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6231232 No.6231232 [Reply] [Original]

I am making a new thread because the last thread regarding this was overrun by autists arguing about who has the highest IQ.

Let's discuss this like people with the slightest degree of intelligence because I actually want to know your opinions and I am sure others do too.

The last thread started briefly with the discussion of the effectiveness of the Feynman and Pomodoro Technique.

>> No.6231249

I make equation sheets the night before.
I try to understand each equation until I run out of time, and get a good night's sleep.
I look at practice exams to make sure I can do every problem

>> No.6231313

1. Go over the material, write down and note which chapters/concepts aren't intuitively obvious to me. Usually most of the course will just "click" the first time I see it and I will never forget.

2. Go over the parts I noted down, to see if I can think a bit harder about them and make them click. I make a more detailed list of what doesn't click in the process.

3. After a few iterations, I will have understood everything that I can just "understand" by reading alone. Everything else will have to be memorized.

4. Make a detailed mind map of exactly what I need to memorize so that it's in a logical order.

5. Write it down on sheets of paper, pretending these are cheat sheets I will be allowed to take with me on the exam.

6. Once done, copy the sheets over to new ones to get rid of all the corrections, awkward layout/formatting, etc. Leave out things that I realize I've "accidentally" memorized. Repeat until bored or stuck. Usually I will end up with 1-3 pages of highly condensed information that I think will be on the exam.

7. Take the latest version of the cram file, memorize it in the few hours before the exam.

8. During the exam, quickly check the question to see which memorized stuff was actually necessary. Note them down somewhere if I feel like I'll forget, then allow myself to forget the things I memorized in vain, so I can focus on answering the question.

>> No.6231343

Read an entire book on a subject before taking a class on it and watch video lectures on the internet if you can find some.

Take nootropics. After the class starts, read the relevant sections of the book again and do the exercises. Take some paper or an exercise book and write down everything you know about what you learned during the week, like you're trying to explain it to yourself.

Sit and think about what you have learned for a long time. Sativa dominant strains of cannabis can help you out.

When studying for exams, read what you wrote down and do practise exams. Take adderall if you really need to.

This has worked pretty well for me so far.

>> No.6231433

That is some great advice, thanks, out of curiosity what do you guys study?

>> No.6231436

Mechanical engineering

>> No.6231438

where do you get all the nootropics from? and the satvia and adderall?

>> No.6231440

I don't need any study techniques because my IQ is 194, I just read the text and absorb all the knowledge.

>> No.6231453

I'm studying physics. I might stay an extra year and do a mathematics degree as well, but I dunno yet.

You can buy nootropics over the internet, it's good to also get an electronic scale so you can measure the dosage and some empty capsules. I grew my own weed and if I need adderall I can get it from a friend of mine.

>> No.6233189

>autists arguing about who has the highest IQ.

I must have missed that thread. Who won? Who had the highest IQ and how high was it?