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6161496 No.6161496 [Reply] [Original]

Evening sej,
how would you make the human body better?

>better ears and nails
>no penis, no weaknesses
>knifelike bones at forearms and lower legs
>no hair to be pulled

>> No.6161517
File: 298 KB, 400x400, 1383505945184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The arm hits something , the bone is sharp and splices trough the muscle and skin above

>> No.6161540

better senses
> I don't want to be human! I want to see gamma rays! I want to hear X-rays! And I want to - I want to smell dark matter!

better management of waste
should have a better sense of when it's ready to come out and should come out clean and sterile

visual communication, so I don't have to try and describe a waterfall, I could just show it

modular memory.
should be able to remove large sections to add a later date. maybe like a pensieve from Harry Potter.

no hair to be itchy and nasty
clothing will keep me warm
exception being eyebrows still used for emotion communication

readily available hardware and software upgrades

I could go on for a while.

>> No.6161544


Penis should retract when not needed. Balls are too vulnerable and should be inside the body like ovaries. Carbon nanotubes instead of keratin, carbon fiber bones.

>> No.6161549

I consider it a waste someone loses their hands or feet and has a long useless limb, i'd suggest a regenerating reactive armor under coat on end limbs.

>> No.6161554

>no hair
why the fuck?

>> No.6161553

Its pretty much as good as its ever gonna be. Other than a dick AND vagina, I don't really see how can you improve it. I'd like more variety within the human species though, but only for different things to fuck.

>> No.6161560

we should all be women.

>> No.6161646


I have a telescopic penis already. I'm in the next stratum of evolution

>> No.6161666
File: 86 KB, 210x241, lips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah no.

Remov the toes, make it one big foot.

>> No.6161673
File: 80 KB, 256x256, laughing-octopus-2-256x256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Four tentacles with 5 smaller tentacles on them for hands, a working cecum for better carbohydrate digestion, the ability to age in reverse like the immortal jellyfish, echolocation, wings, a larger brain, the ability to regenerate severed limbs like lizards, the ability to regenerate teeth like alligators, and the eyesight of a hawk or eagle.
The master race.

>> No.6161688

Would the tentacles be made of METAL GEAR?

>> No.6161702

Only if there it was carbon nanotubes and they had the ability to grow them back.

>> No.6162337

Are you serious? There are many, many full retard things about the human body. The eye and its gigantic blind spot for example. As well as how retardedly built our knees are.

>> No.6162363

Testicles inside body, with some improved cooling system

Two thumbs on each hand, one thumb each side of the palm. It would improve grip strength and allow for much greater dexterity and multitasking

>> No.6162402


My picture describes the most ideal body.

It uses no energy, requires no energy. It does not catch diseases. All of its problems are solved because it has no problems to solve. All of its psychoses are taken care of for there is no mind to develop psychoses.

Perfection is nothingness. The sooner we accept this the sooner we can really put an end to the pain.

Life is a disease, sexually transmitted, invariably fatal.

It is fraught with hurdles and pain, the relief of which come only in the form of temporary distractions which on the whole make things worse.

>> No.6162506

Why havent you killed yourself yet? You should really do it.

>> No.6162513

Masochism's my thing.

>> No.6162516

Telepathy, ability to fly, ability manipulate objects with mind, ability to understand the universe, transcendence, ability to view different dimensions, ability to take energy directly from sun, ability to love in vacuum of space, ability to travel at light speed.

>> No.6162520

Your posting here though. Go lie in bed if you want to stay true to your ideal.

>> No.6162524


You missed the part where I said I was a masochist.

Also a hypocrite.

The coolest people are hypocrites. They get away with everything.

>> No.6162528

Balls need to be at room temperature if not they wont work.

>> No.6163691

Define "better". What application and goals do you have?

What many fail to realize is such things are all trade off, for everything you gain your going to lose something.
While I don't approve of the whole better/beyond human stuff I did play with the idea in detail as it is likely to happen despite my insignificant protest. Any dramatic changes will create huge social issues which I see as the biggest issue along with other things.
The more sensible idea I came to is to switch out material dopents to enhance the body in a biological manner as cybernetics are much more complex in terms of effects on society. In a natural setting it would be bad to use hafnium or something in the biology because of lack of reliable supply would led to malnutrition, but with supplements such biology could be supported to improving performance in a manner many would love to have (if they could afford to maintain such odd dependencies, like I said tradeoffs).
To better explain this one simple example is to enhance muscle speed with platinum catalyst and increasing muscles cell count with smaller cell size to boost strength and further increase speed, down sides are needing very small but regular platinum doses and increased weight and likely hood of drowning. It is tradeoffs like this that people see as improvement (even I have to admit it be cool for somethings).

>> No.6163913
File: 434 KB, 500x300, scream.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>add these
>remove hair
>sharpen bones for combat
>remove genitals
the stupid, it burns

>> No.6163928

but then you can't have sex
is no one on /sci/ bothered by this

>> No.6163956

>plasticity of the brain would not be lost as we age
>modular memory (already mentioned) - choose what you memorize or discard kind of like improved eidetic memory
>conscious control over metabolism and muscle growth and other internal bodily functions (potentially dangerous but incredibly useful in an educated world)
>wider wavelength range for hearing and eyesight
>more sensory neurons (more pleasure but more pain)
>no acne (not sure what the evolutionary point of it is, but most people would be better looking)

>> No.6163978

let the feminized men think they know what they want

>> No.6163984

He's on to something...

>> No.6163995

>implying body hair isn't useless and ugly

>> No.6164000

we need a second thumb symmetrical to the original one on each hand. Having just one thumb sucks balls.

>> No.6164021

Are you 6 years old or 7? Does mom still cook you breakfast and give you baths?

>> No.6164037

>cant grow an aesthetic beard
stay pleb ladyboy

>> No.6164143

I'm quite happy with my smooth skin and cute face, thank you.

>> No.6164163

Remove toenails.
Fuck those things

>> No.6164173

1. regrowable adult teeth
2. chinese dry ear wax
3. chinese intolerance for alcohol
4. chinese non-baldness
5. asian super taster
6. african lumbar anterior longitudinal ligament
7. scandinavian hair
8. central european faces
9. ashkenazi-japanese-iranian mind
10. indigenous american eyes
11. indian digestion system

>> No.6164175

> 3. chinese intolerance for alcohol

>> No.6164182

alcoholism is bad

>> No.6164208

>generally more flexible, eg, can bring feet round to head with no problem
>more joints in our fingers (yes, that does include the thumbs)
>one way breathing system. It sounds kinda strange, but through a series of valves, like in the hearts chambers, air would enter through the trachea and exit somewhere else down below, maybe the butt? advantage for swimming (air is still used, water breathing wouldn't really be feasible)
>the ability to move eyes independently, as 3d is overrated past arm length
>more 'animal like' in terms of senses, as in, echolocation, ability to smell fear, IR eyesight
>instead of balls being hung outside of body for cooling, have them as around the shaft of the penis and surrounding area. They would have a much higher surface area, even more so if they were to keep their wrinkly texture, so they still stay cool.
>thumb is actually opposing fingers, not just extending in a slightly different direction, but out of the palm and towards the forearm. As previous posters said, possibility of 2 thumbs
>some kind of storage system for vitamins/water akin to that of glucose. water, with dissolved vitamins would possibly be stored in a distributed way, under the skin perhaps.

>> No.6164210

Put head hair back on - I don't want everyone to have to wear hats in order to prevent the brain from getting too cold. The rest of the stupid has already been covered.


For the interest of this discussion, I will limit myself to plausibly evolvable biology.

Instead of a monthly cycle, humans are in heat once a year, (in February). The uterus will not bleed unless no mate is found in that month. While horniness is restricted to that month, sex is always pleasurable.

The testicles are internal, and semen can simply survive normal body temperature. The penis and uteral opening are placed above the mons pubis, and the penis is, as suggested by others, retractable. The urethra is not surrounded with hair and is oriented closer to the anus in both men and women.

The gestation period is 18 months, and human babies are as self-sufficient at birth as any quadruped mammal's, but at least as intelligent as a 1 year old.

UV, IR and polarisation-sensitive eyes. Make the retina the right way round and add the back-reflectors of cats. Crocodilian CO2-tolerant blood to allow an hour of holding one's breath. Birds' capacity to have the brain sleep one half at a time, with skeleton-functioning redundant systems in opposite halves. Octopi's capacity to change color in specific patterns, except consciously (with practice). Lungs of a bird, shoulders of a cat.

This, except the semen can just be redesigned to withstand body temperature.

I don't know what half of these are, but dry ear wax is a chore, intolerance of alcohol will only mean people have to use less to get drunk, and none of the peoples you mentioned gave birth to a great civilisation (Iran is hardly Persia).

>> No.6164234

oh hi captain obvious
the point of the thread is to suggest improvements, such as balls needing to be at 37° instead of less than that.

>> No.6164236

- long soft tail for balance
- large concave ears for hearing
- huge anime eyes for seeing
- paws because they're cute
- long snout for better blowjobs

>> No.6164244

>the semen can just be redesigned to withstand body temperature

>> No.6164265

>dry ear wax is a chore,
means no body odor
and less likely for ear infections

>intolerance of alcohol will only mean people have to use less to get drunk,
The higher metabolic rate of ADH1B*47His may also lead to the accumulation of the toxic aldehyde intermediate that has been commonly associated with the flushing phenotype[31]. An association study in Han Chinese indicates that the individuals carrying ADH1B*47His have the lowest risk for alcoholism[32]. It was suggested that the flushing phenotype is biochemically equivalent to the effects of disulfiram (a drug used to prevent relapse)[33], which can influence drinking behaviour as a way of protection from over consumption of alcohol. It can also protect against the damage to human bodies caused by alcohol consumptions.

>and none of the peoples you mentioned gave birth to a great civilisation (Iran is hardly Persia).
Iran is modern day Persia you pleb.
Japan industrialized with no natural resources. Comparing Japan to Brazil, Mexico, Russia, and most of Africa shows you know nothing if you knock Japan down for not having a "great civilisation"

>> No.6164340

Use different proteins. Prokaryote flagella can handle a great variety of temperatures and I refuse to believe that physics is such that withstanding 30C is perfectly fine but 37C is totally inconceivable for an efficient protein-based propulsion system.

>means no body odor
>and less likely for ear infections
But you need to scrape it out to prevent clogging
>Iran is modern day Persia you pleb.
Raped by Bactrians, Macedonians, Mongolians, Indians, Arabs and Turks. They've got less relation to good old Cyrus than with Ghenghis Khan.

>Japan industrialized with no natural resources. Comparing Japan to Brazil, Mexico, Russia, and most of Africa shows you know nothing if you knock Japan down for not having a "great civilisation"

Not *birthing* a great civilisation. They can ape the Chinese (700-1850), Germans (1850-1945), and Americans (1945-present) to a tee, but their productivity and respect for a system that has been proven to work is not enough to provide a fertile ground for innovation.

The Israelis know how to work their way to the top of an existing system through nepotism, politics and economics - facets of true intelligence, sure - but they are individuals first and foremost, and rarely sacrifice themselves for the greater good. They do not build civilisations, though they thrive within them.

I have little to say of Iran or Persia, which is a decent enough argument for their irrelevance. The Persian empire was large, but was little more than a hundred nations paying protection money to the same mob boss. They produced nothing new that I am aware of, save some kick-ass stories of thousands of Greeks holding off hundreds of thousands of their lot.

>> No.6164375

Ability to shit out excess fat stores.

>> No.6164382

> Raped by Bactrians, Macedonians, Mongolians, Indians, Arabs and Turks. They've got less relation to good old Cyrus than with Ghenghis Khan.
> what is the people of the steppe

>> No.6164522 [DELETED] 

-biological immortality
-regenerating neurons
-brain plasticity of a teenager that persists
-stronger and more adaptive immune system, at least to the point that we could drink any fresh water, and bacteria and parasites inhabiting raw food would be harmless to us.

Everything else is either useless or harmful, if our goal is technological progress and growing more civilized at the same time.

>> No.6164538

-biological immortality
-full regeneration (including neurons)
-brain plasticity of a teenager that persists
-stronger and more adaptive immune system, at least to the point that we could drink any fresh water, and bacteria and parasites inhabiting raw food would be harmless to us.

Everything else is either useless or harmful, if our goal is technological progress and growing more civilized at the same time.

>> No.6164588

>They produced nothing new that I am aware of, save some kick-ass stories of thousands of Greeks holding off hundreds of thousands of their lot.

Nasir al-Din al-Tusi
Omar Khayyám
Jābir ibn Hayyān
Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī
Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi


Cumrun Vafa
Ali Javan
Mahmoud Hessaby

Hamid Akhavan
Anousheh Ansari
Mo Jamshidi
A significant amount, reported greater than 30% of NASA scientists are Iranians


Look up the Farman-Farmaian family

>> No.6165009

> vagina between our penis and butthole
> penis big and flexible enough to have sex with yourself

>> No.6165086

>Separate the air hole and the food hole
>Two thumbs on each hand, one on each side of the palm
>Separate the tendons of the ring and middle finger
>Spread out the eyes' optical nerve to remove the blind spot, add more receptors
>Replace lower legs with running blades
>Replace elbows with joints that can travel both directions, add muscles to allow this to happen
>Remove all hair
>Replace bones with lightweight composite material, move red blood cell generation from bone marrow to a dedicated organ that takes the spot of the appendix

>> No.6165107

i'd like to have a pouch that can squirt toxins on my enemies

>> No.6165134

Why not just have a lightweight submachine gun mounted into your forearm?

>> No.6165288
File: 106 KB, 520x362, sassanid-empire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The Persian empire was large, but was little more than a hundred nations paying protection money to the same mob boss.

Yes and no. First of all, Iran's imperial history is comparatively the longest in the world! There were many dynasties since the ancient Achaemenids.

What you wrote seems the common understanding of Iranian imperial history but it is very limited.
It's mostly true for the Achaemenid Empire. The Achaemenids accomplished some feats like courier mail, setting an imperial lingua franca, standardizing weights and measures, establishing domestic security apparatus, building roads, and was able provide a degree of insurance against famine, and it did facilitate some exchange of technology like qanat irrigation. It was of course not at all comparably sophisticated or technically advanced as the later Roman Empire. However it is important to remember how ancient this Empire was. It was the largest thing to date and peaked half a millenium before the Roman Empire even existed.

But the Sassanid Empire was much more akin to contemporary Rome; in fact society was much more structured. It was a fascist state with a relatively sophisticated caste-based culture. It even had some basic public education infrastructure, and a world famous academy in the classical world.

>> No.6166853
