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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6173137 No.6173137[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's say that science has finally discovered how to turn a biological male into a biological female or vice versa. Is this an example of science harming society and humanity?

Does the term transgender still apply?

How would this affect the zeitgeist of the world?

>> No.6173153

How does this harm society?

>> No.6173349

Every single female will want to switch over to male because muh patriarchy, leaving no females to provide the next generation of humans.

>> No.6173353


How the fuck did you come to that conclusion?

>> No.6173352

>Every single female will want to switch over to male
[citation needed]

>> No.6173360 [DELETED] 

/a/ has got you covered, anon.
I never thought the day would come when boys who want to be girls would be forgotten on the internet

>> No.6173365

Women these days don't want to be stay-at-home moms anymore. In their minds it presents some sort of stigma that they have been trained by decades of militant feminism.

Ask yourself some questions. How many females do you know? How many of them are the type that would be a stay-at-home mom? And how many are they type that are eager to "break the glass ceiling" and "be a high powered corporate CEO" and "are gonna show the world that we need change"?

>> No.6173367

>implying there aren't flamboyant men who want to take their fisting experience a tier higher by going through pregnancy

Humans are VERY hard to predict.

>> No.6173370
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>Women these days don't want to be stay-at-home moms anymore.
>Therefore, women want to be men.

>> No.6173373

B.... Bauer?

>> No.6173377

>women will transform to men because glass ceiling
>men will transform to women because multiple orgasms

And then the world continued as normal.

>> No.6173378

How fucking retarded can you be to actually care about this bullshit OP?

Have you nothing better to do?

>> No.6173379

As far as building a penis, that's actually a lot more medically complicated than people might realize. SRS for transmales is actually pretty horrifying as the results are staggeringly grotesque and rarely resembles an actual penis.

Then there's the question of creating testicles which again are too complex of a structure for us to manufacture in such a way that they would be functional in the same way a genetic male's would be.

But speaking hypothetically, the impact on society would be invisible in my opinion. Transmen already have a much higher rate of success of social reintegration due to the secondary sex characteristics associated with taking high levels of testosterone.

>> No.6173388
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ITT: Mental illness.


>> No.6174337

I'm pretty sure militant feminism encourages women to be a CEO without having to be a man. Get out of the house more. Oh and there are still plenty of women who want to be a stay at home mom.

Get back to >>>/pol, /new/gger.

>> No.6174339

How hard is it to create a vaginae?

>> No.6174343

And yet it still isn't close to an epidemic as autism. Kill yourself for the good of humanity.

>> No.6174353

This kind of treatment should be done just if there is hard evidence his brain is different and that having a penis (being male to be exact) causes him unbearable emoional distress. And even then the consent of the child should be necessary...AND even then childs are stupid.

Despite all this, I would enjoy fucking him/her/hurr.

>> No.6174356

Modern militant feminism does nothing but encourage women to wear full length burquas and hide all signs of their sexuality

>> No.6174402

That is Islam, mora.

That is what therapists are for.

>> No.6174409

>I would enjoy fucking him/her/hurr.

What the fuck?! Are you a pedophile?

>> No.6174410

I find it interesting how many transphobic people usually end up showing signs of pedophilia. It makes me wonder. That user was the second one I've encountered that has expressed interest in sex with a child.

I can only assume it's a sort of jealousy thing since they like to use transsexuals as a means of explaining why what they do isn't wrong. Wanting to be the opposite gender isn't morally wrong, but fucking a child who doesn't know any better about sexual intercourse is. This is why they all need to be shot.

>> No.6174419
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Not that difficult. Basically remove the spongy material and invert the penis to create a 'hole'. All fetus's are female for a while in the womb until a signal turns roughly 50% into males. Its easier to turn back into female from male in those terms .

Sadly secondary characteristics like hair and voice are permanent changes to the body that can't be reversed with just hormones.

Its a real lottery, some transitions are very successful, others really are not. Depends how 'male' or 'female' the person was to start with.

>> No.6174426

>Sadly secondary characteristics like hair and voice are permanent changes to the body that can't be reversed with just hormones.
Uhh, what about minoxidil and finasteride for hair loss, laser hair removal surgery, and vocal training?

>> No.6174428

>All fetus's are female for a while in the womb
This is proven false. Please do not spout this bullshit on a science board. Thank you.

>> No.6174433



>A few weeks after fertilization, the initial appearance of the human fetal genitalia is basically feminine: a pair of "urogenital folds" with a small protuberance in the middle, and the urethra behind the protuberance.

Shut up.


Yes, those work. But like I said, lasers and training are needed 'cos hormones won't reverse those changes. Transitions really take a lot of work about the best part of a decade.

>> No.6174434

> take a lot of work about the best part of a decade
not true at all

>> No.6174446


From first desire to actual completion of full surgery and acceptance into new gender as well as all legal hurdles?

5 years + is probably about right. Depends on your motivation and on money. If you don't have much cash then it'll take longer. Sure, it doesn't HAVE to take that long, but rushing a major body change isn't wise.

>> No.6174448

I heard hormones cuts down 12 months of that though and the rest is dealing with the cosmetic changes?
>acceptance into new gender
Doesn't this come with the territory once someone passes? The only people who should know is family, friends, and romantic partners.

>> No.6174451

It depends highly on age and where you are in life

>> No.6174496

What about someone in their early twenties? I heard there is still a good chance at them passing?

>> No.6174502

>I heard there is still a good chance at them passing?
Depends what you look like now and what money you have available for surgeries. Are you a lumberjack? Good luck.

>> No.6174505

really it shouldn't take that long if you already have money. Generally you get good changes after a year, and after year 2 you get diminishing results. As a result most people go full time at around a year or after, and the genital surgery requires you to live as your desired gender for a year and have hormone therapy for a year (or two, I forget). So feasibly it should take 2-3 years. However most people don't have money for surgeries so they have to wait some time.

>> No.6174508

I have a slender body type and my only masculine features seem to be cosmetics like body and facial hair.

>> No.6174512

But doesn't hormone therapy come before the surgery? So isn't that technically fulfilling the "live as a woman" rule?

>> No.6174513

It all depends on your genetics and how puberty went. The community seems to say that 25 is the magic number where hormone therapy isn't as effective as it is on younger people. However it's all anecdotal

>> No.6174515

Well facial and body hair are easily removed if you have the money, which isn't too bad.

>> No.6174516

nah, living as a woman requires you to be "full time" presenting as your desired gender. You have to have some kind of record of being fulltime at work/home/doctor's visits.

>> No.6174520

if hair is your only problem then you should be fine. Laser hair removal is really cheap compared to all the other cosmetic procedures like FFS.

>> No.6174521

Does therapy count?

/cd/ seems to suggest anything passed 27 which would be pushing it and even there is are excepts like that one 30 year old.

>> No.6174528

It's funny because a few years back it was late 20's in CD, and that number is going way down on /lgbt/. I think the younger that people transition the lower that number will become because people always say the best time to transition is before they started. But really your genetics play a bigger factor than age. Some people that transition in their 30's are able to look good.

I think if you go to your therapist full time and you tell them you're living full time that it fullfills the requirement.

>> No.6174533

All of the magic numbers are retarded.

>> No.6174534
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This woman lived as a man for 18 months. And she learned that being a man is hard.

>I thought dating was going to be the fun part, the easiest part. Certainly as a man I had romantic access to far more women than I ever did as a lesbian. I could partake at last in the assumption of heterosexuality and ask out any woman I liked without insulting her.
>Dating women was the hardest thing I had to do as Ned, even when the women liked me and I liked them. I have never felt more vulnerable to total strangers, never more socially defenceless than in my clanking suit of borrowed armour. But then, I guess maybe that's one of the secrets of manhood that no man tells if he can help it. Every man's armour is borrowed and 10 sizes too big, and beneath it he's naked and insecure and hoping you won't see.

>> No.6174552

I'm 23 and just now started seeing a therapist. Did I get everything started before it's too late? My therapist felt kind of thrilled that due to my experience with such online communities I know what to expect so she didn't have to explain to me that I'd have to do that test or go on hormonal treatment.

>> No.6174566

Depends on where you're at now... Just look above.

>> No.6174572

Transpeople don't get the ire of folk because anyone is jealous they're "accepted." (Please, anyone who doesn't put that air on is a fucking gullible shit.) Transpeople get the ire of folk because the forces of the established, mainstream media and so-called 'impartial' scientific technocracy — really a thinly-veiled political mechanism to force grand shifts of change involuntarily — are working overtime to coax these freak's acceptance by force. Same with paedophillia btw, though it's slower in coming because it is even difficult for the archons of the elite to reconcile the reality of nature's most disgusting orientation-cum-mental-illness with this propagandized view that all sexuality be equalized into this homogenously Freudo-Marxian mess.

>> No.6174574
File: 113 KB, 402x402, Dr.-Phil-McGraw-9542524-1-402[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Word salad.

>> No.6174579


>> No.6174583

Stale copypasta or as >>6174574 said, salad.


>> No.6174589

again, it really just depends on what you have to work with. But generally 23 is a great age. it's not ideal but you're still young. I'm 21 and I feel bad for not starting earlier, but I think someone that started at 19 would say the same thing too you know? Just get started on therapy and focus on bettering and enjoying your life and it'll all come together eventually

>> No.6174601

>Freudo-Marxian mess
what the fuck

>> No.6174606

unless she took testosterone supplements as well as wearing make-up and a suit, she doesnt truly understand. transgendered people that supplement with hormones often comment that the increase in libido is completely unexpeced

>> No.6174607

If you spend sometime on that site that was posted above you'll know that use (Dr. Autphag) is a meth addict who is obsessed with bringing down the Jewish Marxist Negroid Transsexual menace. Many believe he does this because he may actually have a fetish for trannies though he'll never admit it.

He is also an Irishman who is on disability benefits because he refuses to get a job and become a part of the greater Jewish conspiracy. His mother apparently did some terrible things to him too.

>> No.6174608

Oh and he has never had sexual intercourse in over 30 years but claims that the one time he had it he didn't find it enjoyable.

>> No.6174609

She was more like studying man's world. Observing it from inside.

You should at least read the extract. It is very interesting (also cool to show to femmenazis when they start bitching about how everything is easy for men and hard for women)

>> No.6174614

Why do feminists and transsexuals hate each other?

>> No.6174619

Because transexuals contradict everything femmenazis say. If being a women were as horrible as they claim why a man with his easy life would want to become a woman?

>> No.6174618

Trannies are "fake women" who do it to invade women's spaces

>> No.6174628

Plenty don't.

>> No.6174651

But that is incredibly stupid. Hell, how do they explain why some people who may deal with gender dysphoria later come to a realization that they are merely just an effeminate man and not transgender?

>> No.6174658


Why are you attempting this?

>> No.6174663

it's just the radical feminists and the SJW trannies that hate each other. And they're both just vocal minorities.

>> No.6174697
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>> No.6174767

Why doesn't /sci/ence help the world reinforce why trannies need to be put down?


>> No.6174782

depends a lot on genetics. go to /lgbt/ and they'll endlessly discuss you.

>> No.6174788

part of it is that feminists think gender is socially constructed and its how we're raised that accounts for it, and transsexualism proves that this is completely false. Really, I think it's a case of older feminists clinging onto moronic outdated ideas.

>> No.6174857

How is body and facial hair removed permanently?

>> No.6174867

Lasers which (probably, I'm not a dermatologist) destroy hair follicles.

>> No.6175091

How much does that cost? I heard that is even more expensive than the gentile surgery.

>> No.6175221

>gentile surgery
It's a thousand per leg per session, I think.

>> No.6175770

And the surgery for the genitalia?

>> No.6175790

Wow, so much mental illness and child abuse in this shit thread. Thanks Moot for the "-" buttons so I don't have to see this degeneracy again.

>> No.6175794


You need to be mentally ill to devote yourself to non issues like these. Live and let live you fucking clown

>> No.6175809

So commenting on something is now "devoting yourself" to it?

>Live and let live
Live and let commit suicide, you mean?

The claimed high suicide rate of people who are denied transition is actually not any higher than people who get "gender reassignment". People who are that fucked up in how they see their bodies are just not helped by changing their bodies.

>> No.6175814


So why don't you go to pol with it where it belongs? I mean you're so obsessed with trannies that you come to the fucking math and science board to discuss them. I bet you don't know shit about math and science anyways like all the other fuckiong pol rejects that shits up sci

>> No.6175998

I some how get the impression you're suicidal about your body too. Just in different ways.