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6289053 No.6289053 [Reply] [Original]

So I have been reading up on transhumanism lately.

What does /sci/ think about it?
>psuedoscience bullshit?
>inevitable future?

>> No.6289058

Transhumanism is scientology for children. A cult targetting sci fi escapist dreamers of low education.

>> No.6289060

What do you consider unrealistic about it?

>> No.6289067

The latter, inevitable future.

>> No.6289071

A dogmatic quasi-religious cult based on ignorance and escapism is incompatible with science and rationality.

>> No.6289073

I take steroids, am I transhumanist?

>> No.6289075

bullshit. maybe we'll augment ourselves, but nothing that changes our existence. we already have machines that compute and lift large loads.

>> No.6289076

Entropy and quantum tunneling motherfucker.

>> No.6289078

>dat sour grapes butthurt

>> No.6289080

You completely avoided answering my question.

>> No.6289081

>maybe we'll augment ourselves, but nothing that changes our existence.

...how is this not contradictory...?

>> No.6289084


SAGE and REPORT shitposting on /sci/

>> No.6289088 [DELETED] 

Alright I just report'd you now what

>> No.6289089

It makes too many assumptions about scientific progress. It just assumes these advances are going to come, in what you might call a blind faith.

>> No.6289099


What advances?

>> No.6289438

But if we
Become a augmented to a point then can't we become augmented to the extent that we could not be considered the normal definition of "human"

>> No.6289446
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it's speculative fiction. if you're reading transmetropolitan or w/e the fuck then fine. you like science fiction, that's cool

if you're listening to ray kurzweil or elizier yudkowsky or other "futurists" then you are a gullible sucker for undisciplined analysis. there is no such thing as future history

look a this goofy ass fucking plot

>> No.6289448

>SAGE and REPORT shitposting on /sci/
Commenting about a sage or report is actually reportable now. Nice try though.

People who don't believe in transhumanism are fucking idiots, what do you pose as an alternative?

>> No.6289451

the space of futurist bloggers or w/e is gigantic and hardly a monoculture so you're not going to get any one anon to "disprove" it in a postbox on 4chan and that's not how the burden of proof works anyway

how about you present some specific transhumanist claim you want to talk about if you want specific critique

to the extent there's any general critique all i'll say is that it's pretty easy being nostradamus

>> No.6289456

>People who don't believe in transhumanism are fucking idiots
Oh wow. I'm an idiot because I don't follow your cult? Because I embrace reality and despise anti-intellectual escapism? You are worse than creationists.

>what do you pose as an alternative?
Science and rationality. Your religitardation has no place in the 21st century. Fuck off.

>> No.6289458

what the fuck does it even mean to "believe" in transhumanism

>> No.6289462

I guess it means to prefer fantasy over reality. But given their lack of intellect these children barely have another choice. They simply fail to understand science, so instead they resort to fiction.

>> No.6289463

Thermodynamics is the hard limit on all technology. using energy creates heat, that heat cannot be destroyed.

Thus, exponential growth is impossible. You cannot have a megawatt cell phone battery because the heat would melt the device and cause serious burns.

>> No.6289465

Question for the transhumanists:

How much do I have to pay to Kurzweil's club in order to become an Operating Thetan?

>> No.6289469

futurists get around this problem by claiming that the problem is a software problem, not hardware; that is, hardware that we already have/is in the R&D pipeline for the next ten years will be sufficient to exec a brain

so far as i can tell the basis for this claim is napkin math

>> No.6289467
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>> No.6289468

>A dogmatic quasi-religious cult based on ignorance and escapism is incompatible with science and rationality.
TL;DR: I don't know what I'm talking about but I don't like what you're talking about, so like... fuck you!

>> No.6289470


You have to buy his books and his alkaline water therapy.

>> No.6289473


>>>/x/ is that way

>> No.6289474

Augmentation won't necessarily change our fundamental existence. In transhumanism my body disappears; if I augment myself (steroids, laser vision correction, etc) then my life is changed but not fundamentally.

>> No.6289475

I like the idea, but I'm off-put by the predictions of people like Ray Kurzweil.

I've taken a decidedly wait-and-see style approach.

>> No.6289476

ahaha oh my god that's amazing literally saved as amazing.gif

>> No.6289478


That's the summation of your post, yes.

Oh, are you attacking us for pointing out that the only difference between transhumanism and organized religion is the prophets espousing eternal utopian life and a virtual afterlife?

>> No.6289480

>Oh wow. I'm an idiot because I don't follow your cult?
You honestly don't think we'll have the advances Kurzwiel has speculated on?

>Science and Rationality
Actually, what you're doing is called "rhetoric".

>> No.6289481

dude if all you're saying is "i'd like a robot body but i'm not going to listen to this rich dude talk about his fear of death" then congratulations you are a normal fucking person

>> No.6289482

Literally the only difference between transhumanism and scientology is that the latter is recognized as a church in 'murrica. It's only a matter of time until the former will have the same status.

>> No.6289484

3D computing is becoming widespread which was one of his next predictions. If you haven't heard about it you need to get on >>>/g/ or stop visiting /sci/ because you're retarded.

>> No.6289485


Augmentation will never catch on.

Evidence: Anti-vaxxers.

Shit, even things that directly interface with your mind will never catch on because of privacy concerns and the general public's ubiquitous scientific illiteracy.

>> No.6289486

>You honestly don't think we'll have the advances Kurzwiel has speculated on?
is it really so hard to believe that actual scientists don't like to speculate on unfalsfiable things

that seems obvious

>> No.6289487

Yes to both.

The vast majority of the claims of transhumanism- ESPECIALLY the ones that get all mixed up with the Singularity - are bullshit.

But the basic ideas of transhumanism are absolutely in our future. (Although nothing is ever invevitable.)

>> No.6289488


Technology cannot be exponential. It is at best Sigmoid.

>> No.6289489

It's not really that. I just wonder if it's all as attainable as he says.

I'm not overly negative about the whole thing.

>> No.6289490

You still haven't provided discussion of any kind. You're just resorting to ad hominem saying that everything I say is wrong because I'm a dogmatic cultist.

>> No.6289491


It's not attainable. It assumes two wrong things:

Technology is exponential

All humans think like transhumanists.

>> No.6289492

How about you stop forcing your beliefs onto others?

>> No.6289493

oh my god stop with the nostradamus shit

there are plenty of articles detailing how broad his claims are, how broadly he declares them correct ex post facto, and how it has often been the case that for near-future he is simply describing something that's already in the prototype stage

nostradamus predicted ww2 like 100s of years in advance man

>> No.6289495

to be fair you haven't provided discussion either except to promote general "transhumanism" and something about how kurzweil predicted the 3rd printer (WOW AMAZE)

>> No.6289496
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Everything you say is wrong because you're quoting a dogmatic cultist.

What, i have to teach you the basics of thermodynamics to show you how energy density cannot scale?

It's a cult. A cult based entirely on this image.

>> No.6289497
File: 81 KB, 261x273, 1389663701318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Augmentation will never catch on.

>Breast enhancement
>Cochlear Implants
>Exoskeletons (Army)
>Peripherals (Bluetooth headsets, wearable cameras, etc)

>> No.6289504


>boob jobs on the same list as a bluetooth headset

The delusion is very strong with this one.

>> No.6289506

>Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds...

>> No.6289507
File: 18 KB, 240x300, 1389663852812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual scientists
What field do you work in, actual scientist?
>Inb4 I'm a theoretical physicist

>> No.6289508


>being this mad that everyone isn't supporting my cult of well-wishing.

>> No.6289510


Holy shit the spergrage is off the charts.

transhumanism is for big bang theory fans.

>> No.6289511

lol, the OP is completely neutral.

He just doesn't like the shape of the conversation.

>> No.6289512

Fuck I'm stupid, I had this conversation with my mate a while ago and forgot that Singularity wasn't equivalent to transhumanism.

I still subscribe to most of Kurzwiels shit besides.

>> No.6289515

>verner fucking vinge says singularity "within 30 years" in 1993
>later kurzweil predicts 2029
>in 2011 ray changes it to 2045
perpetually 3 decades away, just enough that it's "near" but far enough that it's not falsifiable

>> No.6289516

Don't insult TBBT fans.

>> No.6289517


You're right, their lives are bad enough.

>> No.6289521

i'm a csphd in complex networks/graph theory

nice image asshole

>> No.6289524


Vinge's best stories are the ones where the singularity never happened.

>> No.6289529

It's a really important difference.

>Singularity and Kurzweil



Trying to make humans better than they currently are. Covers a whole lot of stuff, much of it fairly non-controversial.

>> No.6289533
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 1389664322383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the best narrative reality is one in which the singularity never happens will the godbrain be paradoxically obligated to recreate a world without itself


>> No.6289540

see this is why i said you need to talk about something specific if you want a specific critique
>what does /sci/ think about pacemakers?
>what does /sci/ think about artificial limbs?
>what does /sci/ think about putting my brain inside a robot tiger's body? will i be...more than human?

>> No.6289539


No, it's because most stories can't be done in a post-singularity world. which is why almost all of the culture books take place on it's periphery.

>> No.6289548

>Trying to make humans better than they currently are

Childish escapism fantasies are not making humans better. People like you are a drain on society.

What makes humans better are scientists working on actual research. Anti-intellectual fantasy and fiction children who want to play pretend are a waste of resources.

>> No.6289546

>most stories can't be done in a post-singularity world
i don't see why not, sci fi worlds in general and vinge is no different in this regard have always been fantasy so if you're going to make up a reality to support your narrative who cares whether or not its simulated by a hypothetical godbrain. everything else is hypothetical

>> No.6289547

China is coming close to transhumanism. They're a culture that doesn't worship self.

That's the only way forward.

>> No.6289551


They can't be done because what sort of meaningful conflicts can peoples have when everything is provided for them by robots a hundred billion times smarter than they are?

Again, this is why the culture books rarely occur within the culture, and why some of vinge's books have the Zones of thought. You need conflict for a story to be interesting.

>> No.6289553

>They're a culture that doesn't worship self.
>That's the only way forward.

We in the west are doomed, then.

>> No.6289555

>What makes humans better are scientists working on actual research

But they're only doing it to make money. Most scientists are petty shits.

>> No.6289556

>China is a culture that doesn't worship the self
so like
a. china is a country of 1.35 billion people, it's not a monoculture
b. an influential group of those people are hypercapitalist second-generation wealth. see "my dad is li gang":
this incident is famous precisely because it's considered symbolic of the chinese upper class's callous attitude towards the populace

>> No.6289560


That should be obvious by now.

China is the only country to land something on the moon for peaceful reasons.

>> No.6289561

I'm a little dubious that technology will ever get to the point that it would actually make sense to replace perfectly healthy body parts with artificial ones.

Benefits a natural, say, arm has:

1. Extremely cheap (you're born with it)
2. Largely self-repairing
3. Almost never breaks down or requires spare parts
4. Extremely low power usage; does not require batteries
5. Light
6. Very high sensory output across whole surface
7. Very high dexterity and fine motor contro
8. Reasonably strong (configurable with effort)
9. Whisper-quiet

While we may one day develop artificial body parts which are superior in one or two of these respects to healthy human body parts, I don't think we'll ever get ALL - or even most - of those checkboxes ticked off. So I don't think we'll ever get really far into the transhumanist utopia so many people fantasize about. (Although we may develop really good prosthetics to people WITHOUT healthy body parts.)

I think, however, that transhumanist concepts have a future in giving people new capabilities, like additional senses. The brain has extremely high plasticity, and so I think that there's actually both the ability and the use of plugging new systems into the nervous system.

>> No.6289562


>being ambitious is bad.

No wonder amercia never left LEO after beating the russians.

>> No.6289563

From your post it is obvious that you never had to deal with financial problems. I guess your parents are still paying everything for you and you never had to care about how much money you're allowed to spend or where to get money. In a few years you'll know why money is important. Welcome to real life, kid.

>> No.6289567


This. Thermodynamics will not permit a battery with sufficient size, charge, and weight to run a robot body all day, much less for years.

>> No.6289568

like this is a developing country with a massive widening income disparity gap and an upper class known for its corruption but "the culture doesn't worship the self"

chinese politicians and rich people suck as much as western ones dude

>> No.6289570


Holy shit all the mad. I know perfectly well why money is important, which is why science is no more noble than pizza delivery.

You're projecting immensely.

>> No.6289571


>le edgy

>> No.6289572

Thermodynamics clearly permits energy storage with sufficient size, energy density, and weight to run a human body all day. (Although we usually charge it up more than once per day.)

Why not a robot body with that capability?

>> No.6289573

you know it's pretty telling that's what you'd get out of the li gang incident

you know the stereotype of 2nd generation chinese upper class is that they're lazy and unambitious because they're already made right

china had a dream of a society where a farmer's son could get a college education and raise his family out of poverty with merit and that dream has been in shambles for years

>> No.6289574

Your post is very immature. May I ask how old are you? Are you aware that 4chan is an 18+ forum?

>> No.6289576

ahaha are you serious informed opinions on global socioeconomics are "edgy" now

>> No.6289579


Shitposter's gotta shit.

>> No.6289582


Why not just stay human?

>> No.6289583

live 4ever

>> No.6289584


God, why?

>> No.6289586

I'd actually prefer to stick with the meat I've been given - frankly, It's doing a pretty good job, and anything "transhuman" I would want to get would involve adding things I don't already have, not replacing things that are working just fine for me.

I was just asking why you thought thermodynamics prohibited that, since it's obviously possible for humans.

>> No.6289588


If we made a "machine" that had the same efficiency as a biological body it would be comprised of very similar materials.

It would just be an artificial human body.

>> No.6289591

Are nootropics considered to be transhumanist augmentation? When will we see them available as cheap over-the-counter supplements?

>> No.6289592


When politics changes.

All transhumanism assumes that everyone will eventually think like transhumanists, so all these crazy idea will be implemented.

>> No.6289593

live to see cool technology, experience infinite pleasure, become god, achieve enlightenment

>> No.6289594

And what would be the problem with that?

Yes, they are considered to be, and we'll see them available when they're actually proven to do fuck-all.

>> No.6289597


We'll have spent billions of dollars to achieve what two dumb teenagers could do in 9 months?

>live to see cool technology
Like mindwipes that keep employees motivated.

>experience infinite pleasure

>become god, achieve enlightenment

Fucking really?

>> No.6289598

look i'm just channeling the ghost of transhumanism here of course it's going to be bullshit

>> No.6289600

Piracetam has a number of clinical studies that demonstrated several positive cognitive effects

>> No.6289602

>tfw I don't really mind at this point

I think I'll enjoy watching all these piss-ant politicians and "leaders" scramble to delay the inevitable.

>> No.6289607

China landed on the moon for dick-waving reasons, same as the US.

>> No.6289609


Notice how everyone you meet has some nonsense keeping them going? religion, exponential tech, everyone going to space, aliens coming to fix us, everyone has some personal false belief that they rely upon.

Mine is that tomorrow has a chance of being better than today. What's yours?

>> No.6289612


Then all scientific achievement is dick-waving.

It is, by the way.

>> No.6289614

karma, but like a complex existentialist karma that involves memetic natural selection and shit

>> No.6289616

>cyber trash tainting the purity of human potential

Seriously though, we can't even trust smartphones anymore. And you want to put one inside your brain or something? Goodbye last remnant of privacy, hello thought police.

>> No.6289618

>brain's trusted protected module copyright RSA
boy do i have egg on my face

>> No.6289626


It won't even have to have that capability. Like vaccines, someone just has to start a rumor and human fear will do the rest.

The problem with transhumanists is that they don't know any humans.

>> No.6289636

you don't understand what pseudoscience is, do you

spiritualism or phrenology are pseudoscience, while transhumanism is a philosophy, it doesn't try to explain stuff using some dubious methods, it just tries to predict how scientific progress will affect human body

>> No.6289646


But philosophy is all nonsense. qualia and "subjective" shit.

>> No.6289835

Is technology an inevitable thing of advanced minds?

>> No.6289849

I understand that you weren't looking for a serious answer but, technology is an invention of inferior beings to support themselves living in harsh environments. It's why people in Africa and the Americas were mostly mud people when they were colonized by seafaring nations.
Minds, no matter how advanced, will not develop technology if they don't see the need to.

>> No.6289890

Doing a lot of abstract thought wouldn't be a survival trait without some basic tool use. That is unless the environment is just inherently a highly complex and deadly puzzle by itself.

>> No.6289899

what a bullshit

i mean the purpose of technology to extend somebody's possibilities is obvious but your findings are ridiculous as well as their premises, you mean that america has a less harsh environment than europe or what

and you dare to call that a serious answer

>> No.6290057

Cultist and religious "philosophies" are dangerous and anti-scientific.

>> No.6291437

I honestly don't give a shit about augmentation, immortality and such. I do not fear death. But if I could choose one thing to do in this life, it would be to explore other planets and solar systems, to see other life forms. This may seem a childish dream, and, well, it is, but I don't regret it. Unfortunately, we're born in an era in which this is, simply, impossible. This is the reason why I support transhumanism. It is the only chance that I have. I'm aware of all the shit that it brings (Kurzweil, singularity, etc), and I'm sorry for that.

Sorry guys.

>> No.6291442


What a bullshit answer. So you "don't fear death," except that you do. And transhumanism is shit, except that you support it. Dumbass.

>> No.6291454

>religious "philosophies"

>> No.6291482

What's wrong with fearing death?

>> No.6291487

Only edgy teenagers fear death. Grow up.

>> No.6291496

>explore other planets and solar systems, to see other life forms
mah niggah

>> No.6291504

>What's wrong with fearing death?

Nothing. Some people just have sour grapes, where they know they're going to grow old and die, so they convince themselves it's better that way.

>> No.6291518

Compelling argument

>> No.6292782


Seriously, I don't care. At least, I really didn't until some month ago, when I discovered that my impossibile dream gained a 0.01% chance to become possibile. That's all.