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6295003 No.6295003[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I get over my hatred for religion and religious people? It's so frustrating to see them all thinking the way they do and effecting the world around me. How do you cope with this? I figure I'll ask this board because scientists are intellectuals.

>> No.6295020

We all went through that phase, just give it a few years and you'll be fine. The whole thing is so ridiculous that it doesn't even warrant getting upset about. Let it go, is basically what I'm saying. It's better for you.

>> No.6295039

go into weapons research and figure out ways to kill them all off

>> No.6295045

Just realize that not all religious people are the same. I've met good and bad people of all beliefs.

>> No.6295047

1. Stop being a rebellious 13-year old.
2. The problem has vanished.

>> No.6295049
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I fucking hated being 15, how do you deal with it?

>> No.6295064

This >>6295045
Also stop being 22 (or under)

>> No.6295065

I guess this guy.

I married a christian, with 3 step kids who are well on the path to being brainwashed, and have a very religious mother in law. Once I felt it was my duty to try to make them realize the fact of evolution, guess what it didn't work.

Basically I realized they don't fucking care and nothing I say can change their minds. Its depressing but goddamn what can you do. Ironically I've been reading more Buddhist literature and that has helped me cope with peoples religios retardedness.

Like you can have all the faith you want but if something is wrong please stop believing it. You don't need to adopt the entire belief system fuck.

>> No.6295080

>I married a christian, with 3 step kids who are well on the path to being brainwashed
Why, no seriously why.
I mean I know religious people and I know they can control their shit up to a certain level but you can't tease them too much about it or they just go def.

Even my parents (which I love) are like that. THEY. JUST. DON'T. CHANGE. I know how much religion I can stand and I can do so for social events (weddings, funerals, baptism and so on) but getting together with a religious person... well... I don't I could

>> No.6295097
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>> No.6295103

Oh my God.
>There is nothing wrong with me. It's everyone ELSE that are retarded.
>I'm the last bastion of hope for man!
Just. Grow. Up. Please.

>> No.6295159

you weren't able to convince them because you didn't take the right approach.

you probably tried (essentially anyway) just telling them "this is how things REALLY are and they aren't what YOU think they are. here are the facts that blatantly prove you wrong"

when people are blatantly told and proven they're wrong, they grasp onto anything and everything they can and dig deeper roots into whatever they believed in in the first place

you basically made your step kids believe harder than they did previously

>> No.6295428

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