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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6278448 No.6278448 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6278474

What the fuck is with materials engineering being listed twice?

>> No.6278537
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>70% of the population attends college and they're all significantly above average IQ
How Can IQ Be Real If Dumb People Aren't Real

>> No.6278551

>religion and theory
>Charles Darwin - 165

>> No.6278578

Left-brain/Right-brain being science/art is psuedoscience garbage.
A chart that bases itself off of this is probably also garbage.

>> No.6278590

But it has sources man
Don't you believe in the scientific legitimacy of yahoo and listverse?

>> No.6278600

Before he died, Charles Darwin used his formal education in religion to construct the first version of an IQ test which he administered to himself.

>> No.6278602

Flynn effect

>> No.6278623
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This gets me all the time.

>> No.6278625

It's more like 40% and has been significantly lower in the past.

>> No.6278643

Under 16% of the population should be over 115, and under 2.5% should exceed 130.

>> No.6278647

Smells like bullshit.

I go to a good university, and there's no way the average IQ of my fellow classmates is 133.

I could think of maybe 5 people on my course who might possibly be that high, but I doubt it. The rest? No chance, most are rote learning idiots.

Now add in all the other shitty schools across the country / world and consider I'm at one of the better ones

>> No.6278668


Has it occurred to you that maybe you are not good at estimating the IQ of your classmates?

>> No.6279385

Looks very accurate.

>> No.6279393

>look at sources
>see left-right brain shit

In to the trash it goes!

Also, wtf is "mathematical sciences"? Do Americlaps think mathematics is a science?

>> No.6279414

Yeah, no way this is accurate. Just going with personal experience, I went to a decent university and took a physics major and there is no way the average physics student is that smart. I swear, half of my class mates were stupid, unable to pass rather simple exams and so on. Maybe if you go to grad school at princeton or harvad, its accurate, but otherwise, no way.

>> No.6279449

>100 isn't the average

>> No.6279486

You can sort of explain it through "only smart people go to college", but when you look at the amount of people who go to college and the distribution of IQ scores it just doesn't hold water.
I'm guessing social science is really around 90, not 103 and 115 (because that too is listed twice).

>> No.6279491

>the average within mensa (minimum IQ 130) has to be 100
>I can't into sampling bias

>> No.6279507
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>left bring/right brain bullshit
>sources mostly from internet sites. Many are actually from fucking forums.
>listing an IQ score for Einstein, who never took a test, and Darwin, who died before IQ tests were even invented

>> No.6279661


And for fucks sake /sci/, stop making shitty IQ threads. Janitors need to put this shit in the homework basket.

>> No.6280251
