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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6206341 No.6206341 [Reply] [Original]

Is being gay a inherited/environmentally introduced thing, or... Well what do you think /sci/?

>> No.6206348

Romans chapter 1

>> No.6206352

It's a psychological inclination, I doubt it's inherited

>> No.6206360

>Fear is a psychological inclination, I doubt it's inherited

>> No.6206616


Is it psychological or biological?

>> No.6206629

It is possible to be either way. I would think there is likely something that goes wrong in brain development.

I googled it, this Wikipedia page might be of interest to you

>> No.6206653

I like the theory that it is induced to control against over-population.
That is, biologically induced, and not by some NWO.
But that raises questions about queers on an island isolated from everyone else. But if you are thinking with the Unified Conscious in mind, then meh.

But personally, I just believe it is a preference that cannot be passed down.
Some preferences can, like say you prefer the color red.
But that's not to say that it isn't influenced by nurture.

>> No.6206654

>Is it psychological or biological?
Maybe it's psycho-biological? Or bio-psychological? Psy-bo?

>> No.6207234

>It's a psychological inclination, I doubt it's inherited
Because our consciousness resides in our soul, not in our brain

>> No.6207380

There are different types of it.

I think the most common case is society persuading a guy into thinking he's gay
Then there are others like transsexuals which a re clearly mentally ill.
And there are others too who have no other chance due to hormonal disorders like those with androgen insensitivity syndrome and those with genetic mutations.

>> No.6207388

How many gay posters are on /sci/? I mean out of the closet.
Gays are more intelligent and wise. Maybe something goes right?

>> No.6207390

As with most things, it's likely not that black and white. That is, it's likely some combination if the two.

>> No.6207391

I was about to call you a faggot for saying that, but the i realized you probably have no friends, so would find it quite difficult to empathize with other people, least of all the homosexuals.

>> No.6207394
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There is a study that found that women related to gay men are more fertile. This means that the gene that makes men faggots makes women more fertile. In my opinion it is an awesome gene. Not only there will be less men in the competition for women but also makes women more efficient breeders.

>> No.6207396

>name calling
>on /sci/
>using normalfag insults
Just fuck off already
>>>/soc/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/b/ >>>/lgbt/ >>>/reddit/

>> No.6207402
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most homosexuality and transgender bullshit you see these days is due to disease/hormonal disruption/toxicity/etc. the older, non-rabid form of homosexuality was just a mental disorder.

>> No.6207405


>There are different types

Im a Type-3 homosex, a.k.a homosex artifiactor a.k.a. engineer, I only suck cocks but I imagine they're women.

>> No.6207410

Hostile womb. 85% of "gay" men have older brothers.

Same-sex attraction is a temptation most people can easily avoid. There are no gay people. There are only people who do not avoid same-sex temptation.

And not coincidentally, 99% of them are not christians. And 99% of the ones who say they are christians are liars.

If you want to be what the bible calls a wicked abomination to God, expect consequences.

If you want the power to resist same-sex temptations, repent and accept Jesus.

>> No.6207420

Fine. How can you state a transexual is mentally ill if you don't even know what aspects of the brain are changed?

>> No.6207422

bit far fetched that

>> No.6207438

That's the same as saying How can Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome be a mental disease if all we know about it is that the kid lacks HGPRT?

>> No.6207449

Not at all, because theres no consistent genetic test to establish that there even is a transexual brain influence.

If there was, you'd have cited it.

>> No.6207453


lel, you had me going until about halfway through

>> No.6207457

As always with these multifaceted and complex behavioral traits such as sexual orientation, it's a combination of genetics and environment. Just to point out what might be obvious, but if there is an environmental influence that doesn't mean it's a choice.

>> No.6207482

It's not a choice but it's still unethical. Not that homosexuality is unethical, but the cause and people ignoring the problem are.

>> No.6207492

What exactly is the problem? What is unethical then?

>> No.6207494
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the actions and the lifestyle are a choice.

>> No.6207495

>Not that homosexuality is unethical, but the cause and people ignoring the problem are.


>> No.6207499

Just saying.

>> No.6207502


So I'm guessing the same people who hate gays must love lesbians, then, since they have practically no STIs at all.

(Oh wait, you're just retarded.)

>> No.6207501

no ones going to watch a 20 minute video about pro-gay propaganda. and pretending the only reason people hate queers is due to religion is another lie and propaganda. refer to >>6207494

"Just saying."

>> No.6207503

>implying free will

>> No.6207505

Homosexuality is a disorder caused by genetics and enviromental factors. It is the objective of Medicine find a cure to such a thing, and a responsibility of public health to deal with the environmental factors that cause it.

I'm not saying faggots should be killed, but these people are lacking the characteristic of alive beings that is reproducing. We must put an end to homosexuality.

>> No.6207509

>anything that hurts my feelings is /pol/ despite that obamas own administration's statistics are listed on the image

>> No.6207508

What's with the /pol/ raids lately?

>> No.6207510

>Homosexuality is a disorder
By definition it is not.

>but these people are lacking the characteristic of alive beings that is reproducing
Ignoring the naturalistic fallacy here for a second: You know there are other ways of contributing to the gene-pool besides direct reproduction, right?

>> No.6207512

This is a very male-focused study but I read something similar, the main reason of the transmission is drugs/needles and/or sex for drugs or money mainly though.

Also, bug chasing isn't just a homosexual activity. I also don't see why a person having a more higher chance of having HIV should make you hate him. Just don't have sex with homosexual people then.

>> No.6207515

>Homosexuality is a disorder

It hasn't been considered a disorder by Western medicine in many years.

>> No.6207516

See, there you pretty much admitted to being from /pol/. Why the fuck else would you mention a politician?

>> No.6207520

>the main reason of the transmission is drugs/needles and/or sex for drugs or money mainly though.
its funny that you would repeat such a lie even though the image youre replying to specifically shows that needles and drugs+needles are a small case (and still majority homosexual)

>Also, bug chasing isn't just a homosexual activity.
yes it is. there are no heterosexual bug chasing parties, forums, or studies like there are for homosexuals. also exceptions dont break the rule.

>> No.6207521
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>> No.6207528

Why is reproducing even relevant in a highly over populated environment? In my opinion homos save resources.

>> No.6207531

I'm not even in the argument. It's just clear that you're from /pol/. I can tell from the retardism.

>> No.6207529

>post a /pol/ meme
>to show that you're not a troll from /pol/

>> No.6207533

>It hasn't been considered a disorder by Western medicine in many years.
>By definition it is not.

And that's the problem with political correctness, which gives bias on polemic topics. Not trying to be /pol/ here, but if we one day find out what's causing homosexuality and we can fix it, it would be our duty to fix it. It's not a choice, after all, we should at least give people the chance to choose.

>> No.6207532

because youre claiming anyone who details the statistical behavior of homosexuals is a right wing racist nazi? i thought that was pretty obvious but apparently nothing is immune from the dis-ingenuousness of your kind.

>> No.6207534

>behavior of homosexuals is a right wing racist nazi?
When did I say anything of the sort? I'm simply saying you're from /pol/. Are you denying it?

>> No.6207538

>And that's the problem with political correctness
It's not defined that way for the sake of correctness, but because homosexuality simply isn't pathological. You're needlessly politicizing something that we can approach objectively, and have.

>> No.6207536

You make the claim that i'm from /pol/. Can you prove i am from /pol/? Otherwise i will dismiss your argument and consider it petty name calling.

>> No.6207541

>don't like a fact
>must be just "political correctness"

>> No.6207542

>Can you prove i am from /pol/?
I can't, no. Then again, I don't have to, because that statement wasn't meant for you to respond to. It was an observation, directed at everyone else BUT you.

>> No.6207539

how about instead of shouting ad-hominems at people who hurt your feelings you just admit that homosexuals are crazed nut cases who are literally evolutionarily programmed to seek out HIV and destroy themselves so they dont reproduce? do you believe in evolution? this is the simplest, most logical conclusion for their behavior according to evolutionary biology.

>> No.6207543

It is technically pathological because it makes the person to suffer from doubt and low self steem.

>> No.6207545

>admit that homosexuals are crazed nut cases
by definition they are not

> this is the simplest, most logical conclusion for their behavior according to evolutionary biology.
Pretty ironic. You demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of evolutionary biology by making this statement. As I said earlier:
>Ignoring the naturalistic fallacy here for a second: You know there are other ways of contributing to the gene-pool besides direct reproduction, right?

>> No.6207547

Then you're just shitposting here. Go back to >>>/s4s/ and come back when you grow the fuck up.

>> No.6207548

who says it isnt pathological? the APA? there are tons of studies and statistics showing that homosexuality pretty much goes hand and hand with all sorts of pathologies. even people with depression function more normally than homosexuals do and thats considered a pathology.

>> No.6207550

That's not how we define pathological. Technically, it's not at all.

>> No.6207551


That's incorrect.

>> No.6207554

>Then you're just shitposting here
That's not for you to decide.

>even people with depression function more normally than homosexuals do and thats considered a pathology.
By definition they do not.

>> No.6207553

>by definition they are not
>Using arbitrary claims known as "definitions"

>> No.6207558

This is the science board, we have to be precise. Please try to reformulate your argument so that it actually makes logical sense.

>> No.6207555

Prove it's incorrect.

>> No.6207560


The burden is obviously on you to support that statement, which is a fringe view directly contradicted by mainstream medicine.

>> No.6207561

>so essentially youre basing everything on an appeal to authority?
No, that's not what I'm doing.

>> No.6207559
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>By definition they do not.
so essentially youre basing everything on an appeal to authority? okay then. i guess theres not much more to say to you.

>> No.6207564
File: 309 KB, 705x788, Screen Shot 2013-11-01 at 1.32.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try arguing facts and logic rather than semantics then.

>> No.6207562

Alright. Definitions are arbitrary claims, as opposed to well known facts. Basing your argument on a definition makes it lose validity.

>> No.6207568

Is left-handedness a disorder?

>> No.6207572

It is by definition.

>> No.6207575

But I only write with left, is that okay?

>> No.6207578

Sure. That classification of homosexuality as a mental disorder began to be subjected to critical scrutiny in research, which consistently failed to produce any empirical or scientific basis for regarding homosexuality as a disorder or abnormality. As a result of such accumulated research, professionals in medicine, mental health, and the behavioral and social sciences, opposing the classification of homosexuality as a mental disorder, claimed the conclusion that it was inaccurate, and that the DSM classification reflected untested assumptions that were based on once-prevalent social norms and clinical impressions from unrepresentative samples which consisted of patients seeking therapy and individuals whose conduct brought them into the criminal justice system. So in short, the definition changed based on empirical grounds. The results of initial studies indicating that homosexuality was pathological were biassed because the sampling pool was biased towards homesexuals not representative of the population. That's why the definition matters, it's not arbitrary. Hence, I'm attacking you on the semantics.

>> No.6207580


What definition?

>> No.6207584

>ignoring the actual argument part of the post

>> No.6207582

It seems to be an inherited tendency that may or may not develop. This is supported by data indicating increased rates of homosexuality among people with homosexual close relatives. In the most striking example, when one twin is homosexual, the other twin is homosexual a majority of the time, suggesting a strong level of inheritability. However, the presence of twins of differing sexual orientations necessitates the conclusion that the inheritability is not a guarantee.

>> No.6207587

thats actually false, the vote to take it off the DSM had only a 30% Yes vote out of the total board of electors, the majority simply abstained due to political pressure.

>> No.6207594

[citation needed]

>> No.6207596

and yet you have such an image already prepared on /pol/ discussion in a non pol board.

Let me posit this one, if being gay is a choice, why do you feel the need to impact someone else's choice?

>> No.6207599

That seems to have shut them up.

>> No.6207600

>On April 9, 1974, results of the vote were announced. >Only 10,555 of the 17,905 APA members had voted in the election. The results were as follows,

>Total APA members eligible to vote: 17,905
>Number of APA members that actually voted: 10,555
>Number of members that “Abstained”: 367
>Number of “ No” votes-votes to keep “homosexuality” in the DSM as a mental disorder: 3,810
>Number of “Yes” votes-votes to remove “homosexuality” from the DSM as a mental disorder: 5,854

(The Long Road to Freedom, ed. by Mark Thompsan1994, p. 104)

>> No.6207603
File: 347 KB, 688x759, Screen Shot 2013-11-29 at 3.18.35 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you were saying? >>6207600 >>6207587

>> No.6207606

>17,905 APA members
>Number of members that “Abstained”: 367
That seems to be in direct contradiction with your claim that:
> the majority simply abstained due to political pressure.

>> No.6207612

"well these guys didnt vote, hurr they must agree with my political opinion"

7000 or so members wanted to vote that homosexuality wasnt a mental disorder, but political pressure in the USA forced them to instead abstain.

>> No.6207613

thats called an official vote to abstain

17,905 total members, only 5,5854 voted yes to remove it. thats 30% consensus that gays are not mentally disordered. you said they removed it due to "empirical evidence" and other nonsense. the truth is most backed off because they were being slandered and attacked. just look at what modern gays and other left wing activists do today to achieve their social goals.

>> No.6207611
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Title in that pic looks more poorly worded than anything.

>> No.6207616


>> No.6207617


This says they want to instill beliefs in children, not turn them gay. Frankly, it's a refreshing bit of honesty, given that everyone attempts to indoctrinate their children with their own beliefs and attitudes.

>> No.6207618

"durr well look at what this extremist element of a group has done in entirely different situations, it must have effected the result of this vote"

7000 people abstained from voting to remove homosexuality as a mental disorder due to political pressure from the westboro baptist church, look at all the stuff they've done in the past.

>> No.6207620
File: 385 KB, 672x757, Screen Shot 2013-11-02 at 6.30.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what beliefs? that liking boys is the same as liking girls and no one should make a distinction? that you can switch between female and male at will? that pumping your body full of chemicals because you want to have boobs is totally tubular?

>> No.6207622


>everyone who didn't vote abstained on purpose

Yeah, okay. Show me other APA votes with much larger vote turnouts and maybe that will make sense. The more likely reality is that any given vote has a lot of absentees.

>> No.6207621

It's a majority vote. Typically not 100% votes, not by a long shot. That's why election results are determined by proportion of voters, not proportion of poulation.
>the truth is most backed off because they were being slandered and attacked.
There's no basis for this claim either. Even the voting results you posted don't show any reasons for WHY people did or did not vote the way they did. This is your opinion, not fact.

>ou said they removed it due to "empirical evidence"
Because that's what happened. Tests such as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory indicated that homosexual men and women were not distinguishable from heterosexual men and women in functioning. These studies failed to support the previous assumptions that family dynamics, trauma and gender identity were factors in the development of sexual orientation. That's why they removed homosexuality as a mental disorder from the DSM. Here's my reference, because I can sense you're going to ask for one:

>> No.6207627


Those are beliefs, yes. I'm really not seeing the difference between that and attempting to instill your children with the opposite beliefs. the point is that indoctrination of children is something most people attempt to do, regardless of their beliefs.

>> No.6207624
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>When I say recruit, I mean “get on our side” and “get to help fight our battles for us.”
It's poorly written but it seems clear to me that the author is talking about getting people to accept homosexuality. That happens to include closeted people.

>> No.6207629

because you have no right to force your beliefs on other peoples children, thats why.

>> No.6207635

Anyway, I have to go. No more responses from me, unless I feel like it when I get home drunk. Good night.

>> No.6207642


>> No.6207674

>Gays are more intelligent and wise. Maybe something goes right?

***citation needed

>> No.6207801

What the fuck happens here?
When did this turn into a /pol/itical debate?

>> No.6207820

What if i told you that it was /pol/ from the start?

>> No.6207831

It is a genetic FALTER (and fucking falter is what it is) a genetic MUTATION that happens when a fetus develops in a womb. It is born with a fucked up sexuality JUST LIKE DOWN SYNDROME ARE BORN, BY AN ACCIDENT THAT FUCKS THEM UP. Homosexuality is a DISABILITY because it prevents a specie from finding a suitable fertile mate, just like DOWN SYNDROME THAT PREVENTS A SPECIE FROM DOING ANYTHING. It is no clever devise from nature because if humans had inherent overpopulation control we'd just be born sterile when the time is right. Or we would have just been outdone by another specie.

tl;dr: Gays are like down syndrome retards. They're born that way, and it's a bad thing to laugh at them, but at the same time you can't take them seriously.

>> No.6207833

>every genetic falter is automatically bad

>> No.6207836 [DELETED] 


>> No.6207896

faggotism is both envionmental + inherited

>> No.6207965


Current models of depression are "bio-psycho-social". You need to take into account the sociological factors such as homophobia, rejection, adversity and so forth.

Still. Similar correlation are found sex and a range of disorders.

Men are more likely to be autisic than women.
Womenare more likely than men to have anxiety disorders.

Does this mean that being man is pathological ? Obviously, no. Mutatis mutandis, Homosexuality is not a pathology either.

>> No.6207993

Stephen Fry

>> No.6207995

It is not genetic. If it was it would have been selected against and would not exist. It is due to hormones ether during foetus development or at puberty. Definitely not genetic.

>> No.6208004

Just promise me /sci/ doesn't post on /pol/?

>> No.6208032

Clearly genes that cause attraction to male humans is good for reproduction. Seeing as how men also carry the X chromosome along with every other chromosome that females also get any such attraction to men gene would necessarily exist in male populations.

Still dosen't entirely explane lesbeans though.

>> No.6208125

ITT: /pol/ losing a debate

>> No.6208131

>attraction to men gene
Are you really that fucking stupid?

>> No.6208149

>Are you really that fucking smart?

>> No.6208160

>implying no genetic component to hormone expression

>> No.6208165

>implying twin studies havent proven that its not genetic

>> No.6208164

Thanks for answering my question. A clear yes would be the answer.

>> No.6208176

>implying twin studies have proven that its not genetic
>have proven that its not
>proven not
>proven a negative

Wow that's some powerful science there.

So your telling me that they took every gay person that has does and will exist, made twins for them and demonstrated that the twins were not gay?

Cuz whoever can do that kind of science clearly deserves notoriety.

>> No.6208186

And yet everyone tries to do it anyway

>> No.6208189

>It is no clever devise from nature because if humans had inherent overpopulation control we'd just be born sterile when the time is right.

>implying nature is actually good at doing what it does

>> No.6208489

You're forgetting if we don't educate our kids they will grow to be savages, feral kids in the city. The decision of who to fuck and i risk the chance of cancer to get fucked can only be chosen by adults. We should hide the faggot world from kids and teens until then. If they ask, tell them the objective truth: These people are faggots and for an incomprehensible reason they want to avoid reproduction and choose hedonism instead, you can do it when you grow up.

>> No.6208495

>Implying nature does shit
>Implying we're not alive by chance
>Implying we don't think by chance
>Implying we're not forming societies and killing each other by chance

>> No.6208647

wait, but the hostile womb part is real, right?

>> No.6208659


>nature vs nurture fallacy
nope, it's both.

people don't wake up and choose to be gay.

>using genetic mutation in such a broad sense
>likening all genetic mutation to down syndrome
>any genetic mutation
>a bad thing

get a load of this retard

so many fucking morons on 4chan, holy shit

>> No.6208666

>85% of "gay" men have older brothers, who abused them in bathtubs

incestuious encounters between siblings is far more common than reported

>> No.6208713

>visit by mother two years ago
>talk about how socially retarded i am
>talk about my first and only (ex)gf back when i was 19
>ask if i'm gay
>father is gay so i could maybe have inherited it

Why would she even want to know whehter I'm gay or not?

>> No.6208944

Why are faggots so obsessed with being thought of a clever devise by nature to save the human race?

Do you think you are better than any other retard born with a disability?

You're not. Accept the fact you are simply accidents that in the world of nature would be at a grave disadvantage. I am defending your rights by saying you are born disabled and hence there shouldn't be discrimination against you. But no, you aren't happy with that. You want something more. Which is why everyone hates fags.

>> No.6209453

and the monkeys throw their own shit

>> No.6209743

> you aren't happy with that.
They are retarded, they are happy because they don't care about nothing but having orgasms.
> You want something more.
They want to turn the world gay because they think they would be happier
>Which is why everyone hates fags.
Completely the opposite. People against faggots are being discriminated everywhere and this site is an example of that. Someone sees there's a guy that hates fags and they socially stigmatize him forever, same happens with people who don't like niggers and other shits.

>> No.6210868

I consider myself bisexual but am exclusively romantically interested in men
I'm in a loving close relationship with a totally normal guy
I'm going to school for organic chemistry and/or biochem
I just want to do science is that too much to ask?

>> No.6210918
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I think you may find yourself enjoying engineering more.

>> No.6210955
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pray away the gay!

>> No.6211028

Gay people can have non gay siblings in which case they too have the gene and it carries on

>> No.6211037

except homosexuality is due to prenatal hormonal conditions, not a "gay gene" which is a complete myth created by people who know little about the science behind all this and are too emotionally involved with this issue to accept any criticism

>> No.6211058

Stop being an idiot, of course it's not as simple as 'the gay gene', but it's definitely not as simple as 'prenatal hormonal conditions' either. Sexual preference is the result of a combination of both genetic and environmental factors.

>> No.6211065

What if a male homosexual gene were expressed in females by leading to higher sexual attractiveness?

>> No.6211077

Twin studies show that there is a significant heritable component, but no study has been large enough to nail the number down. It's anywhere betwen 40 and 70%.

>> No.6211080

Treating the word of some kike middle manager in the church as divine.

>> No.6211093

hi /po/, how's life?

>> No.6211112

if you swap "genetic" for "prenatal hormones" I agree

mootnote: prenatal hormones affect brain development, giving a 25 year old homosexual testosterone will not "masculinize" the brain, which is the error scientists made in the 1950s

mootnote 2: excessive androgens may in fact have the opposite effect, leading to homosexuality, it is complex but we can narrow it down to the effect of hormones on brain development in the womb
features associated with sexual attraction are largely unrelated to any genes that might influence sexual orientation, there may be genes that increase the *likelihood* of homosexuality occurring but rates of homosexuality are more or less even throughout the human population

>> No.6211150

mental illness

>> No.6211445

please fuck off

>> No.6211456

by definition it is not

>> No.6211458

by definition it is, by an appeal of authority to official revised government backed organizations it is not

>> No.6211460

>government backed organizations
>implying the definition is determined by a single organization rather than defined and refined by cross-continent organizations
Please take that America-centered horse shit somewhere else.

>> No.6211461

>implying america is the only place with government backed medical organizations
>implying people dont rely on the american DSM either way

>> No.6211464

>>implying people dont rely on the american DSM either way
That's a simple fact, which you can easily look up.

>> No.6211484

>hurr durr appeal to authority
Do you even science? An appeal to authority is appropriate here, because you are disagreeing with a globally recognized definition based on empirical data.

>> No.6211497
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there is no empirical data that proves homosexuality isnt a mental illness. stop repeating nonsense. there in fact more empirical data suggesting it is a mental illness/defect/neurological disorder/etc.

the idea that homosexuality is completely normal is a social construct and an appeal to (corrupted) authority.


>> No.6211510
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Being different from the standard doesn't makes something a illness

>> No.6211525
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true but it does indicate a possible defect. combine with all the other empirical data >>>6207494 and you have a clear case for illness or disorder of some kind, whether mental or neurological.

>> No.6211529

>there is no empirical data that proves homosexuality isnt a mental illness.
There is, you fucking moron. And a fucking lot of it too.

Quantitative methods to assess human personality (e.g., Eysenck Personality Inventory, Cattell’s Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire) and mental disorders (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory]) were developed indicate that homosexual men and women were essentially similar to heterosexual men and women in adaptation and functioning (Siegelman, 1979; M. Wilson & Green, 1971; see also review by Gonsiorek, 1991). Studies failed to support theories that regarded family dynamics, gender identity, or trauma as factors in the development of sexual orientation (e.g., Bell, Weinberg, & Hammersmith, 1981; Bene, 1965; Freund & Blanchard, 1983; Freund & Pinkava, 1961; Hooker, 1969; McCord, McCord, & Thurber, 1962; D. K. Peters & Cantrell, 1991; Siegelman, 1974, 1981; Townes, Ferguson, & Gillem, 1976).

No shit sherlock. How new are you? Protip: alternate brain structure doesn't imply pathology.

>> No.6211532

you don't know what empirical means, do you?

>> No.6211535
File: 25 KB, 423x80, Screen Shot 2013-12-08 at 1.29.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scientific journals and health organizations

>> No.6211537

>scientific journals and health organizations arent enough for you?

sorry my text got cut off

>> No.6211538

Very good. Now apply that definition to the .png image.

>> No.6211542

depressed people can pass that test too but depression is still a pathology and depressed people have greater quality of lives than the average sex crazed drug addicted and diseased homosexual. also the last one merely states that trauma doesnt make one more likely to be gay, which has never come up in this thread.

>> No.6211543

the png image has all sorts of data from health organizations and universities, so you make zero sense.

>scientific journals and health organizations arent enough for you?

>> No.6211553

>you make zero sense.
Unfortunately it's not my problem that you're too goddamn stupid to understand a simple point. Here's a hint: random statistics aren't empirical evidence if they're open to interpretation. Do you even science?
>scientific journals
Show me a recent paper that indicates homosexuality is pathological. Note that I'm not looking for numbers as in that image, but a paper specifically aimed at showing homosexuality is pathological, in a rigorous and empirical manner. Papers that show the exact opposite have already been posted in: >>6211529

>> No.6211556

>depressed people can pass that test too
No, on the whole they can't you idiot. That's the whole point of these tests, to determine pathology.

>> No.6211561

>sex crazed
>drug addicted

See the difference?

>> No.6211563

You are from /pol/.

>> No.6211566

>See the difference?
no, not really. why is being sex crazed a pathology and not homosexuality? how about bestiality? or necrophilia? how about people obsessed with body mutilation/modification? your logic seems to be based off preconceived notions rather than looking at things objectively.

>> No.6211570

Because homosexuality isn't harmful to the self (note that not every homosexual is a bug chaser, or sex crazed etc), or hampers societal functioning, whereas the others you mentioned do. Protip: pathologies are determined by interaction with environment.

>> No.6211591

how does being sex crazed hamper life? it doesnt. neither does bestiality or necrophilia or body modification. see, you really dont make any sense. youre trying to justify your beliefs, rather than searching for truth.

>> No.6211596
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there is still no
as in ZERO
as in NO
evidence for a gay gene
and i suspect that, even if its found, tumblr will still just assume the scientists trying to find it were paid off by christian group or some other bullshit

>> No.6211607

Probably mostly genetic in origin

>> No.6211610


>> No.6211615

>being sex crazed
The word 'crazed' implies addiction, which hampers functioning. Simply enjoying sex isn't pathological if it doesn't interfere with your daily functioning.
>neither does bestiality or necrophilia or body modification.
It depends on the extent of the phelia. These things are not by definition pathological, but they can be. You're the one who brought these up, I don't feel strongly about these either way. The point I'm making is simply that homosexuality is non-pathological because it doesn't hamper functioning and isn't destructive.

>sex crazed
>drug addicted
These, however, are by definition pathological, for aforementioned reasons.

>> No.6211622

>no link to research paper, or source of any kind
however even if it is true, i wonder if any calls for a "cure" will be shout down
extra ironic if some closet gays would like this cure, but tumblr speaks for them and thus elevates themselves above what they're trying to defend

>> No.6211621


>> No.6211627

You're implying that genetic is synonymous with pathological.

>> No.6211631

but the average homosexual is proven to be sex crazed. what we call homosexuality may actually be just a hyper-sexual disorder. if the majority of homosexuals are sex crazed, then how is it not a dysfunction? not all depressed people are dysfunctional, but the majority have a significant dysfunction and so we label it such as a pathology

>> No.6211629

you're implying genetic means it cannot be altered

>> No.6211634
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Something as complex as human sexual preferences is polyfactorial.

But to assume genetics does not play a role is quite absurd as they can breed gay fruit flies and mice.

>> No.6211635


>> No.6211633

I'm not implying that at all you dumb shit.

>> No.6211640

>the average homosexual is proven to be sex crazed.
That's nonsense. Even if it were true, you're implying that something would be pathological if it has co-morbidity with another pathology. By that reasoning left-handedness would be pathological because left-handedness often co-occurs with dyslexia.

>> No.6211637

in other words, environmental, similar to almost every other environmental factor that can alter a person

>> No.6211646

In other words, epigenetic.

>> No.6211655

the only* factor

>> No.6211650

epigenetic = environment is the significant factor

>> No.6211656

More epigenetic research

>> No.6211657

do the majority of left handers have dyslexia? no. therefore left handedness is not pathological.

>> No.6211658

stop posting news articles

>> No.6211662

The majority of homosexuals aren't 'sex crazed' either. How the hell would you even define 'sex crazed'? I'm gonna have to ask you for a source for that statement.

>> No.6211664

That's not entirely the case.

There's a lot of noise in between the translation one's genotype and phenotypes

Even for simplest traits there are multiple steps between gene expression and observable phenotype.

Each step is somewhere along a gradient of more influenced by genetics vs. more influenced by environment.
And similarly, each epigenetic factor is partially heritable.

That's about as close to Lamarkian evolution we know we can get.

>> No.6211668
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>being too lazy to click a link in the article


LOL I dont even care im not the guy posting the news articles and I actually agree with you

>> No.6211678

I'm European but whatever. I just don't feel like sifting through a mountain of shit to get to the actual paper. If there's a link to the actual paper in there, that's all we need.

>> No.6211685

>28% of homosexual men had more than 1000 partners: "Bell and Weinberg reported evidence of widespread sexual compulsion among homosexual men. 83% of the homosexual men surveyed estimated they had had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime, 43% estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners; 28% with 1,000 or more partners. Bell and Weinberg p 308."
> 79% of homosexual men say over half of sex partners are strangers: "The survey showed 79% of the respondents saying that over half of their sexual partners were strangers. Seventy percent said that over half of their sexual partners were people with whom they had sex only once. Bell and Weinberg pp.308-309."
>Modal range for homosexual sex partners 101-500: "In their study of the sexual profiles of 2,583 older homosexuals published in Journal of Sex Research, Paul Van de Ven et al. found that "the modal range for number of sexual partners ever [of homosexuals] was 101–500." In addition, 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent had between 501 and 1000 partners. A further 10.2 percent to 15.7 percent reported having had more than 1000 lifetime sexual partners. Paul Van de Ven et al., "A Comparative Demographic and Sexual Profile of Older Homosexually Active Men," Journal of Sex Research 34 (1997): 354."

>> No.6211694

Where's the control group?

>> No.6211695
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You actually going to read the report? I know I wont, just don't care that much. I'm only here because I'm a basement dwelling neck beard and this is what substitutes for social interaction in my miserable life.

>> No.6211690

>1978 study, 78% of gay men ad more than 100 partners, 28% more than 1000: "A far-ranging study of homosexual men published in 1978 revealed that 75 percent of self-identified, white, gay men admitted to having sex with more than 100 different males in their lifetime: 15 percent claimed 100-249 sex partners; 17 percent claimed 250- 499; 15 percent claimed 500-999; and 28 percent claimed more than 1,000 lifetime male sex partners. By 1984, after the AIDS epidemic had taken hold, homosexual men were reportedly curtailing promiscuity, but not by much. Instead of more than 6 partners per month in 1982, the average non-monogamous respondent in San Francisco reported having about 4 partners per month in 1984." The Health Risks of Gay Sex, John R. Diggs, Jr., M.D.
By John R. Diggs, Jr., M.D.
>There is an extremely low rate of sexual fidelity among homosexual men as compared to married heterosexuals. Among married females 85% reported sexual fidelity. Among married men, 75.5% reported sexual fidelity. Among homosexual males in their current relationship, 4.5% reported sexual fidelity. (Sources:Laumann, The Social Organization of Sexuality, 216; McWhirter and Mattison, The Male Couple: How Relationships Develop (1984): 252-253; Wiederman, "Extramarital Sex," 170.

>> No.6211701

The evidence is mounting that its biological. This confuses me though because I crossdress and take hormones, but up until the age of 18 I had never had gay thoughts, though I had experimented with my friends at at school.




I do believe however people can be coaxed into homosexuality, however I don't a source for tat beyond computational neuroscience, and I'm not sure that its really so valid.

>> No.6211702

>You actually going to read the report?
Probably not the whole thing, no, but the abstract already provides more information than the news article. And without the shitty journalistic interpretation too.

>> No.6211706

so where are you getting all of this from, and where's the relative comparison with age matched heterosexuals, and most importantly, where does it say anything about sexual addiction?

>> No.6211723


There was a picture from the Merchant's Guild of /pol/ debunking all of this but I think I lost it.

>> No.6211727

>debunking peer reviewed studies in scientific journals
apparently you dont know how science works. you may have tried to counter it, but you didnt "debunk it"

>> No.6211729

>implying what you posted said anything about sexual addiction

>> No.6211737

I see where you got this now:
>christian apologetics and research ministry
Fucking lol.

I followed up on the actual sources, and most of them don't even match up. The articles don't contain the supposedly cited statistics. This is very, very poorly done, you idiot. Now try again.

>> No.6211746

my sides, what a goddamn moron

>> No.6211760

how does that website using peer reviewed studies to defend their bias make the studies any less credible?

>I followed up on the actual sources, and most of them don't even match up.

proof? i looked through a few myself and found it to be there just as it was quoted.

>> No.6211775

>peer reviewed studies
Protip: half of these are not peer reviewed. Just because they have a fancy sounding title doesn't mean they're listed journals. For instance, the last one: http://www.frc.org/get.cfm?i=IS04C02
This is the supposed source. It's from a christian organization, not a scientific journal.

The others don't contain the actual statistics that are being cited. For instance, the third one's supposed source: http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/3813477?uid=3738736&uid=2134&uid=2129&uid=2&uid=70&uid=4&sid=21103088301767
This is an actually peer-reviewed parper, but makes no mention of number of sexual partners at all. It's aimed at detailing the statistics of same sex within different demographic groups of the gay scene.

You should know better than to cite horse shit like this. Not that all the studies are bad, but you're citing both bullshit 'studies' and actual studies that someone fraudulently miss-cited.

>> No.6211778

>same sex
safe sex*

>> No.6211805

It's taking too long for you to respond, and I've lost interest in arguing with you. Next time take the effort to look up the primary sources rather than blindly copying christian propaganda.

I'll check back in later to see if you've found an actual paper that shows gay people are 'sex crazed'. And include a link to the primary source this time dickhead.

>> No.6212001

1) 1978 book, largely out-dated. Wikipedia says the following:
>Homosexualities is the study most commonly cited to prove that gay men are sexually promiscuous, but it was not based on a broad sample, and a more recent and extensive University of Chicago study, Edward O. Laumann et al's The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States, produced different results.
2) Same book as 1.
3) Peer-reviewed article, but doesn't contain those statistics.
4) The cited source is a non peer-reviewed article on a catholic website, which doesn't mention the original source. The year (1978) makes it likely that this is the same book as in 1 and 2 again.
5) Thee books, all of which are non peer-reviewed.
>apparently you dont know how science works.
oh sweet irony

>> No.6212008
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>> No.6212010

"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."

Poor guy doesn't know what he's doing to himself. /pol/ is so cute when it's angry.

>> No.6212050

not exactly a good response to an attack on the credibility of sources, dumb ass

>> No.6212061

>emotions reside in the soul, they said
fuck off Plato

>> No.6212073

yeah.. until you discover your son in a faggot thanks to your fertile wife

>> No.6213648


>> No.6213653
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> until you discover your son in a faggot thanks to your fertile wife
erm, don't you mean 'until you discover your son IS a faggot..."

oh actually, nevermind. same thing :D

>> No.6213701

>Let me posit this one if pedophilia is a choice why do you feel the need to impact someone else´s choice?

>> No.6213720

I'm homosex, and I can say assertively that homosex is not a psychological, or at least, it's not caused by society's influence on people. I felt this way since a very young age before I even knew what these feels meant, so you can take my word that a sociological explanation is out of the question.

>> No.6213727

>"Gender identity disorder (GID) or transsexualism is defined by strong, persistent feelings of identification with the opposite gender and discomfort with one's own assigned sex. People with GID desire to live as members of the opposite sex and often dress and use mannerisms associated with the other gender. For instance, a person identified as a boy may feel and act like a girl. This is distinct from homosexuality in that homosexuals nearly always identify with their apparent sex or gender.Identity issues may manifest in a variety of different ways. For example, some people with normal genitals and secondary sex characteristics of one gender privately identify more with the other gender. Some may cross-dress, and some may actually seek sex-change surgery. Others are born with ambiguous genitalia, which can raise identity issues.Associated Features and Disorders of Gender Identity Disorder.Many individuals with gender identity disorder become socially isolated, whether by choice or through ostracization, which can contribute to low self-esteem and may lead to school aversion or even dropping out. Peer ostracism and teasing are especially common consequences for boys with the disorder."

>> No.6213739

The funniest part is where they state that it is different from homosexuality.

>> No.6213748

but it is quantifiably different, you moron

>> No.6213750


Children should be raised upon a space that allows them to choose what to do, HOWEVER, sexuality is something cannot comprehend yet, because they are sexually unaware, they must be taught to follow what they are biologically, for that is what they are intended to be.

>> No.6213754

>muh naturalistic fallacy
>muh jesus

>> No.6213756

>muh feelings

>> No.6213758

I like the part where that retard gets called out on his bullshit and then just stops responding. Stay classy /pol/.

>> No.6213762

If by feelings you mean that your stupidity is so vast that it hurts my brain, then yes, muh feelings. Idiot.

>> No.6213768

are you saying male and female organisms are not supposed to unite to create offspring?

>> No.6213772

Hmm, this seems like it would only be worthwhile evidence if you removed the child from the family with the homosexual close relatives and raised them in a straight household. Your data doesn't remove the environment variable.

>> No.6213774

Not every single one of them, no. Also, 'supposed to' implies some sort of destiny, or a moral 'ought to', which you cannot logically claim based on a natural phenomenon. Like I said:
>muh naturalistic fallacy

>> No.6213781

Call me ;)

>> No.6213802

Having to resort to greentexting is really not a good sign for your argument

>> No.6213811

How about you address the contents of the argument rather than the specific color of the text.

>> No.6213837

How can I accept Jesus if I'm a man too?

>> No.6213995
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Whether people are born engineers or arise as engineers from social circumstance, who are the hurting by being engineers?

>> No.6214000
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>> No.6214009
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>> No.6214011
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>> No.6214014
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>> No.6214020
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>> No.6214025
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>> No.6214090

>the point is that indoctrination of children is something most people attempt to do, regardless of their beliefs.

And it's something that no one should be doing.

I fell out with Christianity because I felt like I was being indoctrinated. I tried studying religion in school but it was Christianity and minimal/non-existent discussion of other religions.

I fell out with everyone who told me what to say, do or believe because I saw the lies and "bad practice" associated with drug enforcement.

I want to see less lies and more awkward truths. "Liberals" may say they're doing their indoctrination for the "greater good" because it's a "noble" cause. This is missing the point completely, it's the unbalanced attitude and indoctrination tactics that are the problem.

I hate advertisers, especially ones that target kids.

>> No.6214100

It's obviously a mental disorder.

>> No.6214181

Gays can't reproduce, they are not viable

>> No.6214195

Someone should do a study on this. Brain scan and check hormone levels of a bunch of gay men/woman, tranny men/women, and straight men/women.

>> No.6216237

If the population control theory is correct than homos are the weaker ones whos genes are not strong enough too continue. So they're the weak ones of our genepool. Also by that definition space colonization will put an end to homosexuality.

Homosexuals are males that are (rightfully so) not confident enough in their manhood. They are not real man. They failed to be a man. There are two options, either become a man or run away from becoming a man and the latter is homosexuality.

>> No.6216624


>> No.6216643

i agree

>> No.6216646

See >>6207394

>> No.6216651

>inb4 attacking the page and not the sources

>> No.6216665
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>if i disagree with your opinion, you are an ignorant neo nazi racist
>everything you bring up, i will claim as false because i don't like where you got the sources from
>gays are normal people who have the same amount of partners as a straight person would

>> No.6216681
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he said he WAS able to find the claims quoted in the sources, you just ignored it because it hurt your liberal feelings

>> No.6217017
File: 972 KB, 500x370, 1386731255639.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A significant twin study among adolescents shows an even
>study among adolescents

gay-fag here, I dunno about these other queers, but when I was an adolescent, the last thing I ever wanted to do was admit that I am gay. Took me until the age of 21 to officially come out, I'm sorry but these studies are fucking bullshit.

>Numbers of people who have changed towards exclusive heterosexuality are greater than current numbers of bisexuals and homosexuals combined. In other words, ex-gays outnumber actual gays.

[citation needed]

>“At best genetics is a minor factor,” says Dr. Neil Whitehead, PhD. Whitehead worked for the New Zealand government as a scientific researcher for 24 years, then spent four years working for the United Nations and International Atomic Energy Agency. Most recently, he serves as a consultant to Japanese universities about the effects of radiation exposure. His PhD is in biochemistry and statistics.

I wouldn't trust this man with anything having to do with genetics. Biochemistry and genetics are vastly different from each other

>> No.6217048

>muh degeneracy

>> No.6217055

>Not having any male role models.
>Wonder why he wants to be a woman.

>> No.6217061


>orthodoxy today
>one study proves gays are choosing to sin!

The studies it references are valuable, but they don't 'prove' anything. At best they illustrate that there may be factors other than biology involved in homosexuality. It also stands against mountains of evidence, (birth order, chromosome linkage, sexually dimporphic hypothalamus, fetal androgen exposure) that suggest a strong biological component.

We're still trying to understand it and nothing is ever 100% in science, but it's safe to say that there's a strong genetic component in homosexuality.

>> No.6217430


Dude Papercraft and Origami
Nicest board on 4chan

>> No.6217435
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Being gay is probably genetic and epigenetic. I would't say anyone would truly want to be gay in our current society. Who the fuck wants to be harmed? Bisexuality exists as well, so now it's considered more "in" people can express it openly and have boy/girlfriends when they please which can drive up the "gay" factor by a bit.

>> No.6217473

I seriously doubt it's genetic, since homosexuals dont tend to have offspring...

Epigenetic or brain structure modification induced by prenatal hormones or some such seems more likely

>> No.6217489
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>since homosexuals dont tend to have offspring

maybe today, but what about 50, 100, 150, 1000+ years ago?

I grew up with kids who had one parent later come out as gay.

i hope you're trolling

>> No.6217511


The homosexual gene if such a thing exists doesnt necessarily have to be activated and passed to the offspring

A sibling of a homosexual person could also carry similar genes and can pass it to its offspring

>> No.6217523

>maybe today, but what about 50, 100, 150, 1000+ years ago?
I said they don't "tend" to. They can, certainly, but they tend to not since they aren't interested in the opposite sex.
Why would gay people feel any different about the opposite sex 50, 100, 150, 1000+ years ago?
Are you saying that literally everyone got married and had 2.3 kids throughout all of history until only recently?

>I grew up with kids who had one parent later come out as gay.
Cool anecdotal evidence broheim.
Still doesn't help an argument that homosexuality is genetic, since gay people can have straight kids, if they do actually end up reproducing.

>> No.6217525

>Still doesn't help an argument that homosexuality is genetic, since gay people can have straight kids, if they do actually end up reproducing.

Baldness skips a generation too, doesnt mean it cant be passed genetically

>> No.6217532

my professor of ecology thought that humans, like many animals, undergo effects of some intraspecific mechanisms which are supposed to affect their number, except humanity's mechanisms of regulation are more complicated since they are bio-social by their nature. like people who live in large crowded groups like huge cities have less children than people from country etc. homosexuality might be one of them. since the whole world is crowded now this becomes more and more common. she even thought that humanity will eventually decrease its number to ~500mln

anyway it's not an illness, it was disproved long ago

>> No.6217538

>homosexuality might be one of them.

considering almost every mammal has homosexuality in it, its not a human population thing

Its strongly suggests genetics

>> No.6217547

>. she even thought that humanity will eventually decrease its number to ~500mln

Highly unlikely, population decrease of that magnitude will only occur when we have severe lack of resources

Right now we have enough resources to go upto 10 bill and maybe a little higher by 2050. We will thenface the problem of consuming more resources than we actually have

either humans stop growing bigger or stop growing in number or maybe both

i can see going back to couple billion but under 1 billion seems highly unlikely unless a global catastrophic event occurs

>> No.6217561

>Homosexuality is a disorder

still haven't explained why
/pol/ confirmed

>> No.6217568


well every mammal may have increased aggression or lowered sexual function which are common ways to regulate population number. those are just behavioral reactions and may have different reasons and different origin


i doubt it too. but as you can see, many countries already have negative birth rate, so the whole earth population may decrease in the future. but since 0.5 bln is a tiny number for the whole planet, the decreasing won't probably be so strong

>> No.6217570

>Baldness skips a generation too
Except it doesn't.

>> No.6217573

>naturalist fallacy
>typing this from a computer

>> No.6217577
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I'm a lesbian, and to be honest I think it's genetic, along with something else. I'm not particularly smart when it comes to science (reason i come on here is to attempt to learn tiny bits of information) but i believe it's a mixture of nature and nurture.
Pic Sort of related. Just like it.

>> No.6217578

>not rationalism

fucking retard

>> No.6217580

>well every mammal may have increased aggression or lowered sexual function which are common ways to regulate population number. those are just behavioral reactions and may have different reasons and different origin

no it seems too much of a coincidence that every mammal in every different region and environment has the same population percentage of homosexuals i.e around 10%

Thats a very strong indicator that evolution of mammals has been through that 10% homosexuality retained genetically. Homosexuality plays a bigger role than population control probably we just need to figure out what that role is

>> No.6217584

>no it seems too much of a coincidence that every mammal in every different region and environment has the same population percentage of homosexuals i.e around 10%

can you even prove this number

>> No.6217585


it does anon

Its an X recessive gene and women generally skip male pattern baldness

Father (bald) ----> Daughter ----> Grandson (bald)

thats how male patternbaldness works genetically

>> No.6217592

>I seriously doubt it's genetic, since homosexuals dont tend to have offspring...

Do conservatives exhibit lower brain function?

>> No.6217594
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2:30 AM i laughed way too hard at that.

>> No.6217596
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What's your IQ?

>> No.6217597

not really before gay culture many homosexuals lived family lives with wives and children.

>> No.6217598

>can you even prove this number

I looked it up because i remember reading some articles of such a statistic, it turns out the 10% population in the entire animal kingdom is gay is an urban myth

so i take back the 10% homosexuals exist fact

Also it turns out in the animal kingdom though homosexual activity is common it is not exclusive. that is some animals engage in homosexual activities but its not guaranteed that they will not engage in heterosexual activities

>> No.6217608

>Do conservatives exhibit lower brain function?
Nice strawman asshat.

>> No.6217609



the site is stating homosexuality in animal kingdom is between 3.5% - 10.1%

its probably citing from the book below its recommending

no idea how the author got those numbers and what methods he used to obtain them if anyone has read that book feel free to state how that number cam to be

>> No.6217613

[citation needed]

>> No.6217614

It might not be a very tactful way of putting it, but I could easily see it as being a form of disorder.

Hell, even my gay friend said as much.

>> No.6217621

So you're not even going to address epigenetic modifications, or hormonal effects of fetal brain development (which are by far the biggest smoking gun in any research done on this subject)...

Just go back to your fucking hug-box.

>> No.6217624

There were (and are) such things as life long bachelors you know.

>> No.6217628 [DELETED] 

>Why would gay people feel any different about the opposite sex 50, 100, 150, 1000+ years ago?

Oh I dunno, maybe crushing societal pressures. Back in the day, getting married was seen as a property exchange by the families of those getting married. If you didn't have loads of babies, you were doing a disservice to your family and your wealth.

>Are you saying that literally everyone got married and had 2.3 kids throughout all of history until only recently?

Yes I am, in fact, they probably had more like 5+ kids because so few actually made it to be adults. I know this is /sci/ but c'mon, did you even pay attention during history?

>> No.6217632


Fucking fuck fuck, i read about it 10 years ago

looed it up turns and it out its not X or Y chromosome related, Baldness is autosomal chromosome related

well atleast i am getting myself rid of urban myths

>> No.6217634

>Oh I dunno, maybe crushing societal pressures. Back in the day, getting married was seen as a property exchange by the families of those getting married. If you didn't have loads of babies, you were doing a disservice to your family and your wealth.
Yeah no shit. I'm not disputing that. I even acknowledged that some gay guys probably did get married and have kids. Doesn't mean most of them did though. And it doesn't lend any credibility to the argument that it's genetic.

>Yes I am, in fact
Good job on being an idiot.

>> No.6217637

>Why would gay people feel any different about the opposite sex 50, 100, 150, 1000+ years ago?

Oh I dunno, maybe crushing societal pressures. Back in the day, getting married was seen as a property exchange by the families of those getting married. If you didn't have loads of babies, you were doing a disservice to your family and your wealth.

>Are you saying that literally everyone got married and had 2.3 kids throughout all of history until only recently?

Yes I am, in fact, they probably had more like 5+ kids because so few actually made it to be adults. I know this is /sci/ but c'mon, did you even pay attention during history?

>> No.6217646

> Doesn't mean most of them did though

based off of what? History of the human race and culture has lead me to believe that most people, regardless of sexual orientation, did reproduce.

>Good job on being an idiot.
insightful, really

>> No.6217650

>based off of what?
Based on the fact that homosexuals find no sexual interest in the opposite sex, making them that much less likely to actually reproduce. Gee that was fucking hard.
>History of the human race and culture has lead me to believe that most people, regardless of sexual orientation, did reproduce.
You have such a narrow view of human history it would almost be sad, if it weren't so laughable.
Yeah, you're right. ALL gay people throughout history had kids. Yup. All of them.
Also, the number of kids a family tends to have depends highly on what sort of society you live in, your social class, etc. Not everybody throughout history was a working serf. Not even in agrarian societies. And not all working serfs married and had kids either.

>> No.6217700
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how is it not a mental disorder? someone with over 1000 sexual partners isn't a normal person

>> No.6217709

> over 1000 sexual partners
You pulled that number out of your ass and even if it were true something being abnormal does not make it a disorder.

>> No.6217720

>Mental disorder
So monkeys and dogs all have mental disorders?

>> No.6217718

what mental disorder? neurosis? psychosis?

>> No.6217725

Holy fucking shit this image is stupid.
>Gay sex has a higher chance of spreading aids to other gay people so I hate gay people
That is dumb as shit. By that logic you should hate people who live in certain areas because they also have higher chances of getting sickness.

>> No.6217729

So why do you give a shit? You aren't going to have sex with gay people.
>I hate people for being sick!
>Oh my god I hate blacks for having a higher chance of heart disease!

>> No.6217732

>/pol/ will never leave
Why do they infect every board? They are the new bronies.

>> No.6217734

because similar behaviour has been observed in other species

>> No.6217737


about every species that reproduces sexually has homosexuals actually

>> No.6217742

>That image
I really don't get what they are trying to say. Is it saying that homosexuality is a choice? Is it trying to say that gays have mental issues not based on anything?

>> No.6217743
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Homosexuality aswell as the will to be a transgender are caused by hormonal inbalances during pregnancy. Not enough testosterone.

>> No.6217745


It originally says to ask a homosexual to find out why its not a mental illness.

/pol/ says we wouldnt ask a mental patient whether he was sane and they wouldnt do the same to homosexuals

>> No.6217747

But that isn't really proof. You can use that type of argument on anything.
>Don't ask a scot if he is sane just like you wouldn't ask an insane person if he is sane

>> No.6217750

it technically works for the originally argument of asking homosexuals about themselves

However insanity is decided by medical professionals, homosexuality is not considered as mental illness by the professional medical community

>> No.6217781

epigenetics is weird, it determines addiction, obesity, life expectancy, heart health. basically they control expression of genes without being genes and being isolated in the metric fuckton of proteins we know fuck all about instead of the piddly 10-15% we have nailed down pretty fucking solid.

i hate that it's not classified as a disease, it is by far the most socially tolerated one but it is a disease of sexual disorder. but i also opposed most artificial inseminiation not because of homosexuality but because it by-passes a selection event important for progression of healthy genes and can lead to a prevelance of basic cell systematics. that and it will lead to human beings as monocultures in response with perfect boring genes and eliminate the other half of evolution, mutation.

>> No.6217798

>that and it will lead to human beings as monocultures in response with perfect boring genes and eliminate the other half of evolution, mutation.

>implying artificial insemination can stop human evolution

Life finds a way.jpg

>> No.6218288

monkeys and dogs hump trees and pillows too

>> No.6218307

Is yeast homosexual?

>> No.6218312

That would turn the dudes into women, not just fuck up their mind.

>What is androgen insensitivity syndrome

>> No.6218316


yeast reproduces sexually?

>> No.6218317

>Implying life is alive
>lehigherconsciousness face.jpg

>> No.6218318


>> No.6218324

>Implying life is alive

i didnt meant to imply that , it was supposed to be a metaphor that evolution will happen and not stop despite changes in the way of insemination

>> No.6218363
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Buddhist atheist here

I'm proud of Christians and their mission to remove faggot

Being a faggot is sexual misconduct according to my religion.

Continue the good work

>> No.6218365

<span class="math">\underline{\bf WOULD~YOU~FUCKERS~PLEASE~STOP~BUMPING~THIS~SHIT~THREAD?}[/spoiler]

/pol/ is getting the better of you idiots. His sources have been discredited, his logic refuted, and every time this happens the thread drops from the front page and he bumps it again the next day and the shit starts all over again. Come on, is it that hard to see the fucker's just trolling?

And if it wasn't obvious, these are rhetorical questions. I don't actually want you to answer them. Now move on to an actual science thread. I'll do the same.

>inb4 feelings hurt
>inb4 insult
>inb4 any other fallacious trolling

>> No.6218372
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>His sources have been discredited, his logic refuted,
wut? I'm pretty sure that this thread has confirmed it's a neurological defect caused by the environment (epigenetics) or a hostile womb (hormonal dysfunction).

>> No.6218373

If you are so mad about it, hide and get the fuck out. Don't reply to this shit if you don't want to, but if you're not joining the debate you can just fuck off.

>> No.6218375

Unwarranted claim, shitbird. Left-handedness also coincide with neural differences compared to control, doesn't mean it's pathological.

>> No.6218377

Not only it's wrong to religions, but it is a concern of medical science since this disorder affects one of the characteristic of lifeforms: The ability to reproduce.

Think of homosexuals as suicides. Do suicides have a mental illness? Why don't let them do what they want and let them kill themselves?

>> No.6218379

>The ability to reproduce
>implying homosexuality affects fertility
>implying reproduction is the only means of spreading your genes

>> No.6218385

It affects the will of reproducing.

Faggots don't seek fertile mates anymore, therefore they die without passing their genes.

>implying reproduction is the only means of spreading your genes
Are you implying we can divide ourselves?

>> No.6218386

left handedness doesnt interfere with basic biological functions such as reproduction or sustenance.

>> No.6218387

>Are you implying we can divide ourselves?
Obviously you've never taken biology past high school. Read some papers (or even the wikipedia page) about kin selection and come back when you've realized how what you're saying is retarded.

>> No.6218388

We've been over this, that's not what makes something pathological or not. Read back. I'm out.

>> No.6218392

You fuckers won't listen, so the thread is now sagebombed. It'll die a slow death, enjoy.

>> No.6218395

What is sagebomb?

>> No.6218400

This thread cannot be bumped anymore. Welcome to 4chan, friend.

>> No.6218404

Well, i guess i will make a new thread then.

>> No.6218410

I'll ban you if I see one.

>> No.6218412

>Implying you're a mod.
Top lel. You can't even delete this thread.

>> No.6219080

jew mad?

>> No.6219086
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>> No.6220376

Maybe it is only supposed to come out for the females but somehow mutated to come out in the males and cause gayness

>> No.6220531


who said homosexuals cant reproduce?

they have been doing so since the dawn of time, they just dont need to now since there is less social pressure for them to do so with gay acceptance