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6251935 No.6251935 [Reply] [Original]

how do i become

the chessmaster

>> No.6251946

you don't unless you're born a prodigy or gifted like kasparov, anand or carlsen

you might have a chance, but you will never EVER be top 10

the more games you learn, the better you will get

>> No.6251953

First off OP, you just come in here asking questions without telling us your IQ.

So what's your IQ OP?

>> No.6251954

Just kill the king, silly.

>> No.6251958

i was tested by multiple psychiatrists and averaged 156, but i wasn't feeling good on any of those days so i could probably score 165+ performing at my best

>> No.6251963

>only 165+
I was only officially tested as a child and as an adult. As a child I scored 225, but I thought it had dropped since then so I went to retest and I scored 503.
Eh, it's not like IQ matters or anything.

>> No.6251974
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1) buy a chess board
2) practice everyday
3) buy books about it, read
4) beat retards to gain confidence
5) fap
6) play in front of gills to impress them
7) ???
8) profit

>> No.6251977

>books about chess
most of those books are useless and only teach you how to move the pieces and give you information why chess was invented

the best thing you could do and every grandmaster does is to analyze each game you have played and analyze other games by grandmasters

while analyzing, think where the best move would be and then see what they moved, check why they moved there instead of what it seemed to be the best move by you

keep practicing, try different openings as a beginner

if you want to be top tier

you will have to memorize a lot of openings which sounds tedious, but the more you play chess and use different openings, the more you will memorize or should i say learn openings

if you ever watch a grandmaster game, they already have 100s of openings memorized which is why they move very fast at the beginning

>> No.6251979 [DELETED] 


>> No.6251980
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>> No.6251988

>implying chess masters don't know the history of chess

Otherwise I agree

>> No.6251989

Stop playing chess and start playing Go.

>> No.6251994

here aint no 'born prodigys' chess is all about practise, hun

>6) play in front of gills to impress them
grills aint impressed by chess, faggot

>the best thing you could do and every grandmaster does is to analyze each game you have played and analyze other games by grandmasters
>while analyzing, think where the best move would be and then see what they moved, check why they moved there instead of what it seemed to be the best move by you
how teh fuck would he see 'why' they moves there?? he cant fucking know what they were thinking, and there aint no way for them to tell him, hmm??!?

>> No.6251998
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go is for aspie faggots
fuck off

>> No.6252007

Have you ever read about Bobby Fischer? He was reading chess theory books for years before he beat a masters player

>> No.6252011

become good at autistic rote memorization

>> No.6252014

>thinking IQ matters
I have a IQ of 140 so don't even bother coming up with a retort

>> No.6252024
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>I have a IQ of 140
and are we just supposed to take your word for that, faget?

>> No.6252029

>ad hominem

>> No.6252034
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that aint an ad hominem, wtf??
do you even know what that means??

>> No.6252040

>he called me out on my ad hominem so let me quickly respond to him a reductio ad absurdum

>> No.6252043


Yeah, there are a lot of fags around who think the ad hominem fallacy means including an insult in a statement.

I blame the schools.

>> No.6252046
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oh..ahahah! lel because i called him a 'faget'?

hah, no. an insult is not a synonym for an ad hominem.
pretty luzly from someonw ho claims to have IQ >140 and doesnt even know the correct definition of 'ad hominem'

>> No.6252045

>not having an IQ of over 600

>> No.6252052

Practicing the shit out of it and having a sci degree

>> No.6252058
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a sci degree aint necessary. all you need is practise
i used to be fuckin awesome at it when i was into it. gimme a few weeks training i could wipe the floor with all you specky cunts

>> No.6252062

before you become master
you must become bachelor

>> No.6252275

Master the tactics, most important part of chess. Best website is chesstempo.com or you could buy an account on chess.com, which I wouldn't recommend.

Don't memorize openings if you're just beginning, just know a few different principles of the openings (don't move a piece twice, etc.).

Endgames are important. Know a few different checkmates, and more importantly, know how to advance a passed pawn. Some of the checkmates are obvious, some aren't, Like I couldn't figure out rook and king vs king for the life of me when I started.

>> No.6252293

that reply is enough to let me know you aren't any good at chess

you might be good enough to beat everyone regionally, but you will get destroyed internationally

a grandmaster always know why another grandmaster makes a move in a game when they analyze it after they go through all the moves, you can see the attacking positions he did and why each piece was moved, of course this can be seen during a match too, but sometimes it's harder to spot

>> No.6252308

You have to memorize the entire opening book, and innumerable lines from various openings, so you have known lines to play depending on how your opponent opens or responds. You have to train your brain to recognize innumerable patterns that develop in games. By the time you're that good, it's no longer a fun game.

>> No.6252311

and by a match i mean live match with 2 grandmasters

the reason a completed match is easier to analyze is because the moves were already made and you can continue viewing all the moves and see how it worked out for the winning player, while for the live match, some moves may not seem so useful in a game until they finish

garry kasparov remembers every game he has played and magnus carlsen too, i don't know about anand, but all of them are geniuses in chess

bobby fischer was a child prodigy

anand was too

at most you can become an im, depends on how old you are, but if you're posting this on 4chan asking how to get better, i'm assuming you're older than 17 which means you have a very very low chance of becoming great

the only thing i could recommend is to practice every day against others

here's some websites i recommend: lichess.org for playing against others since i don't like the chess.com system

chess.com to learn openings and strategies, basically everything you need to know about chess, but you will need to pay

google if you don't want to pay

>> No.6252391

tbh if you've got an IQ below 140 you'll never really become better than avarage

>> No.6253027

instantchess.com is nice too, since you don't need to have an account.
It's just... instant chess.
And the level is not too bad.

>> No.6253037

I personally don't like it because of the design, but I would still recommend it due to its quickness of finding a game.

Lichess is better on tracking your progress and games, you can see every game you played and see a computer analysis.

>> No.6253183
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Read this book and follow Dr. Bs Method

>> No.6253830
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Being grandmaster is like being top100 in tennis.

You have to be young, great memory and have talent + rich parents or sponsors, then train with gm/im for few years then work by yourself when you hit GM.

If you are older thant 13-14 yo and you are not over 2500-2600 elo, there is no chance for top.

I do not understand why some people think that they can be anything they imagine when we talk about chess.

Its like most people can not get ph in math no matter how hard they will study.

>> No.6253842
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i do not know if you know anything about chess, but if you are over 1800 elo. Go with yusupow chess training (9books(, start with build up your chess + yusupow/dvorecki positional play and endgames. 100 puzzles erry day on chesstempo. Play only long torunaments >200min/ +30s for player.

After 2 years you will have very solid basic.
(Notice that some of yusupow books like positional play can be helpful for players >2200 elo aswell

>> No.6255732 [DELETED] 

you simply dont

>> No.6257499 [DELETED] 


>> No.6257513


>> No.6257534


If greatness becomes who spends more time doing something than another or being born into the right environment, then we might as well stop calling greatness great.

>> No.6258797 [DELETED] 


>> No.6260941

That's pretty low.

>> No.6261906

You have to beat the current chessmaster.

>> No.6262344

lol no, Fischer is the exception, a natural prodigy who was beating GMs almost from day one. Like his immortal game against Byrne

>> No.6262347

This is exactly the advice I was going to give.

Also, play against low level computers to train yourself to avoid stupid mistakes.

Once you are tactically good, start learning about positional chess and mid-game planning and strategy.

>> No.6262416

Why not try to be the master ruseman?

>> No.6262451

>You have to memorize the entire opening book, and innumerable lines from various openings, so you have known lines to play depending on how your opponent opens or responds.

The current world champion could maintain a 2800+ rating playing the King's Indian Attack and the Pirc Defense.

>> No.6262457

>Being grandmaster is like being top100 in tennis.

Didn't read the rest of your post. There are more serious tennis players than chess players, and there are ~1000 grandmasters, so being a GM is more like being top 10,000 or so in tennis.

>> No.6262460

>Once you are tactically good, start learning about positional chess and mid-game planning and strategy.

The problem with this advice is that people think they're better tactically than they really are. They think that because they can solve any problem, they're good--but they ignore the fact that it takes them 20+ minutes to solve moderately difficult problems. You're not ready for positional chess until you can not only solve 99% of tactical problems you see, but do so in a reasonable amount of time.

>> No.6262473

By asking about it on /sci/.

>> No.6262477

>"How big is your penis?"
>"11 inches"
>"That's pretty small"