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6231280 No.6231280 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, didn't know where else to post this so just bare with me
Imagine this scenario
>Human population is split in two: males and females
>The two groups cannot interact with each other in any way
>Reproduction is covered by a machine that produces babies at the same rate humans do
>The two groups must provide for themselves and survive
>No technology or tools given to them, groups must invent them
>Same environment and amount of resources in the wild
So, who would survive longer? Which sex is more equipped in a natural environment? Why?
pic unrelated

>> No.6231312

Men would.
More men are in STEM fields but niggers might kill everyone.

>> No.6231317

>So, who would survive longer? Which sex is more equipped in a natural environment? Why?
You haven't defined what the environment is. Men are well suited for hunting better focused eyesight, more common colorblindness so they can pick out camouflaged objects easier.
Women have better peripheral vision, better at gathering (if picking berries was a time sensitive issue, maybe).

People claim men are more prone to serious conflict. But it's usually in the pursuit of females. But that could bring about a "lose" state for men. They kill eachother.

Since we've already moved into more civilized times we've already proven we have the capability to live in some generic earth environment. There's no real lose state for either gender.

>which sex is better equipped in a natural environment?
Men, there are predators. I'm sure women could fare fairly well but the biological differences do make men favored. Dunno what effect that machine might have though. Not to mention there will always be the same amount of people around since there's no death that doesn't make a person be born.

>pic unrelated

>> No.6231323

Men would get no progress done for a long time as they're having nonstop wars, then when half the popluation is dead, they start getting some shit done

Women would be productive for a while then bog down in progress as everyone gets pettier and bitchier, and the fighting among themselves reaches critical mass