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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 74 KB, 423x445, 1387327367638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6233318 No.6233318[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk racial science.

>> No.6233320

How about no? It's boring and uninteresting as fuck. You must be very autistic to care.

>> No.6233321

>inb4 /pol/

>> No.6233323
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>> No.6233327
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White liberal detected

>> No.6233334
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>> No.6233336
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>> No.6233342

If you don't care don't reply.

>> No.6233343









>> No.6233347

>doesn't know what the word "liberal" means
>uses it as a buzzword for everyone who hurt his feelings

>> No.6233349
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>> No.6233350

Who are you to tell me what to do or where to post?

>> No.6233351


>> No.6233352


No one in American knows what "liberal" means at this point. It's just a pejorative in their eyes.

>> No.6233353

>doesn't know what autistic means
>uses it as a buzzword for everyone who hurts his feelings

Do these facts contradict your little fantasy bubble?

>> No.6233356
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>> No.6233358
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>> No.6233360

Repetitive ritualistic behaviour and impaired social development are symptoms of autism. OP shows both of them. Spamming the same things over and over again even though almost nobody cares is autistic.

>> No.6233362

Yes, we got it. You think you're deep, dark and contrarian for uploading your "edgy" folder. Back to reddit, you spoiled little shitstain.

>> No.6233386

>Back to reddit
4chan too mature for you kid?

>> No.6233407
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>waaahh i don't like what's being posted here waaah

Yeah, keep crying, bitches.

>> No.6233410
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Come to our tinychat to discuss more about racialism and race science.

>> No.6233411

Your redditardation is truly pathetic. You post these pictures as if they were offensive (which they probably are to a spoiled brat like you). Here on 4chan we've seen them a thousand times before. Sorry for shattering your delusions, kid.

>> No.6233412

disregard the legitimacy of your posts, they are not science related.

>> No.6233413

You mad, faggot?

Go suck black dick, fag.

>> No.6233419

Can you even read?

>> No.6233423

>infantile regression

Poor boy, don't hurt yourself.

>> No.6233425
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>> No.6233428

good goy. Deliberately try to give /pol/ a bad name by obnoxiously using racial slurs and offtopic posts, so everyone thinks you're nothing more than a bunch of nazi sympathizers

>> No.6233429
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Holy shit, anon...

>> No.6233437
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>> No.6233438

there are very few legitimate differences between different ethnicities, we are all one race

>> No.6233442


>> No.6233453

Your little charts and graphs are not scientific.

>> No.6233457

worst thread today by far

>> No.6233462

It's just a spambot advertising a chatroom run by the cops who want to v& a few edgy redditors.

>> No.6233465
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>> No.6233467

agreed just look at this bs

None of these are scientific, stop shitposting and go away...there is a reason racial science is not as big today as it was before.

>> No.6233468

>delusional hicks from /pol/ continue contaminating every other board on 4chan

why don't they just shut it down already?

>> No.6233475

what makes you think its /pol/ ?

>> No.6233483

If it's a spambot then why don't you see if it responds to rational arguments disproving these so called not scientific charts

>> No.6233491

>implying that's not exactly what /pol/ is

Still have no idea why moot decided it'd be a good idea to host freerepublic lite on his servers.

>> No.6233492

Who cares? There is no interest in any discussion ITT. The spammer / bot only wants to keep the thread bumped. The only other responses are bored trolls and flamers. The topic itself has been discussed to death already years ago.

>> No.6233498

it's not actually.

>> No.6233503

Fair enough. It's not JUST racist, ignorant, sociopathic liberteahadis. There are also the trolls pretending to be liberals because racists are so fun and easy to fuck with.

>> No.6233510

Prove any of the data wrong.
Explain why blacks continue being the underclass of society while every other immigrant to America has integrated.

>> No.6233523

It's hilariously easy to steal a boards identity when everyone is anonymous to the people who browse. If I were to hate anime, I could flood /sci/ with infantile cartoons with offtopic posts just to piss of a thread full of people in the name of /a/. You wouldn't doubt for a second that it wasn't anyone but an /a/nimefag doing it.
There has been shitloads of threads about falseflags on unfair accusations on /q/. Don't jump so quickly to conclusions.

>> No.6233530

How about you go fuck yourself.

I vote we talk about Ring Theory instead!

>> No.6233539
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I'm actually crazy interested in Racial Sciences from an ecological/biological stand point and I also vehedimently believe that denying the biological differences between races is not only stupid and childish, but it's also kind of disrespectful and ignorant to the thousands of years of evolution we've gone under.

But it's always only mentioned by three kinds of people:

Really, really, impractically and unethically racist people who use it for an excuse to draw false evidence towards "superiority" arguments when if anybody knows anything about Nature and Evolution: nature doesn't produce superior organisms it produces "different" organisms.

And then there's just these sort of candy-ass people who don't have enough of a back bone that they're honestly frightened by any sort of prospect or ideas that might label them a racist because at this point NOT being pg is like a societal death sentence when really if you had any moral high ground you'd understand that you should always fight for people's rights to speak the devils advocate or say controversial things because.. fucking, apartheid used to be popular.

We're all very different that's just the god honest fucking biological truth and there isn't anything racist about differences. A lot of strife, drama, turmoil, suffering, and cultural issues are stemmed from the notion that we're all the same and it leads to horrible fucking assumptions about one another that simply aren't true.

>> No.6233545
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>three kinds of people

Sorry, meant to say two.

>> No.6233547
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>We're all very different that's just the god honest fucking biological truth and there isn't anything racist about differences. A lot of strife, drama, turmoil, suffering, and cultural issues are stemmed from the notion that we're all the same and it leads to horrible fucking assumptions about one another that simply aren't true.

seeing the truth

>> No.6233554
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>> No.6233561

>There has been shitloads of threads about falseflags on unfair accusations on /q/.

To these freaks, EVERYTHING is a false flag.

>Don't jump so quickly to conclusions.

You seem to think I've reached my conclusions based on this thread or other threads posted outside /pol/. I posted on /pol/ when it was first created and watched it decline quickly into a cesspool of idiocy and racism that unfortunately leaks out onto other boards. (See for instance: http://archive.foolz.us/sp/search/text/goy))

I pop back every now and then just to check that it's still a worthless pile of hate and/or to troll.

>> No.6233568

You're fucking retarded. Genetically, all humans are extremely similar. Please leave this place forever, and take your racial "science" with you.

>> No.6233570

So no one wants to talk about ring theory?

Fine then...

>> No.6233572

so you think all races are the same in terms of intelligence?

>> No.6233588

What does that even have to do with anything? Even if it was true, it wouldn't make /pol/ any less of a steaming pile of completely worthless human beings.

>> No.6233595
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If all humans are so genetically similar then why are they so different in every measurable parameter?

>> No.6233605

He's totally right, though. Chances are good that most of 4chan's population came from /b/ at one point, and /b/ posts or has posted some of the most vile and offensive shit out of all the content on this website. Truly, no one cares about these social observations that have been made and disregarded out of hand for months

>> No.6233611

I'm racist and want the inferiors to die a quick death, but that's not science-related simply on virtue of the lack of data on the subject.
Go back to /pol/, where common sense and anecdotal evidence is sufficient.

>> No.6233615

If all humans are so different in every measurable parameter, what's the point of lumping them together in racial categories?

>> No.6233618

> everything i dont like is racism and bigotry and any other buzzword i can find
> even though they are scientific facts

you dont belong to this board.

>> No.6233628

because somehow there are distinct common features among all white people, and there are distinct common features among all black people that you can observe and see for yourself
But what do I know, im just a racist bigot i guess, because in your dreamy fantasy world, saying anything bad about black people makes you racist

>> No.6233629
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>> No.6233639

>saying anything bad about black people makes you racist

No, obsessing about racial differences and using tenuous "facts" as excuses to look down on people of different races makes you a racist.

What good does it do you if black people have an average IQ that's X points lower than white people if yours is still lower than both?

>> No.6233645

cool insults bro. you sure showed your desire to stay on the topic and act mature.
this is why these ignorant liberals don't belong to this board. Please go back to your shithole and never comeback

>> No.6233648

You surely must be aware of the significance of having a low-IQ in an increasingly mechanised society, where unskilled labor is more and more scarse, ultimately inexistant.

(The answer is irrelevant, as even high-IQ jobs will be taken by our AI overlords, given time. Or low-IQ people could be mechanically augmented to be smarter)

>> No.6233651

> as excuses to look down on people of different races
I simply stated a fact about the huge gap in IQ and the other guy went full 'omg u raycist bigot stop opressing me'
sometimes you are worse than feminists

>> No.6233653


>> No.6233654

>What good does it do you if black people have an average IQ that's X points lower

big impact on how we go about educating people for one. Some may need more attention at a slower pace, perhaps different type of schools altogether

>> No.6233657
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>You surely must be aware of the significance of having a low-IQ in an increasingly mechanised society, where unskilled labor is more and more scarse, ultimately inexistant.

You surely must be aware of the significance of being able to speak fucking english in an increasingly english-speaking society.

>> No.6233659

now I see your situation. just let me know when you learn how to form arguments.

>> No.6233661


>> No.6233662

Pas vraiment, tête de nœud.

>> No.6233666

> worried about grammar issues
> defends a race thats proud of not being able to talk english
You show me one well spoken black person, and I'll show you 10 incomprehensible ghetto speaking ones.

>> No.6233665

>Some may need more attention at a slower pace, perhaps different type of schools altogether

And maybe if you focused on that message instead of the "ZOMG all niggers are retarded" thing, people might take you seriously.

But it's not actually about educating kids, is it?

>> No.6233667

>implying you know 10 black people.

>> No.6233671

Why do the big majority of people who oppose /pol/, has the argumentative skills and the maturity of an 8 year old ?

>> No.6233672

>Why do the big majority of people who oppose /pol/, has the argumentative skills and the maturity of an 8 year old ?

I think you answered your own question.

>> No.6233673

Because they are ? Thanks for playing.

>> No.6233675

Because we know better than to even bother trying to change your mind.

Because the few of us bored enough to not just ignore you only engage you to fuck with you and antagonize you.

Because you are worse people even than you imagine blacks to be, and deserve to be mocked and ridiculed.

But mostly because you won't just stay on /pol/ and leave the rest of 4chan alone.

>> No.6233682

> we can't counter your arguments, it's because we dont want to
> not like we're uncapable or anything
Thanks for proving my point again.

>> No.6233685

>> not like we're uncapable or anything
Thanks for proving my point again.

>> No.6233686
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the knock-out game is the only thing black people have invented and contributed to society.

>> No.6233689

English isn't my primary language.

>> No.6233691

You're not worth our (or anyone's) time.

Go back to /pol/ or whichever white supremacist circlejerk you hang out at when you're not annoying normal human beings.

>> No.6233697


why is it white supremacist to state simple facts about reality, like on average asians are shorter than europeans, or blacks have lower IQ than the normal human average

>> No.6233700
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you're talking with a guy who thinks its okay for black people to talk like this. do you really expect any logic from these people ?

>> No.6233705

The same reason being aware of the existence of child porn doesn't make you a pedophile, but obsessing about child porn all day does.

>> No.6233707

Because ignorance is bliss.

What's really funny is these are the same people who use facts and statistics about everything else just fine. But when it comes to black people, stats magically turn into despicable vile propagandas of racism and spreading white pride world wide.

These people are hilarious.

>> No.6233708

>but obsessing about child porn all day does.

why is mentioning a fact or statistic the same as obsessing over it?

>> No.6233710

> dat assbackwards metaphor
> that tryhard desperate attempt to associate you with pedophiles
you haven't graduated high school have you ?

>> No.6233712

This thread is almost 3 hours old. What have you thought about in the last 3 hours that didn't have something to do with how inferior black people are?

>> No.6233716

we only stated they are different. you are the asshole who puts the adjective 'inferior' when you see these facts.
how dare you, you fucking bigot.

>> No.6233717

>3 hours
shit, are the mods asleep or are you jackasses just not reporting this imbecile?

>> No.6233725

Riiight, absolutely no value judgements happening in these posts:


>> No.6233738

first post is adressed towards you, not black people
second post is obviously false, black people contributed to lots of amazing things before kennedy got assassinated
i'm not that poster

>> No.6233739
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So edgy

>> No.6233740


those are statements not values, they might be true or false, most likely they are true.

>> No.6233741
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>> No.6233743

Good question.
When I think of a blue jay, I think of a very narrow range in size, weight, feather arrangement and colors, mating rituals, dietary preferences, and childrearing instincts.
I don't think of sparrows or hawks. I don't imagine owls or penguins.

Why do humans vary so much?

How come florida panther and texas panther were considered different species even though the florida panther was capable of breeding with the texas panther? they even look similar but are not the same speccies
coyotes, wolves, hyenas
are they the same species?

>> No.6233744
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yeah, thats entirely why white people complain about black people

>> No.6233746


Maybe you should open any first year biology textbook and find out.

>> No.6233748

>What good does it do you if black people have an average IQ that's X points lower than white people if yours is still lower than both?
What if my IQ and success are better than yours and higher than the average for my race? What if you are just mad that intelligent people are always racially aware because it's based in fact?

Why do we try to apply the same laws and force cities to integrate different cultures together into one when we see repeated evidence that it does not work?

>> No.6233749
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>> No.6233752


because those groups share similar properties which useful predictions can be made from

recent studies show that blacks respond differently to medications than whites, specially heart medications, for some reason.

>> No.6233755

>big impact on how we go about educating people for one. Some may need more attention at a slower pace, perhaps different type of schools altogether
Which I think makes perfect sense.
If one kid can learn all the material in the primary grades in 3 years and another needs 9 years, why not? Most people excel in certain subject areas and they can take more advanced courses in what they are good at.

Not everyone needs to understand calculus to live and be successful, however studies have shown that knowing advanced math, learning something about music, speaking multiple languages: all helps increase and maintain a high level of intelligence if applied to a child so that they are constantly challenged.

>> No.6233756


I see repeated evidence to show that integration between people of the same culture doesn't work. Based on your logic, we should all live alone.

>> No.6233759

>Why do the big majority of people who oppose /pol/, has the argumentative skills and the maturity of an 8 year old ?
Because it's hard to know an idiot from a genius at 8 years old outside of a few antisocial book kids and clowny glue eating kids.

>> No.6233763

> I see repeated evidence to show that integration between people of the same culture doesn't work
what evidence ?

>> No.6233766


But African Americans ARE part of your culture.

>> No.6233767

doesnt that make them the ultimate warrior?

if civilization is people working together then the best group knockout contestants are indeed the superior group

>> No.6233768

good example of trying too hard

>> No.6233771

fuck off /pol/

>> No.6233772

fuck off shitposter

>> No.6233792

>This thread is almost 3 hours old. What have you thought about in the last 3 hours that didn't have something to do with how inferior black people are?

>How delicious dinner is.
>The intricate auditory landscape of classical* music.
>How much money I am making investing in metals
>How nice it is to sell things to people for the price I obtain them for simply because I put it up on ebay so it's easy to find
>What to add to the book I'm currently writing to make it a thorough polyperspective argumentation resource discussing government
>How to cook a better steak
You were saying?


>> No.6233801

>we only stated they are different. you are the asshole who puts the adjective 'inferior' when you see these facts.
>how dare you, you fucking bigot.
if no one is superior or inferior then what do you gain from talking about it or knowing about it?
do you enjoy diversity or something?

>> No.6233800
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There's no difference between races except skin color. You're all just ignorant.

>> No.6233808


*tips fedora*

>> No.6233805
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>> No.6233809

So then you agree that using a very specific definition of species, humans are many species that may interbreed in certain circumstances just like many of the hybrids we see in the wild.

>> No.6233813
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>mfw the only ones using facts in this thread are the racialists and the other side is just using name calling and muh feels.

>> No.6233812

People of similar cultures and races already choose to live in the same areas. Most cities have strict policies to sandwich different income groups together forcing some level of interaction between different races.

>> No.6233814

What did I just say you retard?

Open any first year biology textbook and find out.

>> No.6233819

>People of similar cultures and races already choose to live in the same areas. Most cities have strict policies to sandwich different income groups together forcing some level of interaction between different races.

What does that have to do with what I posted?

>> No.6233823

I also like to talk about different cars, different sports teams, different movies, easily without holding the judgement that one must be better than the other. Does that mean anyone who likes to talk about different things discriminate ?
see why that question makes you a subject of ridicule ?

>> No.6233827

just another day...

>> No.6233830

What's the point of this thread besides for the guy from /pol/ to dump his neat infographix

>> No.6233846

I'm not an ultra-liberal, but "race science" is almost completely irrelevant today considering the fact that there are very few "pure" races anymore outside of small tribal communities in third world countries. Most people who consider themselves to be "white" will have 10-20% black african ancestry.

>> No.6233850
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To make us hate and condemn other races, because every single one of them is just looking for an excuse to murder every single white on Earth.

This is in spite of the fact that the deadliest wars in history have been fought by whites and Asians against their own kind, and the deadliest and most inhumane acts of racist have been committed by whites against other races.

But hey, all of that's OK, because whites are superior, and they would do the same to us if they had the chance, and of course the best way to show your superiority is to justify the worst actions of your ancestors.

It's not wrong when we do it, but when they do it, it's wrong! And if you think we should act in a more moral way then the other races, you're a filthy nigger loving race traitor!

>> No.6233856

> casualties of war
> hate crime
i seriously hope you're not this retarded...

>> No.6233873

> This is in spite of the fact that the deadliest wars in history have been fought by whites and Asians against their own kind
What a coincidence that they also make the majority of earths population.
> and the deadliest and most inhumane acts of racist have been committed by whites against other races.
How dare you associate the nazi germany with the entire white race, you racist bigot scumbag.

Then you said some other stupid shit and added a little sarcasm, which I will not comment on since this is getting embarrassing. Please read the thread and get a grip of what we're talking about. It's not about the motives of war, or it's not about who killed who the most.

>> No.6233876

So you would give the smarter kids a better education and relegate the others to janitor and street sweeper?

>> No.6233877

Yes, the knockout game proves ultimate warrior status :)

>> No.6233886

Oh no, I do visualize what God's kingdom will be like when I listen to music.

>> No.6233891

so i am the bad guy because i dont want to talk about it and you are not because you like to point out that jews make the most scientific discoveries and innovations?

>> No.6233893
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>> No.6233896

So why is it so easy to identify a german compared to a swede?

>> No.6233899

why is this thread still up?
we need to ban racism from 4chan outside of /b/

>> No.6233901

I never accused anyone for being the bad guy and there hasn't been any mention of the jews. It's almost like you're not here to discuss the topic, but to shitpost all the way with putting words in my mouth and pulling irrelevant context out of your ass.

>> No.6233903

define racism

>> No.6233910


War is murder on a large scale. Every murder is a hate crime. Thus, every war is a hate crime. This is borne out by the propaganda and pointless atrocities committed during war, such as the taking of skulls and mass executions during the Pacific war between the USA and Japan.

Like it or not, you racist, and Asians are the most violent races. Nothing can change this fact. No other race comes close to their body count.

And before you try to justify it by saying blacks are inferior, think about why you're saying that; you're saying that races with lower IQs murder less people out of incapacity.

Put this into the context of your moral system. If high IQ = higher murder rate, as I proved above, then high IQ = evil. This of course is assuming murder is an evil action.

If however we adjust our moral system to say that murder is acceptable, and thus a good or neutral action, what are you condemning blacks for? Murder is a good or neutral action, and so therefore a black committing murder isn't evil or bad.

So then why all the charts? Why the concern? Why do you care that blacks have a higher interpersonal murder rate?

Moreover, if murder isn't evil, why shouldn't we kill racists off if we don't like them? It's not evil after all. And for that matter, why do you care about the genocide of the white race? Murder isn't wrong, and so killing off an entire race isn't wrong. So why do you have something wrong with what you perceive to be the liberal obsession with killing off whites?

Could it be because you value white life over black life? By what criteria do you make this valuation? Science? Longer life span? Better health?

Basically, you're advocating survival of the fittest. In that case, if blacks are over-populating whites, aren't they the fittest? Doesn't that make them superior? That's how we define superiority by that criteria in other organisms.

>i seriously hope you're not this retarded...

All you racists are is hate and insults. Admit it.

>> No.6233914
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>wahh why is reality not perfectly egalitarian and non-racist

grey hounds are faster than chihuahas, and border collies are smarter than blood hounds.

>> No.6233920


>What a coincidence that they also make the majority of earths population

But I thought it was the niggers overpopulating the world, and eating up all the food?

Did you lie to me? It seems it's whites and Asians eating it all up, and overpopulating it. Maybe it's a good thing their population growth is slowing and their populations are declining.

>How dare you associate the nazi germany with the entire white race, you racist bigot scumbag

I'm not. My chart shows a long history of previous mass murder and genocide. Why are you resorting to insults and liberal arguments? Could it be that yours aren't holding water?

>Then you said some other stupid shit and added a little sarcasm, which I will not comment on since this is getting embarrassing

Sounds more like you got your ass handed to you and you're speechless.

>Please read the thread and get a grip of what we're talking about. It's not about the motives of war, or it's not about who killed who the most

But I thought you were condemning blacks because they killed more people then whites out of anti-white hate? Why are you suddenly contradicting yourself?

Could it because you've been exposed for the double-standard having racist that you are?

>> No.6233924


>wahh why is reality not perfectly egalitarian and non-racist

You're right. Whites and Asians are more violent then blacks.

And I'm in a white majority country! I need to get out before other whites come and kill me!

Fucking violent snow-niggers.

>> No.6233932

> Like it or not, you racist, and Asians are the most violent races. Nothing can change this fact. No other race comes close to their body count.
> Totally ignore the fact that asians are majority and naturally has the highest body count on average
Can't connect some simple dots huh ?

> And before you try to justify it by saying blacks are inferior, think about why you're saying that;
I state the fact that their IQs are lower, and you conclude that they are inferior ? you fucking racist shit

> High IQ means more murders bla bla bla
putting more words in my mouth do you now ?

> So then why all the charts? Why the concern? Why do you care that blacks have a higher interpersonal murder rate?
Sure why not ? Why don't we find a more violent race with even lower IQ, release them in our city and call them names when they eradicate our cities. Makes perfect sense.

> why do you care about the genocide of the white race?
I don't. I personally like bi-racials more than blacks or whites. My problem is that you ignoring and twisting the truth in your favor.

> Basically, you're advocating survival of the fittest.
I'm not advocating it, our opinions are irrelevant for that matter since it's the natural course that biological organisms take every time.

>> No.6233946

> But I thought it was the niggers overpopulating the world, and eating up all the food?
how does it relate to anything I said ?

> My chart shows a long history of previous mass murder and genocide
War is different than a lower IQ race killing another race for their skin color. War depends on natural resources, socio-economical parameters, the politic relations with your allies and much more. I can't believe you needed to be explained about these.

> But I thought you were condemning blacks because they killed more people then whites out of anti-white hate? Why are you suddenly contradicting yourself?
Read my post again...and again...

> Could it because you've been exposed for the double-standard having racist that you are?
If only you had an argument for that.

>> No.6233955

jidf has arrived
thread will be derailed

>> No.6233961
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>> No.6233971
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>Whites and Asians are more violent then blacks.

based on what metric? crime statistics disagree with you in every sense, and in every country they inhabit...

>> No.6233980
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If Australian aborigines only existent in the fossil record they would be classified as a distinct subspecies. They are probably as divergent from us as Neanderthals where.

They have at least 40,000 years of divergent evolution but perhaps 80,000 or more with very little interbreeding with Indian or other south west islander DNA.

One interesting aspect of the aborigines is that they have visual memory that far exceeds that of every other race. There dreams are so vivid that the native culture beveled them to be as real as conscious events.

While they are remarkable in so many ways they also have very low IQ's and are the only large scale group of humans to loose the ability to make fire.

>> No.6233995


>Can't connect some simple dots huh ?

But if their populations are the largest, and I constantly hear your side calling for the death of blacks or cheering for their demise because of black 'over-population,' which you're now implicitly admitting to be untrue, and which is untrue because Africa is the least densely population continent, and because there are more starving people in Asia then in Africa, then shouldn't we be cheering the decline of birth rates in white and Asian countries?

Moreover, aren't you denying what your side's been saying the whole thread, which is that blacks are more violent? You're not saying that murder rate is correlated with population; contradicting yourself.

>I state the fact that their IQs are lower, and you conclude that they are inferior ? you fucking racist shit

No, that's your side saying that. Moreover, you're now towing the liberal party line. Why? Is it because your ideology is wrong, and you can't win the argument with your own rhetoric?

>putting more words in my mouth do you now ?

I'm not putting words in your mouth; I'm highlighting the very real fact that continents with the highest IQs on record have the greatest body counts.

>> No.6233998


>Sure why not ? Why don't we find a more violent race with even lower IQ, release them in our city and call them names when they eradicate our cities. Makes perfect sense

You're evading the point; whites and Asians have the highest body counts. They've committed more murders in history then blacks.

Low IQ seems to be correlated with lower historical murder rates.

>I don't. I personally like bi-racials more than blacks or whites. My problem is that you ignoring and twisting the truth in your favor

No. I'm stating nothing but facts; whites and Asians have committed more murders, and have higher IQs. These are both undeniable facts.

I'm asking you two questions; is murder good, neutral, or evil; and are high IQs good? If murder is good, then why is your side posting all these graphs condemning blacks for it? If murder is evil, but high IQ is good, then whites are better then blacks in some ways, and inferior to them in others, and the opposite is also true since blacks have committed less murders over history but have lower IQs.

>I'm not advocating it, our opinions are irrelevant for that matter since it's the natural course that biological organisms take every time

So then if you're not advocating survival of the fittest, why do you insist on blacks meeting the same criteria as whites? You should have nothing wrong then with accepting them as equals.

>> No.6234010

Number of people killed throughout history.

>> No.6234016

>Number of people killed throughout history.

how can you compare numbers? mud people don't keep track of their history.

we know the mongols killed probably the most people anyway, and arabs/muslims enslaved blacks more than any other group. They just don't keep their own history cuz they are primitive.

>> No.6234018


>based on what metric?

Based upon the chart I posted that showed that whites and Asians have committed most murders in the form of war throughout history.

Let me link you to it; >>6233850. In that post, I justify why war is the same as murder, since the deaths that take place in it often occur under genocidal conditions. I use the Pacific War as an example, where white soldiers took Japanese skulls as trophies, and where Japanese soldiers mass murdered white POWs for fun.

In 2004, blacks committed 6,632 murders in the USA. In WWII, about 50-70 million people died. At that rate, it would take blacks 7,539 years to kill the lower estimate of 50 million people.

Source for the figure of black murders in 2004: http://www2.fbi.gov/ucr/cius_04/offenses_reported/violent_crime/murder.html

>crime statistics disagree with you in every sense, and in every country they inhabit...

As I show above, their murder rate is still lower then even one single white/Asian war, even over the course of seven and a half thousand years.

>> No.6234020

Mud people don't invade either, if we took all of our guns and technology out of Africa it would be a peaceful sanctuary for our primitive selves. The population would stabilize to something the environment could support. We could fly over with drones and anyone using written language would be extinguished and all metal would be confiscated.

>> No.6234027
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>War is murder on a large scale.
Now im gonna stop you right here, and I dont believe in racialism as theres no serious scientific evidence for fundamental differences between extant races, but no. Fucking no, hell no, no no no. Retard to the max.

>> No.6234036

We have the organisational ability and social framework for a few men to murder tens of millions.

>Retard to the max.
Oh yes, that's a convincing logical argument.

>> No.6234041


>how can you compare numbers? mud people don't keep track of their history

According to various estimates, there were only around 100 million people in all of Africa in 1750, and most of those probably lived in North Africa in places such as Egypt. There simply weren't enough of them to get into a war that killed tens of millions of people.

Since we've had an estimate for the number of people alive in Africa, they've killed a few million of each other in various wars; never however have they managed to come close to wiping out such large numbers of themselves like Europeans and Asians have.

I guess that low IQ is good for something.

>we know the mongols killed probably the most people anyway, and arabs/muslims enslaved blacks more than any other group. They just don't keep their own history cuz they are primitive

Indeed, high IQ seems to be correlated with violence. Notice how China, the country with the highest IQ in the world, has many of the top places.

Honestly, I don't give much credence to IQ as a measure of intelligence. And moreover, I see more of a correlation with violence and civilization, urban living (Something US blacks are known for), and law and order then anything else.

>> No.6234042


during peace times black people kill, rape, and steal more than any other race.

They are minorities yet outperform the majorities in crime. This is what they excel at.

>but during war times

Blacks still commit more crimes even during war time.

>> No.6234043

But he's right.
Why would you think it's not murder if a soldier does it?

>> No.6234047

Here you go.

- Richard Lynn, Race Differences in Intelligence


-Steven Jay Gould: Egalitarian Fraud


- Franz Boas: Egalitarian Fraud



- The Egalitarian Fiction and the Collective Fraud


- Mainstream Science on Intelligence


- Mainstream Science on Race





- Genetic Variation within and between human populations (races)


- Genetic Variation within and between dog breeds


- Is Homo sapiens polytypic? Human taxonomic diversity and its implications


- Myopia and IQ


- Race any Myopia


- Flynn and Dickens’ summary of the B-W IQ gap by age


- Thirty Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability


- Black-White Difference: Evidence from the NLSY


>> No.6234052

The same reason its not 'murder' if the person didnt intend to do it. Or there are various degrees of murder. Killing someone=/=murder, war is very much different from simple homicide.

>> No.6234054

>There is a reason racial science is not as big today as it was before.

Yes it's a taboo subject and an easy way to suicide your career. Just like cold fusions was a couple decades ago.

>> No.6234056

OK, can you tell me, do any of these provide actual direct evidence as to a difference in the brains of different races rather than differnt physical characteristics and behavioral statistics which can be explained equally as well with socio economic and cultural explanations?

>> No.6234061

So if I pay a hitman to kill someone is the hitman not murderer?

>> No.6234062

No serious scientists take cold fusion seriously though, rossi is a blatant and obvious scam.
That said, studying race in any real way is taboo. Modern leftists and other egalitarians are no less militant, dogmatic or often irrational about their racial egalitarianism and other beliefs as theyd profess their opponents to be about theirs. They want equality and tolerance, unless of course you disagree with them.
I myself am not a racialist, mind you.

>> No.6234066


It's just a few people consciously killing millions and millions being forced to kill each other. You really think its not murder for Osama bin laden to tell his men to crash into the twin towers? Do you really think it's not murder to order the invasion of a nation who's population will surly defend it. You are a clear example of why we are the most dangerous and violent peoples You think it's ok to kill other people if someone tells you to.

>> No.6234067

Both of you are murderers. Assasination is COMPLETELY different from war. Just like manslaughter is different from murder, as fatal negligence is from assasination.

>> No.6234074

Low energy nuclear reactions are real and have been definitively proven. You are clear evidence of how powerful the scientific community can be at disrupting scientific progress.

Another example is how environmental science almost entirely ignores or denies beneficial effects of global warming.

>> No.6234076

>killing people is completely different from killing people

Compartmentalize and justify yourself all you want, those people will stay dead.

>> No.6234080
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>during peace times black people kill, rape, and steal more than any other race

Actually, it seems to be Hispanics.

And even in both cases, for their murders to stack up to white and Asian murders, they'd have to keep on killing at that rate for thousands of years. In the last few thousand years, and especially the last two thousand, whites and Asians have killed hundreds of millions of themselves and others. Additionally, an argument can be made that much of Africa has such a high murder rate due to the destabilization caused by European colonization; their population expanded very quickly, they were often resettled by Europeans, and modern African borders aren't based on tribal territory but on former European ownership.

A similar trend is seen in other former European colonies, such as the new world. The top two most murderous countries in the world are Honduras and El Salvador. While African countries are near the top of the list, it's central American countries that top it.

>Blacks still commit more crimes even during war time

You know your grandpa might have taken Jap skulls, right? And that Soviet soldiers ate German soldiers during WWII? What about Vlad the Impaler?

All humans are capable of war crimes, and whites and Asians have committed the worst. This is statistical fact, as I showed before in the thread by the death tolls.