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File: 407 KB, 1467x686, 1387766266189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6243401 No.6243401 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the general public so stupid?

>> No.6243413

Because Hitler lose the war against the world.

>> No.6243411
File: 12 KB, 220x220, 1387767241219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah. first of all one of the guys is black the other one of the guy is not black. it doesnt make sence

>> No.6243415


>> No.6243424


>a dozen or so people on facebook whose comments were carefully selected for this image
>general public

Why do young males try so hard to build a worldview where they're the only intelligent people and everyone else is stupid?

>> No.6243433

>implying eugenics works

top lel

>> No.6243439

>Why do young males try so hard to build a worldview where they're the only intelligent people and everyone else is stupid?

>a dozen or so people on 4chan whose comments were carefully selected for troll value
>young males

>> No.6243450


>I understand what you did with that post but I'm going to pretend not to understand and call you a hypocrite

>> No.6243455
File: 10 KB, 351x228, 1387769165422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


don't give me that shit

People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.

>> No.6243456

>while (thread == alive)
>I understand what you did with that post but I'm going to pretend not to understand and call you a hypocrite

>> No.6243463


>everyone is stupid, but not me, no sir, I'm a proper genius, i've been in college for a whole two years

>> No.6243466

Meh, common sense is the one thing that fails most intelligent people.

You know you're mostly too far up your own cerebral cortex to notice.

>> No.6243467

It's all relative anon, from my position further up the chain you and your peers all look like retard

>ivy league postgrad or bust

>> No.6243490

Yeah I mean it really just is all about how good the local college sports team is amirite? Gotta be in that good football school! Academics are well known for paying close attention to the local sports leagues.

>> No.6243525

How did the tattoo change sides?

>> No.6243535

op fell for b8

>> No.6243574 [DELETED] 

In the second photo , just imagine yourself as his phone camera! So, you are in front of him, and looking in the mirror(and he is behind you) ! So ... your sides remain the same !

Therefore, second photo concludes the his left. (and he is holding me in his right hand!!)

(Very interesting indeed! )

>> No.6243582

In the second photo , just imagine yourself as his phone camera (the person is holding you)! So, you are in front of him, and looking in the mirror(and he is behind you) ! So ... your sides remain the same !

**Key Idea, just imagine the person is behind you! (Thats' what changes everything !)

Therefore, second photo concludes the tattoo in on his left. (and he is holding me in his right hand!!)

(Very interesting indeed! )

>> No.6243591

>law of reflection
It's been a while since I took the optics physics class, but doesn't the law of reflection have to do with the angle which light reflects, and not how the resultant image appears?

>> No.6243595
File: 156 KB, 891x1222, jaden-smith-meets-the-mayor-of-london-19[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the fuck am I looking at?

>> No.6243605
File: 374 KB, 1467x686, 1387777198075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vertical mirror reflection in ms paint

>> No.6243627

The guy is a spic
Their skin can go to those tan levels

>> No.6243675


It's the arm tattoos. People think he has only one when he has two.

>> No.6243710

Nigger detected

>> No.6243881

An iq isn't mostly genetic either right? I mean I know IQ isn't a perfect measure of intelligence, but if the scores have been estimated in adulthood to be about 80 percent genetic. Well I think it is safe to assume so is intelligence, at least to a degree. Which means eugenics could work.

>> No.6243970


>> No.6244002

If you want to seriously debate it, I don't think it's too much to take you know basic Mendelian genetics for granted. I believe that trying to implement eugenics would be at best, a logistical nightmare impossible to keep for the time necessary, it being sucessful or not an entirely different issue.

>> No.6244006

Heck, I didn't even read the comments at first. I wrote people off as stupid for posting these idiotic pictures online.

>> No.6244016

The best eugenics would be one that works not by sterilizing or killing those with lower scores on the heritible characteristic you want to select for, but for subsidising children for that characteristic.

50% of all child related expenses for the first 3 children for parents with an average IQ above 120 subsidized, decreasing linearly to 0% at 90 IQ.

>> No.6244020

And how long do you think that would need to keep going? Even going by the lowest of the low for an estimate of a human generation, 15-20 years? While most politicians can't think ahead of their own reelection cycle?

>> No.6244023

I never suggested it would be feasible under this, or any political system. Not without some broad, sweeping changes in social attitudes towards intelligence from the masses.

>> No.6244024

The problem with a eugenics program is the unforeseeable effects of such a large scale social restructuring.

Just how a monoculture is more susceptible to a single disease when compared to a polyculture.

It may be things that the intelligent are only afflicted by.

You'd also have to take all menial jobs and replace them with robots and machinery.

So it could work but I'm ethically against such a system on the grounds that sustainability of a society is not the primary goal of life.

>> No.6244030

pro-tip: Socially unmanageable = doesn't work

>> No.6244175

thanks for the smile yo

"Most advanced technology in the galaxy and we drive around in a Ford POS"

>> No.6244178
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Also not /sci/

>> No.6244189


don't tell me what to do

>> No.6244190
File: 1.84 MB, 640x360, 1387818486697.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there always a Eugenics idiot/troll on /sci/? Is it the same guy who just never gets tired of being told how wrong he is, or do /pol/ kiddies come here and think they are going to be the first person EVER to argue in favor of Eugenics on /sci/?

>> No.6244280
File: 162 KB, 1600x1057, two-things-are-infinite.-the-universe-and-human-stupidty.-and-im-not-sure-about-the-universe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6244295
File: 42 KB, 500x375, 1387822444339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, this inflating lung is awesome! Reminds me when my high-school physics teacher (he used to be a butcher) would have "meat day" once an year. He would bring in a whole pig, and give an impromptu anatomy lesson by dissecting (well, he did it butcher-style so it was more like butchering) it during class. He would also pass various animal parts & organs around the class for people to poke and prod at, to see what they were like. The coolest part was when he inflated the lungs with a paper tube.

The room was always packed :)

>> No.6244301
File: 2.11 MB, 260x260, 1387822640381.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this one's for you

>> No.6244333

They were probably comparing it in relation to the tat on his shoulder. The idiots didn't notice from the second pic that he has identical tats on both shoulders though, so it didn't switch sides at all, it's just mirrored.

>> No.6244353

>any year

>> No.6244384
File: 1.10 MB, 640x360, 1387826238326.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6244401
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 1387826834163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you're not a part of the general public

>> No.6244409
File: 169 KB, 600x691, 1387827140601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not stratifying yourself with IQ tests

>> No.6244419

We all know what OP is.
It rhymes with "aggot"

>> No.6244424

is the t silent?

>> No.6244429

no, but the l in public is

>> No.6244430

i think it is "maggot"

>> No.6244442
File: 20 KB, 230x316, 1387829279244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6244448

mfw mirror chirality switch.

>> No.6245110

is OP bob saget?

>> No.6245540

>Why is the general public so stupid?
... because there is no penalty for being stupid, and the reward for being not-stupid is vague and unassured.

>> No.6246520

Biology is that beautiful combination of disgusting and awesome.

>> No.6246531

Back to your grave Einstein, you have nothing to do here anymore.

>> No.6246549
File: 33 KB, 1059x300, christ equality only stupid ever comes from religion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this is a Judeo-Christian society. It breeds and nurtures stupidity.

>> No.6247518

>a mirror cant make miracles
can't argue with that

>> No.6247542

Protip: the guy is juiced to the gills
protip 2: I want to kill myself and everyone after all those comments

>> No.6247547

>Protip: the guy is juiced to the gills
There's no way you could know that from the picture.
He was simply wearing fat over his muscles. Bulk and cut

>> No.6247553

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA dont talk what you dont know about, fat bitch

I'll point out the give aways:

Extra lean for that muscle mass, if he didn't juice he at least used clen to lean out the insane bulk he underwent. In reality, they all just roid. Don't believe the crap they sel you.

He looks very short (see door knob) and heavy, easily 85+ kilos and less than 8 % bf, this is not achievable easily naturally (see point above).

He is a "famous" internet poster who did a "mracle transformation" (you can do it too! just buy my overpriced snake oill supp and do my 3 secret ab exercises!)

You need a fitness redpill

>> No.6247826
File: 64 KB, 472x594, 1388006584248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intentional dumbing down of americans
The nose knows