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6294319 No.6294319 [Reply] [Original]

how scientifically false is the bible?
how creationist think judges will accept they BS on public schools?

>inb4 rules
we're talking about creationism.

>> No.6294331

Creationists are a little bit smarter than going to judges and saying "Replace science textbooks with the bible."

During the 80s they realized they couldn't push any science books with the word "God" in them into public schools, so they replaced "God" with "Intelligent Designer" and tried to pretend there was nothing religious about creationism. That worked for a little while, but they got called on their bullshit in the Kitzmiller v. Dover trial. What they've been doing (fairly successfully) for the last 20 years is fighting to get evolution pulled from textbooks and lesson plans, or insisting books make it sound evolution is a theory filled with holes that scientists aren't sure about. They also like to fill school boards with creationists who can pressure teachers, and pass laws to give teachers the freedom to teach creationism. Americans like laws about freedom.