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6244835 No.6244835 [Reply] [Original]

Can you keep this guy (>pic related) alive for 30 years withought a host?

>> No.6244853


is it possible?

yes or no

>> No.6244857

Given the right amounts of oxygen/sustenance and maintained at normal temperatures, possibly.
I haven't got a clue in what you'd preserve it in, though, we can't risk infection nor decay.
Bump, would like to know more.

>> No.6244858

not today

>> No.6244899

it goes into decline without input

>> No.6244922

maybe flash freeze it?

>> No.6244945
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Could you just put it in a jar of formaldehyde, like Abby Something...

>> No.6245085


I need to keep it alive :)

>> No.6245100

Basically an oxygenated bath of ACSF kept at 32C with a constant influx of sucrose. As for preventing infection, that's the hard part. Obviously you'd first ensure that the tank environment and anything connecting to it is sterile as fuck. Maybe also add copious amounts of anti-biotics and anti-fungals, although that may only be a temporary measure.

I'm sure there are concerns I'm not considering. For example, it's unlikely that you could expect simple diffusion to work, so you'd need to use all the vasculature which means hooking up tubes to every artery and vein which is no small feat (pic related).

Of course, this is just to keep it alive. The brain wouldn't have any input which is a problem (imagine losing all your senses for 30 years), and hooking it back up to a body (transplant or artificial) would require science far beyond what we currently have.

>> No.6245108


Greatly appreciated

>> No.6245245

What kind of science do we need to perform a brain/body transplant, or allow it to interface with artificial senses ?

>> No.6245285

I heard some russian guys are working on a container that will keep a detached head/brain alive, but they said they won't expect any progress until 2045.

>> No.6245322

so would the brain like... think?

>> No.6245445

No, the Russians tried it on a dog, a few days perhaps

>> No.6245466


>so you'd need to use all the vasculature which means hooking up tubes to every artery and vein which is no small feat (pic related).

there are like, four arteries and four veins supplying the whole brain, hooking that up is not a big issue, it was done in dogs

>> No.6245474
File: 25 KB, 801x332, Morpheus_Matrix_What_Is_Real_zpsd4855992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true

If you had all your senses cut off.....you would hallucinate.

So much so, you probably create your own little world.

It may seem like a stretch but consider how much our senses get in the way of our imagination. You would have vastly increased your brain power, thus with time, you would hallucinate every sense, every place and every person.


The real question is, what if your world, is your own hallucination.

>> No.6245499

"The real question is, what if your world, is your own hallucination."
It can't be a hallucination. I'm not getting laid.

>> No.6245702

He's already dead .

>> No.6245804

so the best solution is to transfer what we have inside to some from of a hard drive?

>> No.6246267

Alive? Sure.

But unable to interact with the world in any way. The complete lack of sensory input and human interaction will destroy the mind.

Until that problem is resolved, there is no point.

>> No.6246279

how do you even fucking get a word grammer squiggly into such a pic?

>> No.6246400


but what about that experiment when a guy was shocking the brain membrane and it was creating sentory output?

>> No.6246428


we already have rudimentary brain machine interfaces, they can even be hooked up to nerves to provide some input and output.. visual input can be done with retinal implants, but the resolution is low currently

>> No.6247100


amazing, any links?

>> No.6247108

Probably. There have already been (very rudimentary) experiments on keeping a head alive as a transplants or without a host. Hook it up to a blood oxygenator, an artificial kidney, keep the temperature right and add in a nutrient feed and you're good. Probably. Nothing in biology is ever simple.

However, without sensory input from the rest of the body, the brain deteriorates, and without external senses and with paralysis one will go absolutely bonkers. It would probably be absolutely necessary to hook the brain up to some kind of avatar, virtually simulated or robotic, and give it senses and some way of interacting and/or communicating. And that's beyond our reach right now, although we're beginning to get the hang of it - retinal implants exist now, for instance, although they're black and white and very low resolution.