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6223831 No.6223831 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of someone that's earned five university degrees?

>> No.6223844

I'd automatically assume they just like wasting their time. Only a few degrees will be relevant towards their career, the rest would just be because they wanted them. If they were interested in a subject and wanted to learn about it, they could do it without spending the time and money on a degree

>> No.6223941

Hindu lila as fuck or Buddha as fuck.

>> No.6224183

I don't understand the point of getting a large amount of degrees. By the time you're in grad school and beyond, you're learning about the same amount or more shit than you ever learned in undergrad.

>> No.6224215

>Only a few degrees will be relevant towards their career
You have so little imagination. It's disgusting.

>> No.6224252

>If they were interested in a subject and wanted to learn about it, they could do it without spending the time and money on a degree
Degrees are for careers. Why would someone spend $100,000+ on five degrees when they could simply do the stuff as a hobby? I like programing, but I'm not going to spend thousands of dollars and years of my life in a classroom when I can download a book on it.

>> No.6224263

>Degrees are for careers.
literally kill yourself

At that point I would wonder why you didnt study one of those subjects in more depth.

>> No.6224266

ikr, I hate this notion that you should only go through post-secondary education strictly for monetary reasons

>> No.6224275


bachelor's degree in one field
bachelor's degree in another field

master's degree in the first field

phd in the first field

phd in another field

>such outlandish notions

>> No.6224281

>study one of those subjects in more depth
I do want to study one of those subjects in more depth. That's why I'm applying to grad school. That's why I'm going to make a career (see how it all comes back around) out of studying that subject.

I'm not going to work at McDonalds during the day then go take night classes while I work on my 7th degree.

>> No.6224314


You can download a book on pretty much anything, in any academic field.

Saying you can do it as a hobby isn't an excuse.

>> No.6224319

Why do you go to a university?

>> No.6224327

>double major for two bachelors
>gratis masters of philosophy (why do these exist)
Five degrees. One coherent academic career. Unless you meant five different subjects.

>> No.6225707

I would be jealous of said recipient of degrees. I'm currently trying to set myself up so that later in life, I too can collect degrees.

>> No.6225770

>thinks formal schooling is the only way to learn
Degrees are literally for careers (well, that first job at least). Of course, you should study something you love ideally, but the tradeoff between practicality and passion should be made if you want to make enough to live a decent life in today's world. For example, even though pure physics and math are more interesting than any engineering degree, engineers will probably have an easier time finding a job. It's unfortunate, but having a P.Eng beside your name is going to help a lot.

And btw, academia is not nearly as awesome as it seems, which is the only time a pure math/physics degree will get you ahead of an engineering one.

>> No.6225771

Means he or she is workshy and must be sent to a rehabilitation center.

>> No.6226426

>paying for college

>> No.6226442


Über faggot.

>Electronic Engineer
>Pure mathematics
>Ph.D in Physics
>Chem Engineer

Respectable Scholar.

>> No.6226467
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I disagree with your pessimistic view.

I would probably assumed they had too much time on their hands, but at the end I would respect them if I sense they have passion for what they learned.

Most people just see degrees as a medium to a job and money. That's sad, although understandable.

If I had the money to study as much as possible, I would. Sadly, I have to work to be able to live decently, so that consumes precious time I would otherwise spend delving into wonderful subjects.

And yes, I would go to college for that. Although I could learn it on my own by reading books, I find learning through human interactions more pleasurable.

>> No.6226474

Am I the only one who feels that the math they teach you in college is completely useless in real life.

>> No.6226531

>What do you think of someone that's earned five university degrees?

I would ask him how many did he actually aim for from the get go. I have 4 majors and strangely enough know others with 4 too. It's not that rare for people to end up going to university for 5 years and come out with 3 or 4 majors.

>> No.6226541

>Degrees are for careers

That's only bullshit HR uses to filter applicants.

>Why would someone spend $100,000+ on five degrees

If they're not stupid, it would be closer to 30K.

>Degree in programming

Now that's just plain stupid


Grad schools frown on taking irrelevant classes so you can only really study one thing.

>> No.6226568

yes, I mean what could be the value of understanding history?

in before you can understand history by reading alot

>> No.6226615

Objective history is great, and useful. Just like early philosophy is logic and constructive, but modern history and modern philosophy is ****.

BOOM Fascism is evil, Social is evil, Democracy won there is no more history because we are living in the utopia paradise. Economy is not longer relevant, US is the superpower.

Wait modern History adds some "global issues like hungry and contamination" and some "dictatorships over there", And that's it.

...really? History is to learn about past errors but it seems to forget post WWII error every nation is doing and have done. Like wars, corruption, violence, who is the most powerfull groups, ethics, integrated economy, international paradigms, money (fed reserve), energy distribution, rights, revolutions, false flags, puppet dictators,.... and the list can keep going

>> No.6226648

Im not sure I understand your point, are you referring to political hacks in the liberal arts, that is true, though I had a graduate student friend in chemistry who told me his journals were full of politically charged articles as well.

>History is to learn about past errors

thats a popular belief, but most academic historians are more concerned with accurately reconstructing events and explaining the mechanisms behind them

>> No.6226711


>Historians are more concerned with accurately reconstructing events and explaining the mechanisms behind them.

For the Persians administration system they have done a quite amazing job, we know understand how the Roman succeeded using its system .

But for recent wars events history seems to be erratic, some modern "political" historians in disagree and contradicting each other. But then you have photos, newspapers, videos, documents. It is no surprise that wikileaks and NSA in 20 years would be treated as "scandals" or "conspiracy theories". While in reality are actual facts and events no one has explain yet.

Before the Merkel demanded an explanation this event passed like any other new. Government is heavily using data-mining across the world? Good or Bad, the main question remains, How did the budget got approved? Is there more secret spending the congress hide? Corporatism is finally taking form globally?....