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6232470 No.6232470 [Reply] [Original]

Big bang happened.
Infinite Galaxies happened.
Hydrogen happened.
Stars happened.
Supernovas happened.
Sun happened.
Earth happened.
Moon happened.
Axial tilt happened.
Season happened
Primordial soup happened.
Bacteria happened.
Oxygen happened.
Life happened.
Cambrian explosion happened.
Plants happened.
Animals happened.
Reptiles happened.
Permian extinction happened.
Dinosaur happened.
Asteroid happened.
Primates happened.
Mammals happened.
Monkeys happened.
Grass happened.
Homo erectus happened.
Homo sapiens happened.
Stone age happened.
Fire happened.
Ice age happened.
Cave art happened.
Humans happened.
Civilisation happened.
Agriculture happened.
Decay and tuberculosis happened.
Trade happened.
Sumerian Calendar happened.
Sumerian invention of wheel happened.
Bronze age happened.
Better technology happened.
Iron age happened.
Empire happened.
Rome Empire happened.
Silk Road happened.
Disease happened.
Monotheism happened.
Judaism happened.
Christianity happened.
Islam happened.
Islamic capitalism happened.
Arab Trade happened.
Global network happened.
Arabic numerals happened.
Gunpowder happened.
Arabic cannon ball happened.
European gun happened.
Fall of Rome happened.
Europe superpower happened.
Columbus happened.
Colonization of America happened.
Genocide of native America happened.
Age of oil happened.
Steam engine happened.
Industrial revolution happened.
Globalisation happened.
Machine age happened.
Atomic age happened.
Digital age happened.
Nuclear power is happening

Is Nuclear fusion next?

Will we ever harvest from Earth's core?
Is it possible?

>> No.6232496
File: 234 KB, 611x428, 1387303210098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could have just left it at >Big bang happened.
Everything is the big bang.
Commercial fusion is next, sure. And we already use geothermal energy; see Iceland.

>> No.6232505

That was too long of a post, probably, either that or nano batteries

>> No.6232533
File: 95 KB, 453x342, 1387304805947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw that list

>> No.6232536

that list is complete bullshit

>> No.6232562

i'd rather call it incomplete bullshit

>> No.6232565

>Big bang happened.

No, that's a crypto-religious construct.

>> No.6232706

Reading all of this list i expected shit like "Check mate atheists" in the end.


>> No.6233314

I have a vision that someday we can harvest from the cores of planets. I see a planet core just like a hydrogen atom. However, I am not certain if that is improbable. I can only be certain that Mars is inhabitable.
We can harvest energy from Mars and let Earth recuperates.


I have summarized the entire timeline of the universe into a few words. I notice some discrepancy in the summarized timeline.
I will make a more detailed form the next following year.
I noticed. Thanks.


>> No.6233328

Mammals happened could go before Asteroid happened, but certainly before Primates happened.

>> No.6233329

Sorry, I am an atheist.
If anything, human history is very short.
Life was formed before and after the Permian extinction. The 5 most popular religion in the world is a human fabrication. God is a human's invention. Anyone can be God. He is like a superhero. You can become God, like those who participate in annual comic-con.

>> No.6233344

Nice list OP, but consolidate it. Get rid of unnecessary words like "infinite" and "*Sumerian* calendar happened." Two to three words each.

>> No.6233364

However, Mammal wasn't dominant ,that's the entire point. Primates developed fingers which is the reason of our success. Having fingers makes primates dominant. Hence in correlation, mammals become dominant.
Mammals happened.

>> No.6233368

noted, will make an additional effort to simplify it in the future.

>> No.6233379

ah I see