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6171084 No.6171084 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6171087

An international group of prominent scientists has signed The Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness in which they are proclaiming their support for the idea that animals are conscious and aware to the degree that humans are — a list of animals that includes all mammals, birds, and even the octopus. But will this make us stop treating these animals in totally inhumane ways?

>> No.6171093

While it might not sound like much for scientists to declare that many nonhuman animals possess conscious states, it’s the open acknowledgement that’s the big news here. The body of scientific evidence is increasingly showing that most animals are conscious in the same way that we are, and it’s no longer something we can ignore.

>> No.6171104

What’s also very interesting about the declaration is the group’s acknowledgement that consciousness can emerge in those animals that are very much unlike humans, including those that evolved along different evolutionary tracks, namely birds and some cephalopods.

>> No.6171115

How do you make a claim that animals are conscious and agree on it if no one knows what consciousness is.

Nowhere in science is there an actual explanation for it, just theories.

>> No.6171119

Stop samefagging OP. Nobody gives a shit because everybody already knows that higher animals are conscious. This changes nothing and doesn't make me care any more or less and about cruelty. The only people that think humans have some completely unique abilities that sprung from nothing are religious fundies

>> No.6171124

The absence of a neocortex does not appear to preclude an organism from experiencing affective states,” they write, “Convergent evidence indicates that non-human animals have the neuroanatomical, neurochemical, and neurophysiological substrates of conscious states along with the capacity to exhibit intentional behaviors.”


Couldn't it be defined as the ability to make decisions NOT based feelings or instincts?

>> No.6171131

samefaggin is when a person pretends to be multiple persons in an effort to promote theirselves. not to mention im quoting the article for those who dont want to visit the website.

>> No.6171135

there's no proof that humans make decisions not based on feelings or instincts

>> No.6171145

What if i pick up a cup, an empty cup, and just stare at you? A cup is a tool. If its empty its not being used. the action is clearly not being fuled by hunger or thirst because its empty. i havn't atacked you with or offered it as a gift to you. I have not offered you to observe the cup in its splendid nor abhorrent nature. What possible emotion of instinct could cause me to make such an action?

>> No.6171151

Ooh shit, what now SON?

>> No.6171158

Competition is an instinct. Debate is competition. You pick up the cup as evidence to support your side of the debate.

>> No.6171168

Your saying humans are instinctually disagree able, and that disagree is competition. i dissagree with both of your statements.

>> No.6171188

But I would not have thought of picking that cup if I were not arguing with you. I reacted to an external stimuli.

>> No.6171191
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>animals experience conscious thought

What can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

>> No.6171199

i conceed your point that the cup was picked up only as a way of proving my point, and that picking up the cup out of this context would serve no purpose however, i fail to see why the driving nature of the for mentioned action should serve to disqualify the action it self from being driven by non-emotional, non-instinctual reasons.

>> No.6171234

But it was driven by emotion, as >>6171158 said, a debate is competition, and taking the cup was a way to understand the point you were making. It was in no way meaningless as you try to imply.

>> No.6171278

i dont believe that i was concluding that the action was meaningless but that it was founded by reason and logic rather than base emotion or instinct, but seeing as how proving something can be seen as a way of ''winning'' and thus competative i conceed that my example was indeed flawed, however i still retain the thought that humans can* make decisions not based on emotion or instinct.

>> No.6171282

I don't think anyone disputed the fact that any life is conscious. The degree of consciousness however is a different question entirely.

>> No.6171296

>animals experience conscious thought

isn't that obvious? anyone who has pets can realize that in a day.

>> No.6171307

>animals are conscious
Everyone in the entire fucking world already knew this

Now shout up while I enjoy my burger

>> No.6171313

>i still retain the thought that humans can* make decisions not based on emotion or instinct.
Give another exemple then

>> No.6171342

>I don't think anyone disputed the fact that any life is conscious.

You must be new here. There's a troll who comes here every day claiming he's not conscious, and will argue for hours at a time.

>> No.6171362

obedient actions.

I would also like the bring up the possibility of mind altering drugs which could cause a person to lose his conscious state of mind and become an echoing chamber.

>> No.6171383

Obedient actions come from fear of the consequence of disobedience

>> No.6171391

What consequence does a small child fear from teachers or its parental figures?

>> No.6171397

He doesn't know, it's from instinct.

>> No.6171452

I've seen that troll. But you have to ask yourself whether trolls count.

>> No.6171474

I think an offspring fearing for its safety from its parent goes against everything we know about maternal instinct. Mothers have rutinely been shown to risk their own lives for their offspring and go out of their way to provide for it. Its accepted as the norm.

>> No.6171508

Fear from teacher come from fear of authority.
Now that I think about it, obedience to parental figure come from basic survival instinct while the child is growing, and disobedience appear at sexual maturity (10-12 years) when the child should have left his parent in the wild.

>> No.6171693

As a vegetarian, I can confirm you that those who currently don't give a fuck about animal conditions already know that animals experience conscious thought. They just don't care.

>> No.6171725

>Certain animals show differing abilities of emotion, learning, language, and memory, as well as having a cerebral cortex, and neurons similar to humans
>duuur there's no evidence

>> No.6171763

as a pure carnivore i can confirm that vegetarian are all douches and dont care.

nice fact source by the way douche