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6263293 No.6263293 [Reply] [Original]

What causes high intelligence?

>> No.6263298

muh neurons

>> No.6263300

When God designed us, He designed us so that we are all unique in our own different ways. Some people exceed in sports, others exceed in intelligence. In short, whether or not you have high intelligence depends on how God designed you, and you cannot change the way God made you; therefore, it is imperative that you not feel down if you are not intelligent. Rather, find out what God made you good at.

>> No.6263305

what if you don't exceed in anything

>> No.6263307

but how did god design the brain of intelligent people?

>> No.6263327

High IQ.
No, not really.
I hate you, OP.

>> No.6263361

>those teeths

>> No.6263367

Smoking weed in the womb.

>> No.6263381

Any fetus that smokes is a genius.

>> No.6263384

It's all nurture, mah nigga.

>> No.6263391

then explain 12 yr old genius jake barnett

>> No.6263397

Fucking that hot cousin.

>> No.6263402

It helps to have rich parents.
Can't beat money.

>> No.6263403

lol liberals pls go. intelligence is genetic.

>> No.6263407

good education. most gifted people reach nothing in their lives because of shitty education/lack of direction

>> No.6263408

and what causes people to be "gifted," neurologically? That's what the thread was created for.

>> No.6263413


we don't know completely.

and it's a difficult thing to measure the mechanisms responsible

we know in general what the mechanisms that influence differences in human intelligence are

1 culture (language, religion, upbringing in general)
2 psychological stresses (facing problems of intellectual and emotional rigor)
3 physical stresses (disease, nutrition, sanitation)
4 genetics and epigenetic factors
5 motivation to perform in a given situation (stereotype threat, executive function (planning for the future))

but it is difficult to isolate one over others when testing for intelligence, partly because they are all closely interconneted.

>> No.6263412

Health and diet of mother during pregnancy

It helps to be male and/or tall as those factors are correlated.

>> No.6263415

height correlates with intelligence because height correlates with quality nutrition

>> No.6263419

The Chinese are doing a great deal of study into this. Great stuff too since they're telling all the PC whiners to get fucked.

>> No.6263426

There was a wired magazine article over the summer that talked about this. Don't remember exactly which issue it was, but it had Bill Hader on the cover.

So some chinese genius high schooler dropped out to work for some think tank or something, and he's working on selective breeding. Like finding which sperm/egg combos produce chinese supermen, and they talked about how western societies frown upon stuff like that.

>> No.6263429

I know, it's so fucking asinine.

Like you see fuckheads who think you're a nazi because you want to engineer the next generation to be more resistant to diseases or more intelligent - or not even that, you just want to *know* the contributing factors that make people what they are and what the differences are.

>> No.6263453

post some studies

>> No.6263456

You can hit up "China genetic(s) study" into google and check out the scholarly articles if you like and take your pick.

Though to just grab a random one out of the air for you.

>> No.6263460

Well no shit because human flaws are what produce results quite ironically. A superthinker could never think outside the box. Einstein and those big guys only imagined things. Thinking out of the box is just one of those things that doesn't make it you intelligent but it lets you discover things.

>> No.6263465

alcohol, marijuana and some sport.

>> No.6263468

Why is Jake smarter than everyone, is what OP is getting at. Like, what in Jake's brain causes him to be smarter? More neural connections?

>> No.6263472

>Why is Jake smarter than everyone
He's not.
It's just that the media is determined to force him into having a nervous breakdown with their expectations

>> No.6263473

>10 years old
>accepted into university
>not smarter


>> No.6263479

He's not the first.
He won't be the last.
American education system is easymode

>> No.6263486

we have the best education system in the world if you take blacks and hispanics out of the equation. Seriously, M Night Shamalan (sp?) of all people talked about it recently.

Stop making excuses. Some people are just smarter than others. I want to know the neurological reasoning behind it.

>> No.6263487


Public School System
>today class, we're going to lean addition.
>once we've learnt that, we'll spend the rest of the semester revising it.
>next semester we'll learn subtraction.

His parents just power leveled him.

>> No.6263489

Doesn't matter if it's the best education system in the world or not.
Other people have done what he's done (and better).
Therefore he's not the smartest, nor is he a special unique snowflake of genius as you claim.

>> No.6263498

every snowlfake is unique.

>> No.6263567

genes to do with myelination and things like that

>> No.6263577

ok :)

>> No.6263576

>we know in general what the mechanisms that influence differences in human intelligence are
>any of the shit you listed
You've never even read a credible source with any proof of that, why do you need to delude yourself so much?

>> No.6263584

"Smarter than everyone" was an overstatement, what he meant was "smarter than most".

>> No.6263632

Video related. Young math hungry people.

>> No.6264621

Being Jew,Indian, or East Asian automatically grants you high intelligence.

>> No.6264633

so what? I'm smarter than most...

>> No.6264651


>> No.6264655

I expected this to be the first reply in the thread.

>> No.6264659

A good mix of passion, obsession and persistence.

>> No.6264680

>thinking determination will increase intelligence
lel, minorities will believe anything these days

>> No.6264692

>remembering and repeating what you've been told and putting it on paper is intelligence

What part of going to school and doing good at it is considered "a lot of intelligence"

>> No.6264708

Have you read the paper he co-authored on quantum mechanics (something about symmetry matrices) ?

>> No.6264719

>Einstein and those big guys only imagined things.

This is what pop science documentaries teach people.

There's no great demand for problem solving ability and fluency with abstract concepts for groundbreaking theoretical physics, you just need to imagine stuff.

>> No.6264722

>thinking determination can't increase intelligence
lel, racists will believe anything these days.
or they would, if their IQ wasn't experimentally determined to be lower than non-racists. And they can't even claim disadvaantage or stereotype threat.

>> No.6265213

I just wanted to know the neurological basis of intelligence i.e. what goes on in the brains of "geniuses" or people who are far above average intellectually that causes their high intelligences.

I just used Jake as a picture. I didn't intend for this thread to be about Jake Barnett.

>> No.6265233

You don't have to be a "maths genius" to make the IMO, just hard work. It takes a certain kind of thinking, but you can very easily build that type of thinking

>> No.6265235


> I didn't intend for this thread to be about Jake Barnett.

never post anything on /sci/ about Jacob Barnett if you're not prepared for a strong backlash.

But as to your question, it's still an open one. If you're really interested and still young consider going into that field, you might be able to answer your own question,

>> No.6266559

the absence of stupidity

>> No.6268635

The IMO has nothing to do wiht math. It's more of an autism competition. No higher math is required, only artificial abstract nonsense.

>> No.6269035


>> No.6270941

Don't you mean neutrons?

>> No.6271049

First you need to define intelligence because any action that involves thinking and manipulation which results in above average success in socially complex groups or structures could be percieved as high intelligence.

That means people from Richard Feynman to Micheal Jordan to John von Nuemann to Andy Warhol to Sun Tzu to Oprah Winfrey to Claude Debussy to Mahatma Gandhi could all be percieved as highly intelligent.

And if you follow that logic then what causes high intelligence could be a fuckton of things.

Although if you follow /sci/logic then only those similar to Feynmann and Von Nuemann would count. Which would lead to more specfic things.

So the first thing to do is for you to define "intelligence". Then we can figure out what causes that "intelligence" to come about in higher frequencies than usual.

>> No.6271070

High intelligence in humans is highly correlated with gray matter and high brain mass or volume. Whales have larger brains than humans but they have a smaller cerebral cortex.

>> No.6272649

[citation needed]

>> No.6273352

>comparing debussy to oprah

yeah no

>> No.6273354

Entropy. Period. P.Eriod. PE.Riod... etc.

>> No.6275053

Entropy is information loss.
Intelligence is an ambiguous term.
If we approximate it to what this board is all about, the explanation could be how our brain treats maths and science.

>> No.6275064

>What causes high intelligence?

Neanderthal genes:


>> No.6275505

it would appear intelligence would depend on the chemical environment the brain was subject to during formation:

β-Catenin can function in the decision of neural precursors to proliferate or differentiate during mammalian neuronal development and may regulate cerebral cortical size by controlling the generation of neural precursor cells.


>> No.6275542

Hey anon which file has higher entropy? uranidiot.txt or uranidiot.txt.zip? Which file has lost information?

Entropy is a measure of uncertainty after a certain number of measurements, not a loss of information. If I have half of the .txt, I can read half of it. If I have half the .txt.zip, I'd be lucky to reconstruct a few sentences.

But, the .zip file is a compact representation, it's a a more elegant theory about the .txt.

Think of how much observational data was compressed to get F=ma, or E=mc^2.

And here we live in a universe with increasing entropy. It's like the theories write themselves.

>> No.6275549

>First you need to define intelligence
g factor as measured by Raven's progressive matrices shows high correlation with any measurement of cognitive activity - from IQ and SATs to reaction time. So yeah, I'd define it with g - it's the best we've got for now.

>> No.6276298

This won't work. And don't use nonverbal tests if you can use combined tests.