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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 359 KB, 439x605, 1385844971739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6193574 No.6193574 [Reply] [Original]

Ok guys, fun time is over. How do we fix /sci/? This place has become cancer.

>> No.6193583

word filter the word IQ with "I'm a huge faggot. Don't respond to me."

stop hating on Computer Science.
stop hating on engineers.

and most importantly...

Discuss Math and Science.

>> No.6193640


>stop hating on engineers

This is a thing now? I thought it was the engineers who hated everyone else. Some of them showed up in a medicine thread and started shitposting about how they're the ones who create all the tools doctors use and cars as if anyone gave a shit.

>> No.6193644

Banish IQ threads to /x/

>> No.6193649

What about making "Homework general" threads? would they be a clusterfuck?

>> No.6193651

Combine them all into one thread.

>> No.6193652

Everything else is tolerable, its jus the IQ spam that's distracting.

I don't think we need to ban it or make another board, but it would be very helpful if mods could ensure IQ posts stay in one thread at a time.

>> No.6193655

Turn it into a /vg/ sort of place where every subject has a general. However, breaking news shit can have its own thread, like cross disciplinary breakthroughs

>> No.6193656

Combine what? The IQ threads?

>> No.6193657


>> No.6193664

Just like a good chunk of 4chan
Just be happy it isn't /vp/, I think they have active redditors over there

>> No.6193932
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>mfw I was talking to an engineer and he starting shit talking to me about science when I said I studied physics and chemistry

Do they have an inferiority complex or something? We were having a perfectly normal conversation beforehand.

>> No.6193942

Remove all IQ, evolution, free will and big bang threads
Remove all "what if the universe is a giant asshole" bullshit philosophy threads
Remove all high school tier threads
Remove the remaining major/university-advice threads
Remove the le funny 34% troll threads (and ban the posters)
Remove anything other than science and maths, especially religious threads.

Basically make the Janitors not suck cock for once.

>> No.6193952 [DELETED] 
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ITT: people with low IQ bitching about IQ threads which insult their overinflated and delicate egos.

No matter how much you bitch about it, nothing will ever change the fact that low IQ people SIMPLY CAN NOT do everything that high IQ people can no matter how "hard" you work at it.

>> No.6193953

Fucking theoretical faggot, we engineers deal with the practical shit while you float around like aristocrats considering yourselves to be above such human concerns. Get fucked.

>> No.6193955

and homework threads

>> No.6193956

Don't be mad at these people. After all, they're the people that will prepare and serve you food the next time you go to a restaurant or stop by a Subway while traveling.

>> No.6193958

Your waifu and trolling sucks.

>> No.6193959

>Basically make the Janitors not suck cock for once.

>> No.6193961


please tell us more about how you reign supreme

>> No.6193962
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Works for reddit
Is trying to distract /sci/
This or autistic fag

>> No.6193963
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>Your waifu and trolling sucks.

Truth is "trolling" only when it hurts you. It's the essence of butthurt… the thing that you're experiencing right now. Is your IQ so low that a simple statement like the one I made pisses you off!? Damn, kid.. better start that sandwich artistry course soon.

>> No.6193968

The engineer hating/faggotry thing on /sci/ is a meme and frankly, it's /sci/ banter. Getting rid of that is like trying to tell /sp/ to get rid of
>too much ass

Frankly, I don't want /sci/ to get rid of it; just curb it. The jokes associated with it were very subtle and somewhat sly from time to time. I think a lot of engineering majors took it to heart though and started lashing out, which is really funny because it makes them definitely seem like sissies.

The IQ threads should genuinely be discarded. There's nothing more that can come out of them, period. Like the first response stated, it should be filtered with something so that people can go on to better conversations.

Computer Science is hated like engineers are hated; i.e., not real hate. It is genuinely friendly banter(at least it began that way during the inception of /sci/).

>> No.6193972
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Which part of my statement do you find contentious or unscientific?

>> No.6194005

Tell me what you've achieved in life with your genius level IQ?

>> No.6194029

Remove all threads not related to science and math (e.g IQ threads)

>> No.6194036

Never said I was a genius. All I'm saying is that you shouldn’t delude yourself with nonsense and crazy thinking that you can do things that geniuses can.

Just like you'll never turn a retard into a normal person, you'll never turn a normal person into a genius.

>> No.6194062

What is the IQ threshold for geniushood?

>> No.6194066

Around 145 or so. Some say 140, some 145.

My IQ is 130 or so.

>> No.6194071

So you are saying that people with an IQ below 145 accomplish less than those who are not?

>> No.6194074

That's clearly untrue.

>> No.6194081

Tell me, can you teach a retard to do complex analysis? Why do you think that a guy with average IQ can do things that genius can?

>> No.6194088

because complex analysis isn't the solution to every problem.

>> No.6194091

Never said it was. All I'm asking you if you think that you could teach it to someone with 100 IQ and would they be able to understand it well to apply it to real problems. Now, say that you can teach it to someone with 120 IQ. I think that's possible. So w'ere talking about 20 IQ difference.

Why do you think that a person with 20 more IQ points would not understand it better?

>> No.6194099

>how do we fix /sci/?
>remove condense IQ threads!
>thread becomes IQ thread

top qeq

>> No.6194105

Of course you can teach a retard complex analysis:
Cut the nerves providing smell, taste, and hearing, then give the retard primal rewards (food, dopamine) for increasingly difficult problems which you desire.

Lest you forget, the mere act of sight is a massive linear algebra and pattern recognition operation which even modern supercomputers (with shitty human-written software) can't match.

You've got a kilogram of the world's most advanced general-purpose computer system, and you're telling me you can't get it to do math?


Of course, this is a bit extreme, but the point is that humans are software-limited, not hardware-limited. Every single human has more than enough operating capacity to use and "understand" all the math we have invented. Idiots savants may reach ridiculous levels in arbitrary topics.

>> No.6194113
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My IQ is 147.

>> No.6194119


I believe a relative limit of cost effectiveness is implied for those of us that live in reality. I can get anyone to do anything, But most of the methods have plenty of drawbacks, are not cost effective, or illegal in most of the world.

>> No.6194577

Just stop thinking you're scientists and everything'll be peachy.

>> No.6194602

It's simple; we KILL the IQ circlejerkers!


>> No.6194605

Report and ban all IQ, Barnett, homework, creationism and shitty popsci threads.
Make it so people actually stop feeding obvious trolls.
Have a community that is more hostile to such shitty threads in the first place.
Have Janitors that actually do their jobs.

This is bait.

>> No.6194615


What about weekly mathematical challenges in levels:






>> No.6194626

Sorry, there are engineers who do science while the physicists are masturbating out their quantum formulations.

>> No.6194627


Why is homework not allowed? I get the idea but it's kind of silly when you think about it. What's wrong with actually helping an anon in need and if there's some guy on here who is so fascinated/bored with the problem and is willing to solve it for free why stop them? Maybe I don't get it, I never went to college after all, but why not /sci/?

>> No.6194629
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create an /autism/ board for IQ threads
problem solved

>> No.6194630

because hw threads take up space and don't ever leave.
They help only one anon, instead of leading to general discussion

>> No.6194635

Because HW threads are generally made by people who just want their HW answers spewed out for them without having to think. They don't want to understand or learn, they just want to get a passing grade on their assignment by having other people do their work for them, or have other people look up articles for them, etc. Plus they take up space and the questions that are asked generally don't deserve their own threads.

I wouldn't have a problem with HW threads though if they were made for the purpose of clarifying concepts, rules, theories, and actually promoted thoughtful discussion (i.e. not directly related to any specific HW problem). Usually it's just people asking for an answer that they could have found on wolframalpha or some other dedicated source.

>> No.6194643
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>> No.6194663

computational fluid dynamics is awesome and you aren't invited.

>> No.6194665
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>Jacob Barnett

>> No.6194674


Because if you allow homework threads, you'll get nothing but homework threads.

If you ban people who post homework threads, you'll still get shittons of them, but they won't -completely- drown out everything else.

>> No.6194679

first panel is a complete lie. /sci/ was never civilized.

>> No.6194690

its been cancer since the day it started. what happened to the putnam problems at least?

>> No.6194692

bring back the daily putnam

>> No.6194718

Because >>>/adv/

>> No.6194745

word filter "iq" with "shitting dick nipples"

>> No.6194753

1. Ban homework posters.
2. Ban people who help homework posters.
3. Ban IQ dickwavers.
4. Ban major-vs-major dickwavers.

If there's no one left, then it just wasn't meant to be.

>> No.6194766

Honestly, I don't find the homework threads THAT annoying.

For me, it's a good chance to brush up on problems and concepts I've forgotten over the years.

Although honestly anyone posting math problems below the level of Calc I should just kill themselves. My two cents.

>> No.6194770


It's not just that's they're annoying (which I'll admit is subjective).

Letting people post math HW help threads causes them to drown out everything else on a math (or math+sci, in this case) board.

They also tend to do the poster more harm than good. Someone realizes that they can get a quick ego boost by giving the person an answer, then they do exactly that and give themselves a pat on the back... which actually harms the person they gave the answer to.

>> No.6194789

Ban everyone with an IQ under 135.

>> No.6194799
File: 56 KB, 350x420, 1385886986533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ego boost
>anonymous posters

>> No.6194805


Yeah. What's your point?

They might not have a username and karma to show off, but that doesn't prevent it from happening.

>> No.6194808


Are you retarded?

>> No.6194817

You clearly have no idea about the subject.
You don't need to be recognised to have your ego boosted. Having your opinion validated is enough.

>> No.6194823

>No threads on evolution or the big bang

Come the fuck on. Why shouldn't we be able to discuss actual science here just because of false controversy manufactured by ideologues?

>> No.6194850

The problem with /sci/ is once you get rid of the hw, IQ and popsci/philosophy stuff, there's not a huge amount to talk about, just "how about that algebraic geometry, pretty cool yea"

I think something like daily problems in a number of areas would help out a lot, stimulate discussion of ideas etc. Those Putnam threads were always really good, although also having easier problems and in areas other than classical number theory would be nice.

>> No.6194852

probably something to do with 12 year olds posting meme images like >>6193574

>> No.6194872

>meme images
go back to plebbit

>> No.6194897

>meme images
oh lels

>> No.6194902

/sci/ has always been shit and it always will be shit. If you expect a serious scientific discussion you've come to the wrong medium. If you want to see how other people think and basically discuss undergraduate life in scientific fields this is your board. /Sci/ is full of people who would rather look something up for an hour and claim superiority over some random (most likely) highschooler than be wrong on a whim in person and learn from it. That being said, /scis/s a pretty fun place.

>> No.6194916
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>only interested in maths/tcs
>half of the threads are Jacob/IQ/homework threads
>many of the on-topic discussions I cannot take a part of because I am no physicist/biologist/chemist
>the occasional maths thread is almost always cats
>the ocassional tcs thread is almost always P vs NP

>> No.6195023

Mine is twice as high.

>> No.6196187

>How do we fix /sci/?

By creating science and math threads.

>> No.6196250

>word filter the word IQ with "I'm a huge faggot. Don't respond to me."

so much this.

>> No.6196258

Start with banning IQ threads.

>> No.6196261

>ban evolution and the big bang threads

Confirmed American.

>> No.6196264

I feel you mate. maths/AI major here

I seriously couldn't care less about animals, drugs, or dyson spheres.

I like math.stackexchange.

>> No.6196269

>Remove the remaining major/university-advice threads

I disagree with this, everything else I agree with. Everyone who gets upset with banning big bang and evolution threads is a biologist.

>> No.6196272


Will fully conscious AI ever be possible?

Will we have AI personal assistants within our lifetime?

>> No.6196274

I gave up on this shithole in late 2010, just give up, you can't fix something that has never worked to begin with.

Most of the "engineers are gay" shit is perpetuated by engineering students

No one will ever give a fuck about CS because 90% of schools offer IT-tech programmes and call it CS. Real CS's rep suffers like Pr.Eng. rep suffers in the general public's eyes

>> No.6196281

I wish we could actually do this, but it's against the rules, as long as it's all contained in one thread it would be manageable, plus sometimes I like doing undergrad homework for review, it would also be fairly active so /sci/ doesn't seem as dead as it is

>> No.6196290

Well I finished your entire 3 curriculum in my first two years, so it's hard not to feel superior.

Doesn't mean I don't respect you.

>> No.6197427

Destroy /b/
They've been shitting up the place all winter
By the place, I mean the whole fucking site

>> No.6197430

We need a philosophy and psychology board, these threads shit up /x/ and /pol/ as well
Also the occasional nootropics threads can go there as well

>> No.6197463

>How do we fix /sci/?

el oh el! you cant fix /sci/. the same way how you cant fix 4chan. Every single board here is just shit piled on shit, piled on more shit, until the mass of shit is so great that some parts of the shit pile are compressed into diamonds but are then again buried in more incoming shit until the entire process restarts itself again

>> No.6197474

>word filter the word IQ with "I'm a huge faggot. Don't respond to me."
Good idea.

>stop hating on engineers.
Engineers suck cocks is a meme.

Don't get why people dislike CS though. It's certainly not a joke

>> No.6197972

Define "fully conscious".
Define the threshold at which something akin to Siri can be considered an "AI personal assistant".

>> No.6198005
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very interesting ANALogy

>> No.6198007

analology sounds like an interesting field.

>> No.6198026

Create a separate philosophy board
Use general threads instead of a half dozen threads about the same fucking thing
Starting a muh IQ thread is grounds for instant ban
Janitors that aren't shit

>> No.6198033
File: 2 KB, 247x320, 1386005755309.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just checked Reddit's sci/math threads. They're superior to 4chans /b/ posts about Jacob, .99999, and IQ. I'll be back in a few months to see if /sci/ got better, later 'til then. /sci/ is an intelligent community, unfortunately it's diluted by IQ fags and shitty people. Seriously, you guys treat people worse than the Arch Linux community does when somebody asks for help. See you in Spring

>> No.6198036

>How do we fix /sci/? This place has become cancer.
Full body irradiation of the frequent posters at 50 MGy should be curative

>> No.6198042


>> No.6198160


>> No.6198191


And not a single thing was lost. No one cares if you leave. I already know there's like 10-15 other good posters here and that's pretty much all we had to start with when we were just a textboard. its 4chan. stupid shit will be posted. constantly. but just like that abusive boyfriend, you stick with him constantly because you know hell change for the better someday (protip: he never will)

>> No.6198194

Why do so many people believe /sci/ is broken? If you don't like a thread, skip it. You can download an add-on for managing 4chan threads, right?

It's like complaining there are too many channels, further that there's too much going on on your favorite channel. Chan, channels. Get a clue. More talk is better.

>> No.6198280

Replace "IQ" with "bag of dicks". Problem solved.

>> No.6198306

Banning IQ and troll mathsci threads (e.g. I can prove Cantor was wrong, 0.999... != 1, pi=4) would be a good starting point.

>> No.6198460
File: 389 KB, 699x771, Them's fightin' words m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sounds like it stinks.

>Seriously, you guys treat people worse than...
Oi, fuck you spastic! You insinuating we isn't gentlemanly folk round here? Why I oughta...

>> No.6198476

We give links to mathoverflow to the shittiest troll.
They get even bigger aspies to troll and we're free. Win-Win but of course, everything is a zero sum game so those pretentious faggots with their intelligent brains and math Ph.D's have to suffer over there on mathoverflow.

>> No.6198482

>Remove evolution
>not remove 0.999 = or =/= 1

>> No.6198483


"lel. yer bag of dicks must e leik 50 or something cuz my bag of dicks is around 147."

hmm... that is much funnier and im already laughing in my head how bag of dicks replacing iq would be a funny /sci/ meme. lol. imagine the conversation if we ever met each other outside the board. "hey anon, what do you think that asshats bag of dicks is?" "probably like 13."

>> No.6198485

Whats the board letter opposing /pol/? Is that a b?

>> No.6198489

Well I'm sorry, but we biologists deserve a place in /sci/ too.

>> No.6198490

Mathoverflow - like any moderated forum - instantly bans troll threads. I've seen some guy making a "lololol u can't prove 1+1=2" thread over there and it was gone within 5 minutes.

>> No.6198493

Looks like /g/ to me.

>> No.6198500

By visiting /sci/, I would be jealous of even a ban in two hours.

>> No.6198504

Sign me up to be a janitor. I'd clean this damn board right quick.
More than half the time I'm on here I'm basically reporting and hiding threads anyways.

>> No.6198570


>> No.6198573

It is theoretically possible. Nature did it. There is no need for any further proof.

>> No.6198583

When it comes to axiom, math relies on opinions. For example you can choose to believe in the axiom of choice or not. You can choose to believe in infinity or in 0.999... being equal to 1. All stances are equally valid. This is where math becomes philosophy.

>> No.6198586

>I can choose not to believe in things that are self-evidently true

I'm not even a mathfag, seriously.

>> No.6198589

>you can choose to believe in infinity or in 0.999... being equal to 1.

>> No.6198598


To be fair, the point of the self-evidence being necessary and sufficient to be foundationally axiomatic can be argued.

>> No.6198603

There is not a self-evidence continuum. It either is self-evident or it isn't. You determine that applying incredibly basic principles of logic.

>> No.6198609


Show me some proofs of axioms using incredibly simple logic.

>> No.6198614


Will you argue that x =/= x ?

Because that would be retarded.

>> No.6198625


I'm not going to. I trust the current set of axioms won't interfere with future progress. They help us do some great things.

But there's still no universally accepted definition of a set. It's axiomatic. That being said "x because not x would be retarded dude" is not a proof and never will be.

>> No.6198637

It's proof by contradiction.

If you say that x =/= x is true, then a logical contradiction follows. It's just absurd that the notion of it ever being true could ever be entertained. It must be false. There is no way to argue against it.

>> No.6198669

Degauss it.

>> No.6198671

>1. Ban homework posters.
>2. Ban people who help homework posters.

This is hard because I , for example, am simply a pop-sci fan and as a result am teaching myself stuff real science majors learned in class years ago so i sometimes come here for help with my self-assigned "homework"
Also i share what little knowlage I have when I can so i would get banned for that too.

>> No.6198719

>proofs of axioms

>> No.6199845

>using axioms without proofs

>> No.6199878


There are forums for that. This isn't one of them.

>> No.6199887

What's the line that divides homework and science/maths?

>> No.6199908

Principles of Mathematics by Bertrand Russell and Alan Whitehead

>> No.6199929


Easy, you have

>Lets talk about Infinite Series


>Guys help me solve this Infinite Series problem

Or you can just go to Khan Academy and get most of your answers solved without some of this bullshit retardedness that goes on here.

>> No.6200989

What about higher level math questions? For example triple integrals. Nobody would do PhD math for homework.

>> No.6201472


damn, could be a solid ideea

>> No.6201478


>higer level maths
>triple integrals

not being a dick but pick only one. only after linear algebra should something be called "higher level math"

>> No.6201482


Not trying to be a dick, but you're obviously new here because you didn't recognize the meme.

>> No.6201486


got me there, i don't frequent /sci/ my apologies

>> No.6202162

Nah, it's a retarded idea. It would just result in circlejerks and trolling. Instead of "challenges" we should discuss ideas and concepts.

>> No.6203709

>This place has become cancer.

Actually it has become better.

>> No.6204108

Report IQ and other shitposting

Keep emailing moot until we actually have a fucking janitor

>> No.6205821

I don't think emails will change anything.

>> No.6205844

>engineer master race hurr
Why do this?

>> No.6205860

Some times I ant philosophy, but usually I want to see some math and science. A separate board would benefit all. Also, all "meaning of life" shit could be moved to there,

>> No.6207445

We don't hate on computer science as a field. Theoretical CS is very interesting. What we hate is the absurdity a CS curriculum has become at most universities and the disgusting anti-academic attitude of the typical CS major. If you ever took a CS course, you'd know what we're talking about. CS is interesting, but if you want to approach it from a theoretical stance, go for math major. CS curricula are designed for people who dislike math and learning in general and who only want to get a quick job in "something with computers".

>> No.6207451

More Biology trolls.

>> No.6207458

you have no idea what you are talking. Most schools 10 years ago didn't even have programming in their CS curriculum's now a days its still extremely math centered.

Most people claim they are CS or IT just because they developed some skillset outside of school and think it applies to academia.

>> No.6207466

Having studied CS I know very well what I'm talking about. At almost every school the CS curriculum is designed for software engineering business monkeys. The math is kept at a minimum. Just because you are too untalented to understand the mandatory calculus class, that doesn't make it "extremely math centered". Your post only demonstrated your own ignorance of math.

>> No.6207470

At any decent school, the only babby-tier course is gonna be the introductory one, and those even used to be tough, but now adays they aren't even computing, they might as well be called "Problem Solving in Java"

Trust me, you won't get past Data Structures & Algorithms at any decent school unless you are actually smart.

>> No.6207477

>Bawww, they force me to use letters instead of numbers. Such hard math is unfair!

CS courses are a joke and I seriously hope your post was meant to be an exaggerated caricature for humoristic purposes.

>> No.6207489

the ideas behind it may be conceptually easy, but in order to be a good computer scientist, there is a lot you need to know. All the different languages, OSs, etc.

a shitty Comp Sci degree is incredibly easy to get, I'll give you that, but those people will never go anywhere.

>> No.6207490

Good one. I lol'd hard. Are you a stand-up comedian?

>> No.6207498

>How do we fix /sci/?
You don't.
Let 4chan die. Have someone kill Moor, kill 4chan, and let it all die. This whole *place* is cancer.

You want responsible people having responsible conversations? Have them in-person, in real life, and never on the internet. The entire internet is nothing but a petrie dish for cancer or all sorts. In real life people are held to a higher standard of conduct and can be physically ejected from a conversation if they can't conform.

You want "freedom of expression" and anonymity? Then you put up with cancer.

>> No.6207610

no one remembers the Putnam problem-of-the-day?

This board used to be a pretty small group of people with mostly thought-provoking threads. Even the trolling was at worst well thought out. It was similar to how /diy/ is now. I don't know what happened.

>> No.6208102

But almost nobody cares about your contest math circlejerk. You are allowed to have it, but please don't pretend it improved the board. The majority ignores it.

>> No.6208185

lets talk about the science of sacred geometry

or the fact that we are all energy therefore our thoughts and consciousness actually exist in a form of energy therefore thoughts can become reality therefore positive thought is actually the secret

captcha: sacred relating

weird haha

what say anybody

disprove my logic i bet you cant

>> No.6208195

/x/ used to be the same way - not thought-provoking, but it was a much smaller (and much better) board whose primary output was scary stories, not shitposters spilling onto /sci/.

>> No.6208972

I don't see any logic in your post.