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6227830 No.6227830 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck, engineers

I just finished my first semester as an undergrad Physics student at a big state school in the US, and I cannot figure out what is wrong with all the engineering students.

They act like they're the smartest ones and that the only reason physicists exist is for engineers to use the principals discovered, even though all they ever have to do is use equations without worrying about where they came from.

>> No.6227836
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Well yes, that's now they act and that this line of thought only gets stronger over time. Nothing we one can do about it, I'm afraid.

(I think I should sage, though.)

>> No.6227835

Well, now you know how mathematics students feel about you.

>> No.6227837

>even though all they ever have to do is use equations without worrying about where they came from - the physicist said
and the cycle goes on
That just means they are as dumb as you are.

>> No.6227851

And you know how philosogy students feel about you.

>> No.6227858

Suck my dick nigger, philosophy doesn't exist.

>> No.6227863


> Math Student
> Feelings

Whoever let you out of your assbergers cave and told you that you were capable of feeling things did you a terrible disservice.

>> No.6227864

Fuck off, avatarfag.

>> No.6227873

Are physicists always this buttmad about everything? they seem to dislike chemists aswell.

also this thread is obvious bait

>> No.6227878

>even though all they ever have to do is use equations without worrying about where they came from.

Isn't that exactly what physicists do?

>> No.6227945

And now you know how psychology students feel about you.

>> No.6227949

>without worrying about where they came from.
If they're on shit engineering studies, sure.

>> No.6228073

>Suck my dick nigger, philosophy doesn't exist.

That's... That's some opinion alright. It sure is.

And since this is a free country, I guess you are entitled to your wrong opinion.

>> No.6228098

They're mad that they have to work the hardest but always see the least (if any at all) reward.

>> No.6228102

there's just too many of them.
I can only focus on one area of a time.

>> No.6228117

I know bro. I have yet to meet an engineer that understands stuff I don't, so I always take great pleasure crushing down their egos when they brag about their "studies" at parties.

>> No.6228136

>at a party

Inb4 "muh Feynman", the only reason he's so famous is because of how extroverted he was, he's the only physicist most people have heard of besides Old E.

>> No.6228141

Why does poisson's ratio change from ~.3 to ~.5 midway through a tensile test?

>> No.6228145

No, he is known because QED is fucking important.

>> No.6228153

Yeah, but how many fratstars at parties know about QED?

>> No.6228157


Man I hate that faggot and his distribution.

His brackets can also fuck directly off.

>> No.6228160

If it's a party the thrown at the physics faculty or is sponsored/subsidised by it then likely the majority ?

>> No.6228159
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He has a point. Nobody knows Dirac. And he even stated out as engineer.

why so mad, though?

>> No.6228164

>He has a point. Nobody knows Dirac. And he even stated out as engineer.
He was not a populizer of science like Feynman was and he did not have a recent documentary made after him.
Plus all the engineer frats know him because they constantly use the dirac function in their calculations.

>> No.6228166

Why in the world would an engineer brag about his studies at a physics faculty party?

They normally take to being braggarts around those social-science types who are easily woo'd by large words and numbers.

>> No.6228167

Fuck off, avatarfag.

>> No.6228169

I don't know, usually people get drunk quickly so they can get laid before they continue their dry studies.

>> No.6228189
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his ratio is awesome though.
in fact all his work on continuum mechanics is pro.

this is my prob with physics majors...at least on /sci/
they pretend they know everything because they study "modern" physics, but ignore large swaths of classical mechanics.

>> No.6228248
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Why would I care? I just want to make stuff do stuff.