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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6213130 No.6213130[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Bro invites his new gf to pub with us
>something leads her to talking about her time as a "paranormal investigator"
>talks about using a piece of crystal on a string to "detect energy"
>ask her what she means
>"y'now, energy"
>yes but what kind? and what sort of reaction is occuring between it and the crystal pendulum?
>she gets really flustered and just repeats "its just energy!"

Its really hard not to come off as a self reighteous fedorathiest euphoric cunt when i hear this shit from "spiritual people" that need to makes an already incredible cosmos "magic" because that makes them more special than the people around them.

this shit must make carl sagan spin in his grave.

>> No.6213133

>Its really hard not to come off as a self reighteous fedorathiest euphoric cunt

you could at least try a little bit

>> No.6213138
File: 62 KB, 720x439, 1386595761892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a muh energy comic thing like those /pol/ makes.

>> No.6213142

>this shit must make carl sagan spin in his grave.
via what mechanism

>> No.6213143

I use to try really hard to be forgiving of this sort of thing. Honestly the last decades resurgence of religion attempting to quash scientific education in future generations has filled me with such apathy that i just dont care anymore. Someone starts talking to me about black magic voodoo horseshit i just go "yeah, im done" and leave.

>> No.6213153


>> No.6213158

a guy told me the sun went around the earth yesterday.

>> No.6213160

Isn't it amazing that there are people out there who, as grown adults, will simply believe whatever pleases them? Like, how can somebody even do such a thing and not feel such a strong ethical dilemma within themselves?

>> No.6213168

simple talking. In fact you, too, only accept what pleases you. Lucky enough it's science.

>> No.6213169

Ask her to explain souls, then brace yourself for stifled laughter

>> No.6213171

Religious and spiritual people are strange in modern times. Like a time traveller from the middle ages has shown up whenever something related to physichs or biology is being discussed.

I remember a fundie christian getting red as a tomato and ripping up paper and gnashing his teeth in my biology classes back in high school because the teacher dared suggest the millions of bacetrial life forms in our intenstine was a product of evolution. Like he was almost in tears because someone was telling people facts.

I cannot imagine what that mindset is like. How do you percieve the world like that? is it like some all encompassing denial?

>> No.6213174

who cares?

>> No.6213187

>suggest the millions of bacetrial life forms in our intenstine was a product of evolution
. why is one of any importance for the other
. and why would _that_make anyone cry
. shit's irrelevant

>> No.6213205


but what if it's your family?

they're all into this new age lay on hands rocks in the water electromagnetic chaos energy.

i mean it's still tame compared to some shit out there and they're starting to sober a little, but still.

>> No.6213217 [DELETED] 
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Literally this my euphoric gentlesir :^)

*tips fedora*

>> No.6213238

*rapes kid*
Nice comeback fellow Christian! You sure showed him! Praise the Lord!

>> No.6213245
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>not being a theist

>> No.6213250

They go hand in hand

>> No.6213280

I can't get post linking to work on my mobile, but holy shit

>*rapes a kid*

good shit right there. I will use this, gsdalb sir.

captcha: gsdalb sir

>> No.6213324
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>there are people in this world who still aren't Deists

>> No.6213332
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has to be magnetism

>> No.6213370

Yes but you know deep down you're wrong and you get so fed up of being wrong so many times that doubt grows stronger and stronger in you. At least if you're smart (I used to be somewhat religious/spiritual, then I realized its all idiocy, contradictions, and just mindless conformism to rules and customs that sometimes make no sense), so you become more lenient with your actions with respect to your religion and you begin to question more. Unless you're an idiot who likes being told what to do. Unfortunately some people are just born to be gullible.

>> No.6213374


if you strap an electromagnet to an eeg you can make him roll with your miiiiiiiindd

>> No.6213376


being told what to do and what to think is easy. it is convenient. I'm at the top of my class right now, people are saying it would have been "wasted potential," but I really wanted to join the military because I didn't want to have to think.

>> No.6213382


>> No.6213394

Honestly I'm surprised religion is still around, especially in the first world. Religion was good for controlling the masses back in the day, but we know better now. We can control the masses through media/propaganda now, so really religion has no purpose.

>> No.6213395

Media, propaganda, and religion are one in the same when one is referring to the ends.

>> No.6213402
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The worst thing about this is that you came here and made a thread about it.

>> No.6213408

religion does have a purpose though... some people want to fill the "empty void" (the feels you know) with something. religion can do that for many people, giving hope, strength and a feel of being loved to many people. Most religious people I know feel this way about religion. they don't believe because they are told to (yes of course they do initially), but because they feel secure in having faith in "god" or whatever. It's pretty ironic if you think about it.

>> No.6213427


Oh, come on, let's be reasonable here. I'm as atheist as they come, but it's pretty easy to see plenty of reasons why religion not only exists, but flourishes to this day.

Religion brings a sense of belonging, some people enjoy the feeling of being a part of something bigger than themselves. The idea that they're an important cog in God's master plan may be enough for them to finally quit drinking or try a bit harder at work, or aim to better themselves in some other way. That's a good thing.

Religion provides people answers. It may not provide you or I answers, sure, but different strokes for different folks. Life is unfair, random, chaotic, etc., and people find comfort in the idea that it all has some grand design behind it. Yes, you just lost your job for reasons beyond your control, and that sucks, but God made it happen for a reason, so keep your chin up and don't let it keep you down.

Religion is often the center of a community. Especially in countries where there's not as much cradle-to-grave government welfare, churches often act as the givers of charity or soup kitchens or shelters, etc. Instead of paying taxes and having the government provide these services, people put money in a donation try to pay for these services. This is also very prevalent in small town America.

Religion can very much offer moral guidance to people who are just plain shitty. There are people out there that have serious issues discerning between right and wrong. Maybe they're handicapped or maybe they're just "bad people", but religion can help them make better decisions than they would normally make on their own. If the fear of God watching someone makes them less likely to steal a purse, then great.

There are plenty more, but come on. The vast majority of the world doesn't follow religion because they're dumber than you.

>> No.6213490

Nowadays religion is used to "blame" things. For example some people lose their loved ones and they'll just say "If God wanted them in the heavens, then they shall go to the heavens" just to make others feel better about someone else dying and other ridiculous shit like that.

>> No.6214704

I don't understand why people do that. Personally, I think it's a lot better to think about the fact that you get to exist at all. I wouldn't want to live forever in some place in the clouds, watching everyone else for the rest of eternity, unable to alter anything. Plus, it lets you be less pedantic knowing that you don't have to be extremely righteous to stay away from Hell.

>> No.6214712

I don't know man, eternal peace sounds blissful. Or islam's infinite pussy life.

>> No.6215074



The best you can do is just learn how to quickly identify these people.

Then just accept that there is no reasoning with them. No educating them. It would be like trying to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig. And yes, they do get annoyed, just as that girl did.

Rather, you have the option if ignoring them, feigning interest, or trolling them.

At best you want to feign interest because it is the best option for getting you laid ( as is the case in your lucky brother). Its hard to feign interest when you are listening to voodoo babble, so the best way to put up with their garbage talk is to temporarily assume the position of a sociologist. You are now studying human behavior. Your mission, to discover how exactly can people be this fucking stupid and ignorant? You will be amazed how by taking this frame of mind it will make the conversation all that more interesting for you. The dimwit will be flattered that you are taking an interest, and your mind will be consumed with solving this staggering mystery without offending the subject. Like you know, studying chimps.

Try it. Sure get you a blowjob at least.

>> No.6215095


I should have added that the trolling is a dangerous option. I dont recommend it unless you are highly experienced. These dumb fucks have friends and they will hate you if it appears that you are mocking them. What's the payoff in having a bunch of hippy dippy chicks hating on you? None. No blow job potential there. Not a win win situation at all.

However if you can pull off a troll without them immediately knowing it can be immensely satisfying. I had a friend who was a grand master at this sort of thing. He would troll them, fuck them, then when they got too clingy, let them know he had been trolling them.

Priceless to see their faces when they realized they had been used as a fuck toy by someone who had been mocking their beliefs all along, and they had been too dumb to even know they had been mocked.

I could imagine how it would have gone in your situation if he had been there. I can imagine him turning on the girl and saying some sort of shit like: " Oh yeah, the energy, its so cool, but sometimes I worry about the energy loss, you know you have to meditate to replace the energy from the source. I do that by standing barefoot on Earth, or standing in a river, how do you do it?"

Fuck. Actually he would have come up with sometime much more subtle and right on the mark. He would be banging them that very night. The sluts. Alas, I was never that good, I always went the "feign interest" route, didn't get to bang half as many hippy dippy chicks as he did. God I envied him

>> No.6215112

I like you.

>> No.6215172

>assume the position of a sociologist.
>Like you know, studying chimps.
What is it about posting on 4chan that drives people to make these racist comments? I really want to know. Is the the shield of anonymity and lack of any negative consequences? Is it curiosity, like "I wonder what it'd be like to act like a jackass and spout racial slurs"? Really, what is it that makes you tick?

>> No.6215181

>butt devastated chimp detected

>> No.6215184


Its called reality.

>> No.6215187


Whats racist about what the anon said?

Oh right, you are one of these buttfucks who finds racism where it doesnt even exist.

>> No.6215190

>Its really hard not to come off as a self reighteous fedorathiest euphoric cunt
Too hard for you, it seems.

>> No.6215482


>> No.6215506

pretty sure religion has nothing to do with witchcraft, magic, etc - only at the leadership levels ( you can verify this, for example - rabbi's )

>> No.6215515

the thing is here, it dates back to when christianity tortured people and killed them if they did not convert, it went from generation to generation, do you get it now?

love how you nerds like to talk about moral and social issues with excluding the main causes and roots - a reason i dont like seeing political, religious discussion on here, but than again its just alot of ignorant plebs

>> No.6215518

>it dates back to when christianity tortured people and killed them if they did not convert


>> No.6215523


Does this never get old to you people?

>> No.6215560

>he's edgy because my feelings got hurt

Buuhuu ;_;

>> No.6215583

>my feelings got hurt
My OCD gets flustered from inaccurate statements and i feel physical discomfort its very unfortunate.

>> No.6215681

>Its really hard not to come off as a self reighteous fedorathiest euphoric cunt
No it's not, just don't be an autist

>> No.6215691

They key here is to show your bro how ridiculous this shit is by asking her questions about her beliefs without outright mocking her.
Keep in mind he could just be doing this for the pussy, in which you're SOL, but if he's seriously considering a long term relationship with her then it'd be best for him to find out her kookiness from the start.

>> No.6215693

ITT or /sci/

>degenerative strong autism
>lack of emotional intelligence
>none empathy for others

>> No.6215708

*tips trilby*
I too find spiritual people disgusting my good sir, they truly are the shitlords of our time.

Why can't others be as soulless and void of all imagination like us, the atheist master race ?

>> No.6215717

*rapes kid*
How was church today fellow Christian?

>> No.6215759

'stop liking what I don't like' is the phrase /mu/ would use in this situation

>> No.6215801

But mu doesn't like anything.
Try having one 1 good cheap hairdresser in your area, and having to listen to her talk about 'quantum healing and the true self' for an hour while she snips your hair.

>> No.6215837

>religion has nothing to do with witchcraft, magic, etc
Ask any catholic about transubstantiation .

>> No.6215845

"fedorathiest euphoric cunt" is a bullshit non-thing anyway

>> No.6215848

You can scoff all you like, but if we didn't keep eating Jesus faster than he could regenerate, it would be the end times for real.

>> No.6215853

Seeing how it wasn't an inaccurate statement I think it's safe to assume that you're upset.

It's okay. You can keep thinking your religion is a religion of peace that can do no wrong if you want. Our God is an awesome God, etc. etc.

>> No.6215856
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Thanks for that one anon.