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6197950 No.6197950 [Reply] [Original]

What are the benefits of having an Omnivorous diet as opposed to a Vegetarian diet?

I would ask /ck/ but they're more pretentious than /mu/.

I would like specific benefits, not why the diet is 'better' or 'more healthy'.

>> No.6197955

you eat less to get all the nutrients.

>> No.6197966

>What are the benefits of having an Omnivorous diet as opposed to a Vegetarian diet?

- higher caloric intake
- you can find meat/food in winter

>> No.6198101

You don't develop a B12 deficiency.

>> No.6198107

Unoptimal amino acid profiles (catabolism)
Unoptimal Lipid consumption (can lead to hormonal deficiencies)
Several mineral and vitamin deficiencies
Less costs
Not being a self righteous faggot

>> No.6198204

Greater variety
Greater exposure to nutrients
Access to cheeseburgers

>> No.6198208

Wait is this a list of benefits or cons of what
It seems like first that you're describing the cons of vegetarian diets but then you say "less costs" and "not being self righteous faggot" and those seem like pros for omnivore diet

>> No.6198209

> You don't develop a B12 deficiency.

if humans were meant to be vegetarians or successfully became vegetarians, natural selection would have taken care of B12 deficiency.

>> No.6198212


>> No.6198247

Vegan for 31 years over here, no b12 deficiency whatsoever.

>> No.6198269

>meant to


Anyway, there are many perfectly healthy vegetarians with no deficiencies whatsoever. Humans are extremely flexible in their diet.

>> No.6198338

Q: Why are so many vegetarians mentally unstable? (mood swings)
A: Wrong diet, imbalanced brain chemistry.


>> No.6198349

>so many vegetarians mentally unstable

[citation needed]

>> No.6198472

One thing I know is that meat eating increases testosterone levels.

>> No.6198499

There is nothing unhealthy about being vegetarian.

It is a perfectly healthy and sustainable diet, whole cultures in south asia have been built around vegetarian diets.

It's not necessarily superior, health-wise, to a diet with meat; it is possible to eat meat as part of a balanced diet

But often times industry keeps animals in less-than-humane conditions. I think it's respectable that people would not support the meat industry, although nowadays there are humane alternatives.

>> No.6198502

The main benefit is that meat is fucking delicious.

>> No.6198726

40% of Americans are B12 deficient

>> No.6198732

you dont need citation for that. just try hanging out with fucking veggies and it becomes painfully obvious that they're fucked in the head.

>> No.6198769

>you dont need citation
>gives anecdotal evidence
Yeah, okay kid, whatever.

>> No.6198776

It's not. It stinks and generally tastes like ass. You figure that out after a year or two of vegetarianism. I literally vomited once because I ate a small piece of chicken. You're only used to it and that's why it tastes good to you. Like a non-smoker finds smoke disgusting.

>> No.6198780

>I literally vomited once because I ate a small piece of chicken.

you've got some fucked up mental issues anon…

>> No.6198786

>comparing the consumption of meat, something humanity has done since before it was humanity to that of inhaling toxic fumes into your lungs

Ok, no.

>> No.6198790

>It stinks and generally tastes like ass.
Are you trying to eat raw meat?

>> No.6198795

>I think it's respectable that people would not support the meat industry

They are doing no shit about it. People will always eat meat, it's part of our nature. It's easier to develop muscle when you're taking your proteins, you need essential oils found in certain animals. Vegetarians are just whiny hippies who don't give a fuck about their health.

>> No.6198803

Get upset all you want to, I find meat repulsive and the very stench of it makes my gag reflex go up. If that's too hard for you to reason out, then you're driven by your habits rather than your reason.

>> No.6198807
File: 14 KB, 221x360, stonetold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well fuck you, i lived with one for several years so i guess i'd know better than you, cunt

>> No.6198808
File: 57 KB, 390x300, cassia grandis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing smells literally like shit (Yes, it really does) and people still eat it.

>It stinks and generally tastes like ass.
How do you know what an ass tastes like? I tell you how. Ass is made of meat. You ate ass, you ate meat. Ass tastes like meat.

You have very concerning mental issues.

>> No.6198810

Says the queen that can't eat a piece of food without spewing.

You must be skinny, awkward and pale.

>> No.6198809


>most people eat like shit

Stop the presses.

>> No.6198814

>you're driven by your habits rather than your reason.
Says the insane guy who pukes when smelling meat.

>> No.6198822

>mfw you say someone else has problems
pls, at least she wasn't as large shiposter as you.

>> No.6198842

I'm actually tall, perfect weight, have a healthy skin color and a long beard.

*Pew pew* Take, that, projection-man!

Says the guy who actually enjoys the smell and taste of rotten flesh. Stay pleb, meatfags.

>> No.6198855

>rotten flesh.
Now you're just acting like a butthurt retarded kid. Fuck yourself. Hope you get diabetes and die because you can't eat any other shit than plants.

>> No.6198862

Oh I am? Because I was really taking it very humorously, apparently your humour detector is broken.

>Fuck yourself. Hope you get diabetes and die because you can't eat any other shit than plants.
I think you're the one who's mad here.

>> No.6198872
File: 66 KB, 486x485, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck are you even talking about?? i didnt even specify a particular person, and who says they even post?