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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 295 KB, 343x756, TrueTiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6163087 No.6163087[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Enough with the bullshit and the trolling. Here is the real true tiers chart.

>> No.6163091

Network Engineering or Comms Systems are never on these charts. IEEE and ISO dictate the fucking communications systems of the entire Earth.

>> No.6163094



>> No.6163092


certainly could not follow under information technology

>> No.6163095

Thank you, finally some reason. <3

>> No.6163136

God I know this is /sci/ but this tier shit is the most cringeworthy reddit-style circlejerk shit ever.

Yeah I fucking hate music and movies, I spend all day looking at b/w terminal and doing math problems on a notepad

>> No.6163170
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The true tier

>> No.6163179
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>Mid tier

>> No.6163185

>implying Theology is different from Philosophy

>> No.6163218

>Not rating Law/business as god tier

lol faggot

>> No.6163228

>/sci/ berates engifags all the time
>secretly likes them

Awww, /sci/entologists are so kawaii.

>> No.6163232

Damn straight, Computer Science is God Tier.

>> No.6163233

I think the word you're looking for is tsundere.

>> No.6163236

>implying I don't think being tsundere is kawaii.

>> No.6163238

It's playful banter.
Everybody knows that scientists and engineers are greatest allies in advancing humanity.

>> No.6163245

These lists anger me. While can't we all just get along? Why can't we just talk about science instead of having dick waving contest all the time?

God Tier: what I study
Shit Tier: what you study


>> No.6163250

Women's study PhD detected. How's your $0 starting, no job anywhere going?

>> No.6163248

Because you're on 4chan, the science board of 4chan, but still 4chan.

>> No.6163252

Sorry about my ignorance, what is complex adaptive systems thinking? Could you explain it or give me an example?

>> No.6163253


>> No.6163256

So, you think math is shit-tier? Well, OK then. Have fun with your social studies or whatever.

>> No.6163266

In college for Biochemistry.

>> No.6163283

At first, I thought it was some trollish euphemism for philosophy. However, it seems like such a thing exists.



>> No.6163301
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>> No.6163304

>literally hijacking a real field's name for your edgy faggotry to sound less made up

>> No.6163331

In what world do you live in that physics is top tier but Astronomy isn't?

>> No.6163335

Math has to be above all the others, simply because they depend on mathematics.

Otherwise, I agree with the God-tier one. Maybe include neuroscience?

>> No.6163337

>muh glorified stargazing

>> No.6163341
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>> No.6163342

>being this down syndrome

Astronomy = astrophysics

>> No.6163345

>what is maths tier
>civil engineering

Wait, what? Here in Norway, civil engineering is the one with the most mathematics (unless you go decide to go bio).

What does a civil engineer in America actually do?

>> No.6163350

Biology=I make vid gamez ? wut? I don't get it

>> No.6163354

>What does a civil engineer in America actually do?
Build levees like in New Orleans is my guess.

>> No.6163359
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>> No.6163368


a true tier chart rises from the ashes that is 4chan! math and phys are the only god tier subjects out there! yes! a prophet!

>> No.6163373
File: 68 KB, 1056x1292, FTFY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made one error.

>> No.6163419

Economics belongs on low tier. Economics is for people not smart enough for mathematics/physics/chemistry/engineering and are not creative enough for arts

>> No.6163434

I'm going back to finish high school. My biggest interest is biology but all the best unis here require both HS level chemistry and physics so I don't have enough space to take biology, it's annoying.

>> No.6163443
File: 59 KB, 1056x1292, definitive list which is absolute and true.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6163468

I'm never really sure what the rating scale is on these things. Income? Intellectual rigor?

>> No.6163471

Those charts are clearly wrong.
CS is math.

>> No.6163476

>thinks there is a rating scale

>> No.6163474
File: 69 KB, 242x225, 1380495134207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good joke, anon. My sides are in orbit.

>> No.6163478

Your tears are delicious. Please feed me moar!

>> No.6163480

Why does /sci/ hate astronomy? Is it different in the US? We take all the general courses physics majors take except with astronomy courses and a choice between calculus and real analysis.

>> No.6163484

I forgot to say but also have to take linear algebra and calculus 3 or equivalent real analysis. The fact that chemistry and biology majors don't even need cal 3 and as much physics courses but are higher than astronomy is insulting.

>> No.6163487

I don't know, probably because they believe that all you do in astronomy is watch stars or some shit.

I'm a mathfag and astronomy was my second choice.

>> No.6163496

>looking for reason in any of this
Bad idea bro. Keep calm and remember that:
a) I am not all of /sci/
b) If I hated it, it would have been along side women's studies.

>> No.6163503

Because it's useless. Basically it does boil down to star gazing. You're not gonna find any job outside of academia with astronomy.

>> No.6163508

Same with math.

>> No.6163512

>Your tears are delicious. Please feed me moar!

You deeply hurt my feelings by posting ignorant falsehoods on the internet. How am I ever gonna recover from the trauma of having encountered a retard on 4chan?

>> No.6163516

everyone rating neuroscience down because they're too stupid to grasp the massive interdisciplinary knowledge needed to understand it

>> No.6163515

Only if you go for pure math. Of course nobody needs a number theorist or a logician. But with applied math you've got very good chances of employment.

>> No.6163519

I'm sure you encounter a retard at least once a day as long as you own a mirror.

>> No.6163525

A discipline that cannot even properly distinguish itself from philosophy cannot be taken serious as a science. As long as neuroscientists keep talking unscientific bullshit opinions about metaphysical non-science like consciousness or free will, the field will never become rigorous.

>> No.6163526

>what is an astrophysicists?

>> No.6163522

Employment in what? There ARE no jobs for mathematicians outside of academia. No matter how you try so desperately to spin it.

>> No.6163533
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Well done OP

>> No.6163543

All the banks, insurances and software enterprises disagree.

>> No.6163546

Nobody needs an astrophysicist outside of academia.

>> No.6163553

If everyone suffered from your own personal brand of mild mental retardation no interesting question would be transferred to science.


>> No.6163560

Please learn the scientific method. Baseless opinionated untestable metaphysical drivel is not science.

>> No.6163565
File: 153 KB, 673x650, lrn2irl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6163577

>software enterprise
I'm dying!!
>banks, insurances
I would never call accountants 'mathematicians', that's what I call 'spinning it'.

>> No.6163580

Man, philosophy majors are smart. They are just too lazy to put any work to bring them into math and physics. They always score in top five as majors in standardized test. Same with economics. Fun fact: Economic and philosophy majors are the only two social sciences that pass every hard major for physics, mathematics, and chemical engineering. I am not even a philosophy major but statistic really prove they deserve more credit.

>> No.6163581

>what is algorithm design
>what is statistical inference
>what is optimization

>> No.6163585
File: 5 KB, 341x228, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek

>> No.6163583

>banks, insurances
>not mathematicians
what the fuck? you obviously have no idea what people do at financial instatutions

>> No.6163587

>>what is algorithm design
>>what is statistical inference
>>what is optimization
My sides are in orbit!

>> No.6163588


>> No.6163591

complex adaptive systems thinking=statistics

>muh big data

>> No.6163593


> Hurr durr

Quants and actuaries are often physicists and mathematicians.

Also mathematicians are in demand for cryptography and optimization (OR).

Statisticians and probabilists are always in demand pretty much everywhere.

>> No.6163594

Actuary is on the same level as accounting and is not real mathematics.

>> No.6163598

You need to learn the scientific method. In cognitive neuroscience there's a lot of progress beyond opinions. For shame that mild mental retardation doesn't allow you to progress beyond pure undiluted ignorance to understand any of it.

>> No.6163604

I'll give you statisticians.
The people in cryptography and operational research are computer scientists. Most of which have never gone beyond calc3, too. You can't call them mathematicians.
Just because there exists someone with qualifications for X doing job Y does not mean Y is an X job. Otherwise, burger flipping is industry mathematics. That applies to OR and crypto as well. By the same token, you could pretend that mathematicians work in machine learning but again, it's CS. You can't call that a mathematics job in industry.

>> No.6163612

They may have studied math at university but they're in no way shape or form mathematicians you fucking faggot.

>> No.6163614


All the OR researchers and grad students at the universities I've attended are in the math department. Optimization is just a branch of numerical analysis, which is applied mathematics.

>> No.6163617

Computer is just a branch of number theory, which is pure mathematics.

On my end, OR is part of the school of CS entirely.

>> No.6163615

My IQ is higher than 150. That means your cognitive neuroscience has proven you wrong and confirmed my intellectual superiority.

>> No.6163619


> Computer is just a branch of number theory.

CS is applied logic, not number theory...

>> No.6163623

CS is number theory in most of its field, some other fields are applied statistics, and, like, 2 are applied logic (that is, the fields that shouldn't be considered CS to begin with, such as programming and SE).

>> No.6163638

Why is Aggriculture missing from these charts?

>> No.6163658

This is hysterical. Did mister fleeceable take a completely worthless online "IQ test" written by a bored unemployed web developer looking for adsense money and asyndetically convince himself it was comparable to an extensive neuropsychological examination?

>> No.6163655

>implying she doesn't have a job of teaching Womyn's studies at the local uni for 40k a year

>> No.6163679

Nope, it was a professional IQ test. Stay jellymad, pleb.

>> No.6163684
File: 19 KB, 260x350, peace be upon you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6163699

Why is there a ballsack with an arm-sword in this picture? I don't get it.

>> No.6163722

I don't get the hate for foreign language study, it's pretty useful

>> No.6163721

Contact a medical professional and retake it as soon as possible. Your capacity to gauge your own mental health is inhibited and your previous replies are indicative of recent severe head trauma or ruptured cerebral aneurysm.

>> No.6163729
File: 44 KB, 600x700, keep-calm-and-worship-allah-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6163736

How are Neuro and Pharma top tier and Biology god tier? Where's the logic in that?

Also what's the Hyper God one, what does it consist in? I don't know anything about it, sorry about the stupid question

>> No.6163739

>foreign languages
>shit tier

Good luck translating everything you ever want to read yourself

>> No.6163743

>has no arguments
>resorts to baseless insults

I love winning internet debates against immature people.

>> No.6163740

What's with all the hate for philosophy? Scientific method was born of philosophy.

Not to mention it's extremely close ties with maths and linguistics.

>> No.6163786

>What's with all the hate for carving glyphs in stone? Writing was born out of carving glyphs in stone.
>Not to mention it's close ties with art and linguistics.

>> No.6163797

I offer formal medical advice and you accuse me of insulting you? Add scheduling an appointment with a psychiatrist regarding suspected paranoid schizophrenia to your todo list.

>> No.6163809

What's wrong with you? Serious question. Please tell me about your mental problems. You're wasting your time "trolling" on an anonymous internet board, seeking the negative attention of being ridiculed. Have you ever reflected on your behaviour?

>> No.6163813
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>> No.6163817

>same with theology

kill yourself