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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6275177 No.6275177 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ what percentage of oxygen must be achieved for the world to just start burning? I know space ships have problems like this and we're removing co2 from the air slowly and we're at the lowest in recorded history

>> No.6275184

we're actually at extremely dangerous man-emitted-gas levels right now

even a lit match dropped out of an airplane into the troposphere could possibly set the atmosphere burning, which would more or less ruin the global economy and cause us to extinct because of irregular sun patterns and food growth would slow down.

that's why they don't let you light matches on airplanes.
but the fat cats in washington won't tell you this. we're on the verge of global flame from gas polution and no one cares.........................

>> No.6275192
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>> No.6275199

You're in the wrong place

>> No.6275205

that's right. keep on gobbling up what the feds food spoon you. your atmosphere isnt in danger of roasting all the nation's crops and vegetables any minute now. ignore those silly scientists.

>> No.6275209

Nigger I will give $10000000 if you can manage to throw a lot match outside a moving airplane with the flame being suffocated.

>> No.6275212


We'd need to remove nitrogen and a lot of other elements from the air to have it combust


>> No.6275213

Uhhh...what's the combustion equation for oxygen?

2O- ->O2?

>> No.6275218

>with the flame being suffocated.
Idiot, you know I'm not going to take your bet because that's impossible. the flame would immediately ignite to oxygen in the air.

in case you didn't know, fucking brain-dead heap of government-kissing moronity, fire works like this: you have Carbon, you have Oxygen, and you have energy (throwing the match), and boom. fire.
apparently even cavemen could figure it out better than you.

but go ahead and keep ignoring 10000 years of human history and 10000 more scientific studies by scientists of that history and believing whatever pamphlets the feds are handing out to people these days.

>> No.6275225

/sci/ what percentage of FOOF must be achieved for the world to just start burning?

>> No.6275226

fuck you and all you people who think its ok to joke about this shit

people's lives are at steak here

>> No.6275230

Just increasing the mass of oxygen would work better.

>> No.6275231

That's not funny.

FOOF is disgusting.

>> No.6275234

kek of the week

>> No.6275238

Someone reply to this guy
How does it work

>> No.6275247

I'm that guy:
pure oxygen doesn't burn.

Does the nitrogen eventually oxidize?

>> No.6275256

The ground is covered with organic, combustible matter. The atmosphere wouldn't burn, exactly - but anything that lit on fire would instantly explode in a fireball.

>> No.6275261

Whatever the number is, it must be above 35% - that's the highest oxygen levels have ever been on Earth, and since the Earth hasn't ignited yet, that's clearly too low.

>> No.6275288

NO2 has a positive enthalpy of formation. NO3 is an ion.

Combining elemental nitrogen and oxygen is uphill, energywise. If it wasn't, we wouldn't have an atmosphere with double digit percentages of both elemental nitrogen and oxygen.

>> No.6275293

thank you.

>> No.6275314
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>even a lit match dropped out of an airplane into the troposphere could possibly set the atmosphere burning

This post is an ironic shitpost right?

No one can be this scientifically illiterate.

>> No.6275318

oops memorized it wrong
NO and NO2. thought NO was the ion
you're still right though.

>> No.6275324

N2O isn't exactly unknown either.

There's a whole family of oxides of nitrogen:

>> No.6275330

I was thinking that might be one, but I originally wrote NOx and after looking at the wiki page I backed out.

> NO2 has a positive enthalpy of formation
doesn't this change with temperature?

>> No.6275336

I don't think so. A reaction might become thermodynamically favored under conditions of high temperature and pressure, but that won't change it from an endothermic one to an exothermic one.

>> No.6275341

gotcha. that clears up what I was going to ask next.

>> No.6275391

I'm interested in knowing how much hydrogen we would need to import from the sun or Jupiter to ignite the whole atmosphere.

Mainly because people like OP make me want to see the world burn.

>> No.6275491

The lower limit of flammabity in hydrogen/air mixtures is 4% by volume, so you'd need to import enough hydrogen to make it 4% of the atmosphere. That comes out to about 15 trillion tons of hydrogen to make the air spontaneously combustible.

>> No.6275512

so how much methane do we need to vent to get a flaming clathrate gun?

>> No.6275867

>what percentage of oxygen
you mean "percent", faget

>> No.6276200

Oxygen by itself doesn't combust

>> No.6276236


You talk about the feds as if the US federal government somehow controls the entire planet?

>> No.6276248
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I'm not sure, but you can always just play this and make it happen.

>> No.6276613

This guy gets it.

But with enough methane around you're looking at a good worldwide fireball

>> No.6276649

>red 9cmc card
>ever seeing play

>> No.6276657

It's for EDH.
Board reset is funny

>> No.6276660

>playing anything but standard
Kill yourself?

>> No.6276672

> playing standard
must be nice having hundreds of dollars to waste per year

>> No.6278775

>hundreds of dollars
That isn't a lot of money.

>> No.6278782

wanna give me a couple hundred dollars to get me back into standard?
got nothing but medical bills right now.

>> No.6278830

>wasted on something I enjoy

>> No.6278889

>we're removing co2 from the air

The opposite its true

>> No.6278951

>faggot, this has nothing to do with the paranormal

>> No.6279018

Spell weavers helix+shock and worldfire. Saw a fun modern deck with this a while back, red draw discard+rituals+pyro ascension allow you to draw into your silly combo and have the grave prepped for it.