy
Glad I've got my ADHD meds

>> No.6299851

Caffeine doesn't last that long.
Sounds like a placebo effect

>> No.6299852

Look guys we got an expert in chemistry over here!

>> No.6299886

look guys we've got a faggot over here.

caffeine has a half life of roughly 6 hours, everyone should know that

>> No.6299892

>take ritalin
>always happy
>body starts to fail
>lack ability to genuinely enjoy


>> No.6299901


Wish it was so fucking easy..

>Go to the psychiatrist
>Describe him that I have ADD
>I actually do have all the symptoms and didn't lie
>Told me that it was his first time he heard of this mental disorder
>Wrote down "minor depression" without even telling me
>Have a record of going to a psychiatrist and getting diagnosed with depression for the rest of my life

Never again.

>> No.6299906

Serves you right, you repulsive douchebag. Do your fucking homework like everyone else does. You're not special just because you dislike school. Before the pharma industry started their deceptive marketing campaign, we simply used to punish undisciplined children like you.

>> No.6299909

> Go to doctor.
> Tell him I think I have narcolepsy, the complete opposite of what most people think of ADHD.
> Get diagnosed with ADHD

>> No.6299910

>Do your fucking homework like everyone else does.
Get a load of this faggot.
He thinks pills are magical and they do the work for you

>> No.6299913

Get a load of this retard.
He thinks the fact that he prefers to play video games instead of doing his homework means he has a biological disorder that needs pills and not just discipline.

>> No.6299915

It wasn't because of that you fucking retard
I have several other symptoms, like:

>Every time I try to read more than 10-15 pages, my stomach starts to heat very bad and I will faint if I don't move asap
>Uncontrollable tics on my face
>Do the Thue–Morse sequence unconsciously and when I try to stop in the middle I get nervous
>Eat my nails, eat my skin near them, and some other shit that is clearly related to ADD because you can't just stop
>Always try to put everything in order or make it equal, else I get nervous
>Can't concentrate on something, I unintentionally start daydreaming when I get bored, even without realizing it
>Can't sit on the toilet without cleaning it first
>Always wash my hands

I can continue but I cba typing that much stuff.
If you think that the above symptoms aren't related to ADD/ADHD, you are retarded

>> No.6299919

Delicious jealously.
Pills are a tool. Tools are what makes humans better than animals. Deal with it, faggot.

>> No.6299921

Get a load of this fuckwit.
He thinks symptomatic disorders are made up by irresponsible people.

>> No.6299924

What you described sounds like OCD and has nothing to do with ADHD. ADHD doesn't exist and is only a lazy excuse for being an undisciplined loser who fails in school.

>> No.6299925

Some of these things aren't really strongly associated with ADD anon. Some of them are just weird. You're also not listing or missing a lot of the major symptoms of ADD.

>> No.6299926

>doesn't know the difference between OCD and OCPD yet still tries to give others medical advice.
>thinks ADD is made up.

>> No.6299927

Being unmotivated to do your homework is not a symptom and the only treatment it deserves is to give you bad grades like you deserve.

>> No.6299932

>thinks anyone with ADD says they're unmotivated to do homework
>clearly hasn't read even basic research on the topic

>> No.6299929


OCD is one of the symptoms of ADD

In short, I have a hard time concentrating.

>> No.6299934

Lack of basic discipline certainly makes that poster no better than any animal.

>> No.6299935
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No.. both those things are wrong.

>> No.6299937

Personality disorders are only diagnosed in adults. Given the fact that the poster wanted to get an excuse for not doing homework, we can conclude that he is still going to high school and thus underaged.

1. No, if isn't.
2. Lack of concentration is a cognitive deficit. It shows that you don't belong in that level of education. Drop the class and go for a job that fits your disability.

>> No.6299938

If you had any discipline then you would take some time to read some preliminary research before arguing about shit you clearly don't understand.

>> No.6299940

Kids failing at school are nothing special. One purpose of schools is to weed out the less qualified. Giving children an excuse for not doing homework solely on the basis that they are willing to pay for pills undermines the purpose of educational institutions.

I did and it confirms what I said.

>> No.6299944

I am not underaged and I didn't say anywhere that I didn't want to do homework, the exact opposite, I wanted it so badly that I went to get some adderall so some of the symptoms can go away and I can study like a normal human

1. Yes it is
>In children ADHD occurs with other disorders about 2⁄3 of the time.[32] Some of the commonly associated conditions include:
>Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can co-occur with ADHD and shares many of its characteristics

2. Nah bro, you aren't smarter because you can concentrate better than me. Insulting someone over the internet won't give you back the years that you got bullied <:^)

>> No.6299946

You're the only person who mentioned homework, here in particular >>6299906.

Clearly a self esteem issue.

>> No.6299947


>> No.6299948

Then I suggest you stop "researching" on pop-sci articles and start referring to actual research.

>> No.6299962

>I didn't say anywhere that I didn't want to do homework, the exact opposite, I wanted it so badly
If you wanted to do it, you would have simply done it. Stop making up retarded excuses. If you're too stupid to do it, then that's a cognitive deficit and indicates that you should drop out.

>1. Yes it is
1. Wikipedia is not an academic source and by its own guidelines not to be taken as the only input when it comes to medical information.
2. You are fucking retarded, if you don't know that comorbidity is not the same as a symptom.

>2. Nah bro, you aren't smarter because you can concentrate better than me
Yes, I fucking am. If my cognitive performance is better than yours, then I am smarter than you. That's how intelligence works.

>> No.6299965

The only purpose of "ADHD" is to give children an excuse for lacking the discipline to keep up with what they're supposed to learn for school.

Publications in a national journal of children and adolescent psychiatry aren't "pop-sci articles".

>> No.6299967

Wait, so if a person is useful to society and happy with himself when under the influence of certain medication, then we shouldn't give it to them because....?

>> No.6299968

>There are actually people on /sci/ this dumb.

>> No.6299969

It doesn't make him useful at all. The only difference is that instead of simply being a failure at school he now is a failure at school who pays money for drugs.

>> No.6299973

Can you please keep your inappropriate emotions out of here? It is obvious now that you have no basis for a rational discussion anymore and you're only acting out your anger. This is a science and math board. Higher level of discourse and a scientific attitude are to be expected here.

>> No.6299974

But increasing his concentration and his ability to focus would definitely make him more successful at school, and more useful in whatever field he goes in to.

>> No.6299975
File: 56 KB, 595x471, 1390140179213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this anon cries himself to sleep at night because Erdos was doping when he wrote all those proofs.

>> No.6299976

>Get called dumb
>Pretend to be autismal

>> No.6299979

He is not supposed to go into a field for which he is lacking the cognitive skills. A wheelchair doesn't apply for a position as a sprinter either.

Erdos took drugs because he couldn't handle the sad reality of never getting laid. Look it up. He died as a virgin.

>> No.6299983

Take that infantile shitposting to /v/ or /a/. On /sci/ we prefer to use arguments instead of insults.

>> No.6299984

>Thinks amphetamines are an anti-depressant.
>inb4 people drink coffee because they don't get laid.

>> No.6299986

But if he's able to comprehend the material and handle the workload, then why shouldn't he apply? What difference does it make that he has to take a pill in the morning?

>> No.6299987

Clearly you haven't read about the ubermen with robot legs that can outsprint any normal human and so they're getting banned from the olympics for being too good.

>> No.6299989

Euphoria, self-confidence and sociability are the main intended effects of amphetamines.

>But if he's able to comprehend the material and handle the workload
Obviously his problem is that he isn't able to do this.

>> No.6299993

You say that as if you've actually formed any arguments. All you did was call research journals pop-sci for not agreeing with actual pop-sci.

>> No.6299994

>Obviously his problem is that he isn't able to do this
But if the solution to that is one pill, then what does it matter? If he can come to school every day, understand the material, and demonstrate his knowledge, then what does it matter what he did at home that morning?

>> No.6299995

You must have addressed the wrong poster, idiot. I'm >>6299965. Learn to read.

>> No.6299997

No, those are side effects that people try to tone down or remove because it makes them extremely addictive. Hence the use of methylphenidate instead of amphetamines. The actual intended effects are the meth head like behavior where people start working on something and can't stop (like how meth heads clean every square inch of their house meticulously when they're spun out).

>> No.6299999

Yes, there are no well formed arguments there. Only word vomit.

>> No.6300000

That's not how it works. The pills don't immediately turn him into a functional human being. He is cognitively impaired and temporarily consuming stimulants doesn't solve this problem. Higher education is for those who are qualified. If he's not qualified, there are a lot of low wage jobs for people like him which don't require intelligence at all.

>> No.6300002

I posted facts. If you dismiss facts for whatever emotional reason, then you're wrong on /sci/. >>>/pol/ is over there.

>> No.6300003

Who cares anon? If anything as an academic if you have an opportunity to increase your chances of a breakthrough and productivity then it is your responsibility to take it. No one cares if a fields medalist was on amphetamines when they were writing their research. If you can't handle this then you really shouldn't be in academia.

>> No.6300005

There are no facts in that post. (and that's a fact)

Perhaps you should read a basic textbook on first order logic.

>> No.6300006

I'm sure that's why amphetamines are sold in night clubs. Surely dancing and flirting requires a lot of intellect and concentration.

>> No.6300008

If he can't handle the work on or off stimulants, then he wouldn't be in school at all and this discussion wouldn't matter. But if the boost in concentration allows him to handle the workload, then I don't see what the problem is. If he can potentially make some kind of contribution to his field, then I don't know why you wouldn't want him to try.

>> No.6300009

Everything I said is factually true. And I know more about logic than you. Stop wasting your time with infantile shitposting.

>> No.6300012

We're not talking about an academic. We're talking about a kid who is about to fail school because he prefers to play video games instead of doing his homework. All he needs is discipline.

>> No.6300016

>video games
You're the only person in this thread who's mentioned anything.

>> No.6300017

>then he wouldn't be in school at all

Exactly. He shouldn't be in school at all because he fails to do something as simple as his homework. He should just drop out and stop making lazy excuses.

>> No.6300018

People snort them in clubs. Modern breakthroughs and prescriptions go out of their way to administer the drug through time release methods in regulated dosages. The most common ways this is done is by using capsules with a special membrane that maintain a constant ratio of the drug in the stomach (taking several pills won't double the dosage) or by using a patch.

Have you read anything about this topic?

>> No.6300019

You are pretending to be an academic arguing against their use. Why aren't you using amphetamines? Are you not serious about your work?

>> No.6300020

I'm just calling it by its name. ADHD is an excuse used by people who are too lazy / too stupid to do their homework / to study for school, yet think they are entitled to get a degree they're not qualified for.

>> No.6300021

You have said nothing that's factually true. Only shitposting. I don't believe it's possible for someone like you to have a background in logic.

>> No.6300022

This is a science board not your opinion blog.

>> No.6300024

But if they understand it, did the work, and can contribute to their field, then they deserve the degree. Why are you so adamant that people not contribute to science and understanding?

>> No.6300026

>People snort them in clubs.
No, that's cocaine. Amphetamines are sold as pills.

Because I am sufficiently intelligent and disciplined to work on my own. Unlike you I am a fully functional human being.

>> No.6300028

People crush up and snort pills. It takes 2 seconds on google to find discussion boards where people talk about this.

>> No.6300031

You're wasting your time with these puerile insults. The facts I posted remain true.

I posted science. No opinions are to be found in my post.

>> No.6300032

>Because I am sufficiently intelligent and disciplined to work on my own.
Amphetamines would only make you better.

>Unlike you I am a fully functional human being.
You clearly don't seem like it to be engaging in this sort of discussion as if it will make a bit of difference in your life.

>> No.6300036
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No facts. No science.

>> No.6300037

>But if they understand it, did the work, and can contribute to their field
Obviously that's what they can't, due to their lack of discipline or lack of intellect.

Cool story. Apparently you're more experienced with party drugs. Have fun damaging your brain.

>> No.6300039

Just because you're a social person doesn't mean you have to indulge when other people are taking party drugs. Maybe if you actually went out for once you'd realize this.

>> No.6300040

>Amphetamines would only make you better.
I don't want your shitty drugs. I am already the best. There is no way to make me better.

>You clearly don't seem like it to be engaging in this sort of discussion as if it will make a bit of difference in your life.
Scientific truth is very important to me and I am more than happy to spend some time defending it against anti-intellectualism and ignorance. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and shattering trolls with facts and logic.

>> No.6300042

>Obviously that's what they can't, due to their lack of discipline or lack of intellect
If they can't function in school anyway, then the drugs don't matter because they'll never graduate. Let's assume that that someone can't focus enough to handle the class by default, but can under the influence of amphetamines. Why shouldn't this person be allowed to graduate?

>> No.6300043

Clearly you have much room for growth.

All you've done is post anti-intellecutalism. Not even the slightest bit of rigor in your post. In fact, it's like you've actually posted anti-rigor.

>> No.6300047

I posted both.

I don't hang out with junkies.

>then the drugs don't matter because they'll never graduate
Exactly. That's why he should just drop out instead of wasting more time and money.

>> No.6300048

>Exactly. That's why he should just drop out instead of wasting more time and money
Thanks for ignoring the rest my post, really contributing to the discussion here.

>> No.6300049 [DELETED] 
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take your ADHD pills

Stay docile and obedient

>> No.6300050


>> No.6300053

>I posted both.

>I don't hang out with junkies.
This doesn't contradict the statement in that post. It seems you don't hang out with anyone. I bet reading that first order logic book is sounding really good right about now.

>> No.6300054


No one in their right mind thinks meth heads are more docile and obedient than normal people.

>> No.6300056

why does it matter?
u get the same meds

>> No.6300057

In my posts.

>This doesn't contradict the statement in that post.
Why contradict? It underlines my higher social status.

>It seems you don't hang out with anyone.
I am very popular. Everyone wants to hang out with me because I'm so smart and good looking.

>I bet reading that first order logic book is sounding really good right about now.
I already know first order logic. Is this the highest level of logic you learned?

>> No.6300059

Tell me more about yourself, you sound like an interesting person.

>> No.6300062

I was wondering the same thing.

>> No.6300061

>The posting or requesting of personal information [...] is prohibited

>> No.6300064

>Tell me more about yourself, you sound like an interesting person.
>Tell me more about yourself

>The posting [...] of personal information [...] is prohibited

>> No.6300072

ppl dont have simple understanding what ADD is

ADD is like having little RAM in a computer no matter how much hard drive space you have only so much you can work at the same time

thats why there are problems at school, because your "RAM" gets filled in 20-30 mins then other 15-25 mins are gone

discipline might help but not much

>> No.6300074

That kind of cognitive disability was previously known as "mild mental retardation".

>> No.6300076

Y'all niggas need to shut the fuck up.
I heard that stupid people don't know they're stupid.

>> No.6300078
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That sounds like caffeine addiction.

Have you been taking a significant amount of caffeine, especially at regular intervals over a month or two, and do you also have some kind of headaches or lack of focus or abnormal drowsiness when you don't get it?

And yes, caffeine addiction is a real problem. My dad got it bad. People were very unsupported saying things along the lines of there as no such thing. A drug is a drug, just because it is weaker or issues are less common does not mean it is always harmless.

>> No.6300079

It's all just one anon shitposting.

>> No.6300081

>Y'all niggas need to shut the fuck up.

Why? Because scientific facts hurt your feelings?

>> No.6300082

I'm not OP, but caffeine withdrawal headaches are terrible.

>> No.6300083

You didn't post any science or facts. Furthermore, if you understood the first thing about empiricism then you'd know that there is no such thing as a scientific fact.

>> No.6300084
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And the only way to treat it is with medication, group therapy and counseling.

All at a somewhat affordable pricetag.

Well, if you got the right insurance.

>> No.6300086
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>there is no such thing as a scientific fact.

most retarded post I've read all day

>> No.6300088

There isn't anon. Empiricism doesn't work like that.

>> No.6300090
File: 30 KB, 480x356, 1390143612618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no such thing as a scientific fact.
My lels are in orbit.

>> No.6300092

Empiricism is all about facts. Facts are the only things we can observe.

>> No.6300102


Do you idiots not understand the scientific method?

>Form hypothesis (with the constraint that a hypothesis has to be testable in order to be legitimate)
>Conduct reproducible controlled experiments testing hypothesis and collect data.
>If there's a high correlation that your data supports your hypothesis then it becomes a theory.

Later on the theory may be improved, changed, broadened, replaced, etc.. A theory is never a fact, it is always improving. The only way science can be moved forward is by finding reproducible experimental results that aren't accounted for in current theory (but are in the associated hypothesis). In other words, in order to form a better theory you have to prove the prior one insufficient. It would be ridiculous to call it a fact. Even the observations you get in your test results can be fucked up in some way so we use statistical methods. Note how particle physics requires a Sigma 5 event for most shit.

>> No.6300108

master of subtlety /sci/ is not

>> No.6300111

>oh look, a big gray animal
>I wonder of kind of animal it could be
>Scientist 1: looks like an elephant to me
>Scientist 2: let's check the definition
>big, gray, mammal, long nose, elongated front teeth
>Scientific community: yep, it's an elephant

>> No.6300114

>thinks a definition is a fact

>> No.6300115

>implying biology is math

Biology is a hard science relying solely on empiricism. We don't need pseudo-philosophical subjectivity.

>> No.6300121

>doesn't know the differnce between observation and theory

Did you fail your English class? How low is your verbal intelligence?

>> No.6300126

This poem is appropriate.

Taxonomy has changed a great deal due to breakthroughs in Phylogeny over time, this has also led to progress in Systematics. It really is a very poor analogy. It's worse than saying the definition for a planet is scientific fact (note how Pluto used to be a planet and now it's not).

Observation is stochastic.

>> No.6300127

I'm reminded of that one video where two guys wait millions of years for evolution to occur. When they finally get back to present day they say that they never saw it, and when asked were all the dinosaurs went they point to the birds in the sky and say "they're right there!"

>> No.6300130

>normal self
>tired and lazy

>drink a gallon of coffee
>extremely focused on tasks that have nothing to do with what I'm supposed to be doing

>> No.6300140


>> No.6300144

>Observation is stochastic.

Only in the wrong intepretation of quantum mechanics.

>> No.6300145

>take Adderall
>browse 4chan more efficiently
>accomplish more things in video games
>learn random stuff on Wikipedia
>read a book
>still haven't done my homework

There's no shortcut to curing procrastination.

>> No.6300146

Any suggestions for people who feel lethargic all the time? Blood tests show I don't have any nutrient deficiencies, though I haven't had one in a couple years. I really don't even think caffeine helps me.

>> No.6300152

What's the correct interpretation?