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6270023 No.6270023[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw i wish i was less intelligent so i can blend in with society better

People will never understand the difficulties that come with being smarter then the general public

>> No.6270024

140 IQ
98 percentile math gre.
no problems with blending in here.
well some...but that's because I'm insane not autistic.

>> No.6270047

you're just autistic OP
or too much popsci has hindered your social skills

>> No.6270058

>not smart enough too maneuver socially
>b-buh muh headtalk
Wow great argument nerd

>> No.6270281

I know that feel. IQ of 262 here.

>> No.6270290

Society has standards based upon feelings, the ability to handle emotions correctly is inversely proportional to one´s intelligence.

>> No.6270306

>the ability to handle emotions correctly is inversely proportional to one´s intelligence.
that's not true at all. People who say this are just making up shit because they are socially inept. Anyone who is marginally smart knows how to blend and make friends Being intelligent and having a social life that isn't awkward is not mutually exclusive.

>> No.6270323

High intelligence is correlated with higher prevalence of personality disorders.

>> No.6270324

New in thread. I really don't have that big of a problem socializing, despite the lack of practice, I just don't have any urge to mingle with the plebeians. Sometimes I'm forced to, which is why I know I'm able but the inane bullshit doesn't appeal to me.

>> No.6270333

But it's not an excuse.
If you are really so intelligent then fucking fix it.
Yeah, I said it.

>> No.6270334

>implying I have free will

>> No.6270337
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I just told you to do it so why aren't you doing it if you have no free will?

>> No.6270341

Why should I listen to a shitposting tripfag?

>> No.6270345

Because your life is an on-rails adventure much like final fantasy 13.

>> No.6270348

Drink cough syrup like it's coke.

>> No.6270347

No, it isn't. Keep your anti-intellectual video game nonsense on >>>/v/

>> No.6270346


>" The rate of degree in emotional instability however, diminished appreciably in the ranges of average and superior intelligence. The evidence suggests that the rate of incidence of psychoneuroses and other emotional disturbances declines as the degree of intelligence advances although this becomes much less evident in the upper ranges of intelligence."

>> No.6270350

So you proved him right.

>> No.6270351

It's not my fault you instigated the conversation by hitting A.
You can't skip the dialogue now, mate.

>> No.6270359

You shouldn't attempt to make jokes. Your conception of humor is very immature and shallow.

>> No.6270368


>Your conception of humor is very immature and shallow.

No it is not, he was just trying to appeal to your level of humorous comprehension.

>> No.6270370

He is lacking the intelligence to understand my very intellectual level of humor.

>> No.6270372

I think part of it is that very intelligent people are often not interested in socialising with people who are not very intelligent. the smarter you are, the fewer people there are too talk to/care about. if you can remember, or spend any time with young kids, even the most socially adjusted of them is super awkward if inserted into an adult conversation. Social skills are learned, and only improve with practice. if you /really/ wanted to blend in more, you could spend more time with more people. My guess is that you just don't really care that much, and will find other things to do with your time.

>> No.6270375

Mmmmyes. Rather.

>> No.6270378

I guess for you it was a huge intellectual challenge to come up with such a sophisticated reply.

>> No.6270383

I think the fact that you consider that a sophisticated reply speaks more to your level of intelligence than mine frankly.

>> No.6270385

Your inability to recognize sarcasm tells us that you're autistic.

>> No.6270397

lolz iq autism 1/=.99999... plz hlp hmwerk question muh ftl drive what uni should I go to wut career god/shit tier jacob botnet child prodigy!!

>> No.6270399

Never go full retard.

>> No.6270440

You have bested me this time, friend.
Truly the first great intellectual debate of the year.

>> No.6270484

>tfw i wish i was more intelligent because it doesn't have anything to do with my social skills anyway