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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6284286 No.6284286 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /sci/, I've been looking for this old book for 2 weeks now, and I can't seem to find it without either incinerating my wallet or having it shipped to me in matter of weeks. I can't find an ebook/pdf online either, any help?

I'm trying to avoid my last resort, which is using another textbook as opposed to this one to compliment my course materials.

tldr I need pic related

>> No.6284301

bump for mutual interest. I'll need this by spring quarter and it's the only linear alg book that I can't find.

it's not on bookz, libgen or avax

>> No.6284303

did you read the sticky?

>> No.6284312

Yeah, couldn't find it anywhere. Some dude is selling it on amazon for ~30 bucks, and that's excluding s/h. You'd think that being out for almost 2 decades, they'd make an ebook out of it. Nope.

>> No.6285632

bumping this, please help

>> No.6285660


library m8

>> No.6286485

it's on .onion site.
(well, it was, I dl it some times ago, but on an extern hard drive I don't have here)

Just look by yourself.

Also, they should speak of TOR in the sticky.

>> No.6287507


Would you mind UL'ing it? I can't tor right now. Would appreciate it

>> No.6287544

OP, is there a special reason for wanting his book?

>> No.6287904

I need it for intro to linear class (we've already started), and the entirety of Toronto seems to have torched every last copy of it, except for some at Chapters, which costs like 80 bucks each

I have no idea where to start, none of the libraries where I live have the book, and if I do go on tor, how would I proceed from there?

>> No.6287927

Well I just checked the tor library(am4wuhz3zifexz5u.onion), they don't seem to have many mathematics books. I don't know where it would be. Although I did find a bunch of >tfw no gfs and references to dogecoin so I'm guessing the owner of that hidden service is from /g/ or /s4s/.

Torsearch also returns nothing for "Fraleigh".

I also checked the /g/ torrent and it's not in there either.

>> No.6288181


>> No.6288202

i don't know if you can do this in the usa, but just photocopy someone's copy..

also if you don't have to do homework from that book just read another book

>> No.6288360
File: 570 KB, 1323x831, 1389596457210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, try this.


>> No.6288393

there's a manna guide to linear algebra wtf.

>> No.6288407

Why would you use that shitty book?
"Advanced Linear Algebra" by Steven Roman is a much better choice.

>> No.6288409
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>> No.6289752
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OP here, just bought the book from some upper-year Asian dude in my school for $60, I realized there were cheaper books, but they're shipped from Seattle and takes about 2 weeks to get here. Asshole prof only assigns questions from the book.

thanks for all the help doe

>> No.6289798

Am I supposed to read from left to right or right to left?

>> No.6289892


OP, please be the guy who scans it for the world to see.