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6259533 No.6259533 [Reply] [Original]

Fritz Haber

Pioneer of chemical warfare killing thousands in WW1

His work was later developed and used in WW2 (concentration camps)

Synthesizing ammonia lead to massive increases in agricultural yield and global population boom. Will likely to be a major contributor to climate change now and in the future.

Development of insecticides and fertilizer has lead to countless ecological damage worldwide.

>> No.6259559


Funnily enough he was of Jewish decent as well.

>> No.6259589

If he didn't discover it someone else would have.

>> No.6259591

Sir Maxim actually thought that with the invention of the machine gun, it would become impossible to wage wars when any one soldier had the capability to mow down hundreds in a few minutes.

>> No.6259616
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Actually, he is not the worst; this guy is:


Thomas Midgley first discovered that if lead was added to petroleum, this would stop knocking in car engines. Of course, when his ideas were followed, cars released lead from their exhaust pipes and this was harmful not only to the environment, but to humans as well.

And that's not the end of it. He then invented refrigerators which released CFCs (chloro-flroro-carbons) which destroyed 10% of the ozone layer every decade. Luckily, people found the dangers of CFCs and stopped it before it too late.

Strangely, he died later in his own invention which was designed to help lift polio patients from beds. He died from suffocation due to strangulation.

>> No.6259625

I'd say Haber is worse, not that guy from QI.

>> No.6259627

he knew what was up

>> No.6259631
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>Synthesizing ammonia lead to massive increases in agricultural yield and global population boom. Will likely to be a major contributor to climate change now and in the future.
>Development of insecticides and fertilizer has lead to countless ecological damage worldwide.
the edge is to much for me.

>> No.6259660

He wasn't wrong, you know? It did make warfare as conceived then unviable. Which necessitated a change in warfare.

Makes you wonder how the number of casualties in war has changed with technological progress.

>> No.6259673

>global population boom
>This misanthropic shit implies it's a bad thing
>All hail the Empire

>> No.6259675

>countless ecological damage worldwide
That's absolutely correct, anon. You can't count damage. It's a mass noun.

>> No.6259682

This is a linguistics thread, isn't it?

>> No.6259692


>> No.6259695

has every case of ecological damage been observed or recorded?

No, then it is countless, Cumon anon this is simple stuff

>> No.6259715
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>> No.6259760

I seen your mum take a shit, then you came out. You can write that down as another instance of ecological damage.

Blunt that edge.

>> No.6261604

>global population boom
Meaning: without him you wouldn't live today to spread your shit on the interwebs.