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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6221035 No.6221035 [Reply] [Original]

>Time is not a thing, thus nothing which is, and yet it remains constant in its passing away without being something temporal like the beings in time.

Does /sci/ agree ?

>> No.6221040

if it can be measured, it exists.
GTFO with the (shit) attempt at philosophy

>> No.6221045

rewrite it using math and in a way that's falsifiable and maybe I will.

>> No.6221048

Time is a social construct of the human brain. If human life ended time would not exist, but things like matter still would.

>> No.6221062
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you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.6221077
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if you think he was serous, I have some bad news for you...

>> No.6221085

half the tards on here believe shit that is equally stupid. so i wouldnt be surprised if they were serious. seems to be 45% trolls, 45% retards, and maybe 10% people who are actually worth a damn.

>> No.6221439

Time is mostly phenomenological (an object of conciousness, pure qualia)
what we measure has nothing to do with our experience of time, in the same way that understanding the molecular orbitals of β-carotene doesnt say anything about our experience of the color red
the red we measure and the time we measure have nothing to do with temporality or redness, which are abstract phenomenological experiences that I think science will never be able to explain because they can not be expressed in scientific terms, or any terms at all
there are two ways of speaking, and each has its domain, the scientific and the poetical, the poetical talks about this irreducible apparently meaningless things as redness or temporality, it is a totally useless language if we understand usefulness as that which science maximizes, most of our problems come from people trying to use scientific language to talk about poetical issues, such as when people try to "prove" the existence of god, or find hidden scientific facts in the quran

but just because poetical speech is useless you shouldnt ignore it unless you are an autistic fucktard, poetical thinking makes our dwelling in this world an enjoyable experience, and enjoyable in its true sense, not the kind of "joy" (artificial euphoria) that is produced when entertainment becomes an industrialized consumer good, this for example is other result of applying scientific thought to areas which should remain poetical, the maximization of enjoyment and the profit we obtain from it, the logical conclusion of a technological society is a meaningless consumer society

obviously the answer is not to destroy all technology and return to the forest to become shamanistic tribes which roam this world with a renewed sense of poetical wonder at an existence we cant control, the only way to save humanity is to understand technology as technology instead of just letting it silently gain control over our existence

>> No.6221447
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>an object of conciousness, pure qualia)
fucking troll

>> No.6221457

I disagree too, but at least make an argument

>> No.6221465
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hah, like im really gonna read that massive fucking wall of text.

>> No.6223098

>Time is a social construct
And with that, credibility rating drops to zero.

>> No.6223110


I like your conclusion.

The only way we will truly transcend the current paradigms of our understanding is not to look to science as a new religion.

Science, and its titular method, is merely a cognitive tool. All tools become useless when extended past their effectiveness.

>> No.6223121

>not the kind of "joy" (artificial euphoria) that is produced when entertainment becomes an industrialized consumer good

I am willing to bet the reward part of your brain gets stimulated essentially making it identical, the only difference is that you get to sit on some kind of high horse and feel better than everyone.

>> No.6223124

>and yet it remains constant in its passing

>he hasn't heard of relativity and the effects massive bodies have on time

>> No.6223151


So, why choose to spend your time with people who you believe are, for the most part, complete fools?

>> No.6223347
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the same reason that people go to the fucking zoo.
you twats amuse me. that's pretty much it.

>> No.6223375


Not really. Its just another direction. You don't find it weird that you can move forward in space, but suddenly its some mysterious shit when you move forward in time.

>> No.6223381


Are you suggesting that matter would exist, but suddenly become frozen in time just because humans aren't their to observe time passing? Does local time in the Western Hemisphere suddenly stop when everyone goes to bed? No. There's your answer.

>> No.6223390

If time is a dimension like space, why can we freely traverse space (i.e backwards and forwards) but not time? Not a troll or anything, just never understood that.