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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6252104 No.6252104 [Reply] [Original]

cognitive science question

Where can I take an intelligence test, so I can know how intelligent I am in comparison to other people? I mean a real scientific intelligence test and not racist IQ pseudoscience bullshit. I already know I'm as intelligent as everyone else because all humans are equally intelligent, but could you please link me to an online test to confirm scientifically how intelligent I am?

>> No.6252106
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> I already know I'm as intelligent as everyone else because all humans are equally intelligent
hah, so wrong

>> No.6252109

>implying cognitive differences

Go back to /pol, you racist shitposter.

>> No.6252108

/sci/ needs an /iq/ containment board

>> No.6252120
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>implying that would work
>implying IQ-trolls would get anywhere near as much pleasure there as they would pissing you off

there IS cognitive difference you fucking blind prole.
niggers are just less intelligent. FACT
the fact that im /pol/ has nothing to do with it you presumptuous tool.

>> No.6252122


>> No.6252123

> implying the null hypothesis for cognitive differences could ever be reasonable

>> No.6252130 [DELETED] 

B...but that's how Iq tests are made.
You make a ton of people pass them, set the average to 100 and voila.
You simply want a IQ test with enough questions and questions that wildly vary in difficulty to not have sampling problems.

>> No.6252132

>there IS cognitive difference you fucking blind prole.

No, there isn't. You're a delusional /pol/tard. Learn to accept the SCIENTIFIC FACT that all humans are equally intelligent. Cognitive skills do not exist. Everyone can learn theoretical physics if they put enough effort into it.

>> No.6252139

Someone ban this fagget who can't into scientific rigor.

>> No.6252152

Another cognitive science question

What mental illnesses does the OP have? What kind of traumatic head injuries does one need to sustain to in order to 1 have no fucking life like this and 2 create all this endless shitpost spam?

>> No.6252161

As a child I was brutally tortured by IQ denialists forcing their anti-intellectual world view onto me. Please don't trigger me. ;(

>> No.6252178

>anti-intellectual world view
Because they don't accept your pseudo science trash?

>> No.6252185

cogsci fag here

yeah, actually, physical differences among races can in fact lead to innate differences.

mainly, this:

blacks are from a different common ancestor, one actually really not so recent. there's tons more of this from ivy league publishings, if you doubt it

>> No.6252344


Did you even read that?

There have existed over 20 different species of humans. As far as everyone knows we have not interbred with any. There has been speculation that we interbred with Neanderthals, in particular there was a research paper published that claimed there was a percentage of shared DNA, however a later research paper showed that this shared DNA wasn't due to crossbreeding and was in fact due to a common ancestor to both neanderthals and ourselves much further down the line. There was also a more recent research paper about isolated cases of crossbreeding in Italy or some shit.

The idea that there is a gene for different specific traits is antiquated and only used in pop-sci media. There are genes that are associated with certain proteins, the addition or lack of which can cause several different side effects including specific traits. However, there is no one gene that's associated with any given trait and in different systems the same gene->protein may behave very differently.

>Intriguingly, five of these proteins are known to affect brain function and development of the nervous system. Among them are two genes where mutations have been implicated in autism and another that’s involved in language and speech.
1) This is speaking in our context, not in the context of Denisovans. Specifically it means that without these genes we have fucked up problems in being able to function.
2) This does NOT imply subtle differences in how people think.

Also, "races" are not considered scientifically rigorous in a modern context that takes into account genetics.

>> No.6252357

we need to screencap one IQ thread one of these days and every time there's another one just reply with that image.

and every response to every post will just be referencing the corresponding reply in the cap img.

soon IQ threads will just be referencing post numbers in response to referenced post numbers.

>> No.6252365

the point you're missing is that through evolution, the brain has changed for populations. it so happens there are different populations.

amygdal size is much larger in abo's than equatorial asians. i'll let you figure that implication out.

>> No.6253186

Nonverbal good online tests

Battery tests are better, find a psychologist to test you with one of the standard batteries.

>> No.6254455

Where are the verbal tests?

>> No.6256072

>Where are the verbal tests?

To get a full test, talk to a testing service or a psychologist. Most of them should be able to administer WAIS or similar to you.

I know, however, two subtests of WAIS. The first one is the vocabulary test. They give you 40 words and you have to provide a minimal or partial definition of each. The second one consists of word pairs, and you have to state something they have in common.


1 Bed
2 Ship
3 Penny
4 Winter
5 Repair
6 Breakfast
7 Fabric
8 Slice
9 Assemble
10 Conceal
11 Enormous
12 Hasten
13 Sentence
14 Regulate
15 Commence
16 Ponder
17 Cavern
18 Designate
19 Domestic
20 Consume
21 Terminate
22 Obstruct
23 Remorse
24 Sanctuary
25 Matchless
26 Reluctant
27 Calamity
28 Fortitude
29 Tranquil
30 Edifice
31 Compassion
32 Tangible
33 Perimeter
34 Audacious
35 Ominous
36 Tirade
37 Encumber
38 Plagiarize
39 Impale
40 Travesty

Word pair:
1 Orange-Banana
2 Coat-Dress
3 Axe-Saw
4 Dog-Lion
5 North-West
6 Eye-Ear
7 Air-Water
8 Table-Chair
9 Egg-Seed
10 Poem-Statue
11 Wood-Alcohol
12 Praise-Punishment
13 Fly-Tree

They are obviously biased against non-natives and the vocab ones are easy to cheat with (look up in any dictionary). I think that's why it's the nonverbal ones that are online.

>> No.6258817

Who decides whether the definitions are correct?

>> No.6258949


>> No.6260957

What if I paraphrase the dictionary definition without matching it exactly?

>> No.6261616

>What if I paraphrase the dictionary definition without matching it exactly?

>... you have to provide a minimal or partial definition of each.

>> No.6261936

How far is the paraphrased definition allowed to deviate from the original dictionary definition?

>> No.6261987

>everyone can learn theoretical physics if they put enough effort into it.
No, actually. Aside from your delusion that theoretical physics is as simple as looking at a few pieces of paper, you seem to have forgotten that it takes a firm understanding of other things, such as math, and other sciences, in some cases. Also, the brain isn't just some willy nilly thing that lets us do anything. You think a retard is going to be the next Einstein? Think again. Einstein had a brain far beyond that of any average being. Similarly, retards have brains that are impaired and do not work like the average human being.. What I'm trying to say is: even if you could learn, say, theoretical physics, it takes more than just remembering the facts to do something with it.

>> No.6261996

>Everyone can learn theoretical physics if they put enough effort into it.
But, you don't deny that it is harder for some other people compared to others, do you?

>> No.6262013

>racist IQ pseudoscience bullshit
You have obviously never met a full african negro or you are in complete denial.

>> No.6262054

>I already know I'm as intelligent as everyone else because all humans are equally intelligent
No. THIS is pseudo-science along with race-caused IQ/Intelligence, except this is infiltrated by leftist politics with the belief that all people should be and are equal no matter what. Science should be apolitical and void of all feelings and emotion fueled speculation. All organisms, including humans, do not have the same brain when born, this is simple genetics and natural selection. Think of animals. Organisms that were born with larger brains that thought smarter with new concepts like strategy, for example, chimpanzees and apes, went ahead of those who were less intelligent and we're not able to think as much, and were able to reproduce, spreading these favorable genes, eventually leading to where we are today. Organisms get smarter by the generation as competition to be think harder is increased; who is to say we aren't done evolving yet (or at least trying to evolve)? I'm not claiming that race has anything to do with it, but saying all humans have equal intelligence is an outrageous and factually incorrect assertion. However, I think we have gotten to smart for our own good, developing empathy and keeping those with unfavorable traits, reaching an evolution plateau. But I guess that is what truly makes us human and separates us from most animals; choosing feelings over reality. I'm not saying it's necessarily a bad thing, I have feelings of empathy and don't believe in executing the retarded or leaving babies with birth defects to live on their own, but I do believe it is holding is back to where we could be.

>> No.6262294

this is pretty much unrelated but can someone post the original version of OP's pic?

>> No.6264005

Don't know. I guess the manual has stuff about that.

>> No.6264010

/pol/ hates allison brie. no one from /pol/ would ever save or post that image.

>> No.6264703

/pol/ hates everything

>> No.6266327

>What mental illnesses does the OP have?

all of them

>> No.6268672

Why is /pol/ shilling so hard on /sci/?

>> No.6270988

>implying cognitive science isn't a perfectly valid topic

>> No.6271000

To counter the shills that they believe exist spewing the adverse of their belief system.

>> No.6271007

It's funny how people didn't mind IQ threads way before /pol/ was around. And now we should magically assume anyone who talks about IQ is a racist nazi bigot.
/sci/ is worse than /pol/ sometimes.

>> No.6271014

you wrong

>> No.6271028

Sure. As long as they're not black. Because otherwise I will appear politically incorrect even though I'm right. And I can't do that because I value the truth much less than my image.

>> No.6271043

We didn't mind them because we didn't have 50 of them a day

>> No.6271079


>> No.6271081


>> No.6271090

Skeletal science can accurately guess a human's race by just looking at the skull. The accuracy is at least 90%.

>> No.6271093

Most of these threads are how IQ is a tool for racist white privileged demons use to bash black people. Just like the thread you are posting in right now.

>> No.6271094
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>> No.6271096

This is now a Jacob Barney thread.

>> No.6272652

Who's that?

>> No.6272666
File: 649 KB, 398x262, 1388967663634.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy
duplicate file entry my ass

fuck it, have some thornberry on me

>> No.6272671
File: 400 KB, 428x420, 1388967772495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hah! wow, i just realised the image that i tried to post is actually on the front page
checkit: >>6250154

>> No.6272811

So who
> tfw low IQ
93 reporting

>> No.6274509

Move to america. There you will be above average.

>> No.6274820

Everyone on Earth's intelligence is 15 on a scientific scale developed in 1987. You too have an IQ of 15. On another scientific scale developed in 1999, the IQ of everyone was 209 and in another in 2001, 34.71.

>> No.6274908
File: 526 KB, 453x614, 1389060306476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racial differences in intelligence are demonstrable, scientific fact. There's a difference in visual acuity, too, and blacks come out on top.

>pic unrelated

>> No.6275069

As someone who has tutored others extensively, I believe almost anyone is capable of having a complete understanding of the Math, Science, and English requirements in high school. However, there are many people who have crawled out of the school system without the ability to multiply single digit numbers, or write with any sense of logical progression.

Their problem is that they never figure out how to perform basic logic. Their minds literally operate on the level of animals.

You can make the most basic mathematical statements and their only response is confusion. No gears ever tick, there's no attempt to intuitively understand something. They only even consider learning the bare minimum required to pass the class. They operate solely off of memorization. In math, they recognize the type of problem and solve it without any knowledge of what they're actually doing. It's something that a very smart dog could probably do. After a certain point, they've effectively shut themselves off from using humanity's only unique gift, abstract logic. Getting someone like that to actually understand theoretical physics would require completely rewiring their brain from childhood predispositions, and it could even be a hard limit on their intelligence that simply can't be fixed. Point being, them learning something significant would require more than the effort that they could put in alone. It isn't simply a matter of trying, at least not after a certain point, it's a matter of failing to have some of the basic mental tools needed to even begin to learn it.

Honestly, I believe that 99% of the people could at least get at layman's grasp if taught correctly from a young age and all personality issues are nipped at the bud, however, given the nature of our system and the people in it, I would argue that about 1/3 come out with the mental tools needed to operate at any mentally rigorous level.

>> No.6277205

>As someone who has tutored others extensively

I have made the exact opposite experience. Tutoring others has shown me a new dimension of stupidity I could have never imagined before.

>> No.6278345

Why are you contradicting yourself within your own post?

>> No.6279380

Intelligence IS a social construct. Does it really matter how good you are at math? Does a low score make you less intelligent? No, it doesn't. All people are equal.

>> No.6280239

You did it again.