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6254784 No.6254784 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for some good resources on designing nuclear reactors and anything related to the sort. I'd prefer for it to be free as finding textbooks is easy, but I'd rather not pay since I'm broke currently.
Also, any nuclear engineers here? I'm an MEfag myself, third year, and I've grown really interested in the energy business especially nuclear energy. Any advice or stories related to the energy business would welcomed as well.

>> No.6254810

lol this nigga high

>> No.6256335

Holy shit, do you really think you can design such stuff without any cash. I'm a plain engineer, I could probably help you with the water tanks.

>> No.6256478

nuclear engineer here working in ops at one of two nuke plants in ohio, sup?

>> No.6258323

muh thorium

>> No.6258329

Oh, hey. Did you go to OSU for its graduate program? I've been thinking of giving it a swing.

>> No.6258850

Negative, co-op program between the plant and a local junior college. I was already working at the plant before the program.

>> No.6258874

Ah, okay. Co-ops give you a lot of experience, which you kinda need. Going to transfer to CSU next year, so I was just wondering what kind of engineering jobs were out there.

>> No.6259440

Every nuke in the country is hiring, our average age of the workforce is embarrassingly old. It's a different way of life and takes a certain type of person. The pay and avenues for advancement are great, but you don't just work 9 to 5, you give a large part of your life to the plant. Divorce rate at my plant for example is over 75%.

>> No.6259476

>all forms of power is just fluid turning a wheel

>> No.6259653

>you give a large part of your life to the plant
including your soul

>> No.6259666
File: 13 KB, 478x577, 1388403932335.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a different way of life and takes a certain type of person
no kidding huh?

>> No.6259685

This scares the shit out of me, I'm regretting not changing my major now

>> No.6259690

I worked at a nuclear power plant for a while and it didnt seem like that, seemed like any of the other places ive worked as an engineer. although it was wasnt is america, it was in a 3rd world country.

>> No.6259693
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>Divorce rate at my plant for example is over 75%

Mentally unstable people running a nuke plant?
Do you know what that means?

Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) says radioactive steam has suddenly begun emanating from previously exploded nuclear reactor building #3 at the Fukuishima disaster site in Japan.


>> No.6259702
File: 152 KB, 458x708, 1388406682643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try, Kim. Maybe do not kill off competent relatives if you want to get shit done.

>> No.6259707

TEPCO could walk away from Fukushima right now, let it sink into the ocean and they'd still do less damage than the Soviets did. Right now, there's more radioactive waste in the Techa than there is at the Fukushima site and that empties straight into the Arctic ocean.

>> No.6259731


>> No.6259773

Huh. So, I should go into mechanical engineering? Because all the prerequs are the same right now.

>> No.6259787
File: 272 KB, 2000x1162, 1388415715141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or does that bottom left one have a great looking sex face?

>> No.6259789

That picture.
It looks so photoshopped, yet I can't figure out what parts of it are

>> No.6260861

you have to realize how primitive this really is. quite a shame how little humanity has progressed in these few hundreds of years. my expectation was that, instead of whoring out on consumerism and capitalism, while basing one's goal to live a luxurious end-life, we would come together as a planet, dissolve borders and concentrate on what really matters. sometimes i wish someone would push that big red button in some random underground nuclear missile silo

>> No.6260888
File: 266 KB, 905x881, 1388452561695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw we use 19th century steam turbines to generate electricity from the fucking heat generated from a nuclear reaction

>> No.6260896

>It looks so photoshopped, yet I can't figure out what parts of it are
Welcome to Best Korean state photography!

>> No.6260919

thats what im trying to address in this post

>> No.6260944

any better more efficient and cheaper ideas?

>> No.6260984

there's a scheme to use compressed CO2 instead of water for geothermal energy.

I don't, for the fuck of me, know why nuclear uses steam turbines. There has to be a more efficient fluid medium.

>> No.6261019


>> No.6261090

I've always advocated using Brayton cycles with Helium as a working fluid, especially on U-238 fast reactor. The only problem would be heat tolerances of piping in the presence of superheated helium.

>> No.6261110

>The only problem would be heat tolerances of piping in the presence of superheated helium.
fuck it, there's a way. Fucking ceramics, aerogel, SOMETHING BETTER THAN WATER AND LEAD PIPES.

>> No.6261113

Nuclear Fusor:


>> No.6261118

Nice try north Korea

>> No.6261152

( '_')=b

>> No.6261155

>wah wah old technology
i'd love to hear of some cost competitive alternatives
there really aren't any. water is a great little heat battery, no sense not using

>> No.6261172

Fucking bullshit, there are plenty of much more efficient mediums to turn a fucking turbine than corrosive, friction causing, shitty energy converting water.

Is anything else being used? NO, because America's nuclear power plants are fucking ancient and we apparently set the world standards. Our plants were designed in the 1950s. We can do better.

>CO2, Helium, Nitrogen, fucking anything

>> No.6261175

true, but those are not yet cost effective
which is weird, you'd think the natural gas boom would get some more efficient energy conversion stuff going, but i havent heard a peep from supercritical CO2 or any of the other good stuff

>> No.6261184

>true, but those are not yet cost effective
bullshit again, CO2 is already being used for geothermal and the results are at least 2X efficient than water. Many companies are developing the technology for CO2 turbines. It's not a matter of it not being "efficient" or "cost effective" there is so much potential for the technology they almost don't know what to do with it.

>> No.6261472

>cost effective
what is cost effective? this seems to be something i see everywhere considering we live in a capitalistic society, fuck cost. GET THIS SHIT DONE PEOPLE!

>> No.6261477

>fuck cost
but thats exactly the problem. you cant expect someone running a business to use something that's more expensive and less efficient just because they can
but you can bet once it's cheaper to use than a steam turbine, and gets more energy out, they'll start retrofitting. 2% more energy is a lot of cash over the long term