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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6250124 No.6250124[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is /sci/ the smartest board on 4chan?

>> No.6250125

We have the highest IQ.

>> No.6250153

>Is /sci/ the smartest board on 4chan?

Have you lurked here for few hours? I doubt you'd ask that question if you did.

/pol/ probably has a the most smart people on 4chan but it's too fast moving for my taste.

>> No.6250162


>> No.6250160


your opinion is irrelevant

>> No.6250254

in the land of idiots, the imbecile is king.

>> No.6250258


>> No.6250263

/b/ believe or not

>> No.6250265

It's /jp/.

I'm serious.

>> No.6250270


>> No.6250274

I'm not kidding, /jp/ is smarter than you.

>> No.6250277

I used to hang out on /jp/ and I have no idea why you'd think that.
They're just a bunch of touhou obsessed NEET

>> No.6250278

>They're just a bunch of touhou obsessed NEET

Real /jp/ hates touhou.

>> No.6250295

this guy is trolling you /jp/ is retarded

literally the worst board on 4chan, why do you think moot hates them so much?

>> No.6250327

just checked out /pol/ for the first time

not that i entirely disagree, but holy shit, apparently everyone hates jews there

still would probably say /sci/ has probably the highest average level of education just by the nature of it

>> No.6250336

/pol/ is the smartest board.

>> No.6250345


Yep, it's /pol/. They're as smart as /sci/ but without autism.

>> No.6250346

>apparently everyone hates jews there
its a shtick, bruh

>> No.6250348

/sci/ might (or might not) have the highest IQ, but in a traditional sense of "smart" /lit/ might take the cake. But that's a guess, I've never been to /lit/.

>> No.6250349

Yes, unfortunately.

>> No.6250350

/lit/ is pretty retarded when it comes to anything outside of specific books.

>> No.6250351
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>thinks another board is smarter, has no evidence and has never been there.

and then people wonder why /sci/ is so full of troll shit and why everyone falls for obvious baits that fail everywhere else on this god-forsaken site.

>> No.6250354

he's right

>> No.6250359

I've seen the same threads on here and on /pol/ and /pol/ thread always has not only more replies but better replies with more insight and less troll shit.

since we're scientists here, it's easy to test. go ahead and do it. take one of the /sci/ threads, post there and see the replies.

>> No.6250361

>Make stupid statement
>someone disagrees with you
>"No he's totally right guize!!1"

>> No.6250360

People saying that /pol/ is the smartest board. I hope that is a troll answer. /pol/ has by far the highest concentration of irrational people.
/sci/ is one of the smarter boards, but I don't think it's the smartest.

>> No.6250370


challenge accepted.

>> No.6250376

/diy/ (actual browsers, not randos asking for help) is pretty smart.

>> No.6250381


>> No.6250383

god no. I'd say /g/ is the best contender. People actually know stuffs there, though bustling with OSfags

>> No.6250387
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/sci/ might as well be reddit.

/diy/ is the smartest board on 4chan.

>> No.6250388

that's a stupid thread. go take one of the many AI threads that we have on here and ask /pol/ is AI will ever take over.

>> No.6250396

as a guy who frequents /pol/ daily, they're on par with /b/ in autism

>> No.6250403


Well hardly anyone's replied to it over there, so you may have a point.

>> No.6250426

If you mean how intelligent is the average thread, /sci/ beats /pol/, /g/, and /lit/

If you mean how intelligent is the average poster, /sci/ pretty much ties with /pol/ and /lit/

>> No.6250432

/pol/ is retarded

>> No.6250435

Why do you even think that /pol/ is smart? Do you think talking about conspiracy theories, Jews, "liberals" and moronic lolbertarian utopias/dystopias means you are smart?

The only boards on 4chan with some intelligent threads are /diy/, /g/ and /lit.
The rest is full of pop science, pop philosophy and nonsense.

>> No.6250437

/lit/ is pretty dumb, but there are a few smart posters

>> No.6250438

Using the label smart makes you stupid.

>> No.6250439

There are still a lot of legitimately politically informed posters

>> No.6250440

Honestly you can't really come to a consensus about this. Literally every board on this site is retarded as hell, you just need to spend a little time there. But every board also has it's perks, /sci/ actually has that good topic to discuss once in a while, /fit/ tells some hilarious whale stories and you can actually learn a lot there, /mu/ can look at music intelligently and objectively, the list goes on. Even /b/ can be good at times. Granted, you do have those boards that are horrible ALL the time (/d/), but aside from those, what I'm saying still stands.

>> No.6250441

This about sums it up

>> No.6250445

Uhm, no. Nothing beats /sci/ in autism. 50%+ of /sci/ is autistic. Just read these threads for a confirmation.

>> No.6250446

It really is /pol/

I know this will be hard to believe for /sci/, and anyone who is politically Left of centre will HATE the idea that there are racist, anti-semitic sociopaths who are more intelligent than them, but it's the truth.

Yes, /pol/ has some of the dumbest people, but most of the dumb people there are the shitposters that try to troll and bait /pol/ regulars with fallacious arguments. There are highly intelligent and well-informed people from every political spectrum on /pol/.

People just think it's full of nazis because it's virtually the only place on the internet that you can talk about Nazism in a sympathetic way and not be permabanned just for voicing your opinion.

That being said I think Nazism was a disastrous ideology, but I think eugenics was a good thing and I hate Nazism for ruining eugenics for everyone.

>> No.6250450

Please, don't tell me you are an ancap, communist or libertarian.

>> No.6250453


/d/ honestly has some of the nicest and most mature people I've ever seen on 4chan, they just have really shitty fetishes.

>> No.6250454

I don't subscribe to any political label. In an ideal world I would be a libertarian, but we don't live in an ideal world. I want people to have freedom, but they ought to use their freedom to pursue righteous and morally uplifting ends.

You could call me a NatSoc that hates Nazism, I suppose.

>> No.6250460

>well-informed people
you just have to read news and some books... there is nothing "intelligent" in that

>racist, anti-semitic sociopaths who are more intelligent than them, but it's the truth.
sorry, but racism (and eugenics) is illogical by itself, at least if you take science into account... so, I don't think a racist person can be intelligent (and there is a obviously cultural factor to it) in the first place. Yes, eugenics was the shit some 50+ years ago, but these days people should have learned the lesson.

>> No.6250462

>eugenics is illogical
>at least if you take science into account
It's perfectly logical, it's just not humane

>> No.6250467

Science has demonstrated time and time again that intelligence is a highly heritable trait, even when controlling for environmental factors (through studies of twins growing up in separate families). This suggests a strong genetic component to intelligence.

We know that high IQ women have few children.
We know that low IQ women have many children.
We know that the human brain has been getting smaller since the end of the last ice age.

I can see the trajectory humanity is headed down unless we take steps to improve the quality of our gene pool, can't you?

>> No.6250469

>It's perfectly logical, it's just not humane

I concur. Just look at what's happening to the US… it would be 10x better if we did what Chinese are doing. That's why in 50 years time, China will have people with an average IQ of 125 and US with 85. We’ve been importing smart people for the last 50 years but that's already slowed down as most don't want to deal with out fucked up social structure and their countries are becoming decent.

>> No.6250468

no. social darwinism has, I think, been proved to be false and harming to humans, not only by history, but by SCIENCE, because species and societies compete, yes, but also HELP one each other, otherwise we wouldn't be what we are.

>> No.6250472

Citation for twins study?

>> No.6250474

The only thing that matters is happiness. Tech gadgets and tech fluff are just taking the long way to it (and it's not even guaranteed). What is the point?
We must understand the brains first and foremost. More money should be go towards neuroscience, biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences. The rest is irrelevant and will become obsolete.

>> No.6250478

>you can measure intelligence by showing talent at finding (mathematical) patterns

>Science has demonstrated time and time again that intelligence is a highly heritable trait
LOLOLOL, I guess you've been reading too much newspapers and not many scientific papers... from my POV, it's exactly the contrary. you are NOT born "intelligent", but you and your environment make what you are. "genes" are a factor in the same way as environment.. and knowing that human societies these days are miserable, egoistic and individualistic, most people cannot do shit about it, even if their genes say otherwise.
Just keep repeating your bullshit, you are reproducing the same shitty society you live in.

>> No.6250482

Partially this

How active or passive your early childhood is is a big factor

>> No.6250483

here you go


Sorry if it hurts your feelings, but multiple studies over many decades conclude that the biggest factor determining adult intelligence is genes, not environment.

See the above link as well as this one

Yes, IQ is a narrow measure of intelligence, but you know what? IQ correlates strongly with test results in all academic subjects. IQ correlates strongly with academic achievement and college graduation rates. IQ correlates strongly with income. IQ correlates strongly with every other measure of intelligence we have devised.
Whatever IQ is measuring, it's pretty certain that it's a fundamental component of "intelligence".

>> No.6250487

Sorry, that was meant to be a reply to
Identical twins reared-apart

"about 70% of the variatiance in IQ was found to be genetically determined"

>> No.6250488
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I like you. Take this hot dog as a token of my friendship

>> No.6250490
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>IQ tests only contain pattern-recognition tests!!!

haha no

also what he said

>> No.6250491

>The only thing that matters is happiness.

And how will you provide that happiness if your country starts faltering and people become unahppy?

>Tech gadgets and tech fluff are just taking the long way to it (and it's not even guaranteed). What is the point?
We must understand the brains first and foremost. More money should be go towards neuroscience, biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences. The rest is irrelevant and will become obsolete.

If that were the case, we might as well install an opiate/morphine/heroin drip into everyone and then everyone will be happy.

And here's a good article for those retards who still doubt IQ and dislike eugenics and don't understand what China's doing:


>China has been running the world's largest and most successful eugenics program for more than thirty years, driving China's ever-faster rise as the global superpower. I worry that this poses some existential threat to Western civilization. Yet the most likely result is that America and Europe linger around a few hundred more years as also-rans on the world-historical stage, nursing our anti-hereditarian political correctness to the bitter end.

>When I learned about Chinese eugenics this summer, I was astonished that its population policies had received so little attention. China makes no secret of its eugenic ambitions, in either its cultural history or its government policies.

US is fucked. The only population segment that's growing is the low-IQ one. And we keep making the problem worse through welfare programs.

>> No.6250495

/pol/ is on the ball when it comes to geopolitics

>> No.6250494


>US based study

>> No.6250498
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You can't link me to a site called edge.org and expect me to take it seriously.

>> No.6250496
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>Evolution is real and operates on every time scale, it doesn't take thousands of years for a group to evolve certain traits.

>Evolution led to every human group having the exact same distribution of the exact same genes controlling the brain, there is no genetically-determined difference in brain structure between different groups of humans.

Pick one.
This "tabula rasa" shit about humans is the progressive liberal version of Creationism.

>> No.6250499

let's pretend you are born in a VERY POOR country, where NO ONE CAN HELP YOU BECAUSE NO ONE CAN HELP ANYONE. ok? see, you'd be worried most of the day about eating/finding food/finding water/etc. Also, your own cultural weight (a.k.a., religions) tells you to not do this or that, etc.
How do you think you would be living, and most importantly, what would be your IQ if you didn't give a flying fuck about mathematical patterns?

>> No.6250500

>install an opiate/morphine/heroin drip into everyone and then everyone will be happy.

No. That's not a sustainable way to happiness. Too many long-term negative effects. The drugs you mentioned also lose their happiness effect the more that they are used. Drugs need to be made perfect, but first we need to understand the brains from inside out.

>> No.6250501
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Wow what a great refutation! In a debate about human intelligence, BY DEFINITION an argument about psychology, you called the whole field unscientific!
And then you came out and implied that any research carried out in the USA is invalid because, well, it makes your position a whole lot easier to defend if the other guy's evidence is wrong just BECAUSE.

Eat shit moron and enjoy living in denial about reality.

>> No.6250506

Why don't you respond to me here?

To answer your question, I'm probably going to have a lower IQ if I'm living in a very poor country and can't get good education, because there is an environmental component to intelligence, but what the FUCK does that have to do with anything? In studies carried out in the USA, a developed nation with generally equal access to education (compared to say, Africa) studies have shown a strong genetic component to intelligence.

Even If I grew up in a poor country without education, if I have the right genes I'm still going to be a hell of a lot smarter than my neighbour born with shitty genetics! My intelligence might be geared more towards being able to create a lot of tools or learn interesting things I can do with plants, but I'm still going to be smarter than the guy with shitty genetics!

Again, whatever IQ is measuring, it measures something that correlates incredibly strongly to every measure of intelligence and success that we can think of.

Is this the best /sci/ can do? Sidestep the argument and give half-assed hypothetical scenarios, instead of backing their arguments up with, you know, scientific studies that support their viewpoints?

>> No.6250508

Learn the definition of science, idiot. Psychology if done properly is a science.

Is psychology usually badly practized science? Then the answer is yes.

>> No.6250510

and I thought this was /sci/...
OK, I can see why some people are saying /pol/ is more intelligent than /sci/, it's because of people like you.

But anyway, psychology has a shallow base, and US based psychology only serves marketing people, and it's obviously based on cultural prejudices.
Read this:

>> No.6250509
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/sci/ getting fucking destroyed by /pol/ ITT, how embarrassing.

>> No.6250512

>but I think eugenics was a good thing
Trash opinion by a trash poster in a trash thread.

>> No.6250513

>The only thing that matters is happiness.
The most useless thing. I don't like fucking gedonists.
>Whatever IQ is measuring
Well, it's not a bad predictor of g-factor.
I should notify though that the heritability coefficient of IQ at ages from 12 to 16 has been determined only as .46, i.e. about .5. for adults, it has been found to be equal .86. I think IQ in children correlates better with 'true' intelligence.

>> No.6250515
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posted this in the other thread

>> No.6250518

Why don't you explain why, instead of just disregarding it out of hand? Sticking your fingers in your ears and shutting your eyes won't stop a wolf from eating you, and it won't stop the human population becoming gradually dumber as lower-IQ people continue to outbreed higher-IQ people either.

I've seen different studies come to different conclusions; that the genetic factor is stronger in childhood and the environmental factor stronger in adulthood, and that the environmental factor is stronger in childhood and the genetic factor is stronger in adulthood.

What's clear is that the genetic factor is at least as strong as the environmental one and in some studies seems to be even stronger.
The reared-apart twins study I posted earlier is a very interesting read on this subject.

>> No.6250521

>is /sci/ the smartest board on 4chan?

/sci/ is probably the board with the biggest ego despite knowing hardly anything about science.

>> No.6250523

spot on. and we should get an even lower score because there's so many autistic nutjobs here that it makes rational discussion next to impossible.

>> No.6250524

>Psychology if done properly is a science.
>Is psychology usually badly practized science? Then the answer is yes.
you just responded yourself there...

It's incredible, I myself have posted seemingly illogical statements, but at least I guess you got the idea... but the replies I've gotten... some people just lack the ability to think in a logical way, or at least in a consistent way.

I'm not responding the psychology guy anymore, go read books on biology and then come back. I also recommend reading humberto maturana's "the tree of knowledge", you'll see why I think psychology is mostly bullshit after reafding it.

>> No.6250528

/pol/ is BY FAR.

>> No.6250530

Life is centered on avoiding feelings that make you feel bad and looking for feelings that make you feel good. I'm not talking about short-term hedonism or utilitarianism, I'm talking about the long-term, sustainable variant.

Detours to happiness is what defines humanity and especially our society obsessed with gadgets.
Real science and technology now! More funds to biomedical sciences, neuroscience and pharmaceutical sciences are needed.

>> No.6250527

>You can't link me to a site called edge.org and expect me to take it seriously.

you can't expect me to take a post by an autistic retard who posts on anime board and uses shitty image macros seriously.

>> No.6250533

>but holy shit, apparently everyone hates jews there
Well, what do you like about jews?

>> No.6250534

/diy/ is by far the most intelligent board on 4chan

>> No.6250542

nonsense. even through I like /diy/, there's very little intelligent discussions that you have when you talk about menial stuff.

>> No.6250544

>My life is centered on avoiding feelings that make you feel bad and looking for feelings that make you feel good. I'm not talking about short-term hedonism or utilitarianism, I'm talking about the long-term, sustainable variant.

>> No.6250546
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Enhanced version

>> No.6250548

Then why do you even bother living? Why do you think people want to be safe, entertained and get social validation? In the end, it's all about avoid negative feelings and looking for positive feelings.

>> No.6250550


>> No.6250564

>Then why do you even bother living?
I care about the people around me, and I wish I could help them. I've been thinking about killing myself since I was 11, and if my close family dies tomorrow, I think I would shoot myself the same day.

>Why do you think people want to be safe, entertained and get social validation?
I mostly dgaf about social validation

>In the end, it's all about avoid negative feelings and looking for positive feelings.
Not only that, not if your objective in life is not just "being/becoming happy"...

So, don't generalize.

>> No.6250568

The way you live your life has obviously failed you, considering that you have suicidal tendencies. You should be one my side.

>> No.6250569
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hahah… great.

also, i love this quote and it's appropriate.

>> No.6250571

can't breathe

>> No.6250578

That quote is always appropriate.

>> No.6250587

I was born poor and surrounded by miserable, egoistic people. That goes against my way of thinking, so yeah, that made me sad and, until now, I've failed... that doesn't mean I will always fail, and/or I'll always think the same way.

>> No.6250592
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google's opinion

>> No.6250601

/x/ is the smartest board because they know about tulpas

>> No.6250607


>> No.6250615

/pol/ is full of shitposting, trolls, and paid shills. The sheer volume of shit is bound to drag down the statistics in favor of /sci/, but a good thread on /pol/ is just as good as, if not better than, a good thread on /sci/. And there are more on /pol/ due to its higher traffic.

>> No.6250618

Pickles, bagels, Seinfeld, delis

>> No.6250621
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>> No.6250639

> Is /sci/ the smartest board?

>> No.6250640
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Shit nigga what are you doing?

>> No.6250646

An archive is a more measurement than the current board since the sample size is larger. You should know that here.

>> No.6250650

On the flip side it's less accurate because it takes into account old data, boards change over time.

>> No.6250651

what does an advanced reading level even entail? And how is it more advanced than the intermediate, and is basic just coloring books?

>> No.6250658


>the program determines their appropriate reading level based on factors such as vocabulary, word length and grammatical complexity.

>> No.6250659

Word length and Vocabulary? /pol might be just up there because of all the mentions of isms.

>> No.6250664

i love this gif so much

>goddammit I'm so mad at this bitch i want to hurt her
>should i slap her?
>should i punch her?
>should i push her off the edge of the couch?
>should I throw my book at her?
>should i pick up this motherfucking Christmas tree with two hands and He-Man style hurl it over my head in the general vicinity of her stupid face?
of course

the choice that nigger made was a truly beautiful one

>> No.6250665
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>trusting google reading level or any form of blind word counting scheme
Continue being retarded.

>> No.6250723


>> No.6250726

List of 4chan boards by Reading Levels
Most advanced level is rs 12% basic(no posts though),lgbt 20% ,cm 38%,e 40%,y 42%,c 50%.

>> No.6250725

>blue-collar folks

>> No.6250727

top kek

33 ACT Honors Student, /gd/ and comp sci double major here.

both my parents dropped out of high school.

eat my ass

>> No.6250739

>Meaning anything

ACT is designed to let inbred hicks and niggers go to college

if you didn't take the SAT, your opinion isn't worth shit.

>> No.6250741


It's also one of, if not the best board on 4chan in terms of quality.

>> No.6250766

What am I even looking at here?

>> No.6250772

don't they test the same exact things on the act? it's not like the sat is an iq test or anything.

>> No.6250781

Am i missing some inside joke, are you guys being sarcastic how the fuck is /pol/ even remotely intelligent?

It's literally a bunch of white neck-beards being racist and hating jews because some infographic told them that 'jews are evil'

Like no one on that board has 0 capacity to say anything intellectual or justified when it comes to anything political or social.

>> No.6250806

/tg/ is smartest. Can't be trolled and knows everything about anything.

What the heck is goin on in that pic? Something must have ticked him off bad.

>> No.6250807

/sci/ are just anti social college dropouts
they know nothing about anything and don't care about doing real science
they're manchildren. stay away from /sci/

>> No.6250836

>stay away from /sci/
>is on /sci/

>> No.6250840
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Do anyone here have experience with the Rosseta Stone program? i want to teach myself mandarin, is it a good way to start?

>> No.6250847

Google's Reading Levels of websites.

>> No.6250864

So you think that using fancy words means you're smart?

>> No.6250872

The smartest board is and always will be /b/.

>> No.6250887
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>> No.6250980

/lit/ is an endless circle jerk of pretentious delusional mcdonald's employees

>> No.6251032

All boards are like this and all boards have something juicy sandwiched in between the crap. You just have to take the good and ignore the bad.

Lit is good for some things.... like literature. I go there every once in a while, mostly because I have questions about writing.

By the way, are you pretending /sci/ isn't prentious?

>pretending pretensions

>> No.6251038

/sci/ can barely into highschool math
>mfw 3*(0.333.....) != 1 debate threads with 200+ replies

I'm about to finish my undergrad in Physics and /sci/ is like walking into a kindergarten classroom.
As pretentious as that sounds it's 100% true. With stackoverflow et. al.,
there is no reason for an intelligent person to come to 4chan to talk about science, ever.
The same kind of thinking applies to /g/.

>> No.6251040

4chan in general is like a dump where you look for diamonds. This also applies to /sci/, there are good and informational posts, you just have to search them for a little bit.

>> No.6251041

by a bit you mean a lot

>> No.6251049

If we were really a science board people would actually be running unbiased experiments instead of talking shit. This is more like /academia/, we should be right at home with /lit/.

>> No.6251061
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>mfw an undergrad thinks he's entitled to act arrogantly

my lels are in orbit

>> No.6251063


The twins thing makes a lot of sense.

My family is retarded. I mean country bumpkin factory worker retarded, and I've always been the one who has had the "bright future", but I failed freshman Calc. Granted, I can do the math, but not in that little time because I have to draw everything out.

I never had to sit down and study in high school, but I always tried to apply the shit whenever I could. My only aced test in the class was optimization and real life situations. That's the only real reason I did so well-- because I practiced.

>> No.6251075

>/sci/ getting fucking destroyed by /pol/ ITT, how embarrassing.

Is that even surprising? /pol/ is never wrong and /sci/ is being trolled every day by 1 = 0.9… threads, by Jacob Barnett threads, by perpetual motion threads, by low-level /x/ type nonsense etc.

>> No.6251085
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pol is filled to the brim with retards, what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.6251088
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>science board
>oblivious to the fact that some of the greatest mathematicians and scientists were jews

>> No.6251089

they made 4chan

>> No.6251090

We are not being trolled. We are replying ironically. 2deep4u

>> No.6251100

/b/ is probably the smartest because of it's numbers.

>> No.6251116


Its not logical in any sense.

a) There's no ultimate goal of society, we merely pursue our own interests with the legal framework the government sets us. So there is no need for eugenics in the first place.

b) At the moment, we have no way to reliably predict intelligence in advance. You would have to wait 20 years or so until the offspring have reached their peak.

c) Its a massive waste of money.

d) The more people we have, the better. We need smart and dumb people, we need people to fill every niche. Even if there were 700 million people who qualified, that still would not be enough people to support our current way of life.

>> No.6251122


>The more people we have, the better.

The fuck? Overpopulation is the worst problem humanity faces.

>We need smart and dumb people, we need people to fill every niche.


>> No.6251123
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No, but it's the most self-conscious about being intelligent

>> No.6251125

>There's no ultimate goal of society,
There is. It's just not what religitards want to make us believe. Learn some science and figure it out on your own.

>At the moment, we have no way to reliably predict intelligence in advance.
Intelligence is heritable. Smart parents will most likely have smart kids.

>Its a massive waste of money.
If we can wast billions on sending a fancy car to mars, we shouldn't have a problem with the few millions needed here.

>The more people we have, the better
The more people we have, the faster we use up our limited resources.

>> No.6251127

>There is. It's just not what religitards want to make us believe. Learn some science and figure it out on your own.
>there is but im not going to tell you!

>> No.6251129 [DELETED] 



Overpopulation is a complete myth in the first world. Its only happening in second world and third world countries because we keep giving them aid and allowing them to keep breeding beyond what their economy and infrastructure allows.

>worst problem humanity faces.

Oh my fucking god, that's rich. Its complete bullshit, its a myth made up by Marxist state-run colleges to push their Liberal agenda and introduce more regulations to the market, also to make government subsidise green technology. There is no evidence the world is becoming "overpopulated".


Because, it takes a lot of people to make a lot of stuff, and a lot of stuff is what we want. Plus we want disposable people working shitty jobs.

>> No.6251135

/lit/ is the smartest. It's not easy at all to comprehend and analyze literature.

>> No.6251136


>irreversible loss of arable land, mass species extinctions, deforestation, loss of ecosystems, global warming, soil pollution: none of these are problems to worry about, humans can do no wrong!
>liberal agenda

/pol/ pls go

>> No.6251140


Heres how this works... you don't change your lifestyle of consumption and ignorance despite the best efforts of more intelligent people to pursuade you to do so, which precipitates their efforts to get the government to force you to do so.

Thats how you became the problem instead of part of the solution, dumbass.

All you blathering about a liberal agenda is some stupid bullshit. Go back to talk radio and get off my /sci/ nuts bitch.

>> No.6251142

>anyone who is politically Left of centre will HATE the idea
The epitome of /pol/ rhetoric

>> No.6251146


No, there isn't. The government's job is simply to set the legal framework we all operate in. Then we're largely free to do what we want.

>Intelligence is heritable. Smart parents will most likely have smart kids.

Except we don't know that for sure yet, and there's a lot of psuedoscience involved in IQ and the psychology of intelligence. And before you go on about how IQ is correlated with crime rates and what not, correlation is not causation. There is no mechanism yet provided for any these links.

>If we can wast billions on sending a fancy car to mars, we shouldn't have a problem with the few millions needed here.

The Mars Rovers are a waste of government money, in my opinion. Eugenics will be a ridiculously costly EXPERIMENT (its not an exact science yet, don't even pretend it is. We have virtually no idea about this stuff) that will span generations, and probably won't even work due to the difficulty of predicting genetics and mutations.

>few millions

Try trillions. Not to mention the fact that these people will most likely violently revolt, and go to war. Not to mention a government with that kind of power will likely abuse it like it always does, raise taxes and drive entrepreneurship out of the country.

>The more people we have, the faster we use up our limited resources.

We always find more. And if the day comes when we don't, well, that will mean we are trapped on Earth and were doomed from the start. But at the moment, there is no reason to be worried about resources running out, estimates just keep going up as we find more and innovate, increasing efficiency. There's a shit tonne oil left, farming is advancing rapidly, there's enough land and water for us all. What's stopping us right now are fucking hippies.

>> No.6251147

wat the fuck.

>> No.6251151


gtfo you /pol/ shitstain

>> No.6251154

look at this thread

>> No.6251157

It really is.

>> No.6251161

/sci/ gets filled with shits from all the other boards because they have a sub-human tier IQ and they all have a retarded question.

See all the cretins from /pol/, for example. Dumb as shit, every single one of them.

>> No.6251167

You've probably never read anything more advanced that "Percy Jackson and the Olympians."

>> No.6251170

Joke's on you, I've never even read that.

>> No.6251176


>irreversible loss of arable land

No. Anything can be made into arable land if you invest enough resources.

> mass species extinctions

Its sad, but too bad. By the way, all your hippie regulations and policies aren't doing jack shit. The Okapi is on the verge of extinction because of them, and gold miners, drug traffickers, and poachers are raping your beloved beasts because you drove the price up.

>loss of ecosystems

Same fucking thing. The environment is most safe in those places where they privately owned. Its sad, but so what. Humans are more important than animals.

>global warming

I thought it was climate change? What's it called this week? Look, I agree with the greenhouse effect, that much is observable, but these Jew scientist running around trying to give very specific descriptions of what will happen 100 years in the future, exactly how we solve these issues in advance, and telling us subsidise green technology (which they've invested in)? We can't even predict the weather for the next weekend usually. Saying you know what the effects of greenhouse gases when the full extent of the Earth's positive and negative feedback mechanisms are not yet known, as well as what is man made and what is natural is hocum. Of course there's always nuclear, but the state-run colleges fear monger about that too. So we're stuck with oil.

>soil pollution

Too bad, that's a side effect of industrial society (not that the cattle-shit encrusted, loose, eroded soil caused by our ancestors cutting down forests to make farms before our population was even 1 Billion was any better). You just have to wait until companies find a viable way to increase their efficiency and reduce waste.

>> No.6251179 [DELETED] 
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/sci/ is filled with dumb people and cunts
all the quality posters have left sometime in 2011

>> No.6251181
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okay. go back to talking about science now, cuz, you know, it's just so important that other subjects pale in comparison to it.

>> No.6251184

>We always find more. And if the day comes when we don't, well, that will mean we are trapped on Earth and were doomed from the start.
wow this is dumb
so basically you're saying 'lol don't wori gaiz its impossible to make mistakes'
>doomed from the start
If we get stuck here due to our wasteful nature and humanity goes extinct it's because people fucked up.

>> No.6251186

>not cesspool


>> No.6251189

/s4s/ is decent

>> No.6251190
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>/b/ not in bottom left corner

>> No.6251195

>every board not being in the bottom right corner

>> No.6251197


>more intelligent people to pursuade you to do so

What, like Lawrance Krausstein and Carl Saganberg, neither of whom are versed in economics, have a "progressive" bias and provide 0 evidence that their progressive ideas will ever work? Milton Friedman was much more intelligent than you, and yet no-one heeds his words here. Just because Krauss and Sagan were physicists (which, by the way, I was planning to become before I became interested in investment) doesn't mean they know everything about everything ever and are sages. I hate "intellectuals", they're fucking shills who see society as one big list of problems only they can fix, even though they have no idea about them.

>blathering about a liberal agenda is some stupid bullshit.

Are you trying to say there isn't? Are you trying to say affirmative action, and the EU's bill to ban criticising feminism aren't real things? Are you going to deny colleges by and large are run by Marxist professors? Socialism and Marxism are regarded as the "cool" and "intellectual" thing to believe in among these cretins, despite the fact that the creative powers unleashed by capitalism completely overshadow them. No, its YOU who stands on a pillar of ignorance, while your intellectual "heroes" tell you what's right and what's wrong, and what progression is, despite none of them knowing either.

>> No.6251205
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>> No.6251201 [DELETED] 

>moronic lolbertarian
Lol get the fuck out liberal.

Half of 4chan is basically libertarian.

>> No.6251206
File: 39 KB, 483x581, 1388163853414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you and your environment make what you are
Steven Jay Gould pls go and take your pseudoscience with you.

>> No.6251212


unless there is someone who is so stupid, and now I mean really really stupid, so negatively stupid that it moves the average, and shakes the foundation of human intelligence.

>> No.6251213

>someone disagreed with me on the internet

oh noes

>> No.6251215

you are still a /pol/ shitstain

>> No.6251217
File: 191 KB, 635x854, 1388164203390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will always be a leftist reddit shitstain who's offended by everything.

Eat shit plebian.

>> No.6251220

deal with it, loser

>> No.6251225

lol this guy. I'm a conservative republican and even I think you're being an idiot

>> No.6251226

deal with it loser

>> No.6251229

>conservative republican
You spelled social democrat wrong.

>> No.6251232


We have never run out of resources and there's no reason to believe we ever will. And when they do run out, all that will happen is we'll gently die off until we reach a population the environment can sustain. Stop watching puerile NatGeo "future" documentaries, they don't know what will happen in the future anymore than fucking you or I do. In any case, fear of a future we can't predict is no reason to oppress people. However, I would bet my life that capitalism is our best hope, it will ratchet up efficiency and allow us to become self-sustainable (if that's possible), as well as spur innovation to the point where we can find more resources, rather than government banning us from doing this and doing that and pretending like they're Omniscient when they don't any more about the future of Earth's resources than you. We have no idea how much shit like oil there is, because everytime there's a shortage, companies go and look for more where they hadn't thought of previously and find a shit tonne more. Estimates of how much oil there is left have been going up since the 1850's.

>If we get stuck here due to our wasteful nature and humanity goes extinct it's because people fucked up

I'm saying if capitalism does not uncover a way for us to leave the Earth and colonise elsewhere, than I don't think there is any way. Central planning is a few individuals (who usually squabble, argue and don't really know what they're doing) trying to think of a way to do something, capitalism is everyone pulling together and competing to meet demands, as well as innovate and increase efficiency, without coercion.

>> No.6251237

/g/ or /diy/

>> No.6251236

/sci/ is the smartest board because I post here. I'm a genius, a prodigy and a polymath. My IQ is higher than 200 and I got 10 PhD's, one from each of the top universities. I'm doing research in triple integrals and I found a proof of 0.999... =/= 1. Not even Jacob Barnett can grasp my intellectual superiority. I'm also an atheist and a liberal. Deal with it, /pol/tards.

>> No.6251241

Despite almost everyone here being a fucking moron, it's nice to see people on this board who don't think that science is the only discipline of any value and that science is the only thing that can solve all of our problems.

>> No.6251243
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>I'm also an atheist and a liberal.

So what you're saying is you've never actually studied economics in your entire life and only believe what the ignorant economic illiterate masses tell you.

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.6251242

/x/ is smarter than /sci/. You scientists are too closed minded to understand the true nature of consciousness and the afterlife. True wisdom is more than just knowledge of equations.

>> No.6251244

This. While /pol/ is full of shitposters who really only discuss things like race while actually saying little about politics. There is definitely a group of /pol/lacks who will make intelligent arguments and constantly back up their claims with sources

>> No.6251251
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>> No.6251246

>while actually saying little about politics.
/pol/ talks about politics all the fucking time you idiot.

>There is definitely a group of /pol/lacks who will make intelligent arguments and constantly back up their claims with sources
Yes, those are the libertarians.

>> No.6251247

>too closed minded

I don't think you know what that means.

Watch & learn:

(got this link from /pol/)

>> No.6251252

What does economics have to do with atheism?

>> No.6251258

If you were trolling, then good job, you got me.

>> No.6251266

Leave /sci/ for /pol/ and take your outdated heterodox economics with you.

>> No.6251272

Yes, anyone who disagrees with the state and it's "economics" is a heretic heterodox atheist austrian economist and should have their free speech taken away.

Obviously the only way to economic growth is to print money and give it to bankers. Hurrdurrrr

But seriously, kill yourself you piece of shit.

>> No.6251273

People who think /pol/ is the smartest board don't browse /pol/ enough.

>> No.6251280

People who really believe this are people like >>6251272.
They are /pol/tards.

>> No.6251284
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>People who really believe this are people like >>>6251272 (You).
>They are /pol/tards.

Wow lol, I guess facts really make you angry.

Enjoy your dogmatic religion.

>> No.6251283

>Yes, anyone who disagrees with the state and it's "economics" is a heretic heterodox atheist austrian economist and should have their free speech taken away.
Of course they should

>> No.6251286
File: 72 KB, 280x278, 1388165859931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Of course they should
Nah, we need to rise up against shitstains like you and slit your throats.


>> No.6251294

Good thing your too much of a pussy :D

>> No.6251296
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>Good thing your too much of a pussy :D


>implying I have to do anything
Wait until your precious petrodollar collapses shistain, your heads will be on pikes soon enough.


>> No.6251299

Are you upset at the FACT that your a little bitch?

>> No.6251300


>> No.6251302

/pol/ is simply hilarious, if its not MUH HAPPENS its retarded rationalizations using quack psuedoscience. /lit/ is and always has been the most intelligent board.

Deal with it you fucking retards.


>> No.6251305
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Lol are you projecting this hard?

>> No.6251306

I'm not sure if /lit/ is the most intelligent, but people are at least talking about literature there. /sci/ barely has any real science discussions.

>> No.6251307

>quack psuedoscience.

That's right, keep hiding because the "psuedoscience" label, that will prevent you from actually investigating the facts on your own, just listen to what the mob tells you.

>/lit/ is and always has been the most intelligent board.
Enjoy your marxism and science hating.

>> No.6251309
File: 100 KB, 381x511, 1388166658502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ is and always has been the most intelligent board.
hahahah oh god that's hilarious

>> No.6251313

Without a doubt, the two smartest boards on 4chan are /lit/ and /tg/.

>> No.6251314


Its because science is a broad and exiting subject and its also a contentious one that everyone gets riled up about. No-one but fucking turbonerds care about literature.

>> No.6251312

>m-m-uh projection
Is this the quality argument that happen at /pol/?

>> No.6251315
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*projection intensifies*

>> No.6251318

It's god to know i've won ;)

>> No.6251316

/lit/ hate science and logic, they worship anti-intellectualism

They're basically the dumbest board on 4chan.

>> No.6251317

Science hating? Have you ever been to /lit?

The only science hating board here on 4chan is /pol/.

So you hate boards where people post in a calm, rational manner, but you like boards where people are utterly irrational and blinded by prejudices and emotions? You truly are a /pol/tard.
And no, I'm not a Marxist at all.

>> No.6251319

>Science hating? Have you ever been to /lit?
Yes, it's a leftist shithole who hates science.

I had some faggot called by argument "scientism" meaning it's wrong.

Beyond hilarious.

>The only science hating board here on 4chan is /pol/.
They're the only fucking ones who do science and understand genetics.

>> No.6251321
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*projection intensifies*

>> No.6251322

>boards where people are utterly irrational and blinded by prejudices and emotions
That would be /sci/ and /lit/.

>r-r-race doesn't exist

>> No.6251323


>> No.6251331
File: 8 KB, 320x240, white liberal best elite cool sexy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know that pretty much every single technology company of importance is headquartered in California? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicon_Valley#Notable_companies

You do know that the Santa Clara County (Silicon Valley) is even more liberal than Los Angeles?

You do know that 4 of the biggest 5 film production studios in the world are based in California? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Five_(movie_studios)#The_majors_during_the_Golden_Age

You do know that Silicon Valley and Los Angeles were ranked as respectively 1st and 3rd best places in the world in terms of how good their tech start-up ecosystem is? http://techcrunch.com/2012/11/20/startup-genome-ranks-the-worlds-top-startup-ecosystems-silicon-valley-tel-aviv-l-a-lead-the-way/

You do know that California has the largest amount of top engineering and technology universities in the entire world? Stanford, Berkeley, Caltech and UCLA. http://www.topuniversities.com/university-rankings/faculty-rankings/engineering-and-technology/2013

You do know that California makes 90% of all US wine and is the world's 4th leading leading wine producer after France, Italy and Spain?

You do know that Natural scientists are OVERWHELMINGLY more liberal, even those who work outside of education. http://www.people-press.org/2009/07/09/section-4-scientists-politics-and-religion/

You do know that Palo Alto, California, strongly Democratic, hosts many tech companies and that its residents are among the most educated in the USA?

>> No.6251332

I'm the last person who would say that race does not exist. Don't generalize all Democrats.

>> No.6251333

>You do know that pretty much every single technology company of importance is headquartered in California?

Yes and they all took influence from Ayn Rand.

Countless companies are moving out of california because of how overly statist it's becoming.

These are facts.

>> No.6251334

>california is better than other states

That's nice.

It has nothing to do with anything we're talking about though.

>> No.6251338

>Yes and they all took influence from Ayn Rand
A small vocal minority is libertarian. The vast majority votes on the Democratic Party. The internet/computers industry is one of the few industries that gave more money to Obama than to Romney. http://influenceexplorer.com/industries

>Countless companies are moving out of california because of how overly statist it's becoming.
Utterly wrong and not factual. Stop relying on sensationalistic newspapers.
The highest concentration of the tech industry is still located in Silicon Valley, BY FAR. And both San Jose (Silicon Valley) and SF are in the top 5 top performing cities in 2013 (economic/tech growth).

In terms of their tech startup ecosystem, Silicon Valley and LA ranked respectively 1st and 3rd in 2012 http://techcrunch.com/2012/11/20/startup-genome-ranks-the-worlds-top-startup-ecosystems-silicon-valley-tel-aviv-l-a-lead-the-way/

>> No.6251346

/lit/ doesn't really hate science, they're just disinterested in it and they hate the scientific community and scientism.
They tend to lash out a bit because they're tired of being called stupid and ignorant simply for holding the liberal arts to a higher importance than the servile arts.

>> No.6251352

>The internet/computers industry is one of the few industries that gave more money to Obama than to Romney. http://influenceexplorer.com/industries

Because the government gives them special privileges?
Big oil companies and banks gave obama countless dollars as well.

It's hilarious you think this is a good thing. Liberals are corporate fascists.

>Utterly wrong and not factual.
But it's extremely factual.


>> No.6251357
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Exactly, they hate science.

>for holding the liberal arts to a higher importance than the servile arts.

>> No.6251362

To decide which board is the smartest we first need to define "smart".

>> No.6251366

>hate logic
>worship anti-intellectualism
The only worshiping on lit is for Wittgenstein

>> No.6251370

>sensationalistic newspaper
A few companies leaving does not really matter. That has always happened and every state, especially in rough economic times. You must look at net result. In the end, it's the real GDP growth and tech industry growth that counts.

Real GDP growth data: https://www.bea.gov/newsreleases/regional/gdp_state/gsp_glance.htm
Notice Texas and DK huge GDP growth (not thanks to oil of course).
http://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/pet_crd_crpdn_adc_mbbl_m.htm (CRUDE OIL PRODUCTION)

>> No.6251373

Science =/= Scientism.

Science is, you know, science.

Scientism is the philosophy that science is the only discipline that is of any value and is the only way for humans to accurately gain knowledge.

You can appreciate the former and hate the latter.

>> No.6251377

why does scientism dismiss art?

>> No.6251378

because it's fucking stupid

>> No.6251388


What? So do adherents of scientism never watch films and listen to music? That's retarded as fuck.

>> No.6251414

Yet it's almost impossible to get a job in california and everyone there is homeless.

Also thank you for proving my original point correct,

lol you fucking idiot.

>> No.6251420

>Yet it's almost impossible to get a job in california

Projecting much? If you have a good degree (engineering from Stanford or MIT for example) and if you are very skilled, it's not hard to find a job. California is indeed a shitty place for mediocre people, those usually end up becoming homeless or gangsters. If you want plebeian blue-collar jobs, move to the South.

California is for the ubermensch creative class only.
