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6243807 No.6243807 [Reply] [Original]

It's happening


>> No.6243820

> getting excited over clinical test that hasn't started yet

Big difference between mice and men.

>> No.6243827

These people always seem to forget that we don't actually die of old age. Age in itself isn't lethal. We die of the diseases that come with old age, like cancer, alzheimers, and heart disease.

>> No.6243830
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>> No.6243838


However, it could be very useful for increasing comfort of life in foglies and for countering ageing workforces.

>> No.6243839

Isn't cancer inevitable due to telomere shortening?

>> No.6243849

Just imagine how smart the average population could be with this sort of technology though. As you likely know fluid intelligence decreases with age (past maturity) while crystaline intelligence keeps growing. If we can reverse aging, then people would only get smarter with age. This could lead to more scientific advancement in a shorter amount of time. Also risks for diseases won't increase with age necessarily as they do now. Which is a very wonderful thing no?

>> No.6243863

Age is lethal. There are certain parts of our bodies that cannot regenerate after age. Telomere shortening makes us prone to cancer. Brain cells don't grow. Synovial fluid depeletes as well.

>> No.6243868

muh thorium

>> No.6243871

yeah and once the DNA breakdown reaches certain genes such as p53 ( a tumor suppressor gene) cancer really starts to look scary.

>> No.6243911

D-does this mean that if this works on humans, we have defeated aging?

>> No.6244007
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Yes and No.

You still have to deal with cancers and shit.

>> No.6244031


the genes that caused our brains to grow from a single cell, are still within all our cells.

the tool we need to live forever, are already within us, because our bodies used them to grow.

people who say biological immortality is easy are deluding themselves, but so are the people who say biological immortality is impossible.

>> No.6244148
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Our immunity system stays a lot more powerful due to non-senescence , this closes most diseases and cancer is already treated with cannabis among other substances (http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/cam/cannabis/healthprofessional/page4)) and alzheimer is getting treatment aswell within 15 years FOR SURE aswell as the heart diseases (pretty great artificial hearts already out there)

One problem is to get pure-energy (ATP) for cells (aka pure/clean food) this will decrease several risk factors including "trashes" gathering in lysosomes

>> No.6244166


We will be immortal by the end of the 21st century.

>> No.6244171

Time to be a NEET so that I can survive

>> No.6244177

Billionaires aren't living any longer than a healthy middle-class American. The economic argument must be met FIRST, and it's clearly not being met. So why do you idiots seriously believe you'll live longer?

>> No.6244418


>Cancer connection

>Examining muscle from two-year-old mice that had been given the NAD-producing compound for just one week, the researchers looked for indicators of insulin resistance, inflammation and muscle wasting. In all three instances, tissue from the mice resembled that of six-month-old mice. In human years, this would be like a 60-year-old converting to a 20-year-old in these specific areas.

>One particularly important aspect of this finding involves HIF-1. More than just an intrusive molecule that foils communication, HIF-1 normally switches on when the body is deprived of oxygen. Otherwise, it remains silent. Cancer, however, is known to activate and hijack HIF-1. Researchers have been investigating the precise role HIF-1 plays in cancer growth.

>"It's certainly significant to find that a molecule that switches on in many cancers also switches on during aging," said Gomes. "We're starting to see now that the physiology of cancer is in certain ways similar to the physiology of aging. Perhaps this can explain why the greatest risk of cancer is age. "

Read the article, then post.

>> No.6244420

So what the fuck does HIF-1 do except fuck you up?

>> No.6244426

Yes goy buy my immortality potions

>> No.6244458
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fucking /pol/

>> No.6244463


this things should be reserved only for scientist, no politicians or scumbag should have priority

>> No.6244651

and when will we get pills that make us smarter, ray?

>> No.6244684

I guess that the next phase is the evolution of human body in a robotic non-biological one, so not so late.

>> No.6244699

this is the type of thing I would fund, applaud, then laugh maniacally at afterwards

>> No.6244743

>yfw they find the key to eternal life
>Can only be administered to people below the age of 23
>dat feel when you're that last person to die of old age.

>> No.6244799

Don't be so negative, come on. You'll become a worldwide famous celebrity!